Fair Warning

 Recently had someone sub to my Ellister's Legacy Series, and it was exciting, because it doesn't get subs very often. However, they unsubbed before having time to read it, unless they have nothing else to do and read constantly and very fast (right...), then did the same thing to several of my other stories, so I finally just blocked them, because I won't put up with it. It's not right, because they obviously didn't care about the stories, but at least they gave me karma! At least I'm happy with that. But that's why this is a warning. I will block anyone who is a karma harvester of any kind, whether it's from commenting without subbing or subbing, then unsubbing. And I know most of the people on this site are honest, but there are those select few here's lol. I want to warn the rest of you against this, too. Thank you!



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I understand what you mean. I have had a few people do that with my stories too. But like you mentioned, we get KP When someone subscribe. So I guess we can kinda look over if it's just a one time thing. But if they're doing the same thing repeatedly, then that's a different story. I think you did the right thing of blocking that person.
You don't get karma for subbing to stories. Only for commenting on them. So if that's what the person was trying to do then they were just wasting their own time lol
I've spent my time on AFF for 5 years and still don't get why people are willing to go to such an extent for karma points, when they don't have any significant use IRL uwu
I mean, I can understand those who try to maintain their streak & collect karma points to advertise their stories, pay for posters, or basically any transaction within this community. But the other ones.....
If they did that with only the first story, I could understand that they might not have liked how the story was going. But to do that with more stories is a bit rude. :o