K-pop Music Shuffle ^^, (Stolen form Blu3Wind )

Lyrical poem. 
Put your iPod on shuffle, press play and the next button. Write the first line of the lyrics in the first ten songs to create your poem. Don’t lie, the poems actually come out really cool. (I'm gonna use the English translations~)


Like a habit, you always told me (Do you remember -  C-Clown and Ali) 

Today is beautiful ( Polly - The Melody) 

I' ve never said this before ( In your eyes - SHINee)

You see I don't usually do this but ( Give it to me - Sistar)

When did it start? (My Lovely Girl - G.Brown)

I like this feeling ( Dreamer- History)

Stop it before the tears fall ( Let the time stop - Davichi)

In the end, I don't think I will be able to leave here ( Shot - Infinite)

So what if you have a boyfriend ( Crazy - Standing Egg) 

When you call at dawn and tell me to come to pick you up ( Out of my mind - Day6)  


I like the poem ^^, 



Soundtrack to my life~

Opening Credits: It's me - 2AM 
Waking Up: The Place You Left - MBLAQ
Falling in Love: Introduction to love - Baek Ah Yeon 
Fight Song: Light - Kim Sungkyu 
Breaking Up: What do I do - 2AM ( This made me laugh so much LOL ) 
Life’s Ok: Everyday - U-Kiss
Getting Back Together: I' ll be back - 2PM ( Really!!! LOL)
Wedding: Diary - Navi ( Beautiful song but I don't think it goes well with a wedding) 
Birth of Child:  My Love - Lee Jonghyun 
Final Battle: Calling you - K.Will
Death Scene: My Precious - Jang Geun Suk 
Funeral Song: Can you smile - Infinite
End Credits: No Love - Byul Ha 
How am I feeling today?
How people move - AKMU 

Will I get far in life?
Things I Want to do If I Have A Lover - G.NA feat Rain ( jajaja)   

How do my friends see me?
After a long time - Jo Eun  

When will I get Married?
I think I'm in Love - Juniel
What is my best friend’s theme song?
Bug off! - Juniel 

What is the story of my life?
Dejavu - F(x) 
What was high school like?
Quit Playing - U-Kiss ( jajajaja I am a shy girl) 

How am I going to get ahead in life?
My Flower - Ladies' Code

What is the best thing about me?
Kontrol - Kim Sungkyu

How is today going to be?
Please, Don't ... - K.Will ( What????) 

What is in store for this weekend?
Heaven - Ailee

What song describes my parents?
Devil - Super Junior  ( LOL) 

My grandparents?
Can you hear me? - Jooyoung 

How is my life going?
Give Love - AKMU (^^,) 

What song will play at my funeral?
Before you go - DBSK

How does the world see me?
Love Revolution - CNBLUE 
Will I have a happy life?
Happy End - Davichi (^^,) 

What do my friends really think of me?
I love you - AKMU 
Do people secretly lust after me?
Cold - K.Will ( mmm...) 

How can I make myself happy?
Hello to Myself - Ye Eun 

What should I do with my life?
Airplane - F(x) ( So, I have to fly?) 

Will I ever have children?
Breathing - Kim Jaejoong

What is some good advice for me?
So Pretty - C-Clown 

What is my signature dancing song?
Hands up - 2PM 

What do I think my current theme song is?
Days like today - 2AM

What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Teardrops in the rain - CNBLUE

What type of men/women do you like?
Balloons - DBSK (^^,) 
I have fun doing this, Hope you try it. Hugs ^^, 


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