Looking for Myself

Hi everyone, I just wanna let everyone knows that I'm still alive and kicking XD. Just a bit busy helping my father with his food business. While, I myself was currently struggling to find myself. 

I lost motivation to work for a job that was equal to my qualification which is a Radiographer a.k.a Radiology Technician. Talking about this.. i wanna rant... my mum was not really helping by throwing every possible job vacancy to my face.. she was not forcing or anything it's just that it makes me feels like.... I don't have enough space to recover myself.

Well, i know that it's been so long since i last quit my job at previous hospital and she was just worry about me. She also think that i'm in depression based on what she heard on medical programmes on tv. *sigh*

When she said things like that... I was like.. am i in a depression state? I was questioning myself all the time.. I am someone who thinks a lot but thank god I don't tend to overthink. *proud of myself :D*

So, to anyone who had experienced demotivation like me. Please do share your experience. I do appreciate it so much. *pretty please*

I took myself off of social media and any platform for me to try and focus on my life outside social media. Despite what happened... social media really doesn't impacted me so much that I was addicted to it or whatever. Basically, me losing motivation wasn't related to social media at all. I'm still thinking on how to get it back. For now, i'm tryna focus on doing business with my father hoping that i'll be able to focus on business after this maybe(?) 

Hahahaha wish me luck and pray for me everyone ❤

Life keeps getting harder as the year passes by.. and being an adult is really difficult. All the best to everyone and to myself !! 


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Girl, do what you're happy with and if that means not the medical field and running the business with your father then do so! You sound so happy running the business. ^^ I hope you're well by the way. Haven't heard from you in a long time.