odd_ish / oddish / 7:10
replace w pic of ur fc! width:250
full name. 민소여 min soyeo
other names
👻 yoyo / yo-tan ; general nickname
👻 ripley/rip ; her pseudonym for her blog. she really likes this name a lot but nobody outside of the investigative community calls her that
👻 ghost hunter of hara university ; it is a nickname that was coined by the people that knows her reputation when the masses found out about her side (well main tbh) projects and her investigative blog. she thinks it's unprofessional, as she's an investigator and not a hunter
birthdate. 26 01 (20)
birthplace & hometown. sakaiminato, tottori prefecture, japan
ethnicity. korean
uality. she has no interest in ual attraction but does not define herself as aual, panromantic
face claim. kim doyeon
backup. won minji aka anda
stature. 171 cm & 47 kg
appearance. tall with an hourglass figure but very underweight. she usually wears very light but peachy makeup and her hair is usually put up into a semi-wavy half-up ponytail and accesorise with ribbons or decorative hair clips
style. overall style can be found here. it is almost a staple for her to wear skirt and a long sleeved top for her outfit, she is almost never seen not wearing those. her clothes are not tight fitting but they're not so loose that it doesn't show her bodyline. even during summer time she would still wear these, but with more breathable fabric and less layering. at rare times, she would wear 3/4 or short sleeves. she also wears lace stockings and garter belt (most of the time white), and matching underwear
personality. infj-a slytherin, chaotic neutral, academic alpha & insufferable genius trope // intelligent, calculative, brave, honest, loyal // eccentric, picky, competitive, impertinent, indifferent 
· featured multiple times on the "hara university's beauties" page and won first place in hara's professional journalism competition, soyeo rose through the popularity almost immediately when she just first started. the spotlight is on her and people approached her with curiosity. there is only ever 2 usual response; weirded the out or weirdly even more interested.

she has always been her smart kid who was driven by her boredom and eventual her interest in the macabre. her brain is wired to absorb studies in high speed and she could've excel in her classes if she put all those in her actual studies. she's smart and she knows it, and she makes sure that other people do know it. and she doesn't like it when she's being challenged about it. her outspoken attitude has always been a double edged sword. although some people would appreciate her honesty and her bravery to speak out, the other census would think she doesn't know how to filter her words out or when to shut up. and it's not like she's unaware, she knows her words hurts. there are lots of times she was scolded because of her disrespectful attitude. but she's not particularly affected by it. for the most part, it always seems that she only cares about her own agenda and never really think about what others feel about her. of course things could be slightly different around her friends, which she has only a limited amount. although still having an outspoken and generally rude personality, she's very protective of those that has gained her friendship. she would never ever admit it out of pride, but the fact that she tolerates their antics speaks volume. she would never hurt them purposely.

