Night World / Jong Hae

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Traits Engergiser bunny, kind, ambitious, emotional, excitable, impractical
Personality Haebyeol never runs out of energy, ever. She will be going at 100% until she falls asleep and when she wakes up she is the same. Her energy is contagious as well, she is like a battery to her friends. She always has a smile on her face, sometimes even inher sleep. She is kind to everyone, even strangers, expecially kids. If she can make them think this is a safe, kind worlf then she will do anything to do so. She wants everyone to do their best in life and she has a lot of aspirations. She wants to go everywhere, do everything. She refuses to be put down for anything. 
It doesn't take a lot to get Haebyeol to tears. People don't often but she still will burst into tears when people yell at her or find something wrong with her character and the like. It is easy to tell when she is going to cry as well. She finds it difficult to keep her emotions to herself and often gets excited over small little things. She gets other people excited over things as well. She often thinks everything will work out and when they don't that must mean that it isnt the end. She doesn't like looking at the negative so she chooses to ignore it completly. 
Background The biggest thing that ever happened in Haebyeol's life was her parents deaths. She was 8 at the time and was lucky not to be in their van at the time. She and her older brother went into foster care, but only for three months. They were able to move back into their old apartment for a few months until they moved into a smaller one. 
Jong Min had two jobs to support him and his sister but he still made time to do things with her. She had a great childhood and life with it just being the two of them. 
When she was 15 Jong Min's gilfriend of one year moved in with them. Ho Jong Ok was a dj at a local bar, going by the name J.Ok. She had been around and also helping to take care of Haebyeol, who only ever saw Jongok as an older sister. 
Jongok took part time classes at a local community college and sometimes took Haebyeol with her. It made Haebyeol want to go to college even more so than before. 
When the school year started Haebyeol swore she was going to start being a better student so that she could get into a good university. 
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Nicknames Haebyeol, her brother enver liked that her parents only gave them both half a name so he has been calling her Haebyeol ever since he became her guardian
Star/Starry, her friends say she is like a star at night, thats why shes so bright
Ethnicity Korean
Height & Weight 170cm & 43 kg
She loves to travel
She loves animals and kids
She is a great swimmer
She has a slight fear of heights
She can not do spicy food
She wants to learn to drive
If she can walk she wont take the bus
Diamonds are her favorate shape
White is her favorite colour
She likes paintings
Spring is her favorite season
She loves accessories
When people scare her she jumps and flails, sometimes hitting people
She loves her hair being done
She is always dressing nicely 
She is secretly afraid she will need glasses eventually
She keeps a fan going when she is in her sleep
Halloween is her favorite holiday
She hates olives
She obsessibly brushes her teeth
She has four dream catchers
She hates the feel of sand on her skin
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High School
Grade: 11.
Homeroom: B.
Classes: Math, science, technology, physical education, social studies, self study physics.
Clubs/Teams: Cheerleading, student council.
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Brother | Jong Min | 26 | Bartender, construction worker | Hardworking, kind, protective| FC One
Everything about Jong Min's life is about Haebyeol...and Jongok. He has been doing everything possible to make sure that Haebyeol has a good life and he is prepairing to propose to Jongok. There is literally nothing he wont do for his sister
Best friend | Jin Joosil | 16 | Student | Smart, kind, passifist | FC SIS' Anne
Joosil is ahead a grade and is like, stupid smart. Haebyeol is her only friend because others like to pick on her a lot. Joosil spends most of her time at Haebyeol's apartment and has her own bed there. 

