beatrice m. belladonna
about beatrice
a lot of people say that it's a misunderstanding that she's being perceived as cold. it is a misunderstanding now, but in the past, those descriptions rang true if not worst. now she's learning to be a better person, for other people and for herself
pose with poise!
birthname: beatrice matteo belladonna // yeo soo ri 여수리
💜 베아 베  우리수리 // general nicknames
her royal highness belladonna or princess belladonna or your majesty // it's honestly more like a mockery towards her because she acts like an entitled royalty towards everyone and because of her resting face 
💜 beatrice priestly // giving homage to the movie "the devil wears prada" as she resembles the main antagonist of the movie, miranda priestly, from her passion of fashion and her bossy attitude
love or rival 라브 라이벌 // her stage name is honestly a mouthful. most of the time during casual variety shows, she would allow them to just call her love or rival. sometimes during livestreams or fansigns, her members and the fans would also call her by that ("oh hi love~ say hi to the camera~" "rival eonni i really like your bracelet")
눈빛 queen // her fans always says that trice's eyes always speaks the loudest, and even when she looks cold her eyes always speaks for her. that's why her fans are never really scared or intimidated whenever they had a fansign / fanmeeting with her, even some says that she has the most lovely eyes. 
dead-face yeo / stone-face yeo // one of the things that her antis always pick on is her lack of facial expression and stage presence. they compare her face to a stone and "looking like a dead fish" because it's always unchanging and always put on an rbf. of course she has been getting better at it but it is very hard to tame

birthdate: 10th october 1995 
birthplace: milan, lombardy, italy
hometown: milan, lombardy, italy (1995-2004) apgujeong, gangnam, south korea (present)
ethnicity: italian-korean
nationality: italian and korean (dual citizenship)
💜 italian // 100% // she is born and raised italian first, thus her so-called default language is italian
english // 95% // core subject of when she was homeschooled, her father wants her to be able to interact with everybody when she was raised to be the company's heiress
korean // 82% // her mother wants her to get in touch with her korean roots so her mother personally taught her korean since she was a child. when she moved to korea, her peers helped her and when she was a trainee she got lessons during training. songwriting also helped her to practice her vocabulary but it's still one of her problems
mandarin // 25% // also one of the language subjects in her tutoring, but she never went too far with it. she can understand basic conversational material but has trouble in pronounciation
 your eyes
faceclaim: jung soojung of f(x) // kim so jung "sowon" of gfriend // kang seulgi of red velvet // bvndit jung dasol "yiyeon"
beatrice's physique in general does look like the typical korean body standard. she's slim figured, has long legs, high waist, dainty fingertips, defined jawline and small face. it is honestly something that people see everyday, but what differentiates her from the crowd is the way she carries herself. she has this intimidating and cocky aura, the kind of vibe that people often say "when she enters, she commands the whole room". her resting face is something that will make people uncomfortable as she has piercing eyes and she tends to stare people down. her hair is thick and straight, reaching until the middle of her waist in which she always puts up in a high ponytail, that has become the icon of beatrice
everyday is fashion week with her, she takes high pride in it. she wears sophisticated, couture, slightly preppy and very well put together clothes. she doesn't have a lot of high brands clothes, but she does collect vintage pieces that has a high quality and price to it. for accessories, she only ever wear big earrings because it frames her face perfectly. people tend to think that her fashion is not what they describe as "dress to comfort", but they don't understand, comfort for her is confidence. and there's nothing more comfortable and confident than strutting in her favourite heels and the vintage chanel dress that was featured in vogue. during practice she usually just wears either leggings with tank top or long sleeved top with shorts. she mostly has a fashionable but simple outer to wear when there's a break between practices. she has a bad habit of not wearing any pants whenever she's home so either she wears a really really long top that covers her or she has to get used to wearing pajama pants
 good and evil
PERSONALITY:  estj - slytherclaw // dignified, ambitious, passionate, sharp, level-headed, considerate | overworker, professional, unpredictable |  stubborn, cocky,  prideful, matter-of-fact, indifferent, closed-off

