The Hopeless Ones | Best Fighter

The Hopeless Ones


Remember Her Name 

Full Name: Kwon Mi Hi
Nickname: Mi - Just her members, Mimi- her brother because he finds it endearing.
Date of Birth & Age: 5.25.95 & 20
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean
Bloodtype: O+


Mug Shot 

Ulzzang: Kim Sooyeon/Mint   
Back-Up Ulzzang: Seo Ji Hye     
Style: She's pretty simple when it comes to style. She doesn't care too much about what she's wearing, as long as she looks good. T-shirts, sweaters, leggings, jeans, shorts, etc.
Extra: She has two dimples and a scar above her hipbone, from a mission gone wrong a while back. 


♛You're a Warrior 

Personality: Traits; Paranoid, Reliable, Cheerful, Stubborn, Childish, Selfless.
In front of other people, Mi Hi tends to be more closed in, and analytical. She feels like she has to been on constant alert, not only for her safety, but for the safety of others. There is no doubt that if there was danger lurking, that Mi Hi would be the first to spring into action if it meant keeping her members safe. She is very stubborn and believes that if she says something's right, then it is, and this causes some butting of heads with other members. But, that doesn't mean that she's disliked by the others, actually she's very easy to get along with if it has nothing to do with violence. Because of how she was raised, she didn't get to do many "girly" things and she mostly spends her free time (besides training) in her room reading magazines and painting her nails. Sometimes she asks the others if they would like to join, but the answer is usually no. Mi Hi tries to keep being cheerful to keep the others from getting immersed in hate and agony because she's seen what those things do to people and she doesn't want any of them to turn out like others did.   
► Fighting
► Nail Polish

​► Magazines (Usually celebrity)
​► The color pink
​► Listening to music
​► The sound of rain
​► Smiles
​► Losing
​► Being taunted
​► Being scolded
​► Crying
​► Being called cute
​► Bees
​► Anything/one cocky
​► Painting her nails
​► Practicing her fighting
​► Reading magazines
​► Switches in and out of languages when nervous
​► Chips her nail polish with her other nails
​► Forgets to let go when members "tap"
​► She has one brother
​► She's flexible enough to put her foot behind her head
​► Can speak two languages: English and Korean
​► Collects different colors of nail polish
​► Daydreams a lot about her life without gangs
​► Wishes she could give her and her members better lives
​► People tend to think she's weak because of her face
​► She ends up kicking their
​► Fears that one day she'll be the cause of a member's death
​► Also has a fear of being abandoned
​► Been fighting since she was very young
​► She likes anything strawberry flavored

History: Mi Hi was born into a family of three in Seoul, South Korea. She grew up realitively happy, unaware of the struggles her family was having. It was hard to raise a family with two kids, but her parents loved her brother and her very much, so it all seemed worth it. Sometimes though in order to keep your family happy, you have to make sacrafices. And that's exactly what her parents did when their clothing store wasn't making enough money. They had originally got a loan from a small gang outside of Seoul to open their business since it seemed like a promising one, and the gang gave them five years to pay it off since the family had been so broke. But five years is a long time and eventually after stabalizing themselves enough that they weren't starving, they had forgotten about the loan. But the mafia doesn't forget. They had come during the night when Mi Hi was around 12, her brother, Jiyong, was 19, and demanded what they weren't returned. Their family just didn't have all the money, and things escalated quickly to the point that Jiyong and Mi Hi woke up and headed downstairs to find out what the comotion was. Halfway down the stairs, a gunshot was heard, and then another. Mi Hi froze scared, and Jiyong ran to find out if everything was alright, but was met with the lifeless bodies of their parents. His father holding onto his mother in a desperate attempt to protect her. Mi Hi had eventually gotten the courage to enter the room, and was curious to why her brother wasn't back yet. When met with the scene, she couldn't even mutter a word, and just ended up sobbing and asking why they weren't moving. Jiyong grabbed Mi Hi and they hurled themselves out of there because who knows if they would be back. They ended up on the streets for awhile because a young man with no college degree couldn't get a job anywhere besides doing small jobs for local gangs, completely keeping away from the original that killed their parents. Jiyong really tried his best in caring for Mi Hi but they both ended up desperate until Jiyong formed his own gang, and climbed his way from the bottom to the top of the underworld. Mi Hi ended up being trained enough to defend herself had the time come, and being sick and tired of not being taken seriously, she left for somewhere where she could be useful, and then she met, Catch 22.  


