idol insider: 여아인 x 황향숙 can date too!

beatrice Yeo Ah in.


for someone who writes a lot of love songs, the cold women never had any sort of romantic relationship. but now she found her heart to be entangled with a vastly different person than her

• • •
  • birthname: yeo ah in 여아인
  • nicknames:

    💜 beatrice // her given english name. she prefers to be addressed as beatrice or bea rather than her korean name 
    베아 베베 아잉 // general nicknames
    💜 her royal highness or your majesty // it's honestly more like a mockery towards her because she acts like an entitled royalty towards everyone and because of her resting face. this nickname has been long gone and used only by her antis 
    💜 love or rival 라브 라이벌 // her stage name is honestly a mouthful. most of the time during casual variety shows, she would allow them to just call her love or rival. sometimes during livestreams or fansigns, her members and the fans would also call her by that ("oh hi love~ say hi to the camera~" "rival eonni i really like your bracelet")
    눈빛 queen // her fans always says that trice's eyes always speaks the loudest, and even when she looks cold her eyes always speaks for her. that's why her fans are never really scared or intimidated whenever they had a fansign / fanmeeting with her, even some says that she has the most lovely eyes. 
    dead-face yeo / stone-face yeo // one of the things that her antis always pick on is her lack of facial expression and stage presence. they compare her face to a stone and "looking like a dead fish" because it's always unchanging and always put on an rbf. of course she has been getting better at it but it is very hard to tame 
    madam beatrice / princess beatrice // it's an endearing nickname by her lover, but in a more cheesy context rather than it being harmful. usually he will just call her "madam" or "princess"

  • hometown: milan, lombardy, italy
  • current residence: apgujeong, gangnam, south korea
  • birthday: 10th october 1995
  • ethnicity: korean
  • languages: korean 100% | italian 98% | english 95% | japanese 52%
  • faceclaim + backup: jung soojung + kang seulgi

  • height: 168 cm
  • weight: 51 kg
  • appearance: slim figured, long legs, high waist, dainty fingertips, defined jawline, small face, sharp eyes, resting face, slick high ponytail at work, soft waves that perfectly frames her face when relaxing, intimidating aura and the kind of vibe that people often say "when she enters, she commands the whole room"
  • fashion + style : wardrobe vintage, sophisticated, high fashion, couture, preppy & very well put together. people tend to think that her fashion is not what they describe as "dress to comfort", but they don't understand, comfort for her is confidence. and there's nothing more comfortable and confident than strutting in her favourite heels, hoop earrings and the chanel dress that was featured in vogue
  • occupation: idol, producer and fashion designer
  • stage name: lvrvl (in lowers caps & read as love rival)
  • company: little prince entertainment
  • group name: moonlit
  • debut date: june 18 2014
  • company dating rule: no dating during trainee years and the first year upon debut
  • schedule/daily life:
    moonlit members currently stays in the same apartment building but in different floors, their apartment is a 10 minute walk from their company's building. since they just ended their promotions and announces that they will be focusing of each member's schedule rather than the group itself, you would find beatrice in two places; holed up in her music studio or at home where she works on her designs. she usually spends her time with her boyfriend, other musicians she's working with or her assistants. she doesn't really go out and relax, as a matter of fact she has to be dragged out in order to do that, in which her boyfriend is doing that for her. but there are times where she would go out to support her members or boyfriend on their activities. on the weekends she would focus more on her clothing line, sometimes she would visit the stores to make sure that it's doing okay and check up on it. everything about her is early mornings and past midnights, her stylist always scolds her for her rapidly visible dark circles

    the potential schedule that she has is a comeback by moonlit after their break ends, concerts, fansigns and fanmeets. but currently she's doing solo gigs and launching of a new collection for her brand 

  • moonlit's discography: 
  • lvrvl's discography:  
    💜beatrice's solo music is more categorised in the indie section of music as she doesn't perform in music shows. her songs are digital releases in music platforms and her live performances comes in form of gigs or moonlit's concert. the reason why she does this is because she doesn't feel like choreography will suit her vision of what her music is and she doesn't want to be restricted by the schedule of official music shows