beatrice always knew that she was raised to be a businesswoman, she can tell because her personality just screams that. confident is probably the first word that comes to people's mind when they first see her. she always walks with her head up and had always been known to do things herself, not needing other people and relying on herself. those confidence are needed to satisfy her large amounts of ambition. she wants to do everything and anything, always detemined in checking the list of her goals and never afraid to aim really high, having clarity in what she wants. she works really hard for it, rarely ever stopping in just one thing as her will is nearly impossible to break. beatrice have come a long way from being a childish person, as she grows she does not lack the perception and wit that she once didn't seem to display. in the past she was more rigid and quick to temper, now she has developed into a more calm & intelligent exterior. she has learned to not attack back when it's not necessary, albeit she's still very sarcastic at times. another part of her is that she is more considerate towards the people around her. she does not outrightly reject their companion nor act as if she doesn't need anyone else anymore. she has learned that it is okay to have friends and people around you. she knows that she is terrible at comforting words, so she just sits down and listen to them when they need it. and she only let her close friends give her affection because she secretly likes it lmao

no matter what the situation is, she can't stop working. not only she does that because she has a lot of passion inside her, but it's also because she was made to believe that she won't have any purpose if she just stops and relax. although it had given her many benefits, it has taken a toll on her mental health that she has neglected for years. her father always taught her to draw the line between personal and professional, and that's the one thing she'll ever agree with him in. she does her work thoroughly and responsibly, always striving for the best in it. she's clear on what she wants and always does her role accordingly. her experience has made her learn to work with a team and in her business, to be a leader. one of her neutral personality that she gained is her ability to just have fun a little bit. she's still awkward and doesn't really initiate it, during times where she's forced to relax then she might just. whenever her members ask her to do something silly with them, she will tolerate it (although she will act like she doesn't care). but along with doing their shenanigans, she'll usually do it with a straight unimpressed expression

old habits always die hard and this definitely includes her flaws. it is very hard to change her mind, once she is set on something then she will do it no matter what. it is because of her confidence that is like a double-edged sword that makes her think that she is always right. that she knows what to say and what to do, and nobody can tell her that she's wrong because ultimately, she is always right. but of course there will be times that she is wrong, yet this woman is too prideful to even admit that she is. she is working on her massive ego and it still takes a lot for her to even say sorry, which will put people off. some will be understanding, especially her closests friends that knows she has come a long way. but for some other people there should always be times where you should throw your pride away. beatrice is the type of person that doesn't really have much to say. it is not as much as she doesn't want to say anything, it's more to the fact that she doesn't have any filter once she opens . painfully honest as her friends describe it. and once she said her what she thinks, most of the time, there's no remorse. she needs guidance when it comes to making the right decision on what to say or also feel apologetic if she came out too harsh. this is the flaw that she hates the most because it's the one she's more aware of. the thing she has been struggling with since she first started is her indiffence that stemmed from her disability of being open and vulnerable to other people. she has trust issues and has not been taught healthy ways on dealing with it. thus she feels like if she acts like she doesn't care then people won't care either. that's why she was and is mostly apathetic towards very emotional experiences and can come off as uncaring towards other people's experiences. she is still very much having a hard time managing this, but with the help of her friends and her loved ones, she may be able to just open up. all it takes is the first step.

beatrice was supposed to be the heir of the belladonna industries, she was supposed to be adorned with the crown of the most powerful italian conglomerate. that's what her father have been raising her for. all the lessons since she was a child was built for her to be put in a high place business-wise. although she does have the knack of it and the emerging personality, her interests didn't seem to align with what her father wants. she didn't show it immediately, but it was apparent that out of all the lessons that her father put her into, music lessons was the one that she enjoyed the most. her father let it slide as he thinks that it will build a good impression & uplift the popularity. but she starts to neglect the other studies on purpose. she started to rebel and refuses to do what her father says, wanting to do music. her mother encouraged her to do what she wants and her father ignored this as he thinks it's just a small speck of phase that will be one of the bumps to her future, but he started thinking about something else.

