✧༝ Adore ༝✧ evelyn son is a lovely girl!

  raquel santos  


BIRTHNAME : raquel priscilla da silva santos

evelyn son | everyone | the name everyone calls her since she introduced herself as evelyn. no one knows of raquel's real birthname because she no longer uses it and uses evelyn instead. although, she has not legally change her name which therefore means her name is still raquel.

eve | close friends | shorter way to call her

ugly santos | bullies | when raquel was young, she looked nothing like her gorgeous cousins which caused others to pick on her including her own father

DATE OF BIRTHapril 11, 1998
BIRTHPLACE : sao paulo, brazil
HOMETOWN : sao paulo, brazil (1998-2016) seoul, south korea (2016-present)
ETHNICITY : brazilian-korean
NATIONALITY : brazilian (but she claims to be korean when people ask)

portuguese | fluent | native

korean | advanced | she resides in korea hence she learned the language. she can't understand some words and tend to confuse them. she has an accent

english | advanced | she learnt english while she was still in brazil. similar to korean, raquel can't understand some word and she tend to speak slower when she speaks english. she also has an accent




FACE CLAIM : park jimin / jamie park
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : twice jihyo
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 169cm & 50kg


— when you see raquel, brazilian doesn't pop up in your mind. instead, korean does. raquel looks nothing like most brazilians and adopted most of her unknown korean mother's features such as small monolide eyes, big nose and thin lips. she was also very pale which makes people think whether or not she really was her father's daughter. after her ultimate plastic surgery, raquel went from beast to beauty. she now had big hazel eyes with double eyelids, a small pointy nose and plump lips with a noticeable cupids bow. during her recovery, raquel opted to be healthier and lost a tremendous amount of weight. she now has a curvy body that is slightly muscular due to her exercising almost everyday. she also cut her hair short and dyed it an ombre of blonde and blue. she pierced her ears, nose and navel. she also has a couple of tattoos.


— raquel's closet mostly contain one colour and that is black. she considers her style as "modern goth/emo" where it consists of clothings from both emo and goth but with her own twist. no one, not even the stylist can talk her out of wearing black. she is always seen wearing combat boots or sneakers and is rarely seen wearing heels. (lookbook next page)




positive - confident, honest, incisive, optimistic
neutral - sarcastic, brave, independent, impatient
negative - aggressive, short tempered, blunt, stubborn

raquel is quite different from any other aries in the entire world. maybe just a little, but she's one of a kind. she is most loved by a lot of people for her oozing confidence. literally, she doesn't care about how she would act in front of anyone because she has a high self esteem. she isn't afraid to step out of the box and do things that she isn't good at because she knows that she can do it. however, raquel knows that she shouldn't be too confident in her abilities and skills as she wants people to view her with a good impression. supporting her confidence, raquel is a very positive person. i mean, she had just overcame a very difficult moment of her life and she knows how it's like to be seen as someone who others viewed poorly of. however, she never once felt down. instead, her face always has a constant smile etched on it as well as a small giggle that would compliment her current feelings. raquel hardly gets sad but when she does, you know that what you did was absolutely horrendous and terrible that even a smiley girl could break down into tears.

of course, every single trait raquel has, also has it's negative side. being confident, raquel doesn't exactly think of her words that much. therefore, she grew to be very, awfully blunt, especially once you get close to her. she can blurt out your dirtiest secrets on air without feeling a tinge of regret which is why raquel became the least "trustworthy" in the group. she would cut your sentences with her own words and let's admit it, being interupted is one of the most annoying things ever. well, that's raquel for you. surprisingly, seraphina is exceptionally good at keeping her own secrets because she never told anyone and didn't feel the need to. however, that contradicts her next trait. being blunt, raquel tends to be honest as well, but only when she feels guilty. some might say that it's a human instict, but to raquel, it isn't. everytime she feels guilty, she would just tell the person things that no one should know of, which is why her secret is often kept confidential, and that's why raquel rarely feels guilty towards someone. the only time she would, is when she literally had crossed the line.

