Ari's personal blog #6 : Apology

Hello, this is Ari... so from the title of this blog, you might just get the gist of where this is going. For starters, I would like to apologise for offending everyone, mainly the trans community, through one of my spice/essense character, Evelyn Park. It was never my intention to trigger anyone for whatever they have been through from how i portrayed Evelyn. There isn't really a good reason for me to use such sensitive topic as a mean of creating a character, and it was highly insensitive of me to proceed with Evelyn's story, knowing all the hardships that the community has gone through.

I will do more research and educate myself before using such topics for my characters. I apologise once more for offending everyone and will be removing the sensitive topic from Evelyn completely, and will be remaking her. I know that the damage has been done and that I won't be able to gain the trust of some of you, but I promise that i will not overlook such sensitive topic and that i will not use them in the future.

I am terribly sorry.

Yours sincerely,


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To be honest I really appreciated the representation but it’s understandable that people would be offended. Anyway best of luck to your future characters especially your revamped version of Evelyn ^^