˗ˏˋ 안사랑 IS DEDICATED TO 나재민 ˊˎ-

the gleaming star of sports, the rose quartz of the court, ahn sarang who never failed to bring every team she was in to victory. the fame however never got into her head as she stayed friendly towards everyone her eyes and heart can find. but the expectations and the pressure made her feel that she must be a strong and perfect figure, in which she slowly implodes
odd_ish. oddish. 85%.
"good morning everyone! ahn sarang checking in~"
"don't forget to smile today!"
"say can we eat at the kimbap stall again?"
"just buy me kimbap for my birthday!"
"hey! need help with that?"
"me? tall? you should meet my friend jihyun"
"ohhh that's so romantiic, i want that :c"
"i-i'm sure s/he didn't mean that! >"<"
"apologise to my friend."
i swear my life isn't just volleyball
 given name  안사랑 ahn sarang
❖ 랑 rang in all honesty, she feels a little awkward being called sarang and people somehow get flustered because of it. so she resorts to being called just "rang"
❖ 장미 쿼츠 rose quartz the gem of unconditional love, the nickname was popularised by her fanbase who idolises her elegance in the field and her name. it eventually become  a name that people closely relate to her (she gets so embarrassed when someone calls her that)
❖ 공주님 princess jaemin always finds her idealistic view is to be made from the land of fairytales, so he often teases her by calling her a princess. but she always giggles and say "that's my friend's name!"
 birthdate  10th november (20)
 birthplace  seongbuk-gu, sudogwon, seoul, south korea
 ethnicity  korean 
 named / unnamed  named
 grade  second year
❖ korean damn she do breathin' in korean tho
❖ japanese she knows a few from the anime she has watched what a weeb
❖ english not fluent at all, knows a few phrases like "yeah mann" or "ohh plot twist" but doesn't know how to hold an actual conversation
 occupation  volleyball athlete and student of exercise science
 faceclaim  wjsn yoo yeonjung
 backup faceclaim  weki meki kim doyeon
 the average of the volleyball club's height is 175 cm, and sarang is one of the average ones at 172 cm and weight a healthy 67 kg. although she is slender, her body is more toned and strong because of her athleticism. it is not a rare or alarming sight for her to be covered in bruises around her arms and thighs as a result of her profession, littered with heat patches all around her body. her face is round with a small acne patch on her left cheek. her wavy raven mane reaches just under her shoulder which she let it down or turn it into a half-up hairstyle whenever it's not in a ponytail to keep her hair from getting in her way while doing practices
 wardrobe | it is important to note that her usual wardrobe doesn't look as polished when she has practice that day. you can usually see her using her usual sports outfit with a jacket or sweater over it. however her mother values class when she is in her free time, so she is expected to dress up accordingly
 personality traits  friendly, active, dependable, sweet | sorta-rebellious, confrontational, idealistic, repressive (enfj-a, gryffindor, big sister trope)
 friendly. "good morning~ hi auntie, how's your son? he got the job? that's great! we'll talk about it later okay? yeoreum eonni! thank you so much for the cupcakes, it was delicious, notify me when you start to sell it. uncle! i bought some kimbap on the way here, this one's for you~ no worries! i'll see you after practice. and good morning ladies~ looking very pretty today, shame that we'll be in sweat in a matter of seconds"

 active. sarang jumped up and down in her place, shaking her hand in the process "what are you doing?" "i'm antsy, i need to move" she said while still jumping, not letting her words cut off her actions "you just ran for 15 minutes like 5 seconds ago, aren't you tired?" sarang shook her head "gotta keep my body warm"

 dependable + sweet. "hey! you need help with that?" sarang approached a member of the club as she was struggling with her bag, taking it with ease. she mumbled a thank you and sarang smiled "listen, i noticed your head in somewhere else since the tournament, is everything okay?" she spoke in a hushed tone. she sighed as she tells sarang what's bothering her, sarang nodding in response. "i want to take a break but i'm afraid coach will be mad at me" she sighed. sarang puts her hand on her shoulder "hey your reason is valid and you shouldn't feel bad for wanting to take a break. i'll help you talk to the coach if you want to, we're friends after all" her arm moved to envelope the girl in a hug "i always have your back"

 sorta-rebellious. sarang came out of her room with a simple clothing, clothing that she doesn't usually wear. she has always have a problem with people who insists on what she can and can't do. so she'll usually be petty about it. this time it's about how her mother wants her to present herself. upon descending from the stairs, her mother scoffed "really sarang? you're 20, you can't be childish anymore, change into the clothes i got ready for you" sarang raised her eyebrow "i can wear whatever i want, besides we're only doing errands" "the public will see you! there will be cameras everywhere!" "mom...i really don't care" "and you don't even wear those kind of clothing!"

