Update plan

Hi guys! I should have the first chapter of amore up in a couple hours. But I wanted to write out my plan for updates.

Tomorrow I should get up the stand alone Heat of the Moment, and hopefully the first chapter of One Dance at a Time. 

Then the plan is to focus on One Dance at a Time, Lips as Red as Rose, and Chasing you. Those three are all about 10 chapters in length so they should (hopefully) be rather quick to get out. 

Then once those are up I will try to alternate between Posessive and Throughout Time. As well as edit and update Unexpected but not Unwanted.  Once throughout time is finished (it's the shorter one) I will continue unexpected but not unwanted.  Then once posessive is finished I'll work on Amore. 

This is my basic plan but things may change some. I have my quarterly pain injections in a week so I may need to take a small break from the pc I my pain levels get bad. (I'm also coming down with a cold, so that should be fun) but hope it will all work out. 

I'm actually using these fics as a break from my novel and a chance to try a few different styles. I hope it all goes well and hope I can update like planned. 

Thank you all for understanding,  andhope this helps you understand why I may wait to update one of my fics. 

Love you all! 



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