Night World / Riva

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Traits Kind, friendly, anti-violence, timid, nieve, careless
Personality Riva is so kind. She hates seeing anything in pain or suffering. She has a weakness for animals and the only time she will get loud is when she is yelling at people who are cruel to animals. She gets along with most people and most people seem to like her as well. She doesn't need to work hard at all to get people to befriend her, it just comes naturally to her. Her biggest ideal is that people don't fight. She hates violence, arguing or anything that goes against her upbringing. She wishes more people were like her tribe. 
Riva doesn't like loud sounds so when people yell she will flinch and shrink back. She can't handle it, she will look anywhere but the person who is yelling. It makes it very easy for bullies to target her. She often thinks that people will be as nice as she is and trusts them too easily. She has been burned many times since coming to land but she still hopes that humans will end up being good. She isnt a careful person. She bumps into things, gets hurt all the time and doesnt often follow the rules. She didnt have to be so careful in the water, it was always more like relaxed, fun and just be.
Background The Eos tribe of deep water sirens are a different breed. They are a refuge for sirens who have been kicked out of their pods and for those who have sworn from violence. They govern themselves and have very, very strict laws that you must follow or you will be banished from the tribe. Riva's family is from said tribe. 
1. Absolutely no violence. Any violence of any kind such as fights, assault, theft, abandonment or threats will be grounds for removal. 
2. Any quarrels or incidents will be brought to the council. 
3. Absolutely no contact with the humans. No exceptions. 
4. To turn your back on a trib member is to turn your back on the tribe. If the tribe turns their back from you, you will never be allowed back. 
5. If it is found that you have consumed human flesh you will be banished
Growing up, Riva didn't realize she was different than other sirens. She had an older sister, attended school and didn't have many complaints. She was happy. 
One of the most important things was that she never let a human see her, but her favorite thing to do as a child was to go watch the ships passing by. Once, she got to ride on a submachine. It was the most thrilling thing she had ever done and her parents punished her severely. She always had an interest in humans but would never see one. 
When she was sixteen though things changed. She was watching the waves from a storm crash against each other when a ship shadow crossed her. She had never seen a ship do what this ship was doing, she didn't realize it was sinking. All sorts of human trinkets were spiling into the water and one caught her eye. She swam up to see it but was stopped by a human. 
He was just floating there, eyes closed and not moving. She had never been this close to one so she just had to get closer. She swam up to him, but his eyes popped open. He was flailing in the water and trying to grab her, but she couldn't figure out why. It took too long for her to remember that humans needed oxygen, air. Out of the water. 
Riva swallowed her fear of the land above, grabbed the man and swam up. A shockwave burst through her but she just assumed that was what happened when you touched a human. She held him as he started to hack up water and breath again and the flares in her body died down. 
The man started speaking to her but she didn't understand what he was saying, his words were wrong. She held him for a few more moments, just until he started moving again, then she ducked under water again. It was too dark for her to see but she could see him swim over to something floating. 
Hours later the man was taken into another boat and she headed back to her tribe. When she got there she was ready for sleep, but the council was waiting for her. 
One of the other sirens watched what she had done and he told the council about it. She broke one of their most sacred laws and she could not stay.
It is a tradition that sirens from their tribe that people who broke the laws would have their hair chopped off, but everyone else would have theirs kept long as to prove that they are upright and law abiding. Riva's hair was ceremonially cut, stripping her of her tribesmen and allegiance to the Eos tribe. She was forced to leave with nothing as she came into the world with nothing. 
Riva swam aimlessly for days. She had no heading or direction, just going. After a while, she started heading towards land. There was something pulling her there, though she didn't know what. 
Riva came to the surface a kilometer from the shore to watch the humans. There was a pier with only a few people left on it, one of which drew her attention. The man she saved from the shipwreck was leaning over the end of the pier with no one around. 
She swam up to him and surprised him. After a long 'oh my gosh your real, I'm not insane' he offered to help her up or climb down to her. She didn't understand what he was saying, but she did pull herself up on to a little water level dock and he came down. They were able to exchange names, but not much else. They sat together, not talking for a while. 
After fully drying out Riva's scales started falling off and her tail, painfully, started taking the form of legs. The man was shocked and red-faced, but he gave her his jacket to try to form some form of a cover. 