 confrontational. jihyun yelped as she's pushed out of the way until she almost fell if not for sarang and gongju holding unto her. the man looked back and glared "watch it" he hissed. sarang's face hardened as she run after him and pulls him back "what the ?" "you could've said excuse me or asks us to move, not push her away! apologise to her right now!" she barked, gaining some stares. the man scoffed in disbelief, their height differences was not that far but it was obvious that he's staring her down, trying to intimidate her "or what little girl? what can you do?" he taunted. she immediately yanked his collar and was going to charge at him, but gongju came to her and pulled her away "come on, not worth it, there's people watching" she whispered "sarang it's okay...i'm fine..." jihyun called out from behind. she took a few second before huffing & walked away 

 idealistic. "i can't believe how sickeningly positive you can be after you tried to beat up a man" sarang blushed at the thought, embarrassed that she actually did that "w-well what he did was wrong but he might just have a bad day! we have to be understanding always" gongju raised her eyebrow "but you were the one who almost punched him" she said nonchalantly. sarang flubbed and shook her head "i'm sure that he's a good man! everyone is good on the inside, it's just that maybe he was affected by something" "not everything is butterflies and rainbows sarang, he might, MIGHT, just be a plain bad man" sarang pouted at the statement "that's not true..."

 repressive. "something's on your mind" jaemin said which made sarang perked up from her notes. sarang tilted her head then chuckled "not sure what you mean by that nana" she smiled, pinching his cheek before continuing to write her notes. jaemin took a second to examine her face before leaning in "you're afraid you'll flunk the test and won't make it to the tournaments don't you?" that sentence made sarang stopped in her tracks before continuing, giggling softly as she shakes her head. but indeed, she is afraid. it determines whether she can join the games or not, if she fails then she won't be able to participate. yet she doesn't want to say it. but jaemin can see right through her, even with her sweet smile he can see the burden coming down on her
ahn sarang is the second daughter of ahn ryuseo & song mirang, the owner of east asia and southeast asia's leading electronical company; re:VERSE electronics. ever since she was little, her tiny body has always been active. never knowing when to stop, the most enthusiastic when sports day comes and giving her parents headaches looking at their muddy daughter after playing soccer with the local kids. nevertheless they cater to her tireless needs, putting her in sports club that will relinquish her energies. it wasn't until she reaches primary school that she found her passion, volleyball. granted it wasn't that fast as she spent a year changing what kind of sports that she want to commit to. it wasn't until she felt the stinging on her palms after she did her first spike, and the fire in her heart became even more fiery. she continued her climb throughout her school years and becoming a known national youth athlete, gaining a full college scholarship, her place in the varsity team and currently waiting for her debut in the national team
 she is a part of varsity volleyball team and her position is the wing spiker & ace
 she's currently training for her participation in South Korea women's national volleyball team in asian volleyball championship
 she was a star player in her elementary, middle and high school, getting her schools into the national championships in which she and her team won consecutively each year. on the second year of high school, sarang was selected to represent korea in volleyball youth world championship u19 (under 19 years old). in the third year of high school she became the captain of her team
 she's one of the club member that has crazy stamina and have been scolded multiple times for not taking a proper rest
 she has her own fanbase and they call themselves "the quartzs"
 despite being extremely popular, sarang and her family are great in keeping personal matters behind closed doors. the ahn family prides themselves for being private and intends to keep it that way for a long time
 her favourite drink is strawberry smoothie with cream cheese mousse, favourite food are street kimbap and dumplings and her favourite snack is ppopgi
 there is a kimbap and oden stall near her apartment that she frequents often
 loves cafe hopping and having a picnic
 she has a 3 year old samoyed dog named bonbon
 she lives in an apartment on the border of seongbuk alone, so she could drive more closer to the gymnasium in incheon
 she spends most of her week training, her whole life basically revolves around said sports. but when she has free time, she would usually spend it with her friends, usually cafe-hopping or karaoke. if ever she's alone, she would binge watch anime
 she broke two of her fingers once during a match and it took a month to recover. ever since that she's been very cautious to not get herself injured because those one month of no volleyball has been torture for her. one of her nail was also lifted and it was so bad that they need to take it off, which causes her to never have long nails
 she's not that great of a cook but she's not terrible either. she just cooks for survival and never really branch out & experiment