having been mistreated during her childhood, raquel adopted the independent trait. she knew no one would help her out despite her desperate calls for help, which is why she chose to do things on her own. she doesn't need anyone to tell her what to do unless really needed because she feels that she is capable of doing things on her own. raquel also doesn't want to be a burden to others, which is why she chose to be independent. never had she ever asked for anyone help due to her pure determination of doing things on her own. sometimes, people get extremely annoyed with the said girl due to her rude manner whenever they try to help, but those who know her well, they wouldn't take it to heart as that's who she is, and no one can change that. following her independence, it's no surprise that raquel would be brave. i mean, she took part in taekwondo. she is very daring and nevers back down from a challenge, even when she knows that she can't beat them. she doesn't want to be seen as a coward, but she wants to be seen as someone who tries their best, which is why she never hesitates to challenge the obstacle faced, because she knows full well that she could do it. she is sort of the dare devil of the group.

of course, no one can avoid the fact that raquel is a very impatient lady. she can never wait for your sorry even if you're late by 0.01 seconds. she thinks that whoever is late, doesn't deserve to be waited since they obviously know that they should be there by the given time. as cruel as it sounds, raquel doesn't care. she hates it when people are late and often manage her time because of it. she would be the first one to arrive at a meeting in fear of being late and when someone is late, she would just leave with a "sorry, but you were late so i'm gone". she does it to everyone so don't feel hurt about it. raquel was never once a gentle lady. ever since she was young, she would handle things aggressively and can sometimes damage an object just by poking it. she can be known as the goddess of destruction due to breaking every single thing she touches, including water bottle. some might say this is exaggeration but believe me, raquel can break a bottle of water while just holding it in her hands. not only that, the way raquel talks can also be aggressive, especially since she owns a husky voice. she tend to use an aggressive tone while talking unknowingly.

since she's still a young, it's no doubt that raquel would know words that could roast you in a second. influenced by the internet, raquel became more sarcastic that it sometimes scares people. she can literally burn your with a sentence and would be as savage as she can be. her sarcasm is one of the things that makes her, her. if she isn't full of fiesty sentences, she wouldn't feel herself, which could lead to a total identity crisis. as confusing as it sounds, raquel has quite a temper. she gets annoyed easily despite being all smiley. she can literally snap at you for being an annoying that would totally love some kicking in the face. it doesn't make sense as to how she can be awfully optimistic at one point but annoyed at the other, but that's just how she is. which is why people tend to avoid her bad side and try to stick to her good one because from what they know, she can punch and break your face when she gets super annoyed with you.

however, raquel is actually quick-witted. she is good at analyzing a situation and when it gets hard, she tries her best to bring the mood up, and it always happens during practice. due to her optimism, raquel can bring a smile on ones face without even trying but when she does that, raquel tends to read the situation before doing anyting stupid. although, that don't happen when she talks. she is also very direct, she doesn't like to waste any time by giving stupid clues to people for them to guess her next words. no, raquel however is straight to the point and would use her words as fast as bullets. her words honestly depends on the situation she's at, it can be sarcastic, hurtful or encouraging. now that you know raquel, it's not a surprise that the girl would be super stubborn. she ony does what she wants and rarely listen to others because as said, she feels that depending on others is a burden. she tends to do things her own way and no one can talk to her about it. i suggest to never get into a fight with the said girl because being sarcastic, stubborn, aggressive and blunt in one go during a fight makes it impossible for you to win, especially when the person you're fighting with is as stubborn as raquel

so what happened to little raquel to make her who she is today? well, let's start with her parents. miguel fernandez da silva santos was a world class football player who played for the english premier league team Everton. he was their star striker and could do anything and was dubbed "mr reliable" for everton. he was being payed millions of dollars just for being on he field, but off field? he wasn't happy. his father arranged a marriage for him with han iseul, a korean girl who worked for their family. sadly, he couldn't do anything to stop his marriage and when baby raquel was born, his wife fled, which left him with a child who looked nothing like him.

now moving to raquel. she grew up unloved by many of her family nembers. why? it's cause of her appearance. her relatives couldn't believe that she was related to them by blood and not just by name. it disgusted them everytime raquel shows up at their houses during thanksgiving and dinner. they would always roll their eyes as little raquel fought for attention that every toddler wanted. no one, not even her father wanted to look at her. why does her father hate her? well because of raquel, he was forced out of Everton and no one heard of him since then. he hated the little girl for ruining his perfect career and took it out on her.