her family moved to korea at 2004 mainly because her father wanted to do business there, it was supposed to be something temporary. but it was a whole other change for beatrice as she was entranced by the music and the performance of the country. she started to rebel even more and announces that she will not be his successor, showing resilience and stubbornness that was moulded from her father's teaching. although impressed by how much the discipline worked, her father dismissed this as he was no longer interested in investing his time in her, already putting all his attention towards her little brother and making him the heir to the title. ever since that, her relationship with her father has been strayed as she kept on walking to the path that she wants to do. despite that, her mother and aunt encouraged her to keep doing what she wants & endorsed her musical needs. she joined multiple local music competition and has won some, but it never really got anywhere. she started to seriously pursue her career at 16 when she starts to upload her music to soundcloud, gaining an underground career & has a humble amount of following when she started busking. she kept doing that until she turns 18, where she starts to get overtly ambitious and thinking that she can get into a company to work as a music producer. she starts sending in her music to various company, in the hopes for at least one of them to accept her. of course even with her self-producing skills, her lack of experience in her field and her age made it impossible. too prideful to just let it go, she decided to go for another route. the idol route. it is not the most ideal route that she wants to do but there are things that even she should realise she has to sacrifice. so she started to audition with her guitar and her voice to various companies and managed to land in one compass entertainment. everyone knows that the idol life is not easy, but it is way harder for someone with a personality like hers

💜 animals; the only reason why people doesn't wholly think of her as a bad person is because of her soft side towards animals. and when i say animals, i mean all animals. she would literally not hurt a single fly, she can't say the same about humans though
💜 classical music, kehlani, jorja smith, benjamin clementine, david foster and tears for fears
💜 scented candles; specifically black scented candles (the black is just for aesthetics) 
💜 the smell and warmth of fresh laundry; she usually does her own laundry just so she can smush her face on it, it's the only way she can relax without the help of musical instruments tbh
💜 jewelry making; she was looking for new hobbies to keep her occupied during her recovery and jewelry making is her current 
💜 jelly beans; she rarely eats food but she snacks a lot, and her favourite choice of snack is jelly beans. actually she can just go a whole day with just jelly beans and water
💜 writing songs; she's been doing it since she was a kid, she's not gonna stop now
💜 when she proves people wrong
💜 midsummer's night; because she can't sleep during hot nights, she usually goes outside to the balcony and write some music. she doesn't know why but she's the most inspired during those times

💜 when she's doing something that is important to her (writing songs, composing stuffs, etc) and being interrupted. actually being interrupted in general
💜 red meat; cause she's allergic to it
💜 licorice jelly bean; sometimes she would absentmindedly took a piece and ate it, and it would be too late before she realised
💜 people talking back to her; even though she talks back to literally everyone, she's always pikachu shook when someone else talks back to her. but sometimes she'll find it amusing, but most of the time annoying
💜 being given a taste of her own medicine
💜 her father
💜 being proven wrong or when she can't prove people wrong
💜 writing songs that comes from her heart; it is her best works, but it makes her feel vulnerable and weak.
💜 midsummer's night; she hates it cause she can't sleep at a hot night, even though she can be more productive. but she wants to sleep BUT ITS HOT SHE HATES IT


💜 clicks her tongue whenever she makes a mistake or when she doesn't get things right
💜 scoffs, sighs and rolls her eyes at every single thing she founds inconvenient
💜 bites her thumb when she's in distress in an angry way, the pain is her own way of grounding so that she can think clearly. there's only a few time where she bit down so hard it actually bleed and made her hand shake, but she doesn't pay any attention to it
💜 when her distress comes from frustration or sadness, she'll pull on her hair
💜 tends to have this weird trance or zoned out look when she's trying to listen to a song (as in like breaking down the song) or when she's tired. which some people might dare say even for her, looks cute

💜she is a lacto-ovo vegetarian; mainly because she has red meat allergy. but she has eaten white meat before (chicken and fish)
💜during her indie/training years, she lived with her aunt while her family went back to milan. her mother stayed with her for awhile before going back to milan

💜able to play piano, guitar and ukelele
💜she has a siamese cat she rescued named narcissa, a black spynx cat named dormiglione (but frequently called dormie. italian for sleepyhead, cause he's always napping) and an arizona blonde tarantula named athena (she thinks it's funny because the irony is arachne from the greek mythology was cursed to be a spider by athena...she thought it was funny)
💜if she's not an idol, she will be a veterinarian, work as an animal rescue and open an animal shelter (basically become her mom)
💜contrary to popular belief, she doesn't really live very lavishly. the only thing that she's willing to spend or splurge on is fashion, but she buys smartly. she also sell or donates clothes that she doesn't use anymore.
💜her social media consists of her instagram (@nightshade) and her twitter (@chopinheadsoff) in which both are private. her instagram is full of her pets and the animals in her mom's animal shelter, sometimes a video of her playing some instruments, yet she seldoms uses it. she's very active on twitter, just posting unimportant things or ranting