  • occupation trivia: 
    ☾ moonlit is a self-produced group; lvrvl and ram being the music producer whilst mido and gayoung handles the choreography. but in overall the group handles the production of the group together with the help of the staff 
    ☾ the group is hailed as more of an artist rather than just an idol group and popular nation-wide as the best vocal line-up 
    at first, they're very focused in promoting nationally and only ever had local concerts. but they have recently dip their feet into international market when they release their first japanese debut
    ☾ their fans, lunars, are well-known for being very good mannered and extremely loyal to them. moonlit and lunars are known to have a very casual fan-idol relationship that the members of moonlit can go up to them and casually chats 
    ☾ beside their official music youtube, they have another youtube named "moonlit path". this channel is specifically for their reality show with the same name. the show is all about moonlit doing activities, behind the scenes of music shows, award shows, events, concert, photoshoots, mini reality show, challenges and everything else 
    ☾ their group dynamics are quite funny because there are 2 chaotic members, 1 hidden chaotic member and one that is just always dragged in whatever they're doing 
    ☾ they have a so-called "funny" songs that are mostly made out of their daily conversations or from the genius mind of lee aram 
    ☾ after ending their promotions of their latest release "hip", little prince entertainment announced that moonlit will be having a 3-months break. in that break, the members will focus on their own interests. both mido and ram will release their solo promotions, gayoung will focus more on acting & modeling whilst lvrvl will continue to do producing work & focus her brand at the same time .
who i am.


💜 estj - slytherclaw // dignified, ambitious, passionate, sharp, level-headed, considerate | overworker, professional, unpredictable |  stubborn, cocky,  prideful, matter-of-fact, indifferent, closed-off
confident is probably the first word that comes to people's mind when they first see her. she always walks with her head up and had always been known to do things herself, not needing other people and relying on herself. those confidence are needed to satisfy her large amounts of ambition. always detemined in checking the list of her goals and never afraid to aim really high, having clarity in what she wants. beatrice have come a long way from being a childish person in the past, as she grows she does not lack the perception and wit that she once didn't seem to display. back then she was more rigid and quick to temper, now she has developed into a more calm & intelligent exterior. albeit she's still very sarcastic at times. another part of her is that she is more considerate towards the people around her. she does not outrightly reject their companion nor act as if she doesn't need anyone else anymore. she has learned that it is okay to have friends and people around you. she knows that she is terrible at comforting words, so she just sits down and listen to them when they need it. and she only let her close friends give her affection because she secretly likes it lmao

no matter what the situation is, she can't stop working. not only she does that because she has a lot of passion inside her, but it's also because she was made to believe that she won't have any purpose if she just stops and relax. although it had given her many benefits, it has taken a toll on her mental health that she has neglected for years. her father always taught her to draw the line between personal and professional, and that's the one thing she'll ever agree with him in. she does her work thoroughly and responsibly, always striving for the best in it. she's clear on what she wants and always does her role accordingly. her experience has made her learn to work with a team and in her business, to be a leader. one of her neutral personality that she gained is her ability to just have fun a little bit. she's still awkward and doesn't really initiate it, during times where she's forced to relax then she might just. whenever her members ask her to do something silly with them, she will tolerate it (although she will act like she doesn't care). but along with doing their shenanigans, she'll usually do it with a straight unimpressed expression

old habits always die hard and this definitely includes her flaws. it is very hard to change her mind, it is because of her confidence that is like a double-edged sword that makes her think that she is always right. that she knows what to say and what to do, and nobody can tell her that she's wrong. but of course there will be times that she is wrong, yet this woman is too prideful to admit it. she is working on her massive ego and it still takes a lot for her to even say sorry. some will be understanding, especially her closests friends that knows she has come a long way. but for some other people there should always be times where you should throw your pride away. beatrice is the type of person that doesn't really have much to say. it is not as much as she doesn't want to say anything, it's more to the fact that she doesn't have any filter once she opens . and once she says what she thinks, most of the time, there's no remorse. she needs guidance when it comes to making the right decision on what to say or also feel apologetic if she came out too harsh. this is the flaw that she hates the most because it's the one she's more aware of. the thing she has been struggling with is her indiffence that stemmed from her disability of being open and vulnerable to other people. she has trust issues and has not been taught healthy ways on dealing with it. thus she feels like if she acts like she doesn't care then people won't care either. that's why she was and is mostly apathetic towards very emotional experiences and can come off as uncaring towards other people's experiences. she is still very much having a hard time managing this, but with the help of her friends and her loved ones, she may be able to just open up. all it takes is the first step.

when she first debuted, she had a bad reputation because of her general personality and stuck up attitude. there were a lot of times that she made headlines for it and she was criticised a lot. but as time goes by and she's learning to be a better person, she knows how to use her on camera persona. her persona becomes this slightly quiet and cold person, but whenever she opens it's always to-the-point or a bit sarcastic. luckily she has great team members who are able to work around it to make it funny. there were genuine moments where she will say something funny or out-of-character with a straight face. when she does reality shows with just her members or a carefree vlogging, she's more relaxed and able to enjoy herself more. her fans actually adores her personality when they have familiarise each other on what kind of person she is. her interaction with them is described as a bigger sister who acts cold but actually cares a lot. even some of the fans has asked her to scold them on fansigns (which she respond with ???) saying that she's cute. one thing never changes is that she's not afraid to get into arguments and directly address an issue or hate comments


