Kwon Mi Hi | Part-time Worker | Pied-à-terre


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Kwon mi hi

replace with face claim 80*80replace with face claim 80*80


▸ Mimi — It's what she envisions her name to be when she becomes a designer. So she tells others to call her Mimi. Plus it's cute and easy too!

DATE OF BIRTH : May 25, 1997
BIRTHPLACE : Busan, South Korea

▸ Korean — Native: Born and raised in Korea, so she can speak its her native language. 

▸ French — Basic: She is learning French because it is her dream to move to France and fulfill her dreams. She takes up studying it in her free time (if she has any).

BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : Vivi (loona)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 167 cm and 50kg

▸ Around the house, Mi Hi usually wears shorts and t-shirts because they're comfy and easy to throw on and off when she has to change quickly. Right now, at her job, she mostly has to wear basic attire like jeans and plain t-shirts without writing on them(since she wears an apron when dealing with the flowers) and during her night job its just a plain black t and dress pants. When she finally gets to go out in her free time, she likes to dress up and wear cute clothes she made or found at a thrift shop. She likes pleated skirts, sweaters, skinny jeans, dress shirts, and short. She mostly wears shoes with heals on them because she thinks they make her legs look longer.  Her clothes are cheap, but pretty fashionable. She gets her inspiration for outfits from magazines that she steals. 


PERSONALITY TRAITS : +) Ambitious, Creative, Cheerful, Determined, Social  -) Naive, Workaholic, Selfless, Perfectionist, Desperate

PERSONALITY :   When you first meet Mi Hi you can definitely tell that she is someone who is cheerful. She loves to make the mood positive because she loves to see people smile. When you're someone who knows nothing concrete, a simple smile or laugh can go a long way and that is exactly why she tries to be a positive light in others lives; if one of her housemates is feeling down, then she has loads of funny and interesting stories of the many jobs she worked! For example: "Oh my god! One time this guy came into the bakery I was working at and he tried to steal a loaf of bread in his pants! How am I supposed to tell someone to take bread out their pants? Crazy, right!?" However, eventhough Mi Hi tries her best to be cheerful, she can also be selfless. She never really thinks of herself (she doesn't have the time to). If someone needs a couple dollars for some pain killers at the convience store? Well, even if she doesn't have much, she'll lend them a hand. She thinks that the one day that she's rich and famous, that these people she helped will remember her as someone thoughtful and kind. 
                                      Due to her background and her goals in life, Mi Hi can be described as someone who is very ambitious. Ever since she was young, she has had a great role model for hard work. Especially in the field (or fields) or work that Mi Hi partakes in, one can never stop striving for success, even if it doesn't go anywhere (or you're just not cut out for it). The downside of being an ambitious person is that it can lead to being a workaholic. Mi Hi is not a stranger to her phone constantly ringing, asking her to cover a shift or if she can stay later. She never has time to herself, but she doesn't see anything wrong with it, because in her eyes, if you work hard and don't say no, then you can achieve greater things. It kind of annoys some of the housemates because they can hear her banging around early in the morning or late at night because she's rushing to leave. 

                                Because she is on the younger side, Mi Hi is a very determined person. Like previously mentioned Mi Hi is ambitious because she is striving for a better life, she will go to the end of the earth to get to it. She may not be book smart, but she sure can think of some creative and weird ways to solve a problem. She's the best kind of person to ask for help, because not only wanting to help others, she will try to help you till you figure out what's wrong in the end. Because of this though (and being young) Mi Hi is quite the naive person too. She doesn't really understand when someone is trying to exploit her kindness or her lack of experience to get ahead. If one of her bosses knows she has a little free time next week, he will ask her to work anyways because he knows that she believes it is because she thinks that maybe she's doing a great job, so great work = more work. This can kind of get on the nerves of some of the housemates because, "how can she not see that they're taking advantage of her...."