 she frequently listens to indie music, especially hyukoh
hover over image for more information
 안류서 & 송미랑 ahn ryuseo & song mirang. parents + ryuseo and mirang had always been supportive of their daughter's career. admittedly, they never bothered her when it comes to her profession because the company's fate has been secured by their eldest daughter and sarang brought a great exposure to it. but they still want her to be the next successor should her sister ever step down from the position. they also have a very specific image of what they want her family to be like, so if sarang's soulmate does not fit with the picture perfect family narrative that they have, then they'll opppose it
 안류나 ahn ryuna. older sister + sarang and ryuna has an awfully lukewarm relationship, as they're both busy in their own respective profession ever since they were young. ryuna was trained by her parents as she was the heiress to the company, not to mention their that made it difficult for them to communicate easily. when ryuna stepped up to become the ceo of re:verse electronics, the marketing team needed them to act more like sisters for the public. being the young ceo and having an athlete little sister was a story that they will gladly eat up if they're close with each other. they spend a lot of time together on-camera, standing next to each other and smiling. lots of headlines were made when ryuna was present in supporting her little sister's tournaments. but off-camera, all they had was surface conversations and an awkward attempt of actually being closer. sarang had never wanted to dive into difficult conglomerate world that her family has, so she's forever grateful that her sister is taking it instead. but when it comes to the next heir, if ryuna doesn't have a child, she side-eyes her little sister as her potential candidate
 황공주 & 박지현 hwang gongju & park jihyun. best friends + the trio had been friends since they're in high school and remained strong until all of them got into the same volleyball team. the mom friend sarang, the spunky hyperactive gongju and the shy & reserved jihyun; all 3 of them balanced each other in terms of dynamics. you would see the three of them together, whether it's for practice or just hanging out together. when it comes to the court, they have great teamwork. gongju is the fastest and has a powerful jump that is able to startle rival teams. despite jihyun's cute face & demeanor, she stood tall than average women and is a great strategist. combined with the ace sarang, you'll have a formidable trio in volleyball. but outside volleyball, they can be quite goofy and is not averse to fun
 social media  @ahnsarang1110 (public instagram) & @love.kimbap (private instagram & twitter)
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heyyo, it's me, your favourite kimbap
sarang's private files!
 the story 
although sarang doesn't want to admit it, sarang's idealistic mind also comes with the same package of her being a true romatic. she swoons over the concept of soulmates and was over the moon when she was named. jaemin however, didn't believe in the concept of soulmates and it was anything but binding, finding it bothersome at most. he doesn't understand why people make such a big fuss about it and opted to keep his status a secret

surprisingly when they first met, they didn't immediately crash. jaemin was initially very standoffish towards her because she was so overwhelming about the whole "soulmate" thing. but after getting the hang of his personality, sarang decided to tone it down and they became casual friends because of overlapping events. sarang always says that it's "faith after all" but he always plays it for laughs. text turns into calls, turns into casual chatting when passing by each other at school, to casual study lunch and then suddenly they're going on dates. both of them are quite smitten by each other, but it was what drove them is different. jaemin likes her because she is genuinely pleasant to be with, but sarang likes him because he is supposedly her soulmate

so her ideology is challenged when their clashing viewpoints are being brought upon light. sarang was hurt upon knowing that he doesn't believe in it but she pushed it under the rug, not wanting to cause any conflict between them. but he notices that she has been hiding some parts of herself more because of this and it caused an argument between them. not to mention that they are very different people, and how jaemin reacts to conflict with his childish behaviour won't help in any way. sarang didn't want to give up but agreed to put some space between them for a while, jaemin felt sorry but it must be done. with their break going on, there will be a realisation going through their mind as they miss each other. jaemin starting to believe that she is "the one" and sarang wanting to be with him either way
 their name  right side 
 the day that started it  
"sarang~ you wanna go eat kimbap after this? it's our treat since it's your birthday" gongju and jihyun sat beside her in the locker room after practice. sarang smiled to them gratefully and nodded enthusiastically at the thought of her favourite food. she stood up to her locker and started to unpack her bag "do you think you'll be named?" jihyun stood next to her "i mean...i will be disappointed if i don't but i won't make a big fuss if i am unnamed-" "wait what's that on your neck?" jihyun gently pushed her hair away, to reveal a tattoo of a name "you're...named"