💜in 2016, beatrice posted her song escapism in her old soundcloud that alluded to how she feels in the whole fiasco. she did it in an act of rebellion from her company, but then it was deleted
 the forest
little  brother.  luca massimo belladonna 유진인 yoo jinin (fc; mcnd song seongjun) : 21 : university student & heir to the belladonna industries : gem of the family, heir of the belladonna industries and her own little brother, set with a secure future that was supposed to be hers. she doesn't hate him, but she does not make any attempt to be close to him because his mere existence reminds her of everything that she supposed to be. luca on the other hand, absolutely adores his bigger sister and he supports her all the way. he tries his best to help mend the relationship between her and their father, even though his father is now solely focused in raising him and beatrice is still spiteful towards their father. they had a really stranded relationship especially when she first started out as an idol, ignoring his advances and support to his sister's group. but he was unwavered and determined to keep being by her side. it wasn't until the contract termination that she started to soften and be a little bit more open. although she is still put off by his undeterred love for her. everything takes baby steps
family friend.  signe anneliese hansen-young (fc; loona jinsoul) : 24 : ballerina : the belladonna industries and the hansen corporation has been good partners for a long time as the hansen-youngs has been a very close family friend to the belladonnas. signe and beatrice is the same age & they always hang out with each other whenever their family visits each other. they act like siblings more than beatrice is to luca and signe is able to listen well to her. they accept each other's presence and talks about really random things, beatrice shows a lot of her songs to signe and the only reason as to why she did that is because signe can give a reasonable but honest feedback. in the past, luca frequently get jealous over their relationship and slightly dislike signe over the fact that beatrice acts and considers her more of a sibling. but now they just know that they want the best for her and there's no use in fighting over her attention (even though signe never actually begged for beatrice's attention)
best friend (?).  민소여 min soyeo (fc; april naeun) : 25 : former compass entertainment trainee & model : soyeo was beatrice's only real friend towards her life that is not tied by from family connections and the only person that she's close to by choice. they have a weird cat and dog dynamics, both of them are the kind of best friends that knows no boundaries. they are very aggressive with each other (do not mistake this petite pretty and demure looking girl, she's a very tough and rough girl). they're the kind of best friends that could be seen like they're arguing with each other but it is a very normal thing for the both of them. mocking each other is something they don't take seriously and insults could be thrown more than compliments to each other. but when one of them are in distress, they could always count on each other. they trained together and was close to each other, soyeo was supposed to be put in the eon lineup to be the visual of the group. but alas soyeo didn't make it into the lineup and was put back for another project. eventually soyeo left compass entertainment but she still maintained a loving (lmao) relationship with beatrice. she comes and support her friend frequently & will continue to do so when she redebuted with poise. soyeo is currently doing very well as a model
groupmate.  김보람 kim boram : 22 : main vocalist of eon/poise : beatrice is the complete anti-thesis to boram when it comes to personality & her beliefs. she used to not be able to stand boram because of her personality alone, and beatrice's favourite past time is proving boram wrong in her idealistic views. but after beatrice grows up as a person, she realised that it's just boram's way in going through life. beatrice stops nitpicking and starts to respect her views. although she still acts indifferent, she accepts all the affection and care that boram provides for the group as a whole & for her individually. 
recording & producing friend.  one of the members of sphere/blitz : the producer & member of sphere/blitz : him and beatrice had known each other since training days but they've barely remember each other's name and beatrice is a lone wolf. they got reintroduced by his manager and producer when they brought in beatrice to help with the album. it was quite the hell when they both started. they're both pretty hardheaded and beatrice is infamously difficult to work with, whilst he gets frustrated often because of her attitude. but after constant exposure towards each other they start to melt down and their semi-similarities starts to become compatible with each other. both of them help with each other's music once in awhile and she hangout with him the most out of sphere/blitz members. they usually just talk about general things and mostly music. she's also highly amused seeing how he interacts with the other members of his groups. he frequently scolds her for being cold towards her members as he knows that she's able to not be an based on their friendship
 lights on me
STAGE NAME:  lvrvl (in lowers caps & read as love rival)
position:  producer & lead vocalist 1 💜 
overall score; vocal 98% | dance 62%

