replace with fc

gu ziwei



zǐwēi ( 梓薇)

in jia-shu culture, a person is generally called by their full name and their actual name is only used by family or close friends, so really ziwei doesn't feel all that comfortable having strangers calling her ziwei instead of her full name. she still feels kind of weird when foreigners call her ziwei but she's able to tolerate them making that mistake as they haven't grown up in the culture she has.


she's teasingly called this by the other members of the crew because she's considered to be incredibly short—for a guy, that is. variations of the name includes : runt ( which really is a bit insulting, but they mean well so she's okay with it ) and squirt.


rénlèi ( equiv. chinese )

fluent - having been born and raised in the jia-shu clan, ziwei has been speaking in renlei ever since she was born. ziwei can speak in the common dialect well enough, but she grew up speaking in a dialect similar to the sichuan / chongqing dialect ( where their n sounds are often replaced with ls and they pronounce the zh, ch, sh sounds as z, c, s ) and is more comfortable speaking in the dialect. she normally speaks in the common dialect, and only switches to dialect when she meets someone also from the same area of jia-shu.

common tongue ( equiv. english )

fluent - ziwei was taught how to speak common tongue when she was homeschooled by her mother, as it was a language spoken pretty much everywhere. she used to speak with a slight accent, but when she joined sicarius, they had corrected her and taught her how to speak proper common tongue.

inoshi ( equiv. japanese ) and yeung ( equiv. khmer )

advanced - ziwei comes from the piece of land where jia-shu, jia-min and jia-dtang meet, and even though ziwei's family knows they're part of the jia-shu clan and have always lived by jia-shu values, the fact that there aren't set boundaries in the area they live in means that any day the other clans may claim the land as theirs. the clans are known to be quite hostile towards outsiders, and the fear of being mistreated or discriminated against caused them to start learning the languages. she hasn't been speaking yeung and inoshi for as long as she has renlei and common tongue, so she's currently at an advanced level rather than fluent.

she uses different names when she deals with people from these clans as well, introducing herself as sophea when talking with the jia-dtang and as ayako when trading with the jia-min.


✩ unfortunately for her, ziwei knows that despite her best efforts to make her eyebrows thicker with powder ( i did some research and they did have something like that in ancient china called dai ) and create more angular features with rice powder ( kind of like reverse contouring? they used to use rice powder to make their face whiter ), she still looks undeniably feminine.

instead of sharp features, ziwei's features are soft, with a small, heart-shaped face, large round eyes and a small nose that makes her looks a lot younger than she actually is. her hair is a dark, almost black shade of brown, and it's normally worn down, as she doesn't really have the money to afford the accessories that richer girls her age would wear in their hair.

while pretending to be a boy in jia-shu, ziwei normally wears her hair in a tighter bun, since men in jia-shu never really felt the need to cut their hair, but specifically for the nightingale, she decided to cut her hair short because she knows that it's more accepted for men to have short hair outside her own country.


✩ back in jia-shu, like every other commoner, ziwei wore hanfu, the traditional clothing of the jia-shu clan, that was simple both in the material it was made from and in design. the jia-shu clan is known for its blatant favoritism of men over women, and because their family really couldn't afford to buy everyone new clothes, most of what ziwei currently wears are things her brothers grew out of before. she doesn't mind, though. clothes for men and women were generally quite similar in style, and it just saves her the trouble of having to search for new clothing when she has to dress up as a boy.

when she first became a part of the crew on board the nightingale, though, ziwei quickly realized that she would not be allowed to wear the clothing she wore back in jia-shu. on the nightingale, she wears the assigned pirate garb, complete with a loose fitting blouse and baggy pants that allowed for way more movement than if she had been wearing her hanfu. the clothes don't fit her that well, but she isn't that picky about clothes anyway.

jia-shu : 1 2 3 4 5
the nightingale : 1 2


Character’s Daily Life:


ziwei's daily life is, to be quite honest, really busy, but also incredibly boring at the same time. it's only gotten busier without her grandmother around to do the cooking now, but she's okay with it as long as it means her family can live a comfortable life.


as the one who prepares breakfast for the entire family, ziwei is normally the first to wake up, making sure she gets up a good half an hour before her grandfather usually does so that he doesn't have to wait to eat. her grandfather likes to help out in the rare times he wakes up earlier and when they're done she wakes up the rest of her siblings so that they'll be able to get ready in time for school.


ziwei gets prepared for work after making sure her siblings get to school safely ( it's almost like a routine when her brother tries yet again to tell her that she doesn't have to accompany them and that they'll be fine on their own ), and the rest of her day is divided between several of her different jobs around the village and running errands for her neighbors if she gets asked to ( and she gets paid as well, which is a bonus ). her morning is spent helping out at the farm, where her main role is to collect crops and plant new crops in their place.