not only was raquel being picked on at home but in school as well. she attended the same school as all her cousins and was often picked on for being fat and ugly. she was different from most of them and even her cousins sometimes get annoyed with her presence. however, that wasn't the case for neymar and rafaella. in fact, the two loved raquel so much that they were willing to do anything for her. which is why they allowed raquel to get plastic surgery when she turned eighteen.

yes, the secret raquel hides is that she had gotten plastic surgery to replace every inch of her facial features. she had begged and begged her cousin to help her since she wasn't getting any allowance from her father. neymar was skeptical but since he wanted his cousin happy, he gave her the money to do such procedure, which was nothing but a complete success. as she recovered raquel took the motive to lose weight and as months pass by, she was a whole new person and neymar was the one she had to thank.

after her surgery, raquel packed her bags and moved out of sao paulo, brazil to seoul, south korea. this is because she wanted to start fresh and because she had intentions of meeting her mother one day. of course, it was hard to adapt in korea especially when everything revolved around confidence and beauty in that country but raquel pulled through. she changed her name and began her life as evelyn son. the longer she stayed at seoul, the more she felt confident in herself. she realised that she should love herself no matter what. she lost contact with her father but stayed in contact with neymar and rafaella, who encouraged her to live her life without being in fear.

just days after settling in korea, raquel was street casted by sunlight entertainment. they asked her whether or not she was interested in becoming an idol to which raquel said yes to. she had heard a lot about kpop and the whole behind the scenes but she wanted to try something new. she came to korea for a fresh start and she thought, why not try being a kpop star? raquel went through the audition process and successfully became an official trainee under sunlight entertainment under the name evelyn son.


— sports specifically football
— dancing
— exercising
— boba / bubble tea
— food (except spicy food)
— music
— liverpool


— chocolate (the only dessert that she hates)
— waiting
— belts
— skinship
— carbonated drinks
— insects
— being interupted (ironic since she likes to cut others' sentences)
— romantic movies


— listening to music
— choreographing
— playing football
— playing the guitar
— exercising
— getting tattoos and piercings
— dancing and singing
— hanging out with the nam twins and the santos siblings<


— bites fingernails when stress
— sticks her tongue out while concentrating
— slaps herself when embarrassed
— says "ah-choo" after sneezing
— twirling her hair when nervous
— scrunches her eyebrows when lying
— dancing whenever she needs to clear her head or think


— insects / entomophobia
— heights / acrophobia
— consequences in water (?) / aquaphobia
— confined spaces / claustrophobia


— she can memorise choreography easily (similar to lisa of bp)
— she knows the choreography to many songs and can do a random play dance (similar to chaeyeon)
— she can name all the liverpool fc players since she knows them by heart
— she can play football


— she is the younger cousin of a football player
— is vegan and lactose intolerant 
— has been a trainee since she was 18 years old
— is very close to the dance trainer, hayley and treats her like a mother
— is usually very sarcastic
— is panual
— openly fights for lgbt rights
— she is always early and hates being late
— is left handed
— she is considered an underdog in sunglight
— her celeb crush is nct's taeyong. her football crush is roberto firmino
— her role model is roberto firmino
— owns a dog and kitten. they all live with her in the dorm (snowy + ginger)
— Instagram: @evequelsontos (private) @_evelyn_ (public) ; twitter: @evelyn_son
— many thinks that she's korean and that her family moved to brazil
— an animal lover
— people know her as evelyn son and not raquel santos
— hides her past and relation from everyone
— is a huge liverpool fan
— owns an iphone x (gifted from neymar) [phone case]
— she is considered one of the best members with stage presence
— her all time favourite song is sleeping with sirens' kick me
— is no longer contacting her father
— friends with a few football players
— is secretly contacting trent alexander arnold
— she is a catholic
— is always seen wearing a cross necklace x
— likes to play sports but is only good in football
— is an only child
— her father is the assistant coach for everton fc