it's not really her fault that people can't see past her unusual passion, and she admits that she can be quite rotten at times. but the people close to her are able to see strength and willing to stay. that is more than enough for her but she would never admit it
(think itaewon class' jo yiseo, alexander hamilton in non-stop & the room where it happens, yellow diamond in steven universe, arisugawa juri in revolutionary girl utena) 
background + lifestyle
👻 all she remembered from her childhood are hospitals and doctors asking her to be brave as they tested her multiple times. immunodeficiency , and for young soyeo to be so protected in her childhood while she watch other kids play definitely for her. so she spent her days buried in her books and excels in her class, if not you will find her at the hospital. although the doctors were optimistic about her recovery to be a normal child with the correct medicine as she enters middle school, she couldn't help but think of the multiple times where it could've been her demise. obsessing about death wasn't something that is normal for someone who should be focusing on teenager things, but her parents let her do anything she wants. that obsession became her passion and what led her to her interest of the paranormal
👻 soyeo was generally very disinterested in college, as her dream is to travel around japan & eventually the world to become an international investigator. she thinks that it will be a waste of time and it will bore her to study things she can learn by herself. but her best friend did convince her that a degree might help her in being taken seriously rather than being self-taught. she begrudgingly start to look for universities that are able to satiate her studious needs and her boredom. and everything has been boring...until she sets her eyes to amemachi. what's this? yearly kidnapping? a kaijuu group? ocean deities? and almost no information regarding all of those? oh no, this place is meant for her to set her foot on. this place is where she will challenge herself and take her blog to the next level
👻 despite her reputation within the university, she's actually a model student of her major. even with her insufferable and downright arrogant personality, she has the highest mark out of everyone and participates in quite the number of competitions. but her main focus is still her blog and her investigation. you would certainly find her going around the town after class doing (well attempting) interviews about the incident and generally scoping on clues. another time she would be with her gear in important places connected to the case, mostly looking for evidence but also paranormal proofs. at her home, you'll find her slouching over her laptop doing even more research, furiously typing her essays and thesis with books & files sprawled around her. even during her part time job at amemachi's tourist centre every saturday, she will have her notebook with her and write down important notes. when she's not all up in her blog or scholarly works, she would go out with her close friends and follow them around in an attempt for a "rest"

👻best friend & partner in crime : 米林 汐恩 yonebayashi shion aka jerry (fc; jo1 kawanishi takumi) // sophomore at hara university biology & co-owner of "ripley & jerry; paranormal  & true crime researchers" blog // 19 // @tomandjerry // being friends since childhood has really paved its way to soyeo's heart, if not she wouldn't even be able to stand him. shion has always been described as a stereotypical genki guy and the friendly jock, some could say he has a cookie cutter personality. despite that no one could tell why he's so fascinated towards his childhood friend, that has always been seen as an outcast since high school. he's always at her side and doing the shenanigans that she usually does, despite him only mildly interested in the topic. he's very patient and seems to be the only person who knows how to handle her, but he always find himself to be in the mediator of an argument that soyeo usually starts. soyeo actually tried to stray away from him as she used to think of him as annoying, but after awhile she melted down, especially when he became a great help to her researchs. his role in the blog is managing the social media, legal matters & handling heavy handed equipments. not to mention to and assist soyeo with her research whenever he can. not that she can't do it on her own, but he feels fulfilled being able to be next to her. shion keeps her safe and satisfied, he intend to do so for a long time

👻close friend : 愛鷹桜 aaka sakura aka cherryblood (fc; tina tamashiro) // junior at hara fashion design, cosplayer & leader of hara cosplay club // 21 // @cherry.blood // sakura used to go to the same school as soyeo & shion and was a part of paranormal investigation club of their high school, widely known as their mascot. they have spent a considerable amount of time together, mostly because she was shion's friend and she did it as a favour back in the day. but as they spend more time and get to know each other, sakura found herself to have a soft spot on her. she treats her like a little sister and babies her a lot. she loves to dress her up in cosplay and sometimes ask her for a favour to do some for her. soyeo complains at first but now she doesn't really mind it, she particularly likes dark characters. will most likely move in with her when she finishes her sophomore year

👻acquaintances : 井上 ナナ inoue nana // hara university biology's fourth year student // 21 // nana is a senior and good friend of shion, and shion has introduced them both when soyeo waited for him after their tutoring. soyeo doesn't particularly have any interest in the older women, but she suppose she can be a little nice to shion's non-jock friends. yet soyeo doesn't familiarise with her, as all conversations with soyeo only stayed in surface level whilst nana & shion talks as friends. shion actually proposed the idea of a lunch together, but soyeo didn't have time. after all they're both busy with their blog matters 

