+ let's be real | ZHANG YU ( wiiiiiiiiiiiiiip )

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spill that sweet tea!

full name  ZHANG YU

  • jang yura this is her korean name. it's only used to caption her comedically on variety shows.
  • yunnie no one calls her this in person, it's mainly her fans

dob + age  10/10/93 (25) 
birthplace  dalian, china
hometown  shanghai, china
ethnicity  1/2 chinese, 1/2 caucasian
occupation  retired actress & model

  • mandarin chinese since she was born and raised in china her first language was mandarin chinese.
  • english her mother is caucasian, from america specifically, so as she grew up speaking chinese, she was being taught english as well.
  • korean yu has been speaking korean for about six years and she has close to no accent, however when it comes to more advanced vocabulary she's clueless

je ne suis qu'une voix parmis les autres.

face claim   dilraba dilmurat
( photo 1 | 2 | 3 )

backup  ju jingyi
appearence  in most aspects yu looks like her fc, except her lips are a little more plump and there is a bit more meat on her bones
height & weight  170 cm. 53 kg
fashion sense  yu prefers to be comfortable over being stylish. obviously when she isn't dressing herself she has no choice, but when she is she'll usually pick out a big t-shirt and some shorts, or a sweater and shorts or jeans and a t-shirt. don't get her wrong, though, she still really enjoys dressing up, but since she was once a model she never took being able to dress herself for granted.

her favorite colors to wear are definitely black, white, greys and pinks. of course she'll wear other colors, but when you take a look into her closet those are the colors that are mainly visible.

( photo 1 | 2 | 3 )
who's your mcm & wcw?

personality traits  

  • positive:  witty, reliable, open
  • neutral:  stubborn, sarcastic, absentminded
  • negative: clingy, blunt, petty
  • enfj
  • slytherin 

elaboration  Suspendisse ultrices ullamcorper leo a tristique. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec semper, est vitae placerat interdum, dolor ex dignissim dui, nec viverra risus enim ut enim. Morbi vulputate lorem vitae nulla lobortis mollis.

background  tell me all her life. how her career unfolded, and how she got chosen as one of the host.
lifestyle how's her lifestyle rn? how's her daily routine when she films and when she's not filming. (they film  from monday to friday start at 7am to 5-6pm.) 

the reality of f a m e

likes  5+

  • animals. yu loves animals to the point of getting to pet a cute puppy could turn her ty day into the best day she'll probably have for about a week.
  • here 
  • here
  • here 
  • here 

dislikes 5+

  • here 
  • here 
  • here
  • here 
  • here 

hobbies 5+

  • here 
  • here 
  • here
  • here 
  • here 
  • here

habits  3+

  • picking at her split ends when she's bored. she has trichotillomania (impulsively pulling out or ripping off hair) and the way she deals with it is by breaking off her split ends. she doesn't do it in professional settings, luckily.
  • here 
  • here

trivias 10+

  • she has two instagrams. one for her friends where she posts more private things and then one for her fans. admittedly sometimes the posts meant for her private one are accidentally posted on her public one.
  • she actually has a potty mouth, but now that she has a kid who is beginning to talk she tries her best to hold it back
  • her favorite foods are sushi and anything sweet while her least favorite are most vegetables
  • she's terrified of needles so of course having a kid was a tough experience for her
  • she's also afraid of flying on airplanes
  • while she was learning korean, watching kdramas helped her language learning
  • even though she wears contacts every day and her vision is perfectly fine, she still squints to look at certain things. theres compliations of it in videos and in pictures
  • here 
  • here 
  • here
  • here 

name 3 celebrities crushes 

  • ji changwook 
  • dane dehaan
  • jesse williams

relationships (tell me everyone she close with, any celebrity friends, non celeb friends, famiily members, her kids?, enemies? ex boyfriends?)
kwon mia (1 1/2) - daughter -  appearence on the show? (yes)
name (age) - occupation -  appearence on the show? (yes/no)
name (age) - occupation -  appearence on the show? (yes/no)
name (age) - occupation -  appearence on the show? (yes/no)