— father : miguel santos (47) / football coach / one / fc. mirilo benecio
raquel isn't close to her father at all. he was the main reason why she had work done on her face. miguel is a fine man who still looks like he's in his early 30s despite being almost 50. when his baby girl was born, he was disappointed that she didn't look anything like him and since raquel's mother didn't want anything to do with her, her father was given full custody. miguel hates his daughter and shows it. he would say awful things about raquel which often resulted in raquel crying her heart out in her room. this caused her to hate her supposed father and also caused her to pick up her bags and leave him once she turned 18. right now, miguel and raquel has cut contact with each other but after he saw her debut as "evelyn son". he came lurking back into his daughter's life, begging for her forgiveness. (and also blackmailing her into exposing her secret life as raquel santos)


— older cousin : neymar santos jr (26) / football player / eight
when neymar and raquel were younger, raquel was often belittled by everyone she knew. no one in the family liked her because her mother had left her father and took their anger out on her. of course, the adults picked on her. neymar didn't. instead, he cared for his vulnerable little cousin who he knew wasn't guilty of anything. he would always stand up for his little cousin whenever her father and his parents talk down on the girl. this led to raquel being close to him while growing up. she would end up watching his football matches whenever she visited barcelona along with rafaella. however, the media has no idea that she's related to neymar because she kept it a secret after moving to korea. she didn't want to use his name for fame or ruin his reputation if people were to find out her secret. neymar does support her decisions and tends to not open up about her during interviews and such.


— older cousin : rafaella beckran (22) / model / eight
when the two were young, raquel was often compared to the beautiful rafaella. rafaella was a goddess compared to her little cousin and everyone agrees. many hurtful words towards raquel whereas many compliments to rafaella. although, that didn't went into rafaella's head as they grew older. she pitied her younger cousin who lost confidence because of their hurtful words but she couldn't do anything. no matter how hard she tried to stop them, they come back. of course, despite their words, raquel never hated rafaella. in fact, she loves her beautiful older cousin. rafaella supported her decision to have plastic surgery because she could see how desperate raquel was. she yearned for compliments and yearned for attention. she watched raquel grow more confident each day after her face reconstruction. they talk almost everyday on phone and many suspect that raquel is lesbian because of that.


— best friend : nam jaesung (20) / student / ten / fc. kim wooseok
raquel's first ever friend after she moved to korea. the two met in school. jaesung was the outcast nerd of the school and was often bullied for always sticking his nose in a book. raquel was the new girl in town where she knew nothing about students and teachers. she just so happened to bump into jaesung who was busy studying in the library. at that time, raquel never really talked to him because everyone had told her to stay away from him unless she wanted to get bullied. of course, raquel decided to have a small conversation with him considering the fact that she knew nothing of the school and needed help. at first, jaesung was hesitant. he had thought that raquel was a set up by the bullies but he had seen her genuine smile which made him lower his guard. ever since then, the two were inseparable. jaesung acts like a brother and knows almost everything about her, even her real name and relation. he is always the first person raquel would go to for advice right before neymar and she loves him like a brother.


— best friend : nam jaehyo (20) / student / ten / fc. kim wooseok
her first friend's twin brother. yes, jaesung has a twin brother who just so happened to be another school's popular kid. the two simply met when raquel visited jaesung's house. she freaked out when she saw two jaesung standing in front of her, but of course she put the puzzle pieces together and had came to a conclusion that they were twins. it was weird for raquel to see two of her best friend. however, she grew closer to jaehyo and he soon became her other best friend. jaehyo also knows everything about her personal life and promised never to tell anyone. he also treats raquel as though she is one of the boys and would always try to include her into every. he also always jumps into calls between jaesung and raquel and would always try to make fun out of everything whenever raquel is involved.


— mother figure : hayley kwon (37) / dance instructor / eight / fc. lia kim
it wouldn't be a surprise to see that hayley had taken a liking for raquel, especially when raquel worked very hard in dancing, having started from rock bottom. she was extra harsh towards raquel and she knew it. however, she saw potential in her when nobody did and tried her best to push raquel beyond her limit. she is very proud of how much raquel had improved within her training period and would always have a huge smile on her face whenever she sees the said girl. raquel sees hayley as her "mother figure" since hayley cared about her. something that raquel had never experienced before and she's grateful to have a teacher like hayley. although she sometimes hate the fact that hayley would keep pushing her but she knows that it was for her benefit and raquel doesn't regret working hard to acheive something great.


