name 민소여 min 'ripley' soyeo
rip shorter form of ripley, she likes this nickname a lot
SOYBEAN an endearing nickname given by her parents. very embarrassed by this nickname and will dropkick you if you ever try to call her that
ghost hunter of summit high  it is a nickname that was coined by the people of summit high when the masses found out about her side (well main tbh) projects and her opening the paranormal investigative club. she thinks it's unprofessional, as she's an investigator and not a hunter
birthdate 17, 01/26/2003
birthplace whitechapel, london, england, united kingdom
hometown tolstone, california
ethnicity korean
nationality british-american
english 100% + native tongue with a slight british accent
latin 74% + learned it out of her own will so that she doesn't have to look up translations when she find something in a latin scripture. it is really hilarious how she is well versed in a dead language rather than her ethnicity's language
korean 31% + knows enough to speak formally, and enough to badmouth someone. when being called out, she'll pretend she didn't understand what she just said
faceclaim kim doyeon
appearance 171 cm and 47 kg, tall with an hourglass figure but very underweight. she usually wears very light but peachy makeup and her hair is usually put up into a semi-wavy half-up ponytail and accesorise with ribbons or decorative hair clips
style overall style can be found here. it is almost a staple for her to wear a skirt and a long sleeved top for her outfit, she is almost never seen not wearing those. her clothes are not tight fitting but they're not so loose that it doesn't show her bodyline. even during summer time she would still wear these, but with more breathable fabric and less layering. at rare times, she would wear 3/4 or short sleeves. she also wears lace stockings and garter belt (most of the time white)
what do you think of ripley?

"ripley min is so beautiful, it's too bad she's ing weird" male, year 12 

"ugh she loves to shove it down everyone's throat that she's sooo smart. like yeah we get it you don't have fun" female, ripley's classmate

"you know her blogs are actually not bad, it's very interesting to read" 
female, year 10

"yo i heard she collects animal bones for satanic rituals"
male, year 11

"i think people just misunderstands her? i mean look at her friends, they're all friendly popular kids"
male, year 12

"i can trust her, she's an honest girl and very intelligent for her age. it's a shame that she doesn't know how to utilise it well"
ripley's homeroom teacher

"going to catch some ghosts eh rip?"
"how dare you, i am an investigator" 
personality infj-a slytherin, chaotic neutral, academic alpha & insufferable genius trope // intelligent, calculative, brave, honest, loyal // eccentric, picky, competitive, impertinent, indifferent
she has always been a smart kid who was driven by her boredom and eventual interest in the macabre. her brain is wired to absorb studies in high speed and she could've excel in her classes if she put all those in her actual studies. she's smart and she knows it, and she makes sure that other people do know it. and she doesn't like it when she's being challenged about it. her outspoken attitude has always been a double edged sword. although some people would appreciate her honesty and her bravery to speak out, the other census would think she doesn't know how to filter her words out or when to shut up. and it's not like she's unaware, she knows her words hurts. there are lots of times she was scolded because of her disrespectful attitude. but she's not particularly affected by it. for the most part, it always seems that she only cares about her own agenda and never really think about what others feel about her. of course things could be slightly different around her friends, which she has only a limited amount. although still having an outspoken and generally rude personality, she's very protective of those that has gained her friendship. she would never ever admit it out of pride, but the fact that she tolerates their antics speaks volume. she would never hurt them purposely.

it's not really her fault that people can't see past her unusual passion, and she admits that she can be quite rotten at times. but the people close to her are able to see strength and willing to stay. that is more than enough for her but she would never admit it

(think itaewon class' jo yiseo, alexander hamilton in non-stop & the room where it happens, yellow diamond in steven universe, arisugawa juri in revolutionary girl utena) 
all she remembers from her childhood are hospitals and doctors asking her to be brave as they tested her multiple times. immunodeficiency , and for young ripley to be so protected in her childhood while she watch other kids play definitely for her. so she spent her days buried in her books and excels in her class, if not you will find her at the hospital. although the doctors were optimistic about her recovery to be a normal child with the correct medicine as she enters middle school, she couldn't help but think of the multiple times where it could've been her demise. obssessing about death wasn't something that is normal for someone who should be focusing on teenager things, but her parents let her do anything she wants. that obssession became her passion and what led her to her interest of the paranormal
👻she was born in london and spent 3 years there before moving to america for her father's job and better medical treatment
👻her parents spoils her because she's their only child & she was very sick during her childhood days. even though they're very worried, they just want her to be happy
👻ig and twitter; @rip__ley
👻she runs the blog "ripley and jerry; paranormal researchers" with her best friend since they were 15 year old
👻she is the club president of summit high's paranormal investigators club
👻always bring an evp recorder with her
👻she has her own designated notebook just for her research
👻she's a vulture culture and a hobby taxidermist. you will find collections of animal bones in her room
👻she has immunodeficiency but manage to lessen the risks as she grows up. yet she still has weaker than normal immune system and has to depend on medicines & supplements
👻has come to be very fond of baked sweet potatoes and snacks on it frequently. it has also becomes her comfort food
👻hates candies or lollipops as it reminds her of doctors giving her treats before conducting the tests or giving medications
👻doesn't like hospitals, only comes to one for research purposes and only if it's really interesting
👻she has a very dry humour that would come out in very unexpected timing
👻she call acquaintances or people she generally doesn't know with their last name. if she calls you with your first name, that means she think of you as her friend
👻likes skinship and doesn't mind when her friends gets very touchy with her. but of course she doesn't like it if someone she doesn't know very well does it
👻tends to be really defensive around strangers but softens up when they already know them well. her circle of friends are small but they're quite the tight knit
despite her reputation within school, she's quite the potential model student. even with her insufferable and downright arrogant personality, she has one of the consistent high marks, always on time and participates in quite the number of journalism competitions inside & outside of school. but her main focus is still her blog and her club. you would certainly find her in her clubroom with the other members any chance that she has. sometimes they would go around the school to find any scope of paranormal sightings or interesting stories that are connected to the sort. other students would come sought for their help & advice regarding the matter. another time she would be with her gear in important places connected to the topic she's researching, mostly looking for evidence but also paranormal proofs.

at home, you'll find her slouching over her laptop doing even more research for her blog & club, furiously typing her essays and thesis with books & files sprawled around her throughout the entire rest of her day. it is the sole reason as to why she never has a great sleeping schedule. even during her part time job at tolstone's retail centre every saturday, she will have her notebook with her and write down important notes. when she's not all up in her blog or scholarly works, she would go out with her close friends and follow them around in an attempt for a "rest". of course ripley always try and make time for her immediate circle of friends. and by try to make time it means she has no choice because they'll always drag her around anyway and even though she complains a lot, she never outright left them
👻ap research : A+
👻ap psychology : A-
👻physics : B
👻political science : B
👻physical education : D-
👻journalism : A+ #1
admittedly, ripley is intelligent enough to acknowledge the importance of education for the youth. but by god does school bore her to unimaginable extent. she's basically just going for the sake of her club and because her friends are there. but she has to appease dear parents wishes; even though they do spoil her rotten, they still want her to make friends in high school and has a more "normal" education. she's always in class with a bored expression or writing in her research notebook. she is in no way a teacher's pet, as she does act like she is the smartest in the room & likes to aggravate them in moments where she's really really bored

ripley is no stranger to bullying, it is not a secret that she has a bizarre hobby and a fixation of things that are not alive, which makes her the perfect target for it. her club was also a victim of pranks and some people actually made a petition for it to be discontinued. but ripley has upped her intimidation and has proven to be able to keep up her club until present day, much to the help of her friends. despite it not being underestimated as much, it still hasn't gained the respect that she wants. not that she cares, she only regard the opinions of people that matters to her

👻best friend & partner in crime : 전정휸 jeon "jerry" jeonghyun (fc; the boyz q) // student of summit high, co-owner of "ripley & jerry; paranormal researchers" blog & vice-president of summit high's paranormal investigation club // 17 // @tomandjerry //
being friends since childhood has really paved its way to ripley's heart, if not she wouldn't even be able to stand him. shion has always been described as a stereotypical genki guy and the friendly jock, some could say he has the personality that makes you feel at home.

despite that no one could tell why he's so fascinated towards his childhood friend, that has always been seen as a voluntary outcast. he's always at her side and doing the shenanigans that she usually does, despite him only mildly interested in the topic. he's very patient and seems to be the only person who knows how to handle her, but he always find himself to be in the mediator of an argument that ripley usually starts. ripley actually tried to stray away from him as she used to think of him as annoying, but after awhile she melted down, especially when he became a great help to her researchs.

his role in the blog is managing the social media, legal matters & handling heavy handed equipments. not to mention to and assist ripley with her research whenever he can. not that she can't do it on her own, but he feels fulfilled being able to be next to her. shion keeps her safe and satisfied, he intend to do so for a long time

best friend : 강라온 kang "summer" raon // student of summit high // 18 // people say opposite attracts yet they still get a whiplash on their unexpected friendship. it all started on summer going through the monthly student's essay submission for the newspaper, and she happened upon "the psychology of tolstone paranormal sightings", in which she and other members of the club are hooked on reading the essay. summer being summer, decided to meet the author of the essay and basically grill her with questions on her journalistic styles.

their casual friendship in all honesty started as a healthy rivalry. both of them are vastly on opposite ends in terms of reputation & personality, yet they are extremely passionate in journalism. those playful rivalry eventually bleeds into other factors such as grades, ripley finding herself to be amused by it and decided to humour her. it wasn't anything malicious of course and it was all in good fun, but their friendship blossoms when ripley's club starts to gain bad publicity.

summer is one of the people that is able to see the small amount of good that ripley has, and how passionate she is about her club. so she decided to help her by publishing an article about the club and for ripley to have a monthly corner in the newspaper, as it is no secret that her writings are great if people give it a chance. summer is probably ripley's saving grace at that time and they have gone closer ever since. other than their ongoing playful rivalry, they do provide each other support. ripley's confidence in her own writing is infectious to summer's ideas & projects, giving clairty to the girl. summer is not afraid to challenge ripley's thinking and arrogant attitude, as it is the flaw that summer constantly pick upon. yet they will stand up for each other when the time comes

👻close friend : 马舆轩 ma "ysabelle" yuxuan (fc; (g)i-dle yuqi) // student of summit high & mascot of paranormal investigation club // 17 // @yuxabelle // formerly known as the cheerleading princess that has her own fanclub in middle school, everyone was blindsided when she decided to switch lanes to the paranormal investigation club in high school. there's a lot of speculations and rumours as to why; maybe her popularity made her disliked by the overshadowed cheerleaders, maybe she grew tired of the spotlight or maybe she has an infatuation towards her close friend jerry?

the last option was more likely as she did join the club as a favour to him, but everyone knows he only has eyes for the club leader. initially ysabelle could never understand ripley, seeing her as stuck up & weird. they have a handful of previous arguments because of their strong personalities. but she has come to soften up a little towards the girl, especially on the display of ripley's charmingly unusual passion towards her projects & her unrelenting loyalty towards her best friend. you would often see ysabelle listening diligently to ripley just going on a tangent on her investigation or just holding her hand while they walk around school together. despite being the mascot and spokeswoman of the club, the club still doesn't bear fruit of any new members as most of them are intimidated by ripley's presence alone or they're just not interested. most of them opt to support ysabelle from far away

close friend : 권해운 kwon "harley" haewoon (fc; ateez san) // student of summit high & member of paranormal investigation club // 17 // @harharley // a sheep in wolf's clothing and summit high's resident bad-but-sweet boy, is probably the only other person who's interested in joining the club for the actual paranormal investigation beside the ripley. harley was infamous for dropping out of the newspaper club because he was "bored" and wants to look out for something more "exciting". and that's exactly how he wind up in the club. while ripley is the one who does the most research & investigation, harley is the only other person who assists her in those aspects. they will frequently exchange notes and has discussions on the topic they're currently on, you would see some of his essays featured on her blog too. harley is honestly a bright guy who is often misunderstood because of his automatic rbf, his flirtatious personality and his tendency to slack off in class as he is easily bored. but he genuinely enjoys his time in the club as he felt curiousity and thrill in it. 

friends? : samuel kang // student of summit high // 18 // samuel is a friend of the social butterflies jerry & ysabelle, and a friend of them...well not  always necessarily a friend of ripley.  jerry has introduced them both together and samuel is not unfamiliar with her. ripley never made any attempt to get close to him, sometimes she would only come up to him just to ask if he has seen jerry/summer/ysabelle. samuel still kept a friendly approach to her but most of the time turned off with her stuck up attitude. however, he does read her essays and her monthly corner in the school newspaper
hello, thank you for agreeing to meet me for an interview! i'm allie jeong from newspaper, and if you don't mind, please state your grade and name. "hello jeong" ripley look at her with an almost bored expression "well i did promise summer to help, not like i have a choice" she twirled the ends of her hair "grade 11 summit high and president of paranormal investigation club, min soyeo" she mused with pride as she mentions her club "but please, call me ripley"
great! now, my story this issue will be about stress levels at summit high. would you say that you are stressed regularly because of schoolwork? "i don't really have any issue when it comes to studying the common subjects" she crosses her legs "it's nothing to be stressed about really" she paused before clicking her tongue "i am aware that i am miserable at sports but it is not essential for my future"
about how many hours a week do you spend studying on average? she scoffed "when i have the time for it of course"
what other factors in your life other than school gives you stress? "i suppose my blog? or my club? it's more stressful when i do not have enough sufficient information for certain cases nor the necessary resources for my essays"
do you have a message towards the faculty at summit high about students and stress levels? she hummed "i don't particularly care as it doesn't bother me, but other student's input might be important"
thank you for your answers, and you're free to leave! please look forward to next month's issue of the summit gazette. "ah finally" she uncrossed her legs and stood up "no offense jeong, i do have prior commitments" she smirked "tell madam editor to anticipate my corner's essay tonight"
comments min soyeo was originally an idol character that was made to be the loveable trope. but then i have this image of a british private boarding school girl, holding up a flashlight with a satchel bag as a ghost loomed over her. to be fair, i was watching buzzfeed unsolved when the idea of her came up. i want her colour scheme to contrast the idea of what paranormal is, so her colours are shades of blood orange & peach. i am definitely inspired by doyeon's orange hair & school-like outfit in picky picky. in overall, her personality is "ghost hunting...but make it rich and posh"
i hope you consider her for the story and do let me know if i need to fix anything, thank you!
scene requests will add this later huehue


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