                                      Ever since she was young, Mi Hi has always been quite creative. She loves being able to express yourself in different ways, whether it be: clothes, talking, drawing, etc.. Being creative really helps in what she wants to achieve later in life and it can also help those around her. Does one of her housemates need a little inspiration or, "Man, I don't know what to put here..." Mi Hi will be able to wrack her brain for a good addition or to give a little push in the right direction. However, even though she's quite the creative person, she is also a perfectionist. She can't accept any mistakes. Everything has to be done to the best of her ability and this can also relate to her being a workaholic and determined because everything has to be perfect. This can also bleed into her life with her housemates because if like mentioned above, they ask her for some inspiration or help, she can push some of that perfectionist on them and try to get them to make it up to her expectations (even if she's doing it unconciously). 

                                            Lastly, Mi Hi is a very social person. She loves to talk to people and she's very good at it. This is because she works so many customer service jobs, and she's good at dealing with people. In more simple terms, she's an extrovert. She is very willing to listen and is very open with her thoughts and ideas with others. She loves hearing about other's lives and where they came from to make them who they are. On the negative side, Mi Hi is also very desperate. She's very desperate for money and that is why she has so many jobs. This can also be said that she is also very desperate for experience in the working field (her resume could be 5 pages one day). Most importantly though, she is desperate to make her dreams come true, even if it means hurting herself in the process. 

BACKGROUND : Mi Hi is the only child in her family. Her mother and father got divorced before she was born due to the fact that her father wasn't ready to take care of a family. So her mother and Mi Hi were left to fend for themselves. Her mother had to drop out of university because she was pregnant, and being uneducated in the highly educated world, she had to settle living pay check to pay check working as a part time waitress at the bbq restraunt below their apartment in busan. Mi Hi's mother did everything in her power not to let Mi Hi feel the burden of being poor. Mi Hi went to school as normal, but she didn't get to take the extra classes at tutoring schools like the other kids in her class, so she did below average in school, even though she was trying her best. She never let that bring her down...much. 

                                     One of the things her mother did that shaped Mi Hi into what she wanted to do when she's older is she would take hand-me-downs or clothing from the thrift shops and she would sew them to be more "modern" and "fashionable". This stemmed from her mother's original dream of working in the fashion industry. Cute home-sewn clothes and an unfinished dream, courtesy of her mother, made Mi Hi's dream to be a fashion designer in Paris bigger than ever. However, life always gets in the way. Mi Hi never had good enough grades and had to take up also working part-time with her mother when she had the time to take care of the expenses at home. Due to not studying regularly because she had to work, Mi Hi never got to take her entrance exams for college, and she deeply regrets it. But her determined attitude doesn't let that stop her. 

                                     Mi Hi decided to move out when she became an adult so her mother can just worry about taking care of herself and not have to spend money to take care of her. She takes up random part time jobs that will hire someone without a college degree. She's worked in a lot of customer service because she's good at talking to people due to having to work as a waitress when she was a teen. Her favourite job that she had was working at a coffee shop by a library by her old apartment, since there were so many students that she could talk to and hear their stories. Unfortunately she had to quit because they were cutting hours and pay and Mi Hi couldn't afford to live with that. And that is how if usually goes...she gets a job, she works there for a couple weeks, or months and then they try to cut her hours, or it conflicts with something else Mi Hi needs to do and she gets fired. Same old, same old. She finds the boarding house and it being inexpensive means its a perfect fit.  Currently she's working at a flowershop and, during the night, at a bar near the boarding house.


▸ She's very frugal, so she's the one you wanna go with to the market because she knows all the best deals
▸ She currently works at a flowershop by the boarding house, sometimes they let her take home some flowers for the others. The bar that she works at always has some drunk dudes who try to get her number or throw drinks at her for taking a long time. She is already looking for a replacement job.
▸ She likes to sketch and sew in her free time
▸ She has a sketchbook with all of her designs that she holds very dear to her heart
▸ Sometimes she asks the others to model her clothes for her
▸ She's currently trying to learn french in her free time, she uses the public computers at the library to look up study tips and all
▸ She saves some of her money in a jar labeled "Paris" that she hopes one day she can fill up and go to a fashion school in Paris, France. 
▸ She is constantly tired, so it is not uncommon to find her sleeping in random places in the house
▸ She's worked many places but some of her favorites are: coffee shop, thrift store, flowershop, and a bookstore
▸ Her least favorite jobs have been: waitress, assistant, and bartender (these lasted a lot shorter than normal...)
▸ Her favorite food is spicy rice cake
▸ Her favorite drink is milk tea
▸ She treats herself once a month towards the end to a milk tea to celebrate making it on her own for another month
▸ She likes to take the others' fashion magazines and read them when they're not looking
▸ When she gets nervous, she smiles and laughs
▸ Her favorite color is pink
▸ If someone else is offering to pay to go out, you can definetly count Mi Hi in, otherwise she just politely declines
▸ She gets up at 6 to 7 am and then only goes to bed around 1 am. she's a disaster waiting to crash and burn.
▸ She knows how to make barbeque and thats it. the housemates want her to get a job at an actual restaurant so she knows how to cook more and they dont have to eat barbeque for the third consecutive night.
▸ She has a boyfriend
▸ Her favorite date spot is the park, and at home (if she even has the time).