an hour later her parents informed her of the letter and sarang was overjoyed. she celebrated her birthday even more happier than before and continues to be giddy. it wasn't until reality sets in and people starts theorising about who her soulmate might be. after that she tries her best to cover it up and strategically placed her hair even during tournaments. she was afraid that people will start digging up on who that person is and she's horrified at the thought of that being the first impression of her. so she tries her best to keep it hidden and it became an open secret after the initial buzz
 the ending  i really hope they do end up officially dating but i'm leaving this up to you :D
oh haha you're so funny i can't laugh
 love interest  나재민 na jaemin
 backup love interest  이제노 lee jeno
📷 나나 nana derived from his last name "na jaemin". na is a fairly rare family name so people likes to nickname him that and he doesn't mind it
📷 전하 your highness despite having an easygoing nature, jaemin can be quite childish sometimes; especially when he becomes whiny. his housemates calls him this when jaemin whined at them to do something then they'll retort "right away your highness" "understood your highness" sarcastically
 birthdate  august 13 (20)
 ethnicity  korean 
 named / unnamed  named
 grade  first year
 appearance  stands tall in 177 cm and quite lanky for his figure, the vibes he gives off is a lazy skater boy with his penchant for leather jacket and jeans. his hair is contrasted with the colour of blonde that is tousled. he likes to accessorise with rings and chain belts. he's usually sporting a bored and tired look on his face but will light up whenever you ask him about the project he's doing
 occupation  student of photography + cafe barista
 personality traits  easygoing, playful, artistic, passionate | sarcastic, whiny, skeptical, petty
📷 easygoing + playful. "nana sorry i ate your chips last night" jaemin looked up from his laptop then snickered "it's chill man, we were sharing that anyways" he looked back down to his work as jeno chuckled "okay but i'm going to the convenience store now, you wanna come and get more chips?" he said "aww jeno just say you want oppa to keep you company" jaemin . jeno made a face then put up his fists as if he's going to fight him. jaemin pouted "is jenow afwaid of gowing awoneee?" "man whatever i'm going" "wait wait i'm coming"
📷 artistic + passionate. "so tell me about your project" "my current project is about sunrise. most people like to spectate the sunset but there's always something that is quietly beautiful about the sunrise. the hues of orange coming up to awake people, the sleepy clouds rolling and the absence of sound. it is to signify a new day and a chance to be reborn after being swallowed by the night. and then after that, noises starts to come through filling the land and skies. and those moment of silence before the world starts getting busy, that's what i want to capture"
📷 sarcastic + whiny. "i don't wanna goooo" jaemin whined to his pillow as jeno stood in the doorway, sighing at jaemin's childish behaviour. "come on it's an additional lesson, we have to come" jeno said, but jaemin whined even more as he hid himself under the blankets "dude i'll be there, it won't be that boring" he offered. jaemin made a sound then popped his head under the cover "oh yes because with you around it'll be sooooo much fun and my lecture always more lively with you around" he mocked. jeno tsk-ed as he proceed to drag a protesting jaemin out of bed
📷 skeptical. donghyuck approached jaemin and then hands him a small box "here" jaemin looked at him, then at the box, then at him "what's this?" donghyuck smiled and then pushed the box to jaemin "it's a gift; from me, jeno and renjun" he chirped. jaemin raised his eyebrow, eyeing the 'gift' suspiciously "what's it for?" he leaned away from the box. donghyuck sighed exasperatedly, knowing that he would be suspicious "we were busy during your birthday and you weren't at home when we wanted to give it to you, just take it, it's for you" donghyuck pushed it again but jaemin only leaned even further away "okay but what kind of gift?" donghyuck groaned "it's just something we pitched together come on just take-" "nope" jaemin jumped from his seat and started running away, with donghyuck hot on his trail still screaming for him to take it
📷 petty. renjun stomped through the halls and opened the door to the photography club without any warning "na jaemin you dip" he hissed. jaemin puts his hands up at the sight of his housemate "you could've knocked-" "save it, you gave me the wrong direction to the lecture room" renjun walked to him with his fist balled, the other members looked worried but it seems like a usual spectacle for jaemin "is this because i gave you the wrong directions before?" he asked, jaemin looked around before shrugging "maaaaaybe?" "THAT WAS 4 MONTHS AGO YOU -"
 status  casual friends
 first meeting  it honestly never occurred to jaemin that maybe, the name in his arm could be someone mildly famous. but now he's contemplating it when the star athlete of the varsity volleyball team is right in front of him. maybe it's because he's still in denial about being named, he seriously won't know how to deal with it if it really is her. nevertheless he tries not to let the thought take over him as he has a job to do. as the interview goes on, jaemin find himself getting nervous at the way she cutely talks and that blinding smile of hers. if she is truly his soulmate then he is one lucky guy. he shook his head, he can't think about that right now. break time comes and jaemin was tasked with taking candid pictures of her as she checks her phone and talks casually with an. at one point, jaemin noticed something as sarang puts her hair up slightly to fan herself. he put the camera up and zoomed in, before he knew it he pressed the button. when he looked at the lcd, the tattoo clearly read