her second job starts promptly at lunchtime. since she's a lot better at languages than the other people in her town, she spends most of her afternoon with the local merchants and traders, translating and helping them make negotiations with people that come from other areas of the country. occasionally she brings along some of her grandfather's artwork to sell as well, and all the traders are willing to help her make sure they get sold for a good price.


ziwei doesn't really have to worry about doing the chores as her grandfather insisted on doing them, so she gets time at night to do a third job after dinner. she's one of the many servers at a local restaurant. it's definitely tiring, and being around a bunch of drunk men late at night is probably not the safest for her, but she gets a lot of money out of it, so she dresses up as a boy, but for safety. she tidies up the shop after they close for the day, and returns home after most of her family have already gone to bed ( she says most because at least one of her brothers are generally still awake, making sure she's gotten home safely before they sleep ).


she rarely ever gets time for herself, but ziwei doesn't care. she would do anything for her family, and if that means she has to come home every day exhausted and aching she would do it in a heartbeat.

BIRTHDATE: harvestsun 24, 1303 (18)

FACE CLAIM: jiang yiyi
BACK UP: song zuer
HEIGHT: 166cm
WEIGHT: 47kg

“if you want, i can show you a million different things people like me are willing to do to make sure their family survives.”

More then skin and bones...


positive : observant, meticulous, hardworking, gentle, caring, patient
neutral : private, polite, passive, altruistic, mature, protective
negative : manipulative, cynical, impulsive, cold, insecure, anxious


in the years that followed her parents' death, it was blatantly obvious to everyone around her that the deaths had a much bigger impact on ziwei than on the rest of her siblings. as a child, ziwei had been full of life, incredibly cheerful, incredibly energetic, and her smile never seemed to leave her face. she was outgoing, engaging in conversations with everyone around her like she'd known them for years, and she would often be seen playing jokes on the other children in the neighborhood, all of which she had been close friends with. it wasn't an exaggeration that everyone loved her, but after her parents died and she'd had to take on the responsibility of raising what's left of her family, she had become a completely different person.

if you asked anyone who knew her well, they would probably say that ziwei's most defining trait would be her mature personality. even at the age of 14, nowhere even close to being an adult, ziwei had already lost all of her childish playfulness she'd once had prior to her parents' deaths, and this was replaced by an overwhelming sense of responsibility that rendered her unable to enjoy the rest of her childhood like other children her age. she was the oldest, after all, and it seemed expected that with her parents no longer around, she would be the one into the position of an adult years before she actually became one. because of this, she grew to become motherly and caring, always looking out for her brother, taking care of him when he was sick or in trouble and always being the one to clean up any messes he made. she is patient, willing to sit for hours and listen to his troubles, she's gentle, and she's incredibly observant as well, able to pick up when her brother was feeling sad or if a situation he were in didn't seem safe. taking care of others became natural to her, and ziwei brought on that quality to other people as well, looking after her friends like she would with her sibling. along with that, she's also very protective, perhaps too much so, and though it's annoying to have her constantly checking up on them, her friends know that it's only because she's worried about not taking care of them well enough.

while her newfound maturity has definitely brought out a much nicer and more patient side of her that might not have been entirely there when she was younger, it also came at a very big price. as she grew older, ziwei became quiet and withdrawn, never sharing her problems because she knew that as the oldest, she had to look like she was coping with her parents' deaths well despite being a complete mess inside. even though she might look fine, she's actually incredibly anxious and insecure, the amount of pain she's bottled inside only building up over time rather than going away like she hoped. she became scared of every little thing, scared that she isn't doing enough for her family, scared that she won't be able to protect feng, and above all, she's terrified that she'll lose him like she lost her parents. she'd lost trust in everyone after people stopped caring, and the pressure as the oldest sibling made her lose herself as well. her entire life became centered around the wellbeing of her brother, and she became passive, never really knowing what she wanted because she was so used to asking what other people wanted instead. she's soft-spoken, unconfident when she does speak and has a lot of trouble deciding things for herself, yet she's able to figure out what's the best for other people faster than you can imagine. she's overly selfless, and this combined with her impulsiveness makes it almost impossible to stop her from doing something dumb for the sake of other people. she always puts the people she considers her family first, and if it takes sacrificing herself to keep them safe, she wouldn't even hesitate to risk her life for them. she'd also find herself doing things that go against her moral code, just to make sure her brother got a proper education, and she doesn't mind being a criminal if it meant that feng would never ever have to resort to doing something immoral for the sake of their family.

people who haven't felt the desperation before wouldn't be able to understand.

