give me stuff to do before i rot

aye sup people

mobile so sorry for the simplicity but :'D

i have like 3/4 months worth of holidays and i have nothing planned to do SO 

rather than rotting away in my home doing nothing, if you guys find/recommend any writing/drawing monthly challenges that would be dope because my writing and drawing have both gotten down the drain because school is the killer of all passion 

\( o Δ o )/

so yeah! thats it really but thank you for clicking and reading aha


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You could host like a creative writing thing where you put up a prompt or word or anything really then people would have to create a one-shot about it and submit it for others to view and give their opinion about. This happened a long time ago with someone but they just stopped and it was kinda sad cause it was really fun.

Even if you don’t draw or have already done it for drawing o’ve Been doing them for writing
Go check out the Love Talk contest! It needs entries and I need more competition! You can find a link to it on my newest story.
Wow, I only have two and a half weeks of holiday.... (*´ー`*)