Questionnaires for Writers

Its 2 different Questionnaires. Don't remember who I took the questions from but I know I haven't done this yet haha. I'm not a very social writer LOL. Anyway, here we go!

Questionnaire 1

1. Which group(s) are you used to writing about?

Back in the day it was Beast/Highlight, Infinite, and EXO. Nowadays it’s more like Nu’est, Monsta X, Seventeen and NCT. I can still write about the former groups, but it’s harder when there is no more inspiration to write about them now.


2. What do you think you are known for?

My ? My humor? I’m not too sure to be honest.


3. Which character would you say you are an expert at portraying?

This one is a hard question, but I honestly don’t know lol. I think I’m good at portraying all my characters even if it’s not their real personality lol.


4. What would be your dream as an AFF author?

To write stories that everyone can enjoy. Unless you’re under 18 that is. I’m trying really hard to write a clean, non-rated story. It’s not working out so well…


5. What inspires you?

Dramas, music videos, video games. Sometimes lyrics from a song can give me inspiration. At the moment, it’s usually Chinese Wuxias and Korean Sageuk dramas haha.


6. Who do you think is your spiritual bias?

Mark Lee (Cuz he is everyone’s spiritual bias). I have a lot of biases but I always seem to think of confused, loud Mark and it makes me smile lol.


7. Do you want to make a career out of it?

Out of writing? Oh no. I’m already a working woman in the Steel Industry and I’m perfectly happy where I’m at. That’s where the money is at yo. But I do enjoy writing as a hobby and a stress reliever.


8. Which idol do you think you can't portray well?

Girl groups and idol groups that I really don’t listen to.


9. Your top 5 biases?

My bias list changes all the time though! I guess at this moment it’s:
NCT Johnny
NCT Mark
Day6 Jae
Nu’est Baekho
Nu’est Minhyun


10. What is your daily schedule?

Monday to Friday
8am to 5pm – work
5pm to 11pm – eat, watch dramas, randomly singing on karaoke apps, youtube, bother my parents, sleep

Weekends – Hanging out with friends or all the above except work haha.


11. One secret your readers may not know about you?

Despite me writing a lot of /mature content, I am happily single with no designs to be in a relationship or get married any time soon. I’m still young! 29 is still young right??


12. How long does it take you to finish a story?

Depends on how busy I am and how long the story is. I can normally finish shorter stories and oneshots within a day to a few days but longer stories might take a few months since I also work and life just gets in the way. But then again, I’d rather make money to pay my bills haha.


13. What's the thing you are the proudest of as an AFF author?

Being a somewhat active writer for like almost 10 years? That’s something to be proud of right?


14. What types of fanfic do you feel the most comfortable writing?

Romance, drama, and lol. I’m trying my best to write other genres though.


15. How well do you think you can perform if you were out of your comfort zone?

I think I’ll be somewhat fine haha. One of my stories is a fantasy action romance drama that is based off Wuxias and Sageuk elements and that’s actually the first time I tried writing something of that kind. It definitely different than what I’m used to but I think it’s turning out great.


16. If a zombie attack happens and you could save only one member of your favourite group, who would it be?

That’s a hard question. I would say NCT’s Johnny because he’s a giant and can protect me. BUT…it’s most likely Mark I would save. Even though he’s of legal age and technically a man, he’s still a precious baby that needs to be protected at all costs. Maybe I’ll have him protect me instead haha.


17. Who's your latest bias wrecker?

Mother effing Jung Jaehyun. Ugh. Just everything about him during Kick It comeback/promotions is perfect. Gosh darn it, my noona heart can’t take it anymore. Why am I pedonoona again? Because of guys like Jaehyun and the entirety of NCT and Seventeen. Damn young’uns.


18. What's your ideal type?

I have no exact ideal type?? Okay, I’m lying. Someone like Mark or Johnny. Dudes with great personalities that cares about people and are such mood lifters. Them being tall doesn’t hurt haha.


19. Which authors do you admire the most here on the site?

If I had to answer, it’ll be every author on AFF that I admire. I believe every author, rookie or experience author deserves admiration. They take time from their busy school or work life to write and share their creativity and passions for others to read. Some take writing seriously, others see it as a means of a hobby or a stress reliever. Regardless of what reasons they have to write, I think every writer is important and they deserve all the love and admiration.


20. What are the 5 sites you visit the most?

5 sites I visit often? Obviously AFF, Viki, Netflix, Youtube, and Facebook (I mostly share memes on FB lol).


Questionnaire 2

1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?

Well “Linda” is actually part of my real name and my nickname haha. “Seulyong” is a name that I often named my characters back in the day. It used to be ‘Melikeyb2sr” because I was absolutely obsessed with Beast/Highlight back in the day haha.


2. Which is your most subscribed to story?

Killing Me, Pushing Me, Let It Go. It has 167 subs and it’s actually my first ever story haha. It’s filled with so many writing errors and re-reading it makes me cringe. Plus my knowledge of Korean honorifics wasn’t so great at the time.
A lot of my oneshots have a lot of subbies too haha. Mostly my Seventeen ones


3. Why did you pick your user photo/thumbnail?

Doyoung? Because his hair is beautiful haha. And he's just a cutie pie with a set of angelic vocals.


