Cim's Valentine's and Anniversary

One of the best Valentine's ever and probably one of the funniest. No pictures of him, sorry. XD

For starters, this is what happened. 


When I got to school that morning. I found my desk covered in sticky notes saying "I Less Than 3 You :3 --Nate" and that made me LOL and cry at the same time because it's so like him to do something like that. I gave him my present, which was the chocolates and the promise ring. He thanked me and gave me a well you know what I mean >///< After that well he gave me his present: 



Which was so unexpected and the roses: 



The funny thing that happened was that there was this second year, who I guess liked me as his senior, and gave me chocolates. Then Nate was right next to me staring at the poor kid. But then the kid asked me, "Ate (which is the proper way to address girls that are older than you) will you please go out with me?". I smiled at him and said, "Sorry, sweetie, Ate has a boyfriend since she was 13." Then he pouted in the most adorable way possible and I squeeled and hugged him and told him that I'll be his new mother. XD But I did feel sorry for him. Don't worry! There's more noonas to go around! 


I hope you guys had a wonderful and great Valentine. 


And remember, even friends can be your Valentine. 


<3 Cim. 


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the necklace and roses are so beautiful!
The only thing "valentine-ish"(? lol) that I did was make chocolate strawberries and gave them to my friends.
SO. CUTE. GAHHH. I'm so alone <|3
HappyMonster #3
Awww~~ so cute~~
ahh that's so sweet:)
aoiworld #5
Your bf so romantic...
Glad you had nice day....(^_^)
flamingho #6
So sweet <3
I'm glad you had/you're having a nice day! <3 :)