👻as of now, haven't met yet : nell jiang // hara university second year student // 19 // eerily similar to each other in terms of personality and hobbies, people always say that they're each other's identity doppelganger. they've never met, but soyeo is guaranteed to be annoyed when shion commented on their similarity. maybe facing someone so similar to her would make her realise either how much she doesn't like herself... or how great she is as a person
👻soyeo came from a line of korean immigrants and her parents are also originated from japan. none of them ever set foot in korea
👻her parents spoils her because she's their only child & she was very sick during her childhood days. even though they're very worried, they just want her to be happy
👻ig and twitter; @rip__ley
👻she runs the blog "ripley and jerry; paranormal researchers" with her best friend since they were 16 year old. the blog initially gained popularity because of how pretty she is, but then people stayed for their research and paranormal essay entries. now it is hailed as one of the best japanese paranormal and investigative blog
👻shares the @ripnjer instagram account, but it's mostly shion who manages the account
👻always bring an evp recorder with her
👻she has her own designated notebook just for her research

👻she's a vulture culture and a hobby taxidermist. you will find collections of animal bones in her room
👻she has immunodeficiency but manage to lessen the risks as she grows up. yet she still has weaker than normal immune system and has to depend on medicines & supplements
👻doesn't like hospitals, only comes to one for research purposes and only if it's really interesting
👻she has a very dry humour that would come out in very unexpected timing
👻likes skinship and doesn't mind when her friends gets very touchy with her. but of course she doesn't like it if someone she doesn't know very well does it
👻tends to be really defensive around strangers but softens up when they already know them well. her circle of friends are small but they're quite the tight knit
major & year. journalism & sophomore
class schedule. (favourite subject, least liked subject)
👻journalism and the audience // 8 AM - 12 PM
👻interpretive writing // 13 PM - 15 PM

👻reporting and writing // 14 PM - 18 PM

👻investigative reporting // 15 PM - 17 PM

👻law of mass communication // 13 PM - 16 PM

👻reporting and writing practicum // 8 AM - 12 PM
👻visual journalism // 14 PM - 18 PM
did you have a choice in staying or leaving this summer? if so, why did you decide to stay this year?
"i just recently gained an internship for the summer" she played with the ends of her hair, her legs crossing over each other "i would say i prefer to travel to kyoto and do research, but i suppose amemachi news is a good opportunity" sighed her, seemingly trying to convince that she's making the right choice
what is your opinion on the kaijuu group and the hara nine?
the lights in her eyes lights up for a moment before she cleared , wanting to contain her excitement as she finally gets to talk about what she likes "i do find it quite frustrating that everyone here is quite the stubborn ones" she huffed "i only have so much information that i can gather just from word of mouth alone. i need something concrete" she said exasperatedly, sighing and putting a strand of hair behind her ear "no matter, more research is to come. this will work will bear fruit"
how do you work in a team?
"i prefer to work alone, the help of others are very much appreciated" she paused for a second "but no one can do my expertise better than i do" she paused again as she shrugged "although i do admit that i can work with the likes of shion-don't bother telling him that, he gets giddy when i compliment him"
what is your opinion on demons? monsters? cryptids?
her eyebrow furrowed "are you possibly insulting me?" she scoffed "i thought everyone would know of my infamy at this time" she sighed in annoyance "yes the rumours are true, i do believe in them. i don't run a paranormal blog for nothing" she said mockingly at the last part "but i don't just believe them blindly, i'm here to seek for the truth of their supposed existence. it's all in the name of discovery" she squinted her eyes "don't laugh"
lastly, what's your opinion on the ocean?
soyeo blinked at the last question, feeling that it is quite out of the topic. but she doesn't let it show "my father work in ports, i suppose i have a nostalgic memory alongside the sea" she remembered after she came home from the hospital, her father would take her to the beach. the ocean was there to calm her down, the ocean was always there to welcome her home. she shook her head and cleared "are we done? i have commitments to attend"
final words. not too sure if i have correctly fleshed out her character, but i do hope you get the idea of what she is as a person. and yes, her whole personality is basically "ghost hunting but make it elegant"
i hope you consider her for the story and do let me know if i need to fix anything, thank you!


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