💜 born in italy to a wealthy family, her father is a conglomerate and she was raised to be the heir to the yeo corporations. was initially complacent but then wanted to do music after they visited korea for her father's business in 2007. her father disregarded her and decided to pass on the mentorship to her little brother, until this day they have a strained relationship

💜 her music journey is endorsed by her supportive mother and aunt (whom she lived with in korea) as she signed into a music academy and honed her skills in composing & producing her own music. started to seriously pursue her music career when she's 16 (2011) when she posts her music in soundcloud and doing busking. she got recruited by an agent of little prince entertainment when she finished her busking for the night

💜 due to the nature of how she grew up, it started out bad for beatrice when she first started training. she had a houlier-than-thou attitude & throwing a tantrum when she doesn't like something. she learned the hard lesson that the trainers are not forgiving nor lenient, especially since they're not paid to be nice unlike her old music teacher used to be. she turns into a lone wolf, but it didn't break her will to do what she wants. she becomes more hardworking and gained a less childish attitude, pulling through the ranks and became one of the top trainees and even make a small few friends in just a few months. her producing skills also didn't go unnoticed as she was brought in to co-produce the company's boygroup under surveillance. the people in charge does this on purpose because they can see her potential, and putting her in that position will help with her teamwork skills that she lacks. but this made beatrice convinced that she might not debut as an idol and works as a music producer, which what she ultimately wants. that notion was almost immediately shot down when she was put in the lineup of their new girlgroup

💜 the group dynamics was very shaky as it is a combination of very strong personalities that has a lot of clashing ideas. but all 4 of them spend time more with each other and they're going strong for 7 years, all of them had come a long way both career and character development wise

💜 alongside her idol life, she has always been fond of fashion. vintage fashion has always been something that she collects and has a variety of knowledge around it. the company let the group have as much creative freedom, the first thing that she does was participate in styling the outfits of the group. she drew her vision of what she sees in the concept and pick & choose the clothes with the consult of the other members & the staffs. as time goes she grew restless as she wanted to do more, so she start to design her own fashion while remaking her old sketches for it to come alive. at february 3rd 2017, she launched her own clothing line "bella luna". the name bella luna takes from the italian word "bella" and "luna" pays homage from her group's name moonlit & their fans lunars. bella luna is italian for beautiful moon . her line focuses in sustainable high and slow fashion, along with her original designs she also has a section in her store where she resells her vintage clothes that deserves a second home in a reasonable price. as it turns out her abandoned roots has always been in her blood as her business boomed and gained her fame as the fashion-dol

beatrice say and do

💜 "DO.NOT.KILL.THAT.BUG /sigh/ here i'll take them out just don't hurt them" 
💜 "wow you're so annoying i can't even roll my eyes"
💜 "we love you bea" "....w-whatever geez thanks"
💜 " you that's how" 
💜 "what...are you wearing?" "this? it's a really nice-" "put it back." "what-" "i'll lend you my coat, it fits better with your frame"
💜 "what i did was stupid" "and..?" "...that's it?" "bea it's not hard to say sorry" "but i admitted that it was stupid" "just say sorry" "....i won't do it again" "BEA-" 
💜 "love eonni! you're so pretty" "*scoffs*" "love eonni so cold :( but we love you so much" "..." "love noona is so beautiful!" "..." "love eonni is so lovely!"  "*blushes and looks away*" "guys i think she's short circuiting" then lunars starts to compliment her even more
💜 "did you get into any arguments today?" "..." "you did, didn't you?" "listen- i tried" 
💜 "sigh..." 
💜 "beatrice let's do this dance challenge, i know it's weird and you're probably gonna say no but ev-" "sure" "please it won't hurt to try- wait did you say yes?" 
💜 "bea-nim, i think you should get some rest for the day" "i don't need rest, i need results"
💜 "oh bea, you changed the wardrobe" "yeah the colour scheme doesn't fit, and gayoung's skin is sensitive to the previous material so i'm changing it. aram didn't like the frills from previous comeback and i'm trying to fit more comfortable pants for mido since she-...why are you looking at me like that?" " do care...i'm so touched..." "????"