and even though she hates to admit it, years of working together with sicarius also played a large part in the formation of her personality now. she’d learned early on in her career as an assassin that she had to be brutal, that she had to be manipulative, that she couldn’t feel sympathy for those she was killing when she was out on a mission, or else it would ruin her emotionally. ziwei had learn to be okay with being a cold-blooded killer despite it going against everything she believes in, and that’s exactly what she taught herself to do, switching off her emotions and stepping into the persona of someone else to protect herself from the pain of knowing someone’s blood was on her hands, or knowing she’d just abused the trust of another human being. human—just like her. she became cold so that the guilt wouldn’t consume her. she’s a good actress, knowing exactly what role she had to play to earn someone’s trust, then take their lives away from them once she gets close enough. but she can’t deny that every time she goes out under a different name, every time she goes out under a different cover story, she feels like she’s losing a bit of ziwei as well.

she'd always wondered what she'd turn out to be like if both her parents were still alive. would she be the same person she is? probably not. she'd definitely be a lot happier if her parents were still alive, a lot freer, a lot more innocent, a lot more hopeful. but this is her now, and she had to learn to accept the fact that she'd never be a normal girl.


innocence, pure of heart, happiness

before everything went wrong, ziwei had been happy. she may not have been born in the wealthiest family ever, she may not have been able to eat expensive meals and she may not have been able to afford things that her other classmates were able to afford, but she was happy.

she was born gu ziwei ( made up of the chinese characters for the catalpas tree and the multiflora rose ) on harvestsun 24, 1303, the oldest child in a family of artists. the entire town ( an extremely close-knit town in lower-class area of jia-shu where people lived for generations on end and it was rare to find someone who hadn't been living there since they were born ) had anticipated her birth ( much like they did the birth of every child born there ), and from the moment she had been born, she was treated like treasure.

ziwei grew up surrounded by love and support from her parents, and her easygoing nature made it almost effortless for her to make friends in the village, charming both adults and children alike. she'd shown an affinity for learning from a very young age, curious in how every small thing  functioned and how it came to be. her mother had seen her curiousity and need to learn, so even before the age where she was allowed to go to school, she had decided to homeschool her, teaching her the basics of what she would've been learning in school had she been old enough.

because of this previous training she'd had as a child, when she was old enough to go to school, she'd adapted to the school life well, and was at the top of her class for most things that they learned. she absorbed information with no difficulty, and to be quite honest, school had not been difficult for her. she enjoyed the learning, she enjoyed getting to see her friends and though she was often judged by the other children for her poverty, it wasn't enough to tear her down.

she had been happy, but she guesses all happy things had to come to an end. it was selfish to be happy for too long, and perhaps the spirits wanted to punish her for being so happy all the time.


mourning, sadness, bravery

the sound of the door creaking open pulls ziwei out of her thoughts, and she turns around, leaping to her feet when she sees the town doctor come in through the door. her father lifts his head to look at the man, desperately searching his eyes. "how is she?" he asks, the same time worried whispers of "can we go in and see?" sound from where a 6 year-old ziwei was standing, trying to peer into the room he'd just exited from.

the doctor doesn't reply immediately, a sad smile on his face as he crouches down to talk to the young girl. "later, okay? you need to be well behaved if we're to let you in, alright?" the man hesitates for a moment, taking in a slow, deep breath that none of them knew the meaning behind. perhaps the man was tired after being in there for so long? "your mother needs to rest and i need to talk to your father first too." ziwei nods in reply, and promptly leaves the room to give the men space to talk.

it's only when she finds her father sobbing into his hands that she finds out her mother didn't make it.

they'd known for a while now that the chances of her surviving after contracting the disease wasn't huge, especially since the medical supplies they'd had in the town at the time weren't enough to fight a disease brought over from a foreign land, but despite all that, they'd still had hope that if they prayed hard enough, dasein and the other spirits would bring them a miracle. it's apparent now that miracles didn't exist, and no amount of prayer had been enough to save her mother's life.

her father spends the next few weeks locked up in his workspace, working day and night in a desperate attempt to patch up the hole that's been left in their lives, both financially and emotionally. as the weeks dragged on, though, it became painfully apparent that no matter how much he tried, he simply didn't have the time nor the strength to be both a father and mother figure to his two children. the workload it took to provide for the family begins to pull him under, drowning him, and he pushes his children into the understanding arms of his neighbours in fear of dragging them down with him.

ziwei and feng, her tiny, helpless baby brother, spend the next six years alternating between whichever neighbours were available to take care of them, and in return for their care, ziwei starts to learn how to help them lessen their burden, dropping out of the school she'd just joined so that she could spend her time cooking and cleaning instead.