— role model : roberto firmino (27) / football player / five
some may ask, has raquel met roberto firmino? she has and is an acquaintance of his. to start, raquel is a huge liverpool and brazil fan because liverpool is the rival of the team her father is coaching and brazil is her home country. coincidentally, firmino just so happens to be in both teams and since neymar plays for the brazil football team, raquel managed to meet her favourite football player after her cousin. she knows a lot about liverpool or football in general and was thrilled that the roberto firmino followed her on her private instagram. to her, he is her inspiration and she wouldn't have fought if it wasn't for him.


LOVE INTEREST : trent alexander arnold
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : alex oxlade-chamberlain


— everyone who loves football knows who trent is. he is a hardworking man who's future is filled with nothing but football. you'll see his dying passion on field every single time he plays for liverpool and you'll see happiness in his eyes as he scores. that's the trent everyone knows. off field, he is a very caring guy in raquel's eyes. he cares for his loved ones and he would fight for them. he acts differently around raquel and everyone can see that. he's more outspoken around raquel and more optimistic when he's talking to her since she had trusted him with her secret. however, he is awfully clingy with raquel since he loves her a lot and gets jealous whenever he sees her with other guys. he wants to be the only guy she'd ever talk to. (he doesn't like the nam twins at all)


— the two met via instagram. trent had received notification on his instagram, stating that he had gotten new followers. one that caught his eye was raquel's "evequelsontos" which looked exceptionally weird in many aspects(even though it isn't that weird). he had tried to check her account but apparently, it was private which left the english football player more curious and confused. days passed and trent noticed that every time he posted something, the mysterious account would be the first few to like the picture which eventually led to him requesting to follow. he was more shocked to learn that his teammate was following the account. this made him more curious.

raquel wasn't expecting the follow back. she didn't know what was so intriguing about her username nor did she know why he was so curious about her account. she wasn't anyone special and was just another fan of his. however, she accepted his request especially since he's a world famous football player. she could never pass the opportunity of having a football player follow you. she never thought much of it honestly. she thought that maybe he'll get bored and unfollow her boring account where she posted pictures of herself and her pets. however, he nevet did. all he did was direct message her, being ad friendly as possible. that's how they started chatting.


— the two then began a friendship online. they constantly commented on each other's pictures and often share long conversations that could make their day better. trent has no idea that for the past six months, he has been talking with neymar's cousin and raquel plans to keep it that way. she doesn't want anyone to know that she is the younger cousin of a brazilian football player but she knew that if trent were to ever find out, he would feel betrayed but raquel always shook the feeling to tell him.

as time pass, during september 2018, liverpool had a match with paris saint-germain. raquel went to watch the match because neymar begged for her to be present. he was willing to pay for her flight tickets as well as hotel and boy, she regretted that trip. after the match, raquel stayed behind to wait for her cousin to comfort him after his lost. sadly, her cousin wasn't who she met. she stood in front of her instagram buddy who was shocked to see his instagram buddy. they were happy to finally meet each other. they greeted each other with a small hug and asked how they were doing and such.

trent was elated to see the girl that he had been having late night conversations with and couldn't help but to admire her. yes, he would admit that he had developed feelings for his instagram buddy in between their chats. he knew that there was more than meets the eye when it comes to raquel and wants to be her most trusted friend, or maybr something more. however, he wasn't expecting neymar to appear behind her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. his heart dropped when he saw neymar wrapping his arm around her, making him think that he was too late. however, he wasn't expecting him saying "cousin" soon after that.

raquel was dumbfounded. her small secret had just been exposed to trent. she was scared that he would tell everyone else, which would lead to another chaotic moment. she then told trent everything from a to z as there wasn't any use of hiding from him. when trent heard of her story, he promised not to tell anyone. however, he didn't think that the girl he fell in love with was nothing but a different persona. he wanted to know the real raquel santos and not evelyn son. of course, he didn't voice out his opinions and supported raquel with her decisions.

after that day, raquel and trent became closer and trent's feelings grew everyday. to him, raquel's is perfect despite having plastic surgery. he didn't care and only wanted her happy. raquel treats him as a friend or a bro that she could be herself with. with trent, she could show her vulnerable side without having the fear of being picked at because trent promised her not to and he keeps his promises. no one knows they are contacting one another other than the nam twins, neymar, roberto, rafaella and adore.