💜 she is a lacto-ovo vegetarian; mainly because she has red meat allergy. but she has eaten white meat before (chicken and fish) 
💜 she has a siamese cat she rescued named narcissa, a black spynx cat named dormiglione (but frequently called dormie. italian for sleepyhead, cause he's always napping) and an arizona blonde tarantula named athena (she thinks it's funny because the irony is arachne from the greek mythology was cursed to be a spider by athena...she thought it was funny) 
💜 the only reason why people doesn't wholly think of her as a bad person is because of her soft side towards animals. and when i say animals, i mean all animals. she would literally not hurt a single fly, she can't say the same about humans though
💜 contrary to popular belief, she doesn't really live very lavishly. the only thing that she's willing to spend or splurge on is fashion, but she buys smartly. she also sell or donates clothes that she doesn't use anymore.  
💜 music she loves; classical music, kehlani, jorja smith, benjamin clementine, david foster and tears for fears 
💜 she's an expert in piano and guitar, currently learning to play the ukelele 
💜 she loves the smell and warmth of fresh laundry. she usually does her own laundry just so she can smush her face on it, it's the only way she can relax without the help of musical instruments tbh
💜 her public social media is @bbyeo (as in beatrice yeo) that she opened in 2017. but she has a private instagram (@nightshade) and twitter (@chopinheadsoff). her private instagram is full of her pets and the animals in her aunts's animal shelter, sometimes a video of her playing some instruments, a couple picture popping up, yet she seldoms uses it. she's very active on twitter, just posting unimportant things or ranting
💜 she frequented in seoul, milan, and paris' fashion week on the frontrows. either with some of the members of moonlit or with her best friend or assistant
💜 in 2019 she launched a handmade crystal jewelry line named "aradia". aradia is still under bella luna but it is at a more semi-expensive price as it is handmade by beatrice
💜 her studio name is "narcissa's den"
💜 has a habit of covering her face or looking away when she laughs
💜 scoffs, sighs and rolls her eyes at every single thing she founds inconvenient
💜 she becomes very out-of-character when she's really tired, like a completely different person. she cracks jokes, randomly laughs and would want affection. the members say that it's always amusing to see her like that and some would jokingly say that they prefer tired beatrice
💜 bites her thumb when she's in distress in an angry way, the pain is her own way of grounding so that she can think clearly. there's only a few time where she bit down so hard it actually bleed and made her hand shake, but she doesn't pay any attention to it
💜 she hates it when people talk back to her. even though she talks back to literally everyone, she's always pikachu shook when she got the receiving end. sometimes she'll find it amusing, most of the time annoying
💜 because she can't sleep during hot nights, she usually goes outside to the balcony and write some music. she doesn't know why but she's the most inspired during those times


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💜 장다설 jang daseol // manager of moonlit // 31 // @daseollove

daseol is famous within lunars and the kpop community in general for being extremely beautiiful, earning the nickname "goddess manager". daseol is a good mix of responsible and strict with caring and goofy. she does her job well as their manager and their  mom-friend for 7 years, taking care of 4 clashing personalities was not an easy feat but she managed to do it. she didn't find beatrice the most difficult to manage as with time the younger girl was able to melt down if you give her nothing but kindness. what was difficult is when they argued between each other and trying to get them to make up. even if she feels thriumphant that they don't do it as often anymore, it is more likely to happen when they have creative differences. she loves and care for them all the same & is the proudest of them. she is married and 3 months pregnant, when being asked if how she feels about her child, she said she's not afraid because she has helped raising 4 children of her own before
(reference; chungha and her manager's relationship)

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💜 이아람 lee aram "ram" // close friend // leader, main vocalist & producer of moonlit // 28 // @ramdidadoo

the eccentric enigma herself, initially beatrice couldn't stand her, especially with how much of an extrovert she is. despite being the eldest, she often acts like the baby of the bunch and would ask for affection from her members & managers. yet she's also hailed as the genius producer who is responsible with most of moonlit's music and the brains behind the funny songs. beatrice and ram often heads in the direction of their music as they both have distinctly different views on it. they have managed to work it out but you could often see them mildly arguing in the recording room, it doesn't always escalate to a heated one like it used to be as they've both gained cooler heads & knows how to work it out. aram is well known to be the one saying love affirmations to beatrice once she knew that all bea needed was a little love and caring (and no, she doesn't do it solely because she loves seeing the maknae blush and get flustered, she SWEARS). beatrice as of now is okay with her and accepts all the affection she provides...with a straight face of course, she is not going to entertain the women by showing it in a straightforward manner

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💜 香田緑 koda midori "mido" // close friend // main rapper, choreographer, performer & vocalist // 27 // @domidako

midori is exponentially more on the milder side, that is if you don't put her and aram together. you would think that she is one of the quieter ones because of her prince-like charisma but she feeds off the chaotic energy that aram has & become even more of a crackhead that she is. midori and beatrice had always been on good terms as she had been nothing but kind for the younger girl. granted midori at first was put-off by beatrice's attitude but they have shared moments where midori can see that she is changing to be a better person. midori takes good care of the maknae and you can see her playfully nagging at her or teasing her at every little thing she does
(personality reference; bts kim seokjin)