After talking to himself for a while he took her back towards his car, but she could not walk. It took a long time but he got her up the ladder and carried her back to his car. He drove them back to his apartment in Haecheon and set up the couch for her. She had never slept in a bed so she didn't fully understand it but he was able to act out enough for her to understand. He got her to stay while he went to his sisters to get some clothes for her. He didn't tell his sister he was taking anything, just took a bag full of anything he could grab. They were close enough in size that Riva could fit. 
Over the next few days the man, Byeong Seon, did everything he could to try to teach her how humans live and how to speak. The language of the sirens is more like echolocation the bats use. They use more chirping and sounds rather than words. She started learning quickly but it was still frustrating to Byeong Seon. 
He started showing her all sorts of new things and it was all overly interesting to her. She was so excited to try frozen things. There were so many things she lied doing like laying in a bed, walking in the market place and touching things. She wouldn't ride on trains or cars and when Byeong Seon went to take her on a roller coaster she literally froze. She found out that she could go into the water, like a shower or pool, but if she went into the ocean she would start growing her tail back, which hurt like a bad word.
Byeong Seon was telling people that Riva was his cousin who had come to live with him, that her parents had died and he offered to take her in because they were close. he roped his sister into the tale as well. Anyhow, he was told that his cousin, Riva, needed to either prove she graduated from school or start at the local high school. He was hesitant but had no choice. He took her in for a placement test and was worried she would fail and they would be in a lot of trouble, however, it seems that the tribe she came from gave her a very good education. She placed into 11th grade and was set to start the next year. 
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Ethnicity Siren. Byeong Seon has been telling people that she is half Japanese, that is why she looks the way she does. 
Height & Weight 163 cm & 42 kg. Her skin is so pale she seems almost translucent. She spent most of her life without the sun so she has never gotten a tan. She has been wearing clothing and hats to block out as much sun as possible because when she is in the sun she burns very, very easily. Her hair was cut short and jagged whenshe got here but it is more controlled and styled, but still short. It is just below her ears. When she first got here her eyes were very dark, the whites were almost black. They have started normalizing but the iris is black as pitch. She is very small but still has sleek muscles. For the longest time, her skin was constantly dry, like flaking off dry. She needed to apply moisturizer constantly to keep it from cracking painfully. 
Her tail is twice the length of her torso, making her other form 203 cm long and weighs closer to 100 kg. She doesn't know how she can change like that and there is no one to ask
She will randomly eat raw fish, shocking and disgusting Byeong Seon
She is slowly learning how things work on land
She loves ice cream
Shoes still confound her and she often goes without, even in public
She can not eat spicy food
She hates trains and crowds
Buildings sometimes scare her
Dogs are the most interesting thing, cats are the evilest thing
She wants to go back to her tribe if she can but she doubts it
She has never met another species before
She hates the stove
She has tried to cook but it always catches on fire
Fire scares her
She is very interested in naval history, the wrecks in specific
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High School
Grade: 11th.
Homeroom: 2B.
Classes: Korea, Korean history, science, home economics, study hall.
Clubs/Teams: Cheerleading. She was asked to be a cheerleader because of her muscular arms. She didn't fully understand it but agreed to it. You would think she would be on the swim team, but she is actually a terrible swimmer. She can't swim like a normal human, without her tail. 
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Best friend | Seop Ahreyong | 16 | Student, cheerleader | Kind, hot-headed, smart
When Ahryeong met Riva it was like they were bonded as well. They were best friends instantly and Ahryeong even felt the need to help Riva. When Riva became a cheerleader Ahryeong became one too, just so they could spend more time together. Ahryeong feels more like Riva is like a sister than a fake cousin. 
Friend | Ji Won Joo | 17 | Student, head cheerleader | Bright, spunky, loud 
Wonjoo was the first person to really befriend Riva. She was able to talk her into becoming a cheerleader and has stuck by her since then. When Riva has struggled with school she will go to Wonjoo
Classmate | Gam Gooil | 17 | Student, cheerleader | Mean, manipulative, charming 
Gooil is a mean girl. She thinks Riva is slow and that Wonjoo got her on the team to gain points with someone. She is openly cruel to Riva whenever she can
Classmate | Hwang Jieun | 17 | Cheerleader | Soft, mailable, quiet
Jieun is not the cheerleader type. She has hardly any backbone and Gooil bullies her around too. She was mean to Riva at first but only because Gooil told her to. She has started to become better friends with Riva though
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Love Interest
Name: Seop Byeong Seon
Age: 20
Ethnicity: Korean
Supernatural: Human
Personality Traits: Punk, protective, fiery, loving
Background: When Byeong Seon was fourteen his parents were killed, leaving him and his younger sister. They moved to Haecheon to live with their aunt. She was abrasive, hated children and her younger sister. 