she was the only one old enough, after all. she didn't know at what point her neighbours would be fed up with having two more mouths to feed, and despite knowing her father paid their neighbours a good amount to give them food, protection and shelter, she also knew that he wouldn't be around all the time to make sure of that. she needed to make herself valuable, make herself seem like less of a burden so they'd never have a reason to stop taking care of her and feng.


grief, cruelty, despair

the day her father came home bruised and beaten, his dominant arm broken, she should've known what was going to happen. she hadn't known who did it or why they did it, but it was obvious that whoever had beaten up her father had been dead set on ruining his career and, subsequently, ruining his life and his family along with it.

her father had been one of the best carpenters in the town, and having his arm injured put him out of work almost immediately. during the time he'd waited for his arm to heal, ziwei starts to take on jobs, travelling further outside the town to look for better opportunities for work ( she'd found a consistent income in the form of a translating job, located in a trading village close to the border between jia-shu, jia-min and jia-dtang ). nobody cared that at the age of 13, ziwei had already been part of the workforce. after all, it had been a small town, and there had been no minimum age of working, so anyone would accept as much help as they could. they all needed someone to rely on for income, after all, and since her father was injured and couldn't work, she knew she had to be that figure as the next in line.

perhaps she was naive to think that things would get better when her father's arm healed, because nothing changed. they quickly realized that the damage that had been done to his arm had been irreversible, his arm no longer being able to be controlled in the way it had been before. his hands became shaky, no longer able to work on more precise details in the things that he made, and in turn, he started to lose his customers, who had gotten tired of waiting for his work to return to the standard it had been before. and this hit hard on her father, because his work was the only thing that had powered him through the loss of her mother. he lost his purpose the day his arm had been broken, and ziwei really should've seen that earlier.

if she'd seen that earlier, would she have been able to prevent the tragedy that happened afterwards?

it's still clear in her mind even now, the way she'd been greeted by deafening silence instead of a frustrated yell for her to leave him alone that day. in hindsight, she should've turned then, should've known something was wrong, but she'd kept going, too curious for her own good, until she'd found herself staring down at her father, or more specifically, his lifeless body, framed in a pool of blood that soaked into his clothes.

she'd forgotten exactly what happened afterwards, her twisted, broken mind filling in the gaps that she can't remember. the only thing she could comprehend had been the hollow emptiness in his eyes, the jagged cut running from his wrist to his elbow, the way the purple bags under his lifeless orbs stood out even more against his bloodless, porcelain skin. she remembers the coldness of his skin against hers, his limp body heavy as she cradles what's left of her father, hugging him tightly as if it would somehow bring him back to life. then she'd out.

protection, health, sacrifice

desperation drives people to do things they’re not proud of, and ziwei finds out the hard way when the village turns on them after her father’s death. dealing with the loss of her only remaining was difficult on it’s own, however nothing broke her as much as watching the warm, welcoming hands of her friends and neighbours become cold stares and turned backs, for a reason she didn’t understand. but she knew she had to pull it together.

she couldn’t let her brother lose his own remaining family. not when she knew the hurt and helplessness that came with watching her father spiral into nothingness.

she’d thought she’d be able to handle it, take on more jobs and spend more time working so that she’d be able to afford to pay the bills and feed both of them, but she should’ve known it was impossible. if her father, a grown adult, hadn’t been able to do it all those years ago, there was no way she, only just entering her teenage years, could do it on her own. things start slipping out of her control faster than she could imagine, and when her brother—sweet, kind, innocent feng—returns from school one day with a loaf of bread he'd stolen because he was too hungry, she knew she had to do something to keep her family afloat.

and that's why she finds herself making a deal with sicarius.

sicarius, a secret society that fights against corruption, cruelty and injustice in the world, but goes against everything she stands for because they're not above killing to reach their goal. she'd declined their invitation once, refusing to take another life, but she was desperate, and the only neighbours left willing to help, informants for the society she disagreed with, had promised her they'd make sure feng lived a comfortable life if she joined them.

she had no other choice.

ziwei is officially initiated into sicarius at only 14, where for the next couple of years, she's trained in combat, diplomacy and basic medical skills. they let her continue to work on the languages she already knows, and encourage her to pick up more so that she'd be able to communicate wherever they sent her. they teach her how to lie, how to earn someone's trust and how to take a life.

lying comes in handy when she's sent on her first assassination at 16, and she has to tell her brother she's moving for work. she returns traumatised and terrified of what she'd done, but they reward her with promises of safety and proper education for her brother, and she slowly learns to shut her guilt out because if she made herself indispensable, feng would be able to grow up normally, maybe even better than any other child his age. her brother always came first, and that meant her missions had to take priority.

she didn't want to know what they might do to feng if she failed. gu ziwei becomes a killing machine, drained of empathy and feeling when she turns 17.