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💜 허가용 heo gayoung // close friend // lead vocalist, lead rapper, choreographer & visual of moonlit // 26 // @heol.really

boy did they not get along well when they first started. gayoung and beatrice fought the most in their training years & their early debut, as they have very strong personalities. it took them the longest to get along with each other, but they ended up being the closests out of the group. the usual scenario is gayoung laughing on the floor over some puns and beatrice just staring at her with judgement in her eyes, but eventually will join her laughing when the older girl has always successfully make her laugh. or just having a back-and-forth between them, usually ending with gayoung making a pun out of it or beatrice unexpectedly made a joke, which caught her off guard. of course they have their moments as they are still very strong individuals and have their own opinions, but their good moments have increasingly outweighs their bad
(relationship reference; seventeen seungkwan and dino)

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💜 민소여 min soyeo // best friend // model under little prince // 25 // @soyeolovesyou

in the past, soyeo was beatrice's only real friend towards her life that she's close to by choice. they have a weird cat and dog dynamics, both of them are the kind of best friends that knows no boundaries. they are very aggressive with each other (do not mistake this petite pretty and demure looking girl, she's a very tough and rough girl). they're the kind of best friends that could be seen like they're arguing with each other but it is a very normal thing for the both of them. mocking each other is something they don't take seriously and insults could be thrown more than compliments to each other. but when one of them are in distress, they could always count on each other. they trained together and was close to each other, soyeo eventually found out that her actual passion is modelling and changed her contract to be a model under the company. but she still maintained a loving (lmao) relationship with beatrice

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💜 장앟리 jang ahlee & 백기린 baek girin // assistants // 21 & 23 // @lee_jjang & @ggirrin

ever since beatrice opened her first vintage store, she has found herself to be needing to juggle between her business and idol life. and this beast of a woman was stubborn enough to actually wanted to juggle all that work by herself. but eventually after much convincing by the people around her and realising how much it has put down her performance skills, she hired her first assistant baek girin. after her store & business grows, jang ahlee was hired as an intern before eventually becoming the junior assistant. girin and ahlee are assistants only for beatrice's store. girin shadows beatrice, she likes to regard herself as the more poised and composed out of the two. girin handles all of her schedules and represents beatrice when she is not available. ahlee used to shadow beatrice as an intern but beatrice trusts her enough to handle all in-store business. ahlee collects fabrics, arranging messengers to pick up or deliver clothing and accessory samples and maintaining all stores. although sometimes a bit ditzy and clumsy, she's very passionate and able to catch up. both assistants also help in assisting in fashion shoots and organising the closet for the next line. girin is usually the one who comes with beatrice for meetings and/or parties, but ahlee sometimes comes along when beatrice asks her to. ahlee has always been seen to be wanting validation to the stone cold girin, who just wants to do her job. whilst girin puts beatrice's opinion in high regard and always feel giddy when she compliments her work. she gets extremely pouty whenever ahlee receives the compliment. they're not exactly rivals and they do regard their relationship as friends, but their dynamic always makes it seem like that girin dislikes ahlee, even though it's not true. although beatrice never said it out loud, she seems very grateful to have helping hands when she needed it the most

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💜 유진인 luca yeo jinin // little brother //  university student & heir to the yeo industries // 21 // @yeolucca

gem of the family, heir of the yeo industries and her own little brother, set with a secure future that was supposed to be hers. she doesn't hate him, but she does not make any attempt to be close to him because his mere existence reminds her of everything that she supposed to be. luca on the other hand, absolutely adores his bigger sister and he supports her all the way. he tries his best to help mend the relationship between her and their father, even though his father is now solely focused in raising him and beatrice is still spiteful towards their father. they had a really stranded relationship especially when she first started out as an idol, ignoring his advances and support to his sister's group. but he was unwavered and determined to keep being by her side. it wasn't until her experience with moonlit that she started to soften and be a little bit more open. although she is still put off by his undeterred love for her. everything takes baby steps 

other half.

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🔆 name: 황향숙 hwang hyangsook 
🔆 stage name / nicknames: hyang, solemn (his stage name), child ("you're a child hyang"
🔆 birthdate: november 18 1995
🔆 hometown: ansan, gyeonggi, south korea 
🔆 ethnicity: korean
🔆 faceclaim + backup: a.c.e park jun hee + got7 im jaebeom

🔆 occupation: indie singer, rapper & composer (former idol soloist)
🔆 duo name: window view
🔆 debut date: june 17 2014 under dsp | april 24 2015 with window view
🔆 company: formerly dsp entertainment, currently independent
🔆 discography: boy. (2017), wave (2018), love part 1 (2019)


