At lunch. Thought I blogged.

So, I've been Pretty hyped about Walking Dead. I might make a Zombie story. There would be a few main characters that the story would follow and then there would be a never ending apply for cameos and zombies. If you applied as a cameo or a zombie you would have a backstory. Would you read it? And would someone good with horror like to help me?


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this sounds like an intresting idea! i'd read it !
*points to you* Zombie chick. *points to self* Spy chick.
I'll definitely read but I'll be of little help on the zombie front OTL
AbriMathos #3
Hell yeah I'd read it! Support mah dongsaeng!!
HellsRainbow #4
I live horror.
If you haven't found someone, I'm always open to help out ^^
Zombies are my favorite <3
But that's cuz I'm a HARDCORE resident evil fan XD
Omfg! That would be awesome! Of course I'd read it! ^0^
I'd love to help but...I at horror :P
lol. I'm better just admiring it! XD
...but if you need help on anything I mean ANYTHING in the story, I would gladly help. :D