💜vocal; hoody : r&b queen, airy and light but rich, can be sensual if she wants to, spring-to-summer change with winter stubbornly not departing 
💜dance; kang hyewon : getting better at dancing, moderate idol dancer, has a tendency of underdancing and almost no stage presence/charisma when she's not singing or not in the centre aka not giving her all
TRAINING YEARS:  2013 - 2016
TRAINEE LIFE:  due to the nature of how she grew up, it started out bad for beatrice when she first started training in compass entertainment. she was very entitled and has a very houlier-than-thou attitude, only wanting to practice when she wants to & throwing a tantrum when she doesn't like something. but she learned the hard lesson that the trainers are not forgiving nor lenient, especially since they're not paid to be nice unlike her old music teacher used to be. and her attitude made her unlikeable by the trainees her age while the older ones treats her like the spoiled brat that she is. she turns into a lone wolf, but it didn't break her will to do what she wants. she becomes more hardworking and gained a less childish attitude, pulling through the ranks and became one of the top trainees and even make a small few friends in just a few months. her producing skills also didn't go unnoticed as she was brought in to co-produce the new boygroup's debut under surveillance. the people in charge does this on purpose because they can see her potential, and putting her in that position will help with her teamwork skills that she lacks. but this made beatrice convinced that she might not debut as an idol after all and works as a music producer instead. so imagine how that notion was almost immediately shot down when she was put in the final lineup of eon
💜participants of local music & talent competition : 2006-2009
💜love like you : lvrvl : 2011 : soundcloud release
💜everything stays : lvrvl : 2011 : soundcloud release
💜take me : lvrvl : 2012 : soundcloud release
💜baby oh baby : lvrvl : 2012 : first soundcloud release
💜like you : lvrvl : 2012 : first soundcloud release
💜the forest : lvrvl : 2013 : first soundcloud release
💜let em know : compass' lvrvl : 2015 : pre-debut video
💜destiny : compass' lvrvl : 2015 : pre-debut video
💜supervised co-producer for sphere and blitz : 2014-2016
idol life: 
💜even if beatrice is slightly bitter with the fact that she might not be a music producer at all , she hide it from the others and continued to act as if everything is "by the  business". she must be grateful that she's even allowed to debut, but she can't help but complain that the concept of the group does not align with her vision. but she must be complacent and kept doing what she must do as an idol. not to mention she is still a lone wolf and it was picked up pretty quickly by the masses, whether it's said that the group alienate her or beatrice not wanting to socialise with them. after a while of gettiing used to the lifestyle and the people around them, she starts to relax a little bit in terms of personality and learn to make friends, albeit still being very closed-off about herself out of fear. she's starting to enjoy this new life that she has

💜she was the first one to notice the signs of abandonment of their group after the scandal happened. and this was the turning point where beatrice's personality goes back to zero. she made sure that her anger and bitterness are tangible to everyone, she did a lot of blaming and had a lot of spat with the company itself, other groups and members alike. it lasted for awhile as she felt like her hardwork was thrown away to dust and she is the victim. but what she failed to realise was that, eon's hardwork was also thrown away and not just hers. she gained a wake up call from one of the members who made her aware of her ego and make her self-reflect. she felt guilty, but she's not ready to apologise. ever since that she tries a little bit more than before and listen more to what they think. all of them agreed that it's time to find a better place for them, that maybe eon is just not meant to be. beatrice didn't cry, but she tries her best to be there as an effort to apologise
💜she was doubtful and suspicious when fortune entertainment came out of nowhere to safe them. it felt...too perfect. but she look around the room where everybody seem hopeful for their fresh side. despite her skepticism, her new found loyalty over her friends got her into signing into the company just to make sure that they don't hurt them anymore. but the first thing that she does in this new group is maintaining solidarity and letting her group members become her friends. it was and still very is hard for her to be vulnerable and to not be an about everything, but her members are very welcoming of her. at that moment she knew what it felt like to be a part of a family that loves her

2016 / the strained relationship of eon and lvrvl / it has come to the attention of the newly acquired fanbase of eon that maybe the members of eon is not particularly close with lvrvl. it was seen through fancams that she looked annoyed whenever one of her members does something that she may dislike. other fancams and pictures suggests that she looks bored when another member is talking about something or just straight up ignores them