🔆 "man this guy is so fun" is the first thing you'll say when you meet him for the first time. he is fun-loving and carefree, not one to miss out on adventures that is given to him. he will be the guy who will make you feel included and his gummy smile will melt you on the spot. he likes to be very extra in order to entertain his friends, he lives to see them laugh. he is also rather impulsive and never says no when he is challenged to do something. outside all of those college sweetheart-esque vibes, he is very tolerant towards everyone. he has no bias and willingly put others & her own opinions into consideration, admitting when he is wrong but always has the mentality of "agree to disagree". although lacking the normal amount of empathy and has a vague understanding of complex emotions, he has many times put himself in someone else's shoes and listen to various stories of misfortunes. that's what he's good at; to listen and understand, and occasionally showing his side of his story. his "no-bias" attitude, calm and understanding demeanour always puts him in the middle of a conflict, usually ones that consists of his friends and able to dissipate the tension.

of course his carefree attitude is something that is the most noticeable out of everything. i think the other and more simpler word to describe this trait is his ability to procrastinate without really worrying about it. but he prefers it with the word of being too 'chill'. if you're working an important project with him, then it's best that you won't appoint him as the leader. he'll take you out to play instead of working really, and when you bring up the subject then he'll just shush you and tells you to enjoy life as it is. which is part of the reason why he works alone and is honestly better when he's working alone, because all he wants to do is play. although he is pretty serious about his craft and his passions, he could only do it to a certain extent because his impulse needs would want him to go goof around in a park or embarrass his friends. if you're really close to him then sometimes you'll be annoyed of his presence. he likes to bother his friends and do things that he know will make them annoyed. when they ask why, he says because 'their expression is priceless'. what makes people more upset is because he's unaffected by their anger, he'll even laugh it out. but he'll end up apologising if it's too offensive...after he's done laughing. because of his tolerance, he tends to be a doormat for other people. he always gives in to others and always be the big guy who doesn't mind when people are treating him unfairly, when it's obvious that he should defend himself. there are things that people has done to him that he shouldn't tolerate. but he has to it up because he doesn't even dare to confront the situation or the person at all. he just takes punches


🔆 he lived in boston, masachusetts for 4 years
🔆hyangsook first debuted solo with the name "hyang" on 2014 under dsp entertainment. his debut song "flower" failed to gain the attention even after the amount of promotion given to him. on 2015 he decided to leave the company because of difference in creative views and budgeting reason
🔆 hyangsoook emerges again on the same year and redebuted as the indie duo "window view". this duo consists of him with the new name "solemn" as the singer, rapper & composer and his friend, park jeong il aka "nargae" as the rapper, dj & producer of the group. they first uploaded only at soundcloud before moving to youtube. they're currently doing multiple collaborations with companies, particularly little prince entertainment with their soloist JUYEON and their groups, moonlit & prince. window view has had multiple gigs and is highly popular among indie fans

they say and do

🔆 bursts into the door "BROOOOOOOO-" 
🔆 "what do i think of jeongil? i think he's y *winks*" "can you stop-"
🔆 "bro look at this cat, it's so chonky" "that's cool hyang, can you please focus-" "OH MY GOD LOOK AT THIS ONE" 
🔆 scream laughs  
🔆 recites memes in old english 
🔆 aegyo texting 
🔆 "hyang we need to finish this by tomorrow, we don't have time" "okay but i'm hungry~ let's get something to eat *pouts*" "we just came back from dinner" "but i'm hungryyy"
🔆 "don't worry about a thing"
🔆 "love you bro mwah"
🔆 "sorry jeongil don't get mad at me, u so secy"
🔆 when someone cuts him off mid sentence "i-oh...aha..." scratches his head but doesn't retaliate 


🔆 his public instagram is @solemnwv. he has a private instagram named @wangyangyang that is 75% couple pictures or pictures of beatrice
🔆 he always get called "boyfriend-dol" because of his looks and his personality, but he dislikes it because he doesn't think he's an idol. but he definitely likes the image of boyfriend 
🔆 is very affectionate and touchy, always seen hugging his best friend
🔆 he currently lives in an apartment with jeongil as his roommate 
🔆 he's very good at cooking tempura
🔆 he frequents a lot to an odeng and kimbap stall near his studio, he can eat just that for a week straight
🔆 has definitely eaten spicy food just for the euphoria and will definitely do it again
🔆 loves to game in his free time. his favourite games are league of legends and monster hunter, but for co-op games her prefers to play humans fall flat with his friends
🔆 he hates playing horror games by himself, he can only play it if it's a co-op horror game
🔆 window view was a part of club eskimo and currently a part of the artist collective you.will.knovv
🔆 although not an official member, window view works with fanxy child numerous times and are good friends wiith them