danger, caution, beware

xia yuning. 18 years old. female. you are from an abusive family, and took the very first chance you had to stow away on a trading ship headed for newhaven. you were thrown overboard when a storm hit the ship, leaving you stranded in the middle of the kerau sea. none of the traders knew you were on the ship, so nobody came back for you. you have nowhere else to go but you know you definitely cannot go back to jia-shu, where people are probably looking for you. you're scared of what your family would do if they found you and you're willing to go with anyone who's willing to take you. 

when she'd first become a part of sicarius, the leaders of the group had let her in on the circumstances surrounding her father's death. they'd told her about one of their informants seeing him meet up with a member of a local cult prior to his death, and they'd suspected the cult, azure moon, had something to do with his death.

and everything started to click for her. azure moon had a big influence in jia-shu, especially in her village, and if her father had betrayed their trust for some reason, it would make sense that azure moon would turn the village against his orphaned children, who may have shared the same views their father had. azure moon had left them helpless, starving, almost dead, and she couldn't forgive them for what they had done to her family.

azure moon was a group she had to take down, no matter what it took. 

that's why she'd volunteered almost immediately for a mission to locate and assassinate one of azure moon's jia-hwan leaders. one of their informants had heard that a member on board the nightingale, a rather well known pirate ship, had ties to azure moon in the past, and may be able to help her find where the leaders were hiding. she'd have to find a way to get on board, and find a way to stay with the crew until she got the information out from the crew member, whoever it was.

what she hadn't anticipated, though, was for someone she recognised—someone who knew who she was—to also be a crew member on the nightingale.

gu ziwei. 18 years old. female. you lost your family and found work translating for a trading crew headed to newhaven. you were thrown overboard when a storm hit the ship, leaving you stranded in the middle of the kerau sea. you don't know if anyone else on the ship—your newfound family—survived, so you have nowhere to go. when you're rescued, you see your childhood friend, and craving the familiarity that brought to you, you beg him for a temporary place to stay. you're willing to do anything.


food : ziwei had grown up in a financial situation where meals had been simple ( earlier on in her life ) or scarce, so the variety of food provided on the ship was something she'd never seen before in her entire life. while some might feel disgusted about the food they had, she was always grateful, and the first couple of days they'd even had to try to stop her from making herself sick from eating too much.

children : she has the biggest soft spot for small children and anyone younger than her, really, and she guesses it's because of how much of her life she'd spent looking after feng. even if someone is just a year younger than her, she'll definitely treat them as if they're years younger, which might be annoying, but it's just an instinct on her part.

art : she'd come from a family of artists, albeit different types of artists, so she'd since developed an eye for the arts. she loves drawing and painting, but most of all she really loves remodifying or redecorating small trinkets she'd found while travelling.

dusk : ziwei would say that her favorite time of the day is dusk, right when the sun is about to set, because it's absolutely beautiful, and her inner artist just wants to find a way to document all that beauty.

working : it surprises a lot of people that ziwei would like working, especially since others would rather not have to do work, but working gives her a purpose, and now that she's away from her family, she finds it difficult to know what her purpose is anymore. working reminds her that she's still doing something, and it gives her the direction she needs to keep going.

music : she hasn't heard much music from where she came from, so when she heard music for the first time on board the nightingale, she'd immediately been enthralled by the way the instruments seemed to create an entire story out of just notes.

skinship : she feels a bit empty without having her family constantly around her, and she tries to find comfort in the others, but it's difficult when she's dressed up as a boy and she's not even of that high status compared to everyone else on board the ship. she's supposed to be someone in the background, and she knows she has stop herself from being too affectionate to maintain her fake identity.

learning : ziwei has always been curious as a child, and now that she has the chance to see more of the world, she wouldn't let any chance to learn something new slip by.


making decisions : to be completely honest, ziwei doesn't remember being put in a position where a decision was made because she wanted to, and she hates being asked how she feels about a situation, or what she thinks about an idea because she knows she'll just give the most practical answer. she'd never thought for herself before, and she finds it frustrating when people ask for her opinion because she wouldn't know how to answer.

nightmares : ever since her father's death, she'd been plagued by nightmares that leave her afraid to sleep at night. she has such an irrational fear of these nightmares that she would rather work herself until she collapses than submit to sleep, and especially when she's around others, she tries her hardest to stay awake because she knows that she's not comfortable with them seeing her screaming and crying when the nightmares hit.

blood : she's good at pretending that the sight of blood doesn't make her sick to her stomach and she can still function normally around blood, but in reality the sight of blood makes her want to freak out. even if it's just a little bit of blood, her mind automatically sends her back to her father's blood coating her hands, staining her dress red.

snobby rich people : perhaps it's because she's known what it's like to be poor, to not have anything, so she absolutely hates it when rich people look down on others for being poor, or for not having the things that they would have. she knows better than to be impolite or disrespectful because of that, though.

