Choi Yoonji
January 3, 1998

Affectionate, Responsible, Quiet, Headstrong, Temperamental, Insincere

The first thing a lot of people notice about Yoonji is that she's very quiet. She's not shy, but just doesn't tend to have much she wants to say. Because Yoonji tends to be quiet, people tend to perceive her as cold, but she has a lot of affection for the people she cares for. She finds it hard to express it openly, but she always remembers the small things, like remembering what someone mentioned the week before, or leaving medicine by someone's bed. Yoonji is also responsible, and always makes sure that her tasks are done before she does anything else, never forgetting anything.

Despite being quiet and coming off as passive, she is headstrong. Once she has a goal, she does not stop until she achieves it. This can easily become a bad trait when it comes to conflicts she can't win. She's temperamental and gets upset easily, however, it's hard for a lot of people to notice since she's quiet. If she's expressing her anger/sadness very openly, then it's very severe. Yoonji also can be insincere at times. If it benefits her or the people she cares about, she would stay quiet, or even outright lie.

about you.
other names & nicknames

Suga 2.0: Her quiet yet affectionate nature as well as her name get compared by fans to her labelmate Suga.

Ice Princess: She's quiet, which often get mistaken for stoicism, hence why friends and fans refer to her affectionately as Ice Princess.

Kitty: Fans call her this since she looks like a cat.

appearance (Jiho (OMG))

(165cm+49kg) Yoonji's not different from her fc orz


Besides outfits that are given to her by stylists, Yoonji's daily, airport, and dorm styles are all very similar. She always wears loose t-shirts with skinny jeans and dirty tennis shoes. If it's too hot, the skinny jeans can get replaces with shorts, and if it's too cold, she has a leather jacket. Because her style is so boring, some members/stylists have given her clothes to borrow so that she doesn't look the same everyday lol.


- She learned Japanese and English in school, so she has some (limited) skills in those languages.
-She actually barely knew anything about the idol world until she joined the company.
- She likes to hang out with others even though she's quiet.
- She loves physical contact.
- Her strongest subject in school was science.
- She is known for her love of sweet potatoes.
- Her favorite color is green.
- She has a habit of staring off into space.
-Because she's a bit nearsighted, sometimes, it looks like she's glaring when she's really not.

trainee life

When people join entertainment companies, usually, their reason isn't "spite," but that's not the case for Yoonji. She dropped out of college and and auditioned to follow her sister Sooji, who she felt had abandoned her, but they never spoke much, so barely any of the other trainees knew that they were even sisters. Yoonji kept her head down and practiced hard, always in the same room as her sister even though Sooji tried to avoid her. She ended up training for 4 years.

predebut activities


scandals / rumors

(After Debut) Sister Scandal: Someone saw Yoonji and Sooji talking, dug up their pasts, and "HOLY CRAP THEYRE SISTERS, ARENT THEY?"(True)

fanclub name & color

Arendelle (from Frozen) & Green


Yoonji was born in seoul, with an older brother named Yoonho and a younger sister named Sooji. Their parents were office workers, and were always struggling to make ends meet, but they got by.

As the middle child, Yoonji always felt like she was overlooked. She wasn't the eldest or a son like Yoonho, and she wasn't babied like Sooji. Because all three of them had a very small age difference, they fought a lot as kids. Yoonji often felt like Yoonho and Sooji got along better with each other, and since she always felt overshadowed, she spent a lot of time just studying. Even though she studied a lot, she was second in her grade. Ranked first was Yoonho.

Both Yoonho and Yoonji were accepted into Seoul National University, and their parents were proud. Yoonji majored in Biology while Yoonho majored in Chemistry. During their winter break, the two made plans to return home, but Yoonji had to stay behind an extra day for a lab. Yoonji told him to go on without her, and that she could just take a taxi the next day. Yoonho was hesitant, but Yoonji didn't want to hold him back. Yoonho caved in and left, but was involved in a fatal car crash.

Yoonho's death hit Yoonji hard, but while Yoonji went back to school after a month, Sooji began to hole herself up in her room. Since Sooji was still living at home, the two lost contact. That year, Yoonji didn't see Sooji during the summer break, but she just assumed that she was in her room. It wasn't until the autumn where Yoonji happened to see an idol group's video playing at a storefront, and she recognized Sooji as the girl featured in the video. Yoonji confronted her parents and turns out, Sooji had joined Bighit Entertainment. Yoonji ends up auditioning for Bighit as well, in order to hopefully convince Sooji to return home. Kind of flawed logic, cause Yoonji ends up staying at Bighit for four years without being able to confront Sooji properly.

Dad of the Group
"You can't just do things without telling me first!"

Choi Sooji
fc: Cho Miyeon
status: Sisters

They're sisters, but they're not as close as most other sisters are. In fact, they've barely even talked for years. Sooji won't talk to Yoonji because she blames her for Yoonho's death. Yoonji feels guilty for the accident, but thinks Sooji's grudge is uncalled for. After all, she's not the only one that lost him. Yoonji joined Bighit to confront Sooji, but they haven't had a proper moment of privacy for literally years.

Choi Yoonho
fc: Seo Johnny (Honestly, doesn't really matter)
status: Siblings

Well, you've already seen the background section, so I'll just go back to when they were kids. Since Yoonji was born early in the year, they were put into the same grade at school. Yoonho was always ranked first, while Yoonji was always second, so their relationship always had a bit of a competitive undercurrent. Despite this, they still cared for each other.

Jeon Jungkook
status: crush lol idc if they end up together

Yoonji kind of hated him at first because Sooji was a fan and he "stole" her. When Yoonji finally got the opportunity to confront him (targeting him since he was the closest in age to her lol), it turned out that he was...kind of just normal. Maybe he was just acting polite or maybe he did like her, but he was nice and Yoonji ended up developing a pretty one-sided crush on him. Since they're close in age, they do talk and joke around, but not at the level where they would be considered close friends.

Ryu Sujeong
status: friends

They became best friends in middle school when they were assigned as seatmates in seventh grade. They lost contact when they entered high school. Turns out, Sujeong had gotten into Woollim Entertainment and had debuted in the group Lovelyz (Another loved one lost to the idol world lol). Anyways, they reconnected after Yoonji became a trainee and actually became more knowledgable about idols.

Backup: Jung Yein
comments & questions.

oof that was a lot of pictures lol
I collabed with Finally_Home 's character!
Also, Discord would be the best for me btw since I won't have to download another app lol

scene req.

Sibling drama+emotional constipation!
I honestly don't really care if you include the crush part, but like, it'd be nice?



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