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🔆 박정일 park jeongil "nargae" // best friend // rapper, dj & producer of window view // 24 // @nargaewv

jeongil and hyangsook had been childhood friends & they discovered their love for music at the same time, but their direction is vastly different as hyangsook to the idol path & jeongil went underground. it was jeongil's idea for them to form the group as they both has the same vision for what they want their music to be. they work really well together and has a brotherly relationship. jeongil is as if not more outgoing as hyangsook is, but when it comes to work he's able to focus more. he knows how to be patient with him as he knows that his friend can do great things if he'll just focus...but there are times it frustrates him

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🔆 권혁 kwon hyuk "dean" // close friend // singer-songwriter // 27

window view in itself has a lot of connections with more underground and non-idol artists, but hyangsook feels more close to dean. he had been taking care of the younger boy since jeongil first introduced him and helping him with guidance. a lot of people have said that hyangsook is the singer's protege. hyangsook always acts cute around him to be babied by the older men, at times it's to . 

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🔆 안보미 ahn bomi // acquaintances (crushing on hyangsook) // model & singer // 23

bomi is a new and emerging singer under the you.will.knovv collective. even though she dated her senior dean for awhile, both of them maintained a platonic friendship that doesn't get in the way of their professional one. bomi has always been attracted to very friendly and outgoing people, and hyangsook is all of that combined with his beautiful voice and face. as far as she knows, this crush towards him is more infatuation and hyangsook only interacted with her out of politeness, pouting and getting jealous when he runs off to dean instead. there was this weird one sided competition with dean on gaining the attention and "friendship" of hyangsook that she is currently losing. but she is more bewildered when he sees him with another girl in his arms. they never had any real connection and bomi is not as hurt when seeing him already taken, but she is still infatuated by him and still tries to be overtly friendly to him

love story.


background + love story

🔆💜 june 2014; they met by chance during moonlit's debut promotion and hyangsook's second stage in music bank. hyangsook was resting after his stage, and his eye caught a girl pouting down at her outfit, visibly dissatisfied with it. he won't say that he stared at her, but he would lie if he said he looked away. their eyes met when she tilted her head up, and the pout disappeared & her face turned cold as now they have a staring contest. hyangsook felt a shiver down his spine because of how sharp her eyes are, but he only managed a smile to give to her. she raised her eyebrow but then was called upon as she ran over to a group of girls far ahead of them. hyangsook chuckled a bit, wondering what her problem was but found her cute. his thoughts was cut short as his manager called his name, and his eye lingered a bit on her back
🔆💜 january 2016; their second encounter was when he was called to a studio by jeongil's connection. turns out beatrice has listened to some of the duo's songs and linked up with jeongil first. hyangsook remembers her, but she doesn't remember him at all. he faked being offended while having a big smile on his face, somehow looking at her reaction other than having just one expression makes him feel giddy. when it comes to work, beatrice couldn't stand him and almost gave up on trying to get their help to collaborate. but jeongil manage to convince the girl to give them a chance. meanwhile hyangsook was delighted to see how easily annoyed she is, not knowing why he wants to tease and flirts with her as much as he can. beatrice doesn't even know why she's letting them get a second chance from her, looking at he doesn't take it as seriously as she or his partner does. but god, his smile. she can't stand it. it's so...bright and...attractive. she snapped out of it and continued working. least to say even though there a visible attraction tension that just blossomed between them, they gained each other's respect because of their musical prowess
🔆💜 august 2017; more than a year has passed of them being...well what hyangsook considers as friends and beatrice considers as ?!?. it was pretty obvious that there are certain tensions between them that is clearly apparent within their mutual friends, with jeongil constantly teasing him about it and moonlit members trying to FINALLY have a boy talk with beatrice (in which beatrice insisted that she DOES NOT LIKE THAT CHILDISH BOY which means she likes him). and yeah, hyangsook flirts a lot with her and she gets very flustered whenever his name is even mentioned. what the general doesn't know is that she opens up a little bit to him, especially when it's just the two of them in the studio. at least just the small mention of her admitting that she feels a little tired, but still want to do things. she didn't pour her heart out nor did she cry at his shoulder. he understand that she is a complicated, and he accepts that. those times hyangsook was and still is at her side, but he knows that what he's feeling is more than what friendship is. beatrice doesn't really know what to think as she was caught off guard when he asked if they can give them a try. beatrice mused that they're not compatible...and he replied that it doesn't hurt to try
🔆💜 december 2018; dispatch caught hyangsook dropping beatrice off at her apartment building. usually people wouldn't pay any attention as they have known that moonlit's lvrvl and window view's solemn has been friends for quite some time...if the picture didn't blatantly show him hugging her tightly and kissing her forehead. to be fair, hyangsook never really did make any effort to keep their relationship hidden cause she's allowed to date, but to respect her want for privacy he has never been 100% clear about it. the negative feedback only came from solemn's fanbase who are extremely jealous and based her personality on past scandals. most of them already knew it was bound to happen, whether they can pick up the clues on hyangsook's numerous instastory with her and some of his love songs are about her or they have shipped them for awhile. little prince entertainment confirmed the rumours that they have been dating for since 2017 and hyangsook solidified it by posting a picture of them at their first date circa 2017