na jaemin

his eyes widened "no ing way..." he whispered to himself and when he looked up, sarang was staring at him with the same surprised expression. they stared at each other for a good 5 seconds before she started to stand up, before she was interrupted by the continuation of the interview. she gave him one last glance before she smiled at an, as she proceed. jaemin could feel his heart beat faster and his face flushing a little, there's no way that she is actually his soulmate. he couldn't focus for the entirety and kept looking at the picture, at some point he oogled at it and felt disgusted with himself. even when he took the last picture of her and an together, he can feel her eyes burning into him. after it's over, sarang pulled him to the side where no one is looking. his mind was scrambling for being so close with her but also wonder why she looks so distressed "i-i know you took a picture of my named tattoo" she frowned at the thought of it "can you please...please delete it, i'll do anything please..." she pleaded. jaemin blinked, out of curiosity he asked "but why?" she seemed surprised at his question, she gulped "i know the moment it spreads people will look for them and i don't want to bother them out of their life, i'm sure they don't want strangers to suddenly disrupt their life because i was careless to not handle it privately" jaemin was both perplexed and in awe, she looks desperate and genuinely worried about the name on her body. the name that is his. he tinkered with his camera before showing her the picture in question on the screen to her, then deleted it as proof. she sighed in relief and started to smile, but then looked at him suspiciously. jaemin shook his head immediately "don't worry, i didn't back it up, you were quick in pulling me aside before i could do anything" he chuckled. she squinted her eyes and he squinted back, causing her to break into a small giggle. he felt something fuzzy on his chest. she sighed and smiled again, bowing to him "thank you so much" he did the same and muttered a no problem. a person called unto her name to remind her she still has class after this so she excused himself. but not before she asked

"by the way, what's your name?"
after knowing that this photographer is in fact the name on her neck and he wasn't fooling around, sarang started to become curious of him and wanted to become close to him. maybe out of pride of his own viewpoint in the matter of being named, he avoided her advances. of course he is mildly curious too and at some point he can't deny that his 'soulmate' is someone as attractive as her. but his pride is still bigger than his curiosity and he knows that she doesn't want to make a big fuss out of it, so for awhile he was living in his own peace.

until he was tasked to help with documenting a spread about the varsity volleyball team for the college's newspaper and documenting their tournament. jaemin was suspicious that sarang pulled some strings to make this happen, but it turns out an saw how they were becoming close during the interview and thought it would be a good idea to send someone who's familiar with them. he initially was a bit dispirited about it, because he is in denial. his heart is beating fast as he approached the gymnasium, he can hear a noises of shoes, the volleyball being thrown around and laughter. sarang was overjoyed to see him around, but she tries to keep it tame as she doesn't want to scare him away. her curiosity must be kept inside, opting to be friends with him first instead. seeing how friendly and less overbearing she is now, he starts to relax a bit as he does his job and bonded, not only with sarang, but with the whole team. jaemin enjoyed his time seeing sarang and the rest of the team in action, and the two weeks he spends with her for the tournaments made him slowly change his mind. they exchanged contact number and keep in touch