4. Who is your AFF bestie?

No one in particular. Most of my AFF besties don’t really write no more but we still all keep in contact through FB and Instagram lol.


5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?

My own stories? Is that an okay answer?


6. How many stories are you subscribed to?

I’m subscribed to 157 stories. A lot of them has been updated but I haven't had the chance to read them since I tend to forget haha.


7. What AU do you find yourself writing about most?

Not too sure lol.


8. How many friends do you have?

On AFF? 223 friends.


9. Is there something you'd like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it?

A supernatural type of story. Or a world of magic or something. I don’t think I’m that creative to write about vampires, werewolves, mages and wizards, etc


10. Is there anything you would like to be better at on AFF?

Everything haha. How to make my own posters, write better, etc.


11. How many subscribers do you have?

1,086 subscribers and I love and appreciate each and every one of them. Sure, i’m not as interactive as other authors but my subscribers support and love gives me motivation to keep writing and improve myself.


12. How many stories have you posted online to this day (finished and unfinished)?

22 total stories, 16 completed (some of these are in my drafts/unlisted), 6 unfinished (3 of them is in my drafts/unlisted). I actually had more but I’ve deleted some throughout the years.


13. How many stories do you have saved in your writing program?

See above.


14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?

A little of both. It really depends on the length of the story I plan to write. If it’s a longer one, then I will jot down ideas. If it’s a oneshot or a short one, then I keep the idea in my head.


15. Have you ever co-authored a story?

Yep! Quite a few. Never ended up finishing those since my fellow co-authors are always busy with life or school, which makes perfect sense.


16. How did you discover AFF?

I don’t remember to honest. I joined AFF in 2010 so I don’t remember how I ended up writing stories haha. I was like 19 or so when I joined.


17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author on AFF?

Oh definitely not. Maybe one of the oldest authors on AFF but certainly not popular. If that was the case, my stories would be featured and I’d have way more subscribers.


18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?

I never thought of that to be honest. Should I come up with a nickname for my readers?


19. Was there an AFF author who inspired or encouraged you to write?

Not really. I mean my AFF friends back in the day but most of them don’t really write now.


20. How many karma points do you have?

2,369 points. I don’t really use them haha. I actually don’t even know what they’re being used for to be honest haha.


21. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?

You do you. Write what you are passionate about and not what others want you to write about. Sure, you are bound to have mistakes and grammar errors but there is always resources to use. Take constructive criticisms. They’re not meant to bring you down (unless you get very offensive ones) but they’re there to help you improve in areas that you lack in. Don’t be afraid to ask other authors or even your readers for help or insights. Loads of us are nice and we like to help! :)


22. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?

A little of both. Maybe I should start plotting out my stories so that they flow better. Sometimes when I write as I go, I noticed that sometimes my writing doesn’t flow well.


23. Have you ever gotten a bad review or comment on a story? If so, what did you do?

I like constructive criticism and bad reviews. It just shows that I have more to improve on and I work on those areas that seem bad to others. Now if it was a negative comment pertaining to my horrible writing or how I’m just a bad writer, then I do take that offensively.


24. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing?

Fluff haha. And clean, non-rated scenes. I can’t write a clean story for the life of me haha. The moment that happens, I’ll probably be locked away in a hospital in the middle of nowhere.


25. What story(ies) are you working on now?

I’m currently working on Knights of the Ice Queen and Miracle Worker. I’m trying to update Starting from Zero but for some odd reason, I’m drawing blank at that.


26. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?

Normally I do. But at this point, I need to finish my ongoing ones before I delve into writing another. I guess if I get an idea, I’ll jot it down.


27. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?

Not really. I’m a pretty busy person, so I write when I can. Sometimes it’ll be hours, days, weeks, or even months.


28. Do you think you've improved as a writer since you first started?

I hope so. I’ve been on AFF for almost 10 years and have written a lot over the years so I hoped I improved haha. I mean compared to Killing Me, Pushing Me, Let it Go that was written 10 years ago, I think I drastically improved with Knights of the Ice Queen and Miracle Worker haha.


29. What is your favorite story that you've written?

At this moment, I’d have to say Knights of the Ice Queen. It’s definitely a different style that I’ve written but it holds a special place in my heart J Miracle Worker is a close second but it is pretty recent haha.


30. What is your least favorite story that you've written?

I don’t think I’ve written any story that I disliked. If we were talking about cringy, then it’ll be Killing Me, Pushing Me, Let It Go. It’s an old one so and it was written in ’10, so that’s a good reason haha.


31. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?

Writing quality stories that everyone would enjoy.
Maybe I’ll start writing clean stories…


32. How many upvotes do you have?

94 upvotes. Not quite a lot but not too few. I guess it’s decent.


33. What is the easiest thing about writing?

Nothing is easy about writing haha.


34. What is the hardest thing about writing?

Everything is hard about writing.


35. Why do you write?

It’s a passion. A hobby. A good stress reliever. It also lets me escape the harsh reality of life to go into a world that I created myself.


And it's done! Feel free to take the questions and fill them out yourself! Let's all get to know one another. :)


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