🔆💜 being each other's first relationship was proven to be weirder and harder than it should be, especially since they (mostly beatrice) need to keep it under the wraps. their honeymoon phase was...not a honeymoon phase? it was mostly beatrice learning things about affection and hyangsook teaching her about it. and we know how exciteable he gets, learning from him feels like learning from someone that has no experience but just wants to have fun. they were not a good mix of personality as beatrice argues a lot and hyangsook tends to just want to not have any conflict
🔆💜 weirdly enough after they can get the hang of their relationship (3-4 months into it), that's when it starts to transition to honeymoon phase. beatrice starts to relax more and doesn't immediately become defensive out of habit. hyangsook however became more intense in his advances and bold even, most of the time he wouldn't even try to hide their relationship which earned her scolding a lot. hyangsook is very playful and flirty, usually always tries to do cheesy and corny stuffs with her in which she'll say no at first. but then gives up and does it with a straight face. after the dispatch incident, beatrice became very iffy with pda and told him not to do so much anymore. she lets him hold her hand and doesn't let him hug her for so long, but it doesn't stop him from stealing a kiss when no one is looking. he discovers that she's a tsundere when it comes to romantic advances and gets flustered a lot, which is very out of her usual character and it's his favourite thing in the world when she can't come up with a comeback. beatrice oftens speaks up for him when he's in trouble, usually her intimidating aura is enough to get the other person to leave. while hyangsook tends to cool down the argument that beatrice always found herself in
🔆💜 these days their argument doesn't even stem from them, it's how they react to other people. beatrice wishes that he would grow a spine and stand up for himself while hyangsook can't seem to understand why does she always unnecessarily argue or get too defensive with other people. some people say that they're too vastly different to be a match, but they try to make it work despite their differences
but it depends on how much patience both of them have


🔆💜 just think of their dynamic like an easily flustered tsundere and an over-excited human golden retriever
🔆💜 hyangsook named her " ice cream :P " on his contact number because "she's so cold but sweet at the same time hehe" beatrice proceeds to roll her eyes beatrice saves him as "a child"
🔆💜 they both agreed to post their couple pictures only on their private instagram but they pop every so often on their main instagram story
🔆💜 beatrice often tortures hyangsook by showing the other members giving her pda. she gets a small satisfaction whenever he whines about not being able to do pda and the other members are allowed 
🔆💜 hyangsook is the cook of the couple but beatrice is learning to cook for him
🔆💜 he has a habit of putting his hand on her thigh. it's not even anything ual, it's just his habit and beatrice got used to it
🔆💜 beatrice is too shy to ask for cuddles, so she would just...slump into his chest and not say anything
🔆💜 loves to do this
🔆💜 her home screen and his
🔆💜 hyangsook likes to put on the fashion designs that she made to make her laugh
🔆💜 she only play games with hyangsook and never alone. but she introduced humans fall flat to moonlit and now they frequently game together
🔆💜 on the first year of their relationship, they went out for dates. but these days they just hang around each other's studio or at beatrice's apartment. but they both would conduct special dates when they feel like they need to get out and they both have free time
🔆💜 hyangsook loves to hang out at beatrice's apartment because there's narcissa and dormie. people actually mistook it as his cats but then he confirmed that it's his girlfriend's
🔆💜 would video call in every chance they got. beatrice used to think that it's a bit too clingy to do that but then they both got busy and she missed him. even if they have nothing to talk about, they'll just do their own thing but still be on vc
🔆💜 he playfully calls the other moonlit members his sister-in-laws which she responded with a flustered screeching
🔆💜started becoming her frequent plus one when they started dating publicly

the end 

•.*★ nickname: oddish
•.*★ comments/scene requests: may clashing personalities gamble in the name of love
🔆💜 beatrice actually taking a break and them going on a small trip together
🔆💜 hyangsook modelling for bella luna and he just keeps goofing off in the set
🔆💜 ig live of them playing games together
🔆💜 moonlit members being playful and interrupting their vc uwu
🔆💜 daseol's baby shower ;w;
🔆💜 i think a scandal about them living together and beatrice getting too overly ansty about it but hyangsook is chill about it
🔆💜 their personality clashing and hyangsook just pushed it under the rug, but he didn't realise that she's actually angry
•.*★ password: i don't have just one! currently in love with kim hongjoong, miyauchi haruka and sunmi!


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