2016 / eon's lvrvl faces criticism for her subpar performance and lack of stage presence / lvrvl has faced harsh feedback for her performance as they notice how she "never gives her all when she dances" in comparison to the other members who were lively and energetic in performing even when they're not in centre. fans said that her overall vibe does not match with the fun and fresh concept that the company has given them, even going as far as saying that her addition to the group is a mistake

2016 / eon's lvrvl cryptic message in her song "escapism" / after not having heard from eon for more than 2 months prior the scandal, eon's lead vocalist lvrvl posted a song to her old soundcloud. fans became concerned and raised questions because of her cryptic messaging behind her song, especially with the lyrics "i'd rather be free" being repeated in the song (update; lvrvl has deleted her song from the soundcloud but compass entertainment has not made any statement regarding to it)
 by your side
  NAME:  황향숙 hwang hyangsook
BIRTHDATE:  november 18 1995
OCCUPATION:  main rapper, lead vocalist & maknae of sphere
faceclaim:  a.c.e park jun hee (got7 im jaebeom)
"man this guy is so fun" is the first thing you'll say when you meet him for the first time. he is fun-loving and carefree, not one to miss out on adventures that is given to him. he will be the guy who will make you feel included and his gummy smile will melt you on the spot. he likes to be very extra in order to entertain his friends, he lives to see them laugh. he is also rather impulsive and never says no when he is challenged to do something. outside all of those college sweetheart-esque vibes, he is very tolerant towards everyone. he has no bias and willingly put others & her own opinions into consideration, admitting when he is wrong but always has the mentality of "agree to disagree". although lacking the normal amount of empathy and has a vague understanding of complex emotions, he has many times put himself in someone else's shoes and listen to various stories of misfortunes. that's what he's good at; to listen and understand, and occasionally showing his side of his story. his "no-bias" attitude, calm and understanding demeanour always puts him in the middle of a conflict, usually ones that consists of his friends and able to dissipate the tension.

of course his carefree attitude is something that is the most noticeable out of everything. i think the other and more simpler word to describe this trait is his ability to procrastinate without really worrying about it. but he prefers it with the word of being too 'chill'. if you're working an important project with him, then it's best that you won't appoint him as the leader. he'll take you out to play instead of working really, and when you bring up the subject then he'll just shush you and tells you to enjoy life as it is. which is part of the reason why he works alone and is honestly better when he's working alone, because all he wants to do is play. although he is pretty serious about his craft and his passions, he could only do it to a certain extent because his impulse needs would want him to go goof around in a park or embarrass his friends. if you're really close to him then sometimes you'll be annoyed of his presence. he likes to bother his friends and do things that he know will make them annoyed. when they ask why, he says because 'their expression is priceless'. what makes people more upset is because he's unaffected by their anger, he'll even laugh it out. but he'll end up apologising if it's too offensive...after he's done laughing. because of his tolerance, he tends to be a doormat for other people. he always gives in to others and always be the big guy who doesn't mind when people are treating him unfairly, when it's obvious that he should defend himself. there are things that people has done to him that he shouldn't tolerate. but he has to it up because he doesn't even dare to confront the situation or the person at all. he just takes punches
love story: 
complex. hyangsook has a complex. nobody and not even him knows why his complex out of all things is to be attracted towards people who are mysterious and cold, especially people who rejects him. this human golden retriever has always want to befriend everyone at all cost and gets even more determined when they don't want to. maybe because he's not used to people disliking him or he just can't quite wrap his head around "not wanting to be friends". so imagine how he fell head over heels over the cold, stubborn and brooding beatrice when she blatantly ignores his advances when he tries to befriend her the first time they met. nobody could ever understand what he sees in her, especially in the years where her personality is still very much stuck up. beatrice is extremely put off by his extrovertness and feel like she's being drained of her energy by how much he's always all up in her space, even until the older members tell him to relax. it makes him feel giddy whenever she reacts more than just an unimpressed one, even if it's annoyance. he just thinks that she's interesting and would like to know what she's like. he's the most excited when she comes in to the studio room to help them with production and tries his best to impress her. he would always stay behind in the recording room and pouted when the other members drag him away as she works with the producer

as time goes by, hyangsook gets busy with his schedule and beatrice is caught up with her own group. "bea look, your puppy is here" is what the other member would say as they spot him excitedly waving at her whenever their schedule overlaps before heading back to his group. "aren't you the least bit curious as to why he likes you?" beatrice made a face, as if to show that she's not the least bit curious about it. although something inside her start to ask questions about it too

beatrice felt bitter of his existence when the problem arise of her abandoned group. some parts of her childishness came back to her as she is frustrated with the situation, and him just being his happy self in a thriving group just felt like a slap to her face. hyangsook noticed this a bit late, as he starts to pick her mannerism was not just annoyance nor sarcasm anymore. it was hatred. she snapped at him and told him to leave her alone with tears of frustration in her eyes as she walk away. he decided to not chase after her. in all those years of their back-and-forth, she never raises her voice nor even cry in front of anyone. it wasn't his fault, it was never his fault, but he can't help but feel guilty about it. his schedule with sphere coming into his favour as he puts some distance for her sake. whenever they do meet, hyangsook could only stare at her longingly and smile when their eyes meet. but she is not ready to face her feelings. he doesn't know if he regretted his choice of putting distance when he received the news of her and eon's departure, he knows for sure that he's feeling emotions that is not meant for just friends

her re-debut with poise made her able to think more clearly of her actions. she's trying her best to make amends with her groupmates and herself, and another person. unfortunately she's still too prideful to call him up and apologise, but it was all aligned when their schedule overlapped. god his presence, it was something that could never be replaced. hyangsook had to really keep himself in order to not just hug her and take her away somewhere, but she seems content and more at peace even with her cold expression. they both stood side by side where the crowd of their respective groups are fixated on other things, hyangsook could feel his heart beating hard knowing that she's so close to him.
can't believe i'm doing this beatrice thought as she tugs on the taller guy's sleeve to get his attention, but refraining from looking at him out of pride "i hope you've been alright" she muttered loud enough for him to hear god come on just say it she sighed "what i did...it was stupid and..." she paused before shaking her head "well yeah i was stupid and...yeah" she's blushing like crazy, her pride and heart having an intense argument on just apologising. sensing this, hyangsook hooked his pinky into hers, as if to hold her hand. he leaned a little closer to her and whispered "it's okay, i forgive you" he smiled brightly as he went back to his original position. she blushes even more and looked away to hide her face. he feels giddy and on cloud nine as now they know that their relationship and go back to the way it is. hyangsook looks unto her with heart eyes as she starts to learn to let people into her life more 
STATUS: beatrice is not familiar with romance and hyangsook is always on the verge of smooching her everytime they see each other. so it's a lot of push and pulling between them
ENDING:  in truth hyangsook is genuinely interested in her but his "love puppy" actions could start to annoy everyone else around them. when being asked as to why beatrice never gave him a chance, for someone who always write songs about feelings of love, she has never had any romantic relations before. and the only way she knows how to react is to be defensive. with hyangsook and beatrice, it is like an unstoppable object meeting an immoveable wall. either the objects stops moving or the wall starts opening up. or it could all happen at the same time. she needs time and he needs to be patient
🔆💜hyangsook genuinely only wanted to be friends at first, but after a while his advances turned into romantic ones without him or beatrice realising it. after he knew about his feelings and beatrice is less defensive around him, he became more intense in his advances and even open about his crush towards her ("hyung can i say that my ideal type is beatrice?" "Are you crazy???")
🔆💜she used to block his number because he would text her ever so often. now they text regularly
🔆💜beatrice is still iffy about skinship but she lets him hook their pinky together when no one is looking at them. and she doesn't let him hug her for long. but he gets really whiny and jealous when she's fine with her members doing pda to her
🔆💜he discovers that she's a tsundere when it comes to romantic advances and gets flustered a lot, which is very out of her usual character and it's his favourite thing in the world when she can't come up with a comeback

🔆💜beatrice oftens speaks up for him when he's in trouble, usually her intimidating aura is enough to get the other person to leave. while hyangsook tends to cool down the argument that beatrice always found herself in


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coldice- #1
hi oddish! thanks sm for applying!
first of all, i'm going to use bvndit's yiyeon as bea's faceclaim (not lee sungkyung since i can't see her as a 95liner, sorry!) because there's another applicant who uses seulgi too for their faceclaim.
and wow, beatrice is an interesting character. the background story reflected on why she is who she is, and it's understandable. you can always make your own character for beatrice's recording & producing friend, but it's up to you tho! her relationship with hyangsook is so adorable too i can't even. i won't write this too long, but beatrice is accepted.