showing weakness : she's the oldest sibling, she's supposed to be strong. she cannot show weakness because she wouldn't be able to protect anyone if people find out that she has weaknesses.

people telling her things she already knows : she hates getting 'advice' on things like how to take care of herself or how to make sure she's safe because she's already lived around 8 years practically raising herself and four other children. she knows how to take care of herself and she's not someone who blindly throws themselves into dangerous situations ( well maybe she is, but she'd appreciate it if people don't try and point that out whenever they can )

people she cares about being in danger : it's more of a fear than something she dislikes, and she would do anything to make sure the people she cares about are safe, even if it means risking her life. she lives for other people, and she wouldn't be able to live with herself if her friends and family get hurt, especially when she could've easily prevented everything.


switching languages : though she can speak common tongue fluently, she still feels a lot more comfortable speaking renlei, so whatever opportunity she can, she would speak in her mother tongue.

wandering eyes : her eyes seem to be unable to stay in one place when she's feeling anxious, flitting from one side of the room to another. she also tends to do this when she's at a loss for words.

pinching : she has the habit of pinching herself when she's trying to calm down,  not because she really wants to hurt herself or anything, but rather because the pain helps her focus. it's a lot less obvious, pinching herself, but people can often tell if she'd been particularly on edge because her skin would be tinted a bright, angry pink afterwards.

startled : ziwei is very easily startled, having been trained to pick up the smallest of noises or movements. she sometimes has to fight the urge to fight back whenever she's startled, knowing it doesn't fit in with the persona she'd created for herself.

thinking : she has a habit of pursing her lips when she's deep in thought, something she'd originally done to make herself seem more young and vulnerable. now, it's become something of a habit.


dominant hand : ziwei can work with both hands. it's something she'd learned as part of her training with sicarious, so that if her dominant hand was injured, she could still use her other one to fend for herself. she uses her right hand most of the time, though, and doesn't use her left unless it's an emergency.

letters : ziwei writes letters to send back home wherever she is, because she knows feng might catch on to her lies if she doesn't. she likes to send small trinkets or local specialties back along with her letters as well, just so he wouldn't be suspicious of her actions.

alcohol tolerance : ziwei's alcohol tolerance is very very high, but she's also mastered the art of faking drunkenness, knowing that the lower her alcohol tolerance seems, the less threatening and harmful she'll look.

✩ i'll add more once i think of it!!!



✩ younger brother - gù fēng ( 12 ) / student / reliable, intelligent, caring / 10
fc : han haolin

to be honest, ziwei wouldn't know what she would do if she didn't have her younger brother by her side. he's everything she's proud of, everything keeping her going when life got hard, but most important, gu feng is her purpose. she doesn't know what she would do without him, because she'd spent all her time and all her love on him, making sure he had the childhood she was never able to have.

✩ neighbours - sòng lí, sòng yáo ( 38, 34 ) / informants for sicarius / loyal, observant, strong-willed / 6

ziwei isn't really sure how she feels about her neighbours. on the one hand, she's grateful they're taking care of feng like they would their own children, but on the other hand she doesn't agree with the way they'd taken advantage of their situation to get her to join sicarius. either way, she's on civil terms with them for the sake of her brother, and often relies on their information for her missions.

the assassin


WHat do you think of pirates? I’m sure you’ve heard a tale or tWo:

✩ the question catches her off guard, and her lips almost form into a small pout before she realizes what she's doing and bites down hard on her lip, because pouting is not the way of a man and it's not in her plans to reveal her identity just yet. "i've heard tales, but that's all they are, aren't they?" she muses instead of really answering the question, scared that she would say something wrong and completely ruin her chances of getting on the ship. "i don't suppose i should believe everything that i hear. they're beautiful stories nonetheless, equal parts intriguing and terrifying."

What is your purpose for meeting ouR captain? He is a busy man: 

✩ this question is one that she has prepared for before, and the answer leaves her lips almost on reflex. "i want to work on the ship," she says simply. "there's nothing left for me here and i want to leave this place somehow." the note rests heavily in her pocket as she speaks, and it takes everything in her not to bring that topic up just yet. that could wait for another time.