as their relationship progress, jaemin will decide that he wants to give it a try but slowly. they go on dates and progressively become more intimate with each other, but it will take some time before they become official because there will be conflict of life views (sarang's idealism vs jaemin's slight nihilism)
📷 he likes to do his work outside when the weather is good
📷 prefers colour photography rather than bnw, but can appreciate it once awhile
📷 his favourite photography movement are dadaism, surrealism and postmodernism
📷 favourite food & drinks; peach, potato pizza & black coffee
📷 he's not in any sports club nor is he a sporty person but he likes to play badminton on his free time (when he's not lazy of course)
📷 he started working odd jobs in middle school then working properly in high school to help his mother with finances. he didn't want to go to college at first but his mother has saved up money knowing that he wants to study about photography, so he ended up going while still doing a part time job
📷 a bit of a nihilist but doesn't agree with the belief completely
📷 doesn't like to celebrate his own birthday cause he thinks it's a waste of everybody's time
📷 a good mix of an extrovert and introvert, able to socialise and blend in well when needed but not necessarily a social butterfly
📷 goes to sarang's tournaments often; whether to photograph or to support her
hover over image for more information
📷 나민리 na minri. mother + jaemin loves and admire her mother dearly, especially on how much she sacrifices to raise him. although not sort of nagging him, it is apparent that they're very affectionate with each other 
📷이제노, 이동혁 & 黄仁俊 lee jeno, lee donghyuck & huang renjun. housemates & best friends + all 3 of them are friends since high school and 'magically' able to be in the same university together. more like brothers other than friends, their friendship has a healthy amount of bantering and care for each other. but sometimes a little too much bantering as it could make the onlookers worry at how aggressive they are at each other. yet they know they have each other's back no matter what
📷 島袋 あんにん shimabukuro annin "an". friend + jaemin at first hold a little jealously over the older girl because she was able to be the leader of the photography club, despite not being in the photography major. but after spending time with her, he has nothing but respect for her. an is charismatic and mature, her personality able to gain opportunities within and outside of school. and one of those opportunity is being the documentation team of the volleyball superstar ahn sarang's interview
 social media  @shotsbynana (photography instagram) | sincerelynajaemin.com (portfolio website) | @nabanana (private instagtram)
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ayye look at my follower number
jaemin's private files!
 their name  left side *
 the day that started it their pov  
"so jaemin what do you wish for?" jeno puts the cake down as jaemin unenthusiastically take out the candle "to be unnamed" he deadpanned. his friend snorted as he shakes his head "do you really hate the thought of being named that much?" jeno had always wondered what the reason why, but he knows that this friend of his never like to be tied down by anything. so the thought of having another person's name, supposedly your soulmate, is horrifying to him. jaemin blew a raspberry as he stabbed the cake with his fork "it's all bollocks, soulmates and all, i don't believe in it" he said, although more to annoyance rather than animosity. jeno hummed "did you see any names today?" jaemin shook his head, seemingly pleased "let's hope it will stay that way"

it was a peaceful early morning on the august of 14th...well until a shrill scream came from the na residence. na minri stomped her way and bursted open the door with a broom in hand as a weapon "WHAT?! WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED?! DID SOMEONE BREAK IN?! DID SOMEONE TRIED TO MURDER YOU?!" jaemin looked up to his mom as his eyes were glassy with tears, he pointed to his forearm. minri looked down and saw...a name. "mom...i'm named..." he said in horror as he sniffed. his mother sighed and rolled her eyes "get up, it's time for school"

he made a fuss for a good month throwing tantrums about it, but the he decided to just it and doesn't care much about it anymore
jaemin's q&a!
 so, who knows? who knows that you're named?  jaemin sighs as he leans back to the chair "my mom and my housemates knows, i don't like telling people about it"
 is there a reason why you decided to keep it private?  "becauseeee" he whined "it's just not something that is important for me to tell anyone, i don't know why they make such a big deal about it" he huffed "but it's not like i lie and tell them i'm unnamed, i just say it's a secret"
 what are your feelings towards the opposite party? 
he groans at the question "mann must be good to have that much freedom in your love life" he pouted "i'm honestly so jealous of them and if i could ever change any aspect of my life, is to just be unnamed" he nodded confidently