♛A Place to Call Home


 Mother | Kwon Jodee | 40 |loving, worrisome, stubborn | Clothing store owner | 3/5 | Dead
Father | Kwon Jaehwa | 40 | protective, selfless, kind | Clothing store owner | 3/5 | Dead
 Older Brother | Kwon Jiyong (GD) | 27 | Protective, Sadistic, Quiet | Big Bang | 4/5 | Alive

Friends: Weapon's Mistress and/or Hacker



♛Whatcha Gonna Do?

Name: Kim Nahyun
Age: 20
Occupation: Sonamoo
Personality: There is no doubt that when you meet Nahyun she is captivating and beautiful, but that's how she lures you in. She's very sly and knows how to get what she wants, using any means neccissary. She's confident and cocky, and won't back down no matter how difficult the situation is. 
Why you're rivals: During one of Catch 22's information gatherings, Mi Hi was assigned to keep the Runner safe, while they navigated the area. Nahyun is also in-charge of gathering information and wasn't about to let a rival gang beat her to it. She engaged in combat and taken by surprise and the only thing on Mi Hi's mind was to keep the runner out of danger, Mi Hi was thrown off balance and beat down. However Nahyun never lets it go that she beat the best fighter in Catch 22, and doesn't hesitate to flaunt her supposed win in Mi Hi's face. Right now Mi Hi isn't very happy about being embarrassed, and vows to get her revenge. 


♛Don't Mess With Her

Position: Best Fighter
Back-up Position: N/a
Alias: Minnie (it gives a false sense of innocence)
Weapon of Choice: Anything useful at the time. For example: if there's a chair around, well sorry buddy, today is not your lucky day. 
Weakness: Her left is weaker than her right, and sometimes she gets too absorbed in a fight she forgets her surrondings. 


♛You're my One and Only

Name: Kim Jongin (Kai)
Age: 21
Occupation: EXO 
Personality: Jongin is very aware of his reputation around the underworld. He's best known for beating down enemies to the point you can't recognize their face. Simply, he's someone you don't want to mess with. Jongin is very confident in his skills in fighting and likes to play around when he knows he has the upper hand. He's kinda erted and likes to flirt, but will get serious when needed. He gets so arrogant sometimes that even his own members want to punch him. However, he is kind of quiet and tends to like working in the background instead, but won't hesitate to take the fight outside if they're asking for it. 

How you met: Mi Hi and Kai met when EXO tried to raid Catch 22's hideout. Mi Hi had left to go check the perimeter and met Kai when he was trying to pretend to be a civilian wondering. She believed him for about two seconds before she told him he was going to kick his , which he retaliated with "I'd let a pretty girl like you kick my any day." and laughed before Mi Hi punched him straight in the gut. He wasn't very happy with that, and so they fought. 
How you interact: Mi Hi kinda sparks Kai's interest. He's fascinated with the fact that she looks harmless but could bend you into a pretzel in less than a minute. Of course he's still pretty pissed that she punched him in the gut, and swears he'll avenge his manhood. Mi Hi doesn't really understand him, and tries to steer clear of him during interactions of the groups. 


Comments?: Nada
Questions?: No
Scene Requests?: Kick fight scenes | kissing in the rain (cause that is romantic, it doesn't even have to be my character) | Jiyong getting in a standoff with Kai | More kickass fight scenes | Kai and Mi Hi get trapped together and have to escape. 
Password: K A I