t a p  o u t!!
occupation retired model & actress
debut date 02/2013
rate her reputation 
  • korean citizen 8/10
    to the korean public, yu before she retired, was a beautiful and popular actress and model. she had minor roles in historical dramas, usually as a friend or girlfriend of a character, and in modern dramas as the airheaded friend. even though she never had a main role, the public still loved her.
  • knetizen 5/10
    of course they love to flame yu. whether it's for her appearance, her acting, her modeling, her race, her language skills... they always are picking at her and trying to tear her apart, at least half of them are. the other half treat her like the public does and tries defending her some times.
  • international netizen 5/10
    before her marriage, yu was kind of unnoticed by the international crowd, including in china. she was a very neutral person to them and they didn't notice her much. now they don't mind her.
past scandals
  • soloist dean and model zhang yu to get married in january yu and hyuk were only dating for about a year and a half before yu found out she was pregnant. the two didn't plan on getting married for years to come, but because of the baby he proposed to her just a few days later and they had a shot gun wedding. their daughter mia was born just 5 months later.
  • zhang yu gives birth just 5 months after wedding of course this came as a shock to the public, considering the couple never indicated anything about it being a shotgun wedding...
  • zhang yu and dean boast their relationship online, minus their daughter due to hyuk's career, the two often travel together. if it's possible, mia will come along but most of the time she stays with hyuk's mother. the internet didn't like this, saying that they were neglecting their kid.
future scandals
  • zhang yu under fire for rude expressions towards guests on the real quite honestly yu just has a resting face. she smiles and cuts up of course, but usually if she's listening to someone or the attention isn't on her, she most likely has a face, it doesn't mean she's rude.
tell me about your bootang
love interest kwon hyuk, aka dean
occupation kr&b/khh singer
age  26
backup  zico

personality traits 4 positive 4 negatives
elaborate  here  
love story how they met? how they'll meet? explain how you want their love story to unfold as the tv show goes on. do not forget, it is a testing season, if all goes wrong, it will be cancelled right away, 
relationshp tell me all about their relationship. how they act around each other, on and off camera, are they running away from dispatch? love skinship? do they troll each other on social medias? do they hates each other... spill all the tea!
status married
is he willing to appear on the show? of course!
let's have a girl chat! 

hi, i am the director of the real korea, call me director kim. introduce yourself.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
how you've heard about the audition process it?
Suspendisse ultrices ullamcorper leo a tristique. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes,
are you familiar with the american version of this show? if so, who's your favourite host?
nascetur ridiculus mus.
this show is called the real? are you for sure ready to be real real despite ruthless netizen comments or you'll be carefull?
Donec semper, est vitae placerat interdum, dolor ex dignissim dui, nec viverra risus enim ut enim. Morbi vulputate lorem vitae nulla lobortis mollis.
discusions on this show is inevitable, how do you act when someone isn't agreeing with you?
Nam eu nisi vel elit sodales auctor sit amet nec sem. we'll
definetly have heart to heart moments on here, are you the type to cry?
In feugiat ultrices ultricies. Nulla in tellus dictum, fermentum est vel, ornare ligula.
in a group of friends, which friends are you? the mom, the wild one, the funny one, the brain, the calm one or the leader?  
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
do you belive you'll become close friends with your fellow hosts?
Ut malesuada euismod ex, eu mattis ligula finibus sed.
what makes you the b e s t host for the real?
Sed eu urna tortor. Aenean semper metus sit amet mi ultrices pretium.
this show will definetly talk about mature subjects, are you comfortable to talk about it?
Pellentesque porttitor odio ut urna tincidunt, at rhoncus purus sagittis.
ok, ok. last question, are you ready to be real? 
Phasellus viverra tempor ornare. Aliquam quis pulvinar nisl.

girl, we're not done chatting yet!
comments ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
suggestions Suspendisse ultrices ullamcorper leo a tristique. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
passwords Donec semper, est vitae placerat interdum, dolor ex dignissim dui, nec viverra risus enim ut enim. Morbi vulputate lorem vitae nulla lobortis mollis. Nam eu nisi vel elit sodales auctor sit amet nec sem. In feugiat ultrices ultricies. Nulla in tellus dictum, fermentum est vel, ornare ligula.


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