"...okay so it's better than i thought"
 sarang's schedule
this is considering the fact it's not on sports season, when it is then she'll focus more on practicing
 SPORTS MEDICINE  TU + F (8 AM - 12 PM + 1 PM - 5 PM)
      W (5 AM - 11 AM)  
      M + TU + F  (7 PM - 10 PM)  
      SAT + TH (5 AM - 11 AM [break] 2 PM - 5 PM)  
      TOURNAMENT SEASON (5 AM - 11 AM [break] 2 PM - 5 PM          [break] 7 PM - 10 PM)
 REST  SUN (but also spent practicing alone)
 average grades  excels in athletic training and physical therapy (A+ to A), so-so grade in subject research and rehabilitation but never flunked (B+ to B-) and could possibly flunk sports medicine but always manage to get through and has leniency because of her contribution to the sports world (B- to C)
 sports  varsity volleyball team & national team
 popularity  10/10 she's even know outside of school as she has a great popularity not even just from sports fan. she has made magazine covers and televised interviews. she has become the pride of the school, at one point was offered to be the ambassador of the college. but she refuses as she wants to keep her college lifestyle normal. she's also known for her friendliness  despite her fame, making her well liked by everyone in general. however there will be some people who are jealous of her for no reason
 jaemin's schedule
 ART PHOTOGRAPHY  M + W (8 AM - 11 PM + 1 PM - 4 PM)
 CRITIQUE  once per semester, TH (2 PM - 6 PM)
      F (7 AM - 1 PM)  
      SAT  (3 PM - 7 PM)  
 average grades  top of the class and one of the candidates for the valedictorian
 clubs  vice-leader of professional photography club
 popularity  7/10 jaemin is not really known by the majority of the school but he is known in his major as he is the top student of their batch. even though he can be friendly and generally welcoming to other people, he keeps a low profile. his popularity will have a slight spike when he starts hanging out with sarang more and it will boom if anyone ever finds out that they're named of each other
sarang's q&a
 please introduce yourself!  sarang let out a toothy grin before waving with both of her hands "hello~ i'm ahn sarang from the exercise science department, i'm also a member of the varsity volleyball team :D"
 have you told anyone about your current status? if so, what were their reaction?  she nodded a bit solemnly "sadly everybody knows. since there are pictures of me online with my hair up and you can see it clearly, but during events where i don't need to sweat" she chuckled "i can cover it up with makeup and people don't really know who the name is, since i never told the public the name nor can they see clearly" she hummed in thought "i know that the reaction are divided, some are supportive and wish that my soulmate is a good person while some pity me for my lack of freedom, in regards to who it is they have made a couple of theories. whilst for my parents, they're okay as long as the person is good in their eyes" she shrugged 
 because you are a named, what are your current feelings towards the other party?  "i do not have any reason to feel any animosity, if anything i feel bad for people who scrutinise them and admires their freedom in being who they actually want to be" she giggled "finding your one and only is not an easy feat, or so i have heard, so i applaud them"
 how do you feel about the stigma that is with being a named? do you think it's a blessing or a curse?  she scratched her cheek "i think it's different for other people, but for me it's a blessing"
 why?  she clasped her hands together and smiled brightly "i have always been a romantic, i feel it is such a beautiful thing that fate has someone waiting for me"
 after being confirmed that you're named, have you've ever been in a romantic relationship with the opposite party?  sarang laughed awkwardly "i've...never had any romantic experience" she blushed, embarrassed at the thought of it
 do you believe the term "soulmate," and do you believe that everyone has one?  "i believe that soulmates isn't confined in just the romantic part. i don't have their names on my body but my friends are my soulmates too. just the thought that you are linked by faith is beautiful and almost ethereal, and i believe everyone has one whether it's inked on their name or not"
 do you ever wish you were the other party?  she shakes her head "being named have never done anything to harm me, so i am glad to be named. but even if i'm unnamed, i would be okay regardless"
the end.
 scene suggestions  i think the main thing i want to see is her parents eventually finding out that sarang has found her soulmate, but they don't accept him because of what he's currently learning and the stigma around artists
 questions/comments?  i feel like i'm not writing enough for this and i'm sorry ;w; and for the grammar mistakes too ;w; thank you for reviewing my app and please do consider her for the story, thank you!
 what is the password?  for sarang; "hmm i'll ask my family and friends about possible solutions to the problem then decide what's the best possible outcome :) "
me; "overthink and cry"


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