•  #D6A47A   #593925   #5453a6   #657777   #90AAAA 

theodosia van bossche
 odd_ish oddish 70% 
 BIRTHNAME  테오도시아 반 보스 theodosia van bossche // 김선대 kim seondae
🎭티오 theo "remember! it's theeo, not téo!" is what she always say whenever she introduces herself. it is a general nickname as calling her "theodosia" is too long
🎭도시아 dosia it's more like a joke nickname rather than an actual one. because people think it's funny that maybe they'll call her the other half of her name instead of the first half. weirdly, theodosia also responds to this

🎭kim seondae ice cream her korean name sounds like "sundae" and her friends often jokingly call her this "yah! kim seondae ice cream!"

 BIRTHDATE  september 25th 1999
 BIRTHPLACE  montreal, quebec, canada

 HOMETOWN  montreal, quebec, canada (uwu - uwu) seoul, south korea (present)
 ETHNICITY  dutch-korean
 NATIONALITY  canadian

" i know 4 languages and i struggle with all of them ;w; "
🎭ENGLISH native language, way more comfortable speaking in english but there will be times where she would accidentally mix up the languages that she knows
🎭FRENCH quebec french, speaks fluently and fluidly. can't contain her happiness when someone ask her to speak french
🎭KOREAN fluent in it but sometimes struggle with it because she usually thinks in english or french, so whatever she says she has to manually translate from english/french in her mind to korean in her words
🎭DUTCH barely knows enough for her grandma to stop having a headache everytime she teaches her the language
look at me
 FACECLAIM  jeon somi
 BACKUP  momoland nancy jewel mcdonie
 HEIGHT  168 cm
 WEIGHT  61 kg

 APPEARANCE  although she doesn't tower over the other members, she's one of the averagely taller ones. she has a pear shaped body but more on the slender side rather than the large hips the body type usually has. her face is the same as her faceclaim with hazel eyes and medium brown hair. she prefers to wear light or no makeup at all on her daily life, but she's used to wearing heavy makeup thanks to her musical theatre background ("i wore green makeup for hours for wicked!")
 STYLE  wardrobe | one strong thing to note, she loves plaids and will always wear plaid and you could never separate her away from plaids. even during practice, she could be seen wearing plaid sweatpants that the other members has deemed ugly and she will fite you hardcore. when she sleeps, she wears pyjamas that has plaids pattern on it. there are certain times that she doesn't wear plaids but people would ask if she's feeling alright that day and be worried. because theodosia is not theodosia without plaids on her
going deeper
 PERSONALITY TRAITS  esfp, chaotic neutral, #1 crackhead | extroverted, theatrical, instinctive, thoughtful | funny, touchy, mediator | chaotic, mischievous, obnoxious, absentminded

close to me
hover over middle image for info
 BEST FRIEND  bailey was one of the people that theodosia looks up to, especially in terms of singing. in elementary school, bailey was trained to be an opera singer since she was a wee child and excelled in the vocal class & choir. theodosia immediately came up to her and praised her on how great she is, wanting to learn from her. bailey was shy at that time and didn't know how to respond, but the same age girl kept coming unto her until her walls broke down piece by piece. it wasn't until theodosia started to climb up in terms of her talents and became the top of her class, growing seeds of jealousy inside bailey. but theodosia remained friendly and curious, still wanting to learn from her. her endearing personality wiped away those jealousy from bailey and they bonded together, even her feeling proud whenever theodosia gets the role. they went through elementary and middle school together, then they got scouted together at their talent show & going to pledis as a pair. they have went through trials and tribulations as best friends & they're both inseparable


 CLOSE TRAINING FRIEND  theodosia was nathacha's first friend in korea as she was one of the few who speaks english and 



fun facts
 LIKES  here

 HOBBIES  here
 HABITS  here
 FEARS  here

 TALENTS  here
 TRIVIA  here

🎭@twotheoteen her public instagram that she makes after debuting with twoteen
🎭@bugsmoothie her private twitter that she has had even before she got into pledis. bugsmoothie is a play of word "beetlejuice", her favourite musical at that time. 
shining diamond
 STAGE NAME  티오 THEO (pronounced thee-o and not thé-o)
 PERSONA  the voice of personalities



 TRAINEE YEARS  2013 - present (6 years)


 VOCAL TWIN  annapantsu | her singing background has musical theatre and opera training that solidify her talent in it. but those background gave her a strong trait in her singing; character (song examples; she used to be mine, satisfied, le festin, candy storedead mom & why don't you do right)

 RAP TWIN  kim sejeong" whoever said i can't rap...well you right but I'LL STILL PROVE YOU WRONG >:[ "
 DANCE TWIN  twice jihyo
 VARIETY TWIN  girl's day minah
🎭the sound of music | quebec theatre show | 2006 | as gretl von trapp
🎭annie | quebec theatre show | 2011 | as annie
🎭phantom of the opera | school play | 2011 | as christine daaé 
🎭wicked the musical | quebec theatre children day special  | 2012 | as elphaba
🎭what is this feeling performance | quebec talent show | 2013 | featuring bailey nakamura as glinda, won first place

🎭theo of twoteen being disrespectful | 20?? | as
question & answer
 PLEASE INTRODUCE YOURSELF!  "whoooooo~" theodosia clapped and stood up from her chair, running around in circles and enjoying herself as she stopped to pose at the camera "hello everyone, it's your girl, theeee" she paused for dramatic effect "oh." she said in an anti-climatic way before bursting out laughing

 WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON TEEN:AGE?  "mom! i made it! i got into the program" she fake sobbed as she wiped her non existent tears

 HOW ABOUT TWOTEEN?  "we got the beeesst of both worlds~" she started singing dramatically "seriously how many co-ed groups does the industry have right now? we are quite one of a kind!"

 WHAT INSPIRES YOU?  "hmmm why do i feel like you already know the answer to this question- it's musicals, obviously" she giggled "i've been doing musicals my whole so of course it has influenced and inspired me for many years now!"

 WHAT IS YOUR ULTIMATE GOAL FOR YOURSELF?  "i wanna do musicals again" she basically hollered as she groaned "i miss being in musical and singing my heart out" she suddenly gasped as if she had an epiphany "if heathers the musical gonna be in production in korea, no one cannot stop me from auditioning as veronica sawyer" she squinted her eyes as if trying to intimidate the staff "no. one."

 DO YOU HAVE AN IDEAL TYPE?  she started to guffaw exaggeratedly "aren't i too young to have an ideal type?" she's literally 20 "and i don't have a base line to start from so" she shrugged

 THAT'S ALL FOR TODAY! ANY LAST WORDS?  she repeated what she did in her introduction, clapping then running around. making her final pose to the camera "alright everyone~ this has been your girl, theeeeeee" she paused for dramatic effect "OH!" she shouted happily before hopping away from the camera view
love letter
 NAME  이민형 mark lee minhyung
 BIRTHDATE  august 2nd 1999
 OCCUPATION  member of NCT
 STORY  here

 STATUS  strangers at the moment
 ENDING  here

 TRIVIA  here

 BACKUPS  someone else from twoteen, matchmake her with anyone
happy ending




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