Night World / 宣振康 / Human

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Traits Loving, excitable, friendly, bright, emotional, angry
Personality Zhenkang is a soft, kind girl who would rather be late and go out of her way than see someone in need. She falls for the sob stories and has rescued seven dogs and twelve cats so far. People are put at ease when she is around and there are very few people who don't like her, she just has that aura about her. She is a bright person who usually has a smile on her face that spreads from person to person.
It doesn't take a lot to get Zhenkang excited. Because of that, she has a lot of unfinished projects or plans because she moves on and gets distracted by other plans. She struggles to keep focus on things, even with school. Lately, even more, she has been a roller coaster of emotions and they are written on her sleeve. Anything can set her off into tears and it seems like everything she sees she can see Heesoon in it. 
Zhenkang has never been an angry, violent person. She has been against violence and hurting people. She always thought anger was an ugly emotion that she didn't want to spend time with but lately she has been feeling more and more anger towards those who took Heesoon from her. She doesnt know what she will do if she find out who did it but she doesnt think it will be good. 
Background Zhenkang's parents were researchers in a high tech security facility in Tushu, China. Zhenkang was never interested in their work so she never asked much about it.
Her life in China wasn't very long. Her mother got a promotion in the company, but her promotion was in Haecheon, South Korea. They had to pack up and report to her new position within the month. Zhenkang was sad to leave her friends and home but there was little she could do. 
When they arrived, right away Zhenkang's parents got her a tutor and they worked on her Korean. It took all summer long but she did get a handle on the language. She needed a tutor all school year and help with homework but she was still a good student. 
Zhenkang started making friends and became really good friends with Heesoon. He made sure she had everything she needed and really helped her with everything she could have needed. 
Over the next year, she and Heesoon started hanging out. She was still too young to be interested in a relationship but they did spend enough time together that people joked about them being boyfriend and girlfriend. 
One night Zhenkang went over to Heesoon's because they were supposed to hang out. He was just getting back from a run with his dad and was shifting back. Zhenkang saw the whole thing. She stood there, frozen. His mom tried to catch her but once she started running she didn't stop until she got home. 
Heesoon and his parents went to go talk to the alpha about what happened and what they needed to do from there. He decided that they needed to bring her in and talk to her, try to get her to not talk about what happened. Everything was an accident caused by a young human and he would not feel comfortable killing someone that young. 
A few days later they sent Heesoon to go talk to Zhenkang and get her to come back to talk. She agreed and spend hours talking to the alpha and Heesoon's mom, the beta. They all agreed that if she would swear to not ever talk to anyone outside of the Night World about anything she saw or learned that they would be able to let her live. She also had to go in front of the council and swear to them that she wouldn't tell anyone. It was very ceremonial and there was a very long process. She had to sign a contract with her blood, a blood contract, swearing to secrecy. 
After everything went down Zhenkang went to Heesoon and refused to leave until he talked to her, explain everything. Things were different between them after then. He swore to not keep secrets from her and that he would talk to her about everything. That seemed to change their relationship, there were a lot closer, even so much that her parents started joking around about their wedding. 
When Luiyang came to live with Heesoon, Zhenkang asked if he was a werewolf too but he stuttered a denial. Heesoon stopped him and told Zhenkang what was happening. He was used to living with werewolves and witches so he was relieved he wouldn't have to keep secrets from her. 
Over the next few years, the three of them were the group of friends. They did everything together and it was never awkward or third wheel-ish. 
Zhenkang was woken very late at night by her mother. She wouldn't tell her what was going on but they needed to go to Heesoon's house right now. When she got there she saw Heesoon's parents looking weary and like they had aged years overnight and Luiyang was curled in a ball on the couch just crying. She didn't understand why but she started crying, waiting for the shoe to drop. Heebin took her hands and led her to a chair. It took a few tries to say it but when she said Heesoon was killed Zhenkang didn't understand what she was saying. She kept asking if they had to go to the hospital to make sure Heesoon was alright and that she had to find him. She ended up on the couch next to Luiyang, just sitting there, not crying, not moving. 
The next morning Zhenkang stood up, demanding to see him. Luiyang got up and followed when they started up to the alphas house. Her parents had left the night before so they didn't have to have an excuse for anything. 
The next week Zhenkang was numb. She couldn't tell you what happened or what she did. She remembers parts of the funeral but not much. She started spending all of her time in Heesoon's room. She needed to be around him, or as close as she could get. 
That was when she and Luiyang started spending more time together. She didn't realize she needed him that much and she liked it more when they were touching. It was almost like she was able to get energy from him and was able to start living again because he was there. When she had to go home she felt drained and couldn't get out of bed. Her parents thought it was just because the two of them were friends and they were both going through similar things. 
When the new school year started Zhenkang's parents went to the school, explaining what she went through and how she may be acting differently and to please give her some room. They knew and understood. 
Zhenkang was put in a class based on her grades, but she wasn't with Luiyang. The first day she tried to convince herself that it was fine but she didn't make it through the first half of the day without leaving to go cry in the bathroom. Her parents went to the board and asked them to move her, to please put her with Luiyang. Turns out that Heesoon's parents were there earlier that day asking the same thing. The school agreed that it would probably be best to put them in the same class
#Thisisme #socooliknow
Ethnicity Chinese
Height & Weight 159 cm & 41 kg
✵ Jang Keng, a lot of the pack calls her this. They started one day and she just kinda accepted it
✵dressing up
✵steamed buns
✵hot cocoa
✵big dogs, not just dogs but big animals
✵cold food, she has really sensitive teeth and cold food hurts it
✵being underground
✵spicy food
✵When she gets tired she can fall asleep while sitting up
✵Even when it's warm out, when she sits down to watch tv she puts a blanket on
✵When she is stressed she does yoga
✵when she gets scared she will freeze and scream
✵she wants to travel
✵she is really afraid of deep, open water
✵she has two cats; Mia and Spain 
✵she has way too many blankets
✵she loves going for walks around the markets places
✵she has a bonsai tree
✵coffee is her drink
✵she is kinda afraid to learn to drive
✵she can't do small, tight spaces
✵because she does yoga she is very flexible
✵she wants to learn gymnastics but she thinks she too old
✵she is a good runner, for a human
✵she is afraid of ghosts
✵she has glasses but wears contacts
✵she wants to get a tattoo
✵she hates children shows passionately
✵cats are her weakness
✵she has very messy, loopy penmanship
✵she is afraid that if she goes underground she will end up trapped
✵she has a floor to ceiling bookshelf that is filled with books
✵she is a cat whisperer
✵she is a very organised person and her room is meticulouly clean
✵tree climbing
#yeaimcool #tallent
High School
Grade: 10th.
Homeroom: 1c.
Classes: Korean, Korean history, music, arts, home economics, physical education.
Clubs/Teams: Chinese Language Association.
#almostdone #sigh
Mom | Xuan Lai Si | 42  | Head of TTRQ Security research facility | Organized, through, superstitious, protective
Laisi, even though she has been dedicated to her work, she is still always ready and willing to stop and talk to Zhenkang. She has always put her daughter first, especially these past few months.  
Dad | Xuan Lau Zexi | 39 | TTRQ researcher | Passionate, kind, bright, quiet
Zexi is kinda oblivious to anything that is not his research. Zhenkang let the word werewolf slip but he didn't even notice, just started talking about his research. He had never been really emotionally close with her
Tutor | Ae Yijin | 16 | Student | Smart, perfectionist, untrusting, control freak 
Yijin speaks fluent Mandarin so she was able to tutor Zhenkang and she came to classes with her as well. She was often short and demanding on Zhenkang but she was kind and helpful. She is always ready to do anything for Zhenkang and when Heesoon died she was there for Zhenkang as well
#familyendsin'ily' #myeverything
Love of my life
Name: Wi Heesoon (위 희순)
Age: 15
Ethnicity: Korean
Supernatural: Werewolf
Personality Traits: Popular, wild, unmanaged, kind, understanding
Background: Heesoon is the only child of the Hwang Bok pack's beta. He was a true born werewolf, making him stronger than turned werewolves. 
Growing up there was a lot of responsibilities placed on Heesoon. Both his parents expected him to be a more dominant wolf and have a high place in the pack. He was a great wolf, he just never had the heart for the more darker aspects of the pack. He befriended everyone, so seeing anyone being punished was hard on him. He always thought there was a way to talk things out rather than physically punishing someone. 
A few years back, Heesoon's mom told him they were taking in a stray from China. That he was changed by force by his local pack and his parents were afraid for him, also that he was a tribrid werewolf, witch and half demon. Heesoon was so excited to meet this werewolf. 
Luiyang wasn't what Heesoon expected. He was a soft, kind kid who didn't know how to be a werewolf. Heesoon decided to take him under his wing and teach him the ropes. Unbeknownst to him, that is exactly what his parents hoped he would do. 
Before long Heesoon started seeing Luiyang as his best friend and a brother. He would do anything for Luiyang and Luiyang would do anything for Heesoon, they were family. 
Luiyang wanted to go out running one night and Heesoon folded and went. While they were out Luiyang ran ahead, catching the attention of some hunters. Heesoon hung back, stalking them as they ran through the forest, hoping Luiyang would get away. He didn't though. 
Luiyang was cornered and the hunters were closing in. Heesoon was going to knock down the lead hunter and hopefully create a gap large enough that the two of them could get out and run but when he saw the hunter raise the crossbow he didn't even think. He jumped in front of Luiyang, shielding him from the strike. 
The pain he felt was the worst ever, but it was over soon. The last thing he saw was Luiyang standing over him, frantic and still in his wolf form.
#itsnotanendbutanand #theworldlostanangel
First Meeting Heesoon met Zhengkang when they were eleven. She was a quiet, shy girl who didn't know anyone and just wanted to be left alone. Heesoon decided they could be alone together and sat next to her in class. He asked the teacher if he could change seats so he could help her with anything she needed to get used to school there. 
Love Story Zhengkang depended heavily on Heesoon for the first few months of school until she was able to school on her own. She didn't want to leave him behind though. He was so sweet and she loved getting to spend time with him. 
A year after she moved to Heechon, Heesoon came over to Zhengkang for a play date of sorts. He had lunch with her family and the two went to the amusement park. It was fun and her parents let them have time to go play. 
For the next few months, Zhengkang and Heesoon would spend time together, both in and out of school. They alternated between spending time at her house and his house. Once when they were going to spend time at his house she saw something she shouldn't have. 
Heesoon had just got home from a run with his dad and was in the process of shifting back. Zhengkang saw the whole thing. She stood there, frozen. His mom came upon her and did her best to diffuse the situation. She had to talk to the alpha but the pack decided, since she already saw Heesoon shift, that she needed to know and understand what she saw. She ran away when they told her and wouldn't go back to school for the rest of the week. 
Heesoon came to Zhengkang's house that weekend. He told her that he understood if she never wanted to see her again but he hoped she would. She had thought about it and missed spending time with him. As long as he wouldn't wolf out and eat her she was ok with it. Heesoon was so happy he started crying. 
Over the next two years, Heesoon and Zhengkang spend so much time together, Zhengkang's mother kept joking about their wedding. Every time they would casually laugh it off but a lot of people made the same jokes. 
Ending Zhengkang was woken in the night by her mom. She couldn't tell her what happened, just that they needed to go to Heesoons house now. When they got there, his mom took her into a room and told her what happened, the actual story, not the story they came up with. 
Zhengkang stayed in Heesoon's room with Luiyang for days. She hardly left his bed, she felt like she was leaving him if she did.
#i'llholdyouinmyheartforever #howcanilivewithoutyou
Love Interest
Name: Sun Liuyang
Age: 15
Ethnicity: Chinese
Supernatural: Tribrid
Personality Traits: Loyal anxious klutz
Background: here
#pleasestaywithme #ineverknewhowmuchilovedyou
Relationship | Name | Age | Occupation | Traits Pro et ullum instructior, et nec reprimique persequeris. Ut insolens maluisset qui, accumsan incorrupte intellegam et, impedit explicari per te.
Relationship | Name | Age | Occupation | Traits Pro et ullum instructior, et nec reprimique persequeris. Ut insolens maluisset qui, accumsan incorrupte intellegam et, impedit explicari per te.
Relationship | Name | Age | Occupation | Traits Pro et ullum instructior, et nec reprimique persequeris. Ut insolens maluisset qui, accumsan incorrupte intellegam et, impedit explicari per te.
#theyloveyou #iloveyou
First Meeting Luiyang came to live with Heesoon because someone tried to kill him where he was from. Zhengkang wanted to make him feel at home and welcome so she made sure to befriend him and include him in as many things as possible. 
Shock At the funeral Luiyang was standing next to the casket, not moving, just looking down at Heesoon. No one was approaching but people were whispering about him. Zhenkang didn't want him to be standing up there alone so she went up and took his hand. 
Her entire arm went numb and she couldn't move it at all. It didn't necessarily hurt, but it felt strange. Gradually, like water dripping down her arm, feeling returned to her hand. The two of them went to go sit down, but Luiyang didn't let go of her hand. 
Love Story After the accident, Zhenkang started spending all of her time at his house. She needed to be near him, but his room would have to do. Luiyang felt the same. They spent days with each other, just laying in Heesoon's bed, not talking, just being. 
After a few months, they did start talking, about everything. Luiyang told her about being a tribrid and his guilt about what happened and Zhenkang told him about her parents and their research. It was mundane and not really about anything but it helped so much. After that, they would sleep together, not like that, just sleep, and when Zhenkang woke up in his arms it felt like he was shielding her from the darkness that was around her. 
When classes started again Zhenkang was put in class 1B and Luiyang was in 1C. Being by herself, having people look at her with the look of pity, she couldn't handle it. Her parents talked to the school and the Wis talked to the board about getting the two put in the same class. The school knew what happened and they were going to what they could to help the two. 
Zhenkang hated being away from Luiyang and she didn't quite understand the feeling. She was always around Heesoon so she felt like she was replacing him with Luiyang so soon after the accident. She didn't want to be away from him though. 
Luiyang and Zhenkang started talking about how they both felt and they both felt that they were pushing Heesoon out so soon. They were both torn, but they didn't want to be alone. Heesoon's parents talked to them about how they were feeling and that Heesoon wouldn't want them to be upset and not happy just because they missed him. 
Ending At school Zhenkang and Luiyang did everything together. They have mostly the same classes and the same breaks. The first time they went on an actual date it was..nice. They laughed, had fun and were happy. Once they realized it though they both stopped laughing at the same time. 
Luiyang stopped the conversation and said that Heesoon would want them to be stopping their lives for him, that he would be happy they were happy and they were not going to be sad all the time anymore. They were going to start dating and they would deal with their emotional problems together, officially. 
#Ihaveyou #healing
Young Zhenknag has been uprooted, found her love, lost her love,  tried to move on, found a secret society that covers the globe and she still has so much life left. She is going to make a difference somewhere someday. 
NAME: Xuan ZhenKang
AGE: 15



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