Basically older sister | Ho Jong Ok | 26 | DJ, bartender | Spuky, protecive, loving| FC Grace
Haebyeol and Jongok are sisters. Haebyeol goes to her for anything and everything she needs. Jongok likes taking Haebyeol to go try new things so that she can experiance life
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Love Interest
Name: Yoshimura Sozen
Age: 319
Ethnicity: Japanese
Supernatural: Vampire
Personality Traits: sassy, proud, aimless, discontended, playful
Background: Sozen died when he was 20. There was a large drought and many people died, including his family. He was one of the last alive when a vampire came into town. He killed the other two survivors but changed Sozen to keep a companion. 
For the first 50 years Sozen didn't mind being a vampire. He got to see the humans doing things he didn't fully understand and he would laugh along with his sire. They grew tired of things in Japan though, they traveled to China and learned things from there for a while. Nothing major happened for a while, they traveled, they experianced life. 
In 1850 they traveled to the new world, New York City. It was a bustling city with plenty of people and cover and food. Life was good. They remained there for as long as they could without suspicion before leaving ten years later. They went to Chicago and came across trouble for the first time. There were some people who thought they knew about vampires and did their best to capture and kill the two of them but Sozen and his sire easily escaped, however the fire spread out of control. Indrectly Sozen was the cause of the great Chicago fire but he will proclaim it was not his fault the humans were stupid.
They went to England for a while, hoping things would cool off (pun intended) before they headed back on a boat named the Titanic. It was supposed to be all kinds of pomp and circumstance but wow was that a disaster too. Sozen ended up sinking with the ship and being found a few days later, worst trip ever. They did make it to New York again and they said they were going to stay there for a while. Unfortunatly there was a war about to start. Sozen and his sire were able to slip out of the country before anything drastic happened. 
During the second world war things were differant. They were in Japan when things fell apart and they couldn't get out in time. The both of them were drafted and were forced to fight. While vampires can withstand more than humans they will still die. Sozen's sire was killed in battle but Sozen dragged his body back to camp so he would be able to buy him. It was the worst thing that happened to Sozen and he kinda went a little crazy for a while. He snuck into the other sides trenches and killed everyone and fed on most of them. He was so angry and upset. He was able to fake his own death and left. He tried to find a country not affected by the war but it was everywhere. He ended up in Switzerland, hiding out for what felt like years. He hated it and just wanted to go home but couldn't, without his sire he didn't even know where home was anymore. 
Sozen ended up going back to Japan to help rebuild. He was able to get in contact with a clan up in the mountains that remained mostly uneffected from the rage of war. They took him in but living with them was still wrong, it just wasnt what he was looking for. 
Six years ago Sozen moved to South Korea. He liked the business in Busan and there was so many differant kinds of people. He almost felt at home, like things were natural there. 
Last year he moved to Haecheon and started studying at Haecheon Community College and taking a few history classes. He often started questioning the professor and correcting his mistakes and that professor was getting pissy about it. Sozen staid after to talk about his mistakes and that Sozen knew what he was talking about. They had a very long argument, after which his professor asked Sozen to be his student teacher. Sozen said yes right away
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Professor | Shin Taebin | 57 | Pofessor | Sassy, sharp, fun
Professor Shin is often called the most popular professor at HCC and he knows it. He likes having fun with students but he isnt afraid to yell at students. He and Sozen have a close relationship and joke around all the time. Professor Shin likes saying Sozen is an old soul and every time Sozen says he has no clue at all. Somehow, they have gotten around that Professor Shin calls Sozen 'har-abeonim' which means grandfather. 
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First Meeting Sozen was a professors assistant at Haecheon community College. He lived through history so he was a great one at it. One day he was sitting through the professors class, silently correting his errors and he caught a whiff of something delicious. It smelled like sunshine and warmth. He casually walked through the students to try to find it and when he did it was a young girl sitting closely to another student. He walked away, ignoring the young girl. He didn't want to even look at a minor with any form of interest.
Love Story For the next three weeks Sozen looked forward to that class and looked for the young girl but she didn't come back. He was starting to get dissapointed but finally he got a whiff of that beautiful scent. He went up to her and asked if she wanted to participate in class as well or if she was comfortable sitting back and watching. She brightly said she would love to be involved. He gave her a notepack and when his fingers brushed her it felt like heat spead up from her hand into his. She didn't seem to react from it but he had to keep himself from whooping. 
The first time Haebyeol saw Sozen she had an instant crush. She wanted to find out his name but Jongok didn't even know it. She hated that she didn't have the opportunity to get back to class with Jongok but once she did she told herself she was going to get his name. Jongok thought it was adorible, her crush. When he came up and talked with her she almost jumped out of her seat. He touched her as well and it felt like her heart might explode and a warm feeling covered her entire body. 
Haebyeol hung around after class to give Sozen her number. She dropped it on his desk haistily and ran out. She hadn't left campus before she got a message from him. 
Ending They messaged back and forth for a long time, like a good couple months. They went on 'dates' a few times, they would go to see the same movie and be on the phone with eachother the whole time or they would do the same at a resturant. Haebyeol thought it was fun but it was incredibly frustrating to Sozen. He would be around her just enough to smell her but never touch her more than a casual brush of the hand. 
After a while he had enough. They decided to meet up one night at the docks to go for a walk. When they were there (que the music and lights) he pulled her back towards her and kissed her. For her it was fireworks and everything perfect and for him it was just the thought of finally. It was cheesy but romantic. 
Even though he was old Sozen still sometimes struggled with his urges and started to feel his fangs coming out. He pulled back from her quickly, pulled his mask up over his face and started walking again. He said it was just because he didn't want someone to recignize him. Haebyeol felt a little cut off but she was still giddy he kissed her. 
When the parted Sozen didn't message or respond to her for a while and she started feeling like it was something she had done, that she was a bad kisser or that he didnt want to be with her because he was in college and she was young. She found out where he lived and showed up there in tears and blubbering to him. He ushered her inside, insisting she was going to get sick, which she did. (again, que the music, this is starting to sound like a drama, but so what) She spent the night at his house he promised he wouldnt ignore her anymore. 
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Jong Hae, most well known as Haebyeol, is an average, spunky young girl with a great future ahead of her. She is well liked and has many friends at her school. 
NAME: Jong Hae
AGE: 17



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Hey there! Just wanted to let you know Haebyul has been chosen as one of the main cast, and I posted the first two chapters to the story, so I would love to hear your feedback :)