the important people


▸ Mother — Kwon Miyeon (42) / Part-Time Waitress / busy, worrisome,quiet,loving / 9
Mi Hi will call her mother when she has some free time, which isn't very often. Her mother constantly worries about her only daughter and how she is survining. Mi Hi will only tell her, "Don't worry about it...I'm doing great" beause she doesn't want to worry her further. Her mother isn't very accepting of her dream, and tells her that it is a childish fantasy and she shouldn't get her hopes up like she did. Her mother only says this because she doesn't want Mi Hi to crash and burn and get depressed if everything doesn't work out. She can tell that her daughter is running herself dry and she's scared. Mi Hi's wish to be a designer isn't only for herself, but for her mother too, and she just wants her mother to believe in her too and make her happy. 

▸ Boyfriend — Lee JoonHo (23) / University Student / gentle,humorous,adventurous,realistic / 6
Mi Hi and JoonHo keep in contact when they can, between JoonHo studying and Mi Hi working, they text and plan dates when there is time (there isn't time though). They met at the coffee shop by the library where Mi Hi worked. He thought she was cute and he liked her smile, and Mi Hi thought he was a funny guy so they hit it off and here they are. Mi Hi also really liked how adventurous JoonHo is because when she talks about moving to Paris, he loves to expand and talk about how THEY could live together and all. However, JoonHo really thinks that Mi Hi should go to college and get a good career before trying to live in a different country. They also don't see eachother that often and it's starting to drive a wall between them because JoonHo almost feels forgotten to Mi Hi. It doesn't help that she lives with a lot of people that take up more of her time now. 

LEt's get to know your chara

question : Why did you choose this boarding house? what makes it special?

▸ "Ahh....well...its inexpensive and close to my current part time jobs. It also looks really cute on the outside. How could someone resist all those?" Mi Hi smiles brightly.

question : what house chores are you able and/or prefer to do?

▸ "I can do anything when I can! I am well-versed in all sorts of cleaning so just leave it to me." She grins big, looking read to jump to action. 

question : what time do you have to be at work? will you have enough time to relax inside the house?

▸ "...." She looks worn out, but there is still a small smile on her face. "I work from 8 am to 3 pm at the flower shop. I come home for four hours, and then im off from 7 pm to 1 am. I have four hours to kill between jobs."

question : how much do you value privacy?

▸ "Please don't shower with me, but if someone wants to borrow something of mine, go ahead!" 

question : If someone were to eat the food you kept in the fridge, what would you do?

▸ "Cry a little on the inside but then get over it because I can just make or buy more. They must of been real hungry..." She pouts a bit. 

-Dance-Commandar- : minnie

LAST WORDS : Hi Hello!! I hope you like her~! If there is something you don't think fits and it doesn't make sense, I can change it! This story sounds so interesting, good luck!


▸ Her and JoonHo breaking up because they have no time to spend together, he comes to the boarding house and they fight a little. She gets comforted by her friends there (and you can decide if they ever get back together or not). ;)
▸ Maybe Mi Hi finally finishing a clothing item from her sketchbook and having Jihyun model it since she has the perfect proportions (if this is ok, if not then feel free to ignore ^^). 
▸ Housemates coming to her bar job to celebrate a birthday or something 
▸ She has to use some of her savings because she breaks some glasses at the bar and has to pay for them (it really upsets her)

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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