so..i think i'm depressed

My grandpa died, My dad had a , and my sister attempted suicide I don't really KNOW how to feel, but I just wanted to like.....tell y'all I guess? I don't like telling people I'm alone and hurting. I just don't want them to feel like they HAVE to hang out with me because they think I'm going to hurt myself or something if they don't. I feel like if I tell someone then they're always like, "oh I'll care for you" but then they eventually forget and it kinda just...... hurts, you know?


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Uh well i m not the very best person for advices or anything

But Yeah we can definitely talk
like m a really good listener

We Can WhatsApp
Hey, you are so strong to have been able to go through all of that :( i'm also sorry because of what you've gone through. I just want to let you know that you are not alone, we are here with you along the way. :) If ever you need someone to vent out your feelings, thoughts, or anything. I'm here okay? :) Stay safe xoxo
hey, sorry i haven’t gotten around to ask you how you are. i’m sorry to hear all that you’re going through and like the previous comments, it’s really good you’re not bottling it in. i think it’s ok to not know what you’re feeling because experiencing so much makes you overwhelmed with too many emotions. i know i said before you can talk to me and my pms are always open for you, but it’d be really good if you have friends in real life that you should talk to because unlike the people here who do care, we’re not there with you and we can’t always be there for you but they have more chances to provide you comfort. both physically and emotionally. seeking professional help can also be helpful because they have more insight and they provide effective help. just know that you’re not really alone, there are people who love you (both here and in real life) even if you think there’s none. stay strong and stay safe ok?
I am so sorry that’s happened to you, you are very strong for taking that first step in telling someone even if it’s just on here. Although friends can be great pillars of support, it’s natural for them to not be able to “handle” (for a lack of a better word) something as heavy and deep as emotional and mental concerns, mainly because people just don’t have enough knowledge. I think you should also get support from an actual professional, like perhaps a counselor at school, to talk about everything you’re feeling. There’s nothing wrong with reaching out and wanting to talk to someone of authority about how you’re feeling, stay strong.
I’m sorry to hear you’re going all that wtf ... I know you don’t like telling people about it but maybe it would good to ask for some help from someone irl if it gets worse ? I know it’s hard but I think In the long run it’d help at least a little. Even if it’s jsut a friend. And I know you said you don’t want anyone to feel like that have to hang out with you, but if they’re friends they love you genuinely care about you so you shouldnt worry about that! Anyways, I’m always here if you have to talk to someone. stay safe !!!
It's so sad to hear what you're going through. I'm so glad that you took a step to confide in someone and express your feelings. You're a brave and strong person. I hope you and your family are getting good support and keep being honest with your feelings. It's normal that other people may get stuck in their own world, but don't be scared to seek that support and your true friends will shine through the darkest of times. Stay strong and healthy :)
I'm sincerely sorry for all that you're going through
there's a way out of everything and there's a way out of depression too
writing in a diary, or creating personal blogs or just talking to people really helps
you always have me here if you need me, i mean it