— the two are always seen on their phones, texting one another whenever they have free time. literally, after practice, the first thing raquel do is pick up her phone and text trent. same goes for trent, whenever he's done with training, he'll always text raquel with a smile on his face. he knows that raquel treats him as a brother which hurts him a little but he it up and would always stay by raquel's side even when she "bro-zones" him. the two also facetime quite a lot ever since they exchange numbers and would never miss a day depsite having two different time zones. trent has raquel's back while raquel has trent's back. there are times where raquel would breakdown and rant to trent who would always listen to her because he's too smitten over her. everyone can clearly see that he has fallen deeply in love with raquel.


— surprise me :)


— they started talking at the start of 2018
— they talk almost everyday
— trent is in love with raquel whereas raquel treats trent as a brother
— they always try to meet up whenever possible (either trent flies to korea or raquel flies to liverpool)
— trent knows about raquel's past
— neymar "approves" of this friendship (he doesn't actually)
— they have friendship bracelets together x




STAGENAME : eve 이브
PLOTLINE : liebe (amore / sarang / ljubav)
POSITION : lead dancer, rapper (main vocal / lead vocal / main rapper)
PERSONA : the charismatic goth + raquel has stage presence and is very charismatic on stage, and her sense of fashion is gothic.

FANCLUB NAME : children of eve + it all started when raquel called her members "children" which seemed to stick with her, even when she's talking to fans


— vocal twin: dreamcatcher gahyeon x (jamie park x / dreamcatcher jiu x )
— rap twin: dreamcatcher gahyeon x (oh my girl mimi x )
— dance twin: z-girls carlyn x (z-girls joanne x )
— talking twin: jamie park (korean) bruna marquezine (portuguese & english) 


— sunlight entertainment (2016-present) 


— raquel had it hard during training. she knew nothing unlike others who had passion in such thing. the only reason raquel became a trainee was because she wanted to start a new life but this was beyond her expectations. raquel was a burden to everyone in class and was often scolded for being slow. not only that, raquel had to fight her inner demons that would haunt her every single time she does a mistake. having been brought up in such a hateful place, raquel was afraid of judgement and everyone could see that, which was why hayley kept her going. hayley saw potential in her and was her pillar. something that kept her going during practice or after practice. hayley shaped her into becoming a woman who grew to love herself. hayley also shaped her to become more and more knowledgable in dancing while raquel tried her hardest to improve in rapping. raquel's life was easier thanks to her dance teacher and since then, her dancing skills became almost as good as the main dancers of adore depsite having started from rock bottom. her singing as well as rapping too improved tremendously. seeing her growth, the ceo decided to put her into small solo projects such as putting her in front of the crowds in hongdae to perform her own choreography as well as putting her into 1million dance classes just so she could learn more. he also placed her as a backup dancer for various other groups and have posted videos of her dancing on youtube under the company's youtube channel to expose her. when it was announced that the company was debuting a girl group, raquel was chosen to be one of the members.


— is in a few 1million dance videos
— posted videos of her dancing on youtube


— up to you (because i don't know what to write here)


adore's eve is not who she says she is ​​​​| a few months after adore's debut, many had dug into raquel's personal life and managed to find out her real name and nationality. fans thought that she was treating idol life as a joke since she hid her whole heritage a secret. however, sunlight entertainment cleared the scandal by explaining raquel's side of story by having raquel apologise and explain via video which was uploaded on youtube.

evelyn son on a steamy date? | dispatch released pictures of raquel and a mysterious man having dinner together. fans were shocked to find out that the man with her wasn't a nobody, but was trent alexander arnold, liverpool's midfielder. they found out that trent flew all the way to seoul during the international break and surprised her. sunlight denied that the two were dating and that they were only close friends.


xXMonstaAriXx : ari  :  turn in

COMMENTS : back after a year hiatus. i hope you like her and i apologise for any mistakes since i'm rusty af and yes, i reused an app colour combo cos i loved it


— none atm

PASSWORD : black + cb song eng kor (i actually thought maybe the girls could release an eng song but i wasn't sure so i linked two songs. one eng and another korean) 



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I’m applying for the Tien Yeu plotline.