It’s a known supErstition that women are bad luck on ships. what do you think about this superstition?:

✩ "that's nonsense," she answers instinctively before her mind can even process the question. it takes her a few seconds to realize what she'd just said, and her cheeks flare a deep, rosy pink, cursing internally to herself. "what i mean is, i would think that women would be quite helpful on ships. there have been some documented female pirates, after all."

what Lengths are you willing to go on This journey?: 

✩ ziwei lifts her head up to look at the man sitting before her, determination shining in her brown orbs, replacing the uncertainty that had been there before. "i'm willing to do anything." i need to find out the truth. i need to make sure i don't lose anyone else ever again.

replace with fc
replace with fc
replace with love int

luo haoxuan



wu lei ( 吴磊

PLOTLINE: the commando



luò hàoxuān is often just referred to as hao by the other crew members ( pronounced again, the valgian way 'how' rather than the renlei way, of course, because accents are difficult to deal with ). it's how he introduces himself as well, because he knows that there's no way people will mess up 'hao' like they would if he introduced himself using his renlei name. in fact, ziwei is one of the only people who ever calls him by his renlei name.

dà gē ( 大哥 )

in renlei, this means older brother, and it's usually used with older males that you look up to or respect. he'd been very adament on trying to get ziwei to call him 'da ge' ever since she'd arrived on the nightingale, and so she calls him this to entertain him. he calls ziwei 'mei mei', or 'little sister' in return.


✩ ziwei is pretty sure haoxuan has a twin she doesn’t know of, because there’s no way the haoxuan who orders her around to do things is the same person she sees fooling around with the rest of the crew when he thinks she isn’t looking. despite his young age, it’s undeniable that luo haoxuan is a natural born leader. he’d learned early on that the only way to be taken seriously is to come across as more confident and collected, so he’d slowly learned to conceal his childishness in favour of a much more mature version of himself. he’s intelligent and quick to adapt, and his quick learning has also made him someone valuable to the crew. aside from being meticulous at his job, he’s also asked the other members of the crew to teach him a bit of what they do, just in case someone gets injured and there’s nobody else to fill in for the job.

maybe it’s because he’d never had the chance to truly connect with people in the past, so he places a high value on his relationship with the other crew members, seeing them as a part of his newfound family. he’s very protective of the crew, and would do anything it takes to keep them as safe as possible. he tends to try and maintain a more professional appearance around those who haven’t proven themselves trustworthy enough yet, but around the crew and around those he trusts, he finds that he’s allowed to act more carefree.

that why when he’s not acting as the commando of the nightingale, the serious stares and collected demeanour is switched out for thundering laughter, bad jokes and childish remarks. haoxuan is loud, boisterous and often walks the thin line between humorous and outright annoying, just like young men are supposed to be at the age of 21. he’s carefree and adventurous, always wanting to see more of the world and what it holds. but as outgoing as he seems, it still feels like there’s a part of him he’s not willing to let anyone into yet, though nobody’s able to truly confirm it.

the only thing that may point to something wrong is haoxuan’s need for things to be in order, and his need to be fully in control of himself. he’s never admitted it to anyone, but killing had made a very small part of him scared of the things he could do if he ever lost control. it doesn’t affect him often, and he sometimes forgets that part of him exists, but from time to time he still feels consumed by the guilt, even though he knows many other people would’ve reacted the same way.


✩ despite the country's efforts to appear collected and in control, growing up in jiayuan had never been peaceful, and nobody knew that clearer than luo haoxuan.

hao was born on the border between jia-la and jia-shu, and ever since he was a child, the sounds of gunshots and fearful shouts had been engraved in his mind. while some clans made peace with each other through marriage agreements, the constant warring over territories where he lived made it clear that jia-shu had never sought to make peace with jia-la the same way it did with the other slightly larger clans up north. with the amount of ambushes and attacks on their village, he'd learned to duck for cover even before he knew how to talk.

his family had moved up north sometime during his childhood years, for fear of the fighting interfering with his early education, but eventually his parents' jobs had brought them back down to the southwest of the jia-shu clan as he grew older, and the fighting returned to being a constant in his life again.

he was 16 when he joins the armed civilian force in his village. in retaliation to a recent attack where they'd lost a large portion of their territory, mercenaries located in all the villages near the borders had rounded up all boys old enough and strong enough to fight, working together to make a guerrilla group that could hopefully win them back the land they'd lost.

learning how to fight and shoot had been grueling, as the mercenaries never went easy when it came to preparing them for the big ambush, but every time he'd held the heavy gun in his hand, a sense of pride and confidence washed over him, taking away all tiredness. they'd found out early on that haoxuan was a good marksman—an excellent one, even—and allowed him to focus on that, knowing he would become an asset to their team if they made him good enough to never miss his shot.

he was fighting for his clan, and he, along with his comrades, was going to win back what was rightfully theirs.

but right before they dove headfirst into an attack they thought they'd be prepared for, the sound of gunshots and screaming rang through their base.

jia-la had attacked first.

there had been a spy on their side, feeding information to their enemies, and they had ambushed jia-shu when they were the least prepared for an attack.

jia-shu shoots into motion.