Byeong Seon wasn't a great student. He cared more about his music and art than school and often got in trouble with other students and some teachers. His sister was the most important thing to him. 
The day Byeong Seon turned 18 he dropped out of school, became the legal guardian for his sister and moved out of his aunt's house. The two of them lived in a tiny two-room rooftop apartment. He often slept outside to give his sister the privacy a young girl needed. She was and still is his weak spot. 
Byeong Seon worked at a club as a bartender and occasional DJ. He loved playing and writing music and hoped one day to be a composer. He didn't have any interest in singing so he never followed that route. 
He got the chance of a lifetime. There was a music conference in Taipei. He flew there but there were problems with the return flight. He didn't want to wait for the next flight, which was two days from then, so he got a boat ticket. 
The boat hit really bad weather and everyone was awoken in the middle of the night to a loud snapping and grinding sound. A wave had ripped into the hull and the ship started sinking. Everyone was abandoning ship and trying to save what they could. Byeong Seon was only worried about surviving. 
He and some others were thrown from the deck. The last thing he remembered was flying at something floating in the water. The next thing he was underwater, lungs screaming and not being able to see anything. Out of nowhere someone grabbed and hauled him to the surface. His body seemed to be vibrating, but he just thought it was endorphins. He kept telling himself it was because of oxygen loss but he would swear that a mermaid saved him. 
After search and rescue came, he was the only survivor, he felt a strange pull to the water. He had to keep going back to a beach, any beach. One day, close to dusk, he was out on the end of a pier, just watching the water. With no warning, a head popped up out of the water and it was the face that he couldn't get out of his head. He knew he wasn't crazy, it was a real mermaid. 
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Sister | Seop Ahreyong | 16 | Student, cheerleader | Kind, hot-headed, smart
It took a lot of convincing from Byong Seon to get Ahreyong on board to say Riva is their cousin, but once she met her there were no questions. The two of them bonded instantly and hang out at school and after. 
Ahryeong is the apple of Byeong Seon's eye. He would literally do anything for her and she knows it. She doesn't take advantage of him. She does her best to help out and not stress her brother out. 
Aunt | Kang Mina | 49 | shop owner | Mean, snarky, cold
Mina is a cold woman who doesn't like most people. She hated Byeong Seon's father so when they died she wasn't sorry, she didn't even go to the funeral. She said her sister shouldn't have been so stupid as to fall in love with someone so reckless. 
Parents  | Seop Chae Kyeong & Sangin | discesed | Kind, inspirational, supportive
Byeons Seon looked up tohis parents so much. They fully supported his interest in music and told him he could be anything he wanted to be. When they died he blamed himself. It was no way his fault but he still thought it was his fault. He swore he would take care of Ahreyong though. 
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First Meeting Byeongseon was dying. He was almost dead, his lungs were half full of water, he had a concussion and hadn't had oxygen in too long of a time. 
Riva threw away everything she knew from her tribe and her upbringing to save this human.
Love Story For a while, everything Riva did was equally frustrating and astonishing. She literally knew nothing about human life, but she wasn't human. He had to teach her everything until he got his sister to help too. He didn't really mind though, he just liked being around her. When he was away from her for a while he started to get antsy and on edge. 
One of the first things that Ahryeong demanded she, Riva and Byeong Seon do is to get a makeover for Riva. Her hair was chopped slowly starting to grow back but it was a wild, tangled mop. Ahreyong also got a makeover as well, cause why not. When the two of them left Byeong Seon was stunned at how much better Riva looked. 
Riva liked being around Byeong Seon, he wasn't a part of her tribe but he was something better. She loved learning things from him because he seemed to know how to teach her perfectly. They seemed to fit together like a puzzle. He was more aggressive about everything and she was calmer. 
Byeong Seon has a strange need to protect Riva. He is always worried she is in some form of danger and that she is going to get hurt. 
Ending Up to you
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When you hear the word Siren you often think of a violent race that feeds off weakness and should be very feared. That is not the sirens of the Eos tribe. They go against any form of violence and will do anything to keep the peace. 
NAME: Riva
AGE: 17



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