Job-day one

I've never had anything against kids, really, I find them adorable, it's the teens that I have nothing incommon with-which is one of the few complaints I have with my new job.

he sticks to him self most of the time, but I can already tell he's gonna be a downer to this gig... last night I was getting all comfy in my new bed (I'm a live in nanny by the way) and right as I was falling asleep my new "neighbor" mr. Imma-cool-teenager decides to blast his craptastic music... I guess it wasn't really blasting, I just have reallllllyyy good hearing and just happen to be a wall away from him so it's not like his music was loud enough to shake the place...

either way though, not a big fan of teens, even when I was a teen my self -.- guess I'm just an old soul.

on other news, I'm liking U-KISS's new song, I've never been the biggest fan of their music (fan of them though) but I like this song, it's more my style the "man man hani" and such^^

oh! another thing, I'm working on ROYWD again, I've gone through so many chapter fours that I had thought of just quitting, but then I got an idea for a poster and as I was making the poster I started getting ideas for said story^^ so when I find time I'll get on it, but I still gotta settle in to my new "home"

anyways, I'm gonna go try not to fall asleep now^^


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