haoxuan watches as his fellow comrades scrambled to get their weapons, and though jia-shu puts up a good fight, they were ultimately unable to beat the element of surprise. he'd only been able to stare helplessly as his allies—his friends, he realised in horror—were taken down one by one, bullets entering their unprepared bodies long before they could even begin to react.

before he even realised what was happening, he catches the eye of a man he'd been taught was one of the leading mercenaries of the jia-la group.

he raises his gun, almost as a reflex, and shoots.

the spirits must've been on his side, because the man crumples to the ground, and alarmed cries from the jia-la soldiers notify him that his bullet had made his mark. the gunshots momentarily cease as they make their way over to their fallen commander ( only one of many, he was sure, because he could still hear the battle going on elsewhere ), giving him enough time to run for his life, knowing he'd just pinned a target onto his own back.

the captain of the nightingale finds him hiding way too far away from home, and odd mix of fear and fiery determination burning in his eyes and a gun aimed at the captain's head. for some reason he doesn't know, the captain is entertained enough to decide haoxuan had a place in the crew he was assembling.

haoxuan had finally found safety again.


✩ when ziwei was first pulled on board the nightingale, cold, wet and shivering, she'd thought that she had everything under control. she'd memorised her character, her backstory, exactly what she had to say to gain the pity of the crew members while still being useful enough to stay on the ship, but when she first locked eyes with haoxuan, the horrified realisation in his brown orbs made her realise her previous plans wouldn't work.

haoxuan and ziwei first met when his family moved up north to where ziwei's family had been staying, and although she'd just turned 5 at the time, she'd quickly taken a strong interest in the older boy who came from another village. she'd tagged along whenever she could, craving to know more about the world outside the village she'd always known, begging to hear stories from his hometown, and over time, he'd started growing a weird sense of fondness towards the girl with the bright eyes and even brighter smile.

when ziwei's mother had passed, his family had been one of the families who'd offered to take care of her and her newly born brother, and when they start spending months living together, it makes it impossible for them to forget. he'd known from the very moment she came on the ship that she was his childhood friend. even though she was much older than she'd been when he last saw her, everything was too familiar for him to forget.

ziwei knew that she had to improvise, and luckily, she was good at improvising.

she prides herself on her quick thinking, and when she picks up on the protectiveness and trust haoxuan was showing her, she knew that although she couldn't use much of the character she'd been prepared to use, she had another way to earn the crew's trust—taking advantage of her childhood friend to make his newfound family trust her the way he did.

even though part of her was apprehensive—his family had done so much for hers after all—another part of her knew that her mission had to come first. haoxuan didn't have to know that the ziwei he knew had been lost all those years ago. haoxuan didn't have to know his ziwei was long gone.

but what she hadn't expected was to find a home in haoxuan, find safety in the nightingale. she hadn't expected to be treated with such care, and she didn't know at which point her mission stops being a priority.

STATUS: ziwei starts to develop feelings for haoxuan, and she knows he has feelings for her too, but she terrified because knows she can never act on those feelings unless she tells the truth. she's been lying to him ever since she came on board and she can't risk losing her friendship with hao. and even if he's crazy and still chooses to trust her after all the lying and all the manipulation, how can she ever give someone the love they deserve if she doesn't even know how to love and respect herself? and what if sicarius thinks she's not doing well enough and brings harm to the crew or her brother in retaliation? haoxuan seems to think he knows who he's fallen in love with, but ziwei isn't even sure who she is at this point, and whether he's just fallen in love with the illusion of her she'd created.

ENDING: surprise me? maybe haoxuan feels so betrayed when he finds out the truth that he shuts her out and they lose their friendship as well? or maybe haoxuan knew all along that she wasn't being truthful and lets himself be willingly lied to because he's equally in love with her as she is with him? maybe he's betrayed at first but she does something to redeem his trust? who knows.


christmasrose ✩ nessa

LAST COMMENT: okay so ziwei has a really angsty backstory but i gave her a really fluffy  and cheesy love story too so that might make up for it? and i know the faceclaim i chose isn't that boyish but she's so cute with the hairstyle haha and i have a more androgynous backup faceclaim ( she has the most adorable voice omg ) so i hope that's okay too!! please tell me if you need clarification for something haha because my writing skill kind of just disappeared towards the end of this.


✩ haoxuan finding out about ziwei's nightmares, and ziwei being completely mortified at first because nobody's supposed to find out. after that, they spend their nights sitting on the deck together and just talking, because he feels the need to distract her from her fears and she enjoys just listening to him talk.

✩ obviously she stops doing her mission at some point, and just when she starts getting comfortable, sicarius starts to chase her up on her progress and she realises she'd let herself get too close with the crew and now she cares about them and oh my goodness what does she do now?

✩ tba

PASSWORD: pirates will be pirates




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