Gay Shipping

This is not a rant as such, it's me wondering. This is a reaction to the comments on a video called 50 Kpop Pet Peeves by DareDB.


I'm ace. I've been around the LGBTQ+ community for years because most of my social circle is part of the community. I'm also a gay shipper.

Now, I consider myself fairly common sense, so I know that the my idols are most likely straight. Which is fine, they do them. I don't mind whichever uality they have - and sure, sometimes it's fun to speculate and to piece together moments. I understand the appeal when shippers look at moments and say "here, this is something else" because what it usually is, is idols being warm and sweet with each other. 

Who doesn't like seeing their idols being kind-hearted people and showing some love?

Whether it's platonic or not is honestly a little irrelevant to me. 

Shipping is, for the most part, a fantasy. We like the way a pair of idols interact together and we interpret it to fit our narrative. Shipping is, for the most part, harmless as long as it isn't taken too far and becomes hatred (towards others, e.g. our idol's partners) or reaches the idol in question, making them super uncomfortable.

If you can keep your shipping to your living room (and your fanart or fanfiction) and doesn't shout obscenities and/or would ask them at a fan-meeting, I have no problems with shipping. 


But - it happens very often that I see straight shippers who have a problem with especially gay shippers. Some are very straightforward about it, others are more subtle. The one thing they have in common, though, is that their problems with shipping is always directed towards the gay shippers. 

Sometimes I see subtle comments like "I'm okay with shipping but why do all gay shippers say any effeminate idol is gay, that's statistically impossble" or "I'm fine with shipping but gay shipping is ridiculous because obviously only a small amount is gay". 

Sometimes it's more like "I hate it when people say all idols are gay. That's statistically impossible" or "I wish gay shippers would stop claiming their idol is gay".


Often, though, these arguments are never reversed. It's never about straight shipping. 

And it saddens me. Not that straight shipping isn't getting hate, lol. But that gay shipping is. 


We're not stupid, us LGBTQ+-people. We know that not all idols are gay. We know statistics and we know that majority of the world is straight. That isn't exactly rocket science.

But what seems to be rocket science for me, is why gay shippers aren't allowed to express their opinion on a ship as long as it doesn't hurt anybody? 

If the shipper isn't 1) trying to reach the idol with their ship, 2) isn't hating any past or present partners, 3) isn't fighting tooth and nail to make sure this idol know that they're believed to be gay - who does it hurt? 


It hurts nobody.

I don't understand why some people feel the need to bash on people who call girl groups "gay queens". It's a fanservice. It's nice to see people caring towards one another, especially in a world so competitive as the kpop industry. 

I don't understand why some people feel the need to tell LGBTQ+ people that their ship is invalid because "statistically speaking, said idol is straight". 

I don't understand why some people think it's such an offense to look at an idol and say "I believe this one to be gay and I like that imagination". 


If it doesn't hurt anybody, why do we feel the need to one-up one-another? 

If you are fine with shipping so long as it doesn't hurt the idols in question and makes them uncomfortable, why all these extra conditions when it comes to gay shippers?


And finally; why - when people feel the need to rant about shippers - do they only rant about gay shippers? 

Because I know for a fact, that your behavior isn't determined by whether or not your ships are gay. 


(And this is not to hate on straight shippers. I know reasonable people in both categories. It's just because I always see hatred (subtle or straightforward) towards gay shippers and it always leaves me questioning; do people really believe that being an -shipper comes with one's uality?)


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I agree... don't know why people are so pressed about gay shipping and get so offended. Like no one's getting hurt? The idols aren't being defamed in any way?

"It's sooo disrespectful to say that he might be gay". .... yea, I'll just leave that there cause I have no idea how to even go about this without sounding infuriated.

I'm fine with any kind of shipping (female x male, male x male, female x female, etc.), as long as people aren't fanatical about it (i.e. delusional). And that's the thing: most people know where the boundaries lie and they stop. I love watching ship videos and whatnot, but I know where to draw the line. Plus, we just don't know our idols well enough to ever say anything about their uality and it's also none of our business. Though I must say, LGBTQ+ people are good contenders for ending up in the entertainment industry; I think I read that somewhere in a research paper that they're more prone to go into the Arts. My favourite C-pop boy (Aaron Yan) was exposed for being gay recently. Sooo anything really is possible (I thought I had a gaydar LOL but apparently not; I'm part of the community so I hang out with everyone in the rainbow) but again, not our business. And that's the other thing: some people don't "look" gay... though there's not really a look to them or a certain way they act. For ex. most people would think I'm straight because of the way I dress and act (????), but I'm actually not....

Anyway, a good story is a good story. I don't really care for which fandom I read stories from, much less the pairing. I read anything and everything.

Thankfully homophobia (although a VERY big issue) isn't as bad as it was years ago. It used to be more rampant and people used to use "GAYYYYYYYY" as an insult. I mean, I still hear it nowadays but nowhere as much as I used to maybe ten years ago. Girl x girl and boyxboy wasn't super common to see 7 years ago for fics and now it's everywhere. I think AFF used to be full of idol x OC but or male x female but I think it has shifted quite a bit in more recent years and it's a welcome change. It's a sign we're progressing albeit slowly.

In the end, love is love. Does it really matter what the gender of each person in the couple is?
From my personal experiences, those who are against gay shippings are either religious or grew up believing a man is for a woman and a woman is for a man. Regardless whether it’s fictional or not. They think it’s a sin to be open minded or something lol. Idunno. I guess they’re just homophobic.
p r e a c h oh my god.
it's been too long since I've read one of your blogs and now I feel refreshed.
Hello from a fellow ace! (I don't know if I knew that about you!)

I think shipper wars of all kinds are stupid. Sure, I have my preferred ships, but I'm not going to not read a good fic because it's got those people in different ships. At the end of the day, all of this is imaginary and we don't know our idols half as well as we think we do, so there's no point in getting upset because someone else doesn't imagine the same things you do.

I think part of the issue with straight shipper might be that they're used to being in the overwhelming majority out in the real world, so when they come into fandom and find that things are flipped here, it makes them uncomfortable.

I usually make an effort to include some straight characters in my fics, but certainly in nowhere near their real world proportions.
shinyao #5
I think he meant the version where people use the gay shipping as their religion in unhealthy levels.
Because he also made points on two idols looking at each other and people seeing that is they're SUPER close, etc.

Tbh; my first response was the same at the gay shipping point he made, but I don't think he means gay shipping in a soft manner. Only like.. extreme gay stanning. But then again... let people have a fantasy. As long as they don't bother the idols themselves with it, right?
I couldn't have said this any better. This is something that's been on my mind for a while