*[c] - completed [u] - underco [i] - incomplete

Personal Information.
Full Name. Yu, Stella
Other Names. Please explain any significant nicknames.
于小丹 - Yu Xiao Dan is her chinese name, mostly used by her grandparents 
Gender. Female
Date of Birth. 18 July 1998 (21).
Birthplace. LV, Cali
Hometown. LV, Cali
Ethnicity. Chinese
Nationality. Chinese American
uality. Self-explanatory.
- English - 100 % - native
- Chinese (mandarin) - 70% - can speak and understand most of it, can recognize chinese characters and understand general sentences but can't write it 
Background Check.
Faceclaim. cheng xiao
Height & Weight. 168cm & 46kg
Appearance. If the character looks different from the faceclaim.
Style. Please do not type a long description for this.
Personality. tldr; the more she talks, the more she gets into
Background. Optional. All we really need to know is whether or not they're rich.
School Year. Are they a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior?
Major. Your character's major. You can put their minor as well.
Class Schedule. What is their schedule during the week? Refer to any UC system if you need help with this.
University Life. How are they living their life? What do they do during the weekends and weekdays? Study only? Party only? Boring? Fun?
Trivia. Any small details that we need to know.
Let's start off easy. Do you know anyone here?
Who hasn't heard of the infamous brat pack? But I wouldn't really consider any acquaintances or try to pull any strings tbh.
On the scale of 0 to 10, how hot do you think you are? 
A solid 10.
Joey requested this... Uh, do you watch anime? 
Very casually, if I annoy Dylan in his room and chance upon a good anime, I'll watch it. Last one I watched was demon crybaby? crying demon? baby made demon cry? y'know what i'm talking about. // only Jojjo manages to guess she means Devilman Crybaby
Are you okay with drugs? Like seeing or using them?
Im not the type that would be down to try it but I don't mind being around it. Just don't expect social pressuring to work on me bc fat chance lol. 
You're at a house party. What is the first thing you grab to drink?
Honestly, I have been drinking for 2 years and half the time, I still dont know what my friends are handing me. But oh wells, that's what makes it fun! Cheers to the night just getting started!
Why do you want to come?
Get myself into diff scenes, learn more about myself, possibly snag a new boy, elope with a local city boy to Phillipines, or just pet cute dogs. Either way, it's a fun time, I'll make sure of it!
Relationships. Other relationships are necessary! Some interactions with the other boys would be cool! Format in whatever way you like.
Date Interest. The name of the person your character is interested in.
Current Status. Friends
Their Story. There were many girls that Jefferson wanted and usually did bang but Stella was never one of them from when he first saw her 3 years ago entering UCLV up until now. Mainly bc from Jeff's memories, she was a girl who donned oversized hoodies on a daily and sweats that didn't reveal her figure. She just looked like a lumpy moving rock to him than a woman in all honesty so Stella took Jeff by a huge surprise when she started to wear very flattering clothing like tube tops with mini skirts and tight dresses. But even then, he wasn't interested because he found out she was in a relationship from her brother. Her transformation merely took him by surprise. The two would have never even gotten acquainted with each other if not for her brother who was a close friend of Jeff. And then they ended up taking the same statistics class this semester. The two knew of each other, followed each other on ig, talked a few times in class but were never close - which neither party had any intention to change. Until recently, does Jeff even realize Stella skipped out on the last 2 statistics classes. And he only finds out bc he ran into Dylan. Dylan asked him for any notes from the class, something Stella asked of him. So Jeff did make copies of his notes and.
Ending. pls surprise me!
- jeff side eyes the pathetic stella drunk off a white claw again
- then gets irritated whenever she throws caution to the damn wind and downs another shot of black label as if she isn't already out of her mind
Vivian. Spontaneity. 49%.
Comments. So in short, Stella is a heartbroken lady fresh out of a 3 year relationship
Suggestions. Any scenes or details that you would like to suggest?
Requests. jeff tells stella that she's pretty and the girl says sumthin like thanks but that means nothing coming out of jefferson bang's mouth // stella starts of trying to give jeff a pep talk about r/s but ends up getting irritated by his response that it ends with her telling him to stop being a lil p*ssy afraid of committment bc r/s helps a person grow and learn more about themselves // jeff gets really ed up during a party and is hung up. to his surprise, stella took care of him after the boys tossed him back into the hotel room // 


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