8 Facts About Myself. Tagged by @gaksitalGaksital

I have been tagged by gaksitalGaksital

Here are my 8 facts.  I tag glances, Blu3wind, Emilieee, arcturus and summerchild. 

1. When I was 18 years old, I studied to be a doctor for a year and half and drop out. That period was a rough time for me because I thought I was a failure. I had dissapoint my parents and my brother.  I didn't have an idea what to study later because I always wanted to be a doctor. My family and friends supported me.  I remember that my brother told me: " What are you saying?  You are as smart as I am. You aren't a failure. You will find and figure out something else that you like." 

Later, When I was 20, I pick up psychology, and now I am a psychologist.  

2. I am finishing my master in Spain.

3. A  funny thing I said 8 years ago to a friend was: " I will never read fanfics", and here I am. LOL Never say never. LOL 

4. AFF is the place where I have been able to meet awesome people and stories with so much potential. 

5. I am a introvert person. 

6. I have never been in a relationship. I don't know if that is strange. 

7. I had been in love with my best friend, and I told him about it when I didn't have feelings for him anymore. 

8. I am a premature baby of 26 weeks/ 6 months. 


Have a great day! 

Take care. 

Hugs ^^,




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louieistrash #1
1. I believe that there are things that we fail at, and things that we succeed at, but none of those would ever be able to encapsulate our worth as people. I'm so happy you had your brother when you were going through those times. And I'm also glad that you found something that you like. I'm actually not sure of the path I am taking now, but I am trusting this process of discovering myself slowly. Hehe.



7. You are so cool (episode 2, season 1) haha sorry am out of adjectives but I really admire you on this
1. Don't think of it as a failure. If you had studied and become a doctor, you would probably be fighting corona right now. My sis in law is a doctor, so she's always treating corona patients and I'm so worried for her everyday. So in a way, you saved yourself from being exposed to a lot of symptons? Especially since there were lots of cases in Spain right?

8. Wowww... How did the hospital handle that? That's really amazing! You are a miracle baby! No baby who managed to survive being born after only 26 weeks could ever be a failure, so don't ever think that! <3
The first thing that I was going to do was counting but guess the first comment has done it for me... wow 6 months! that must be a tough survival XD

Ok. High five! An introvert here \(^ ^)/

Hope you're enjoying what you're doing right now as a psychologist!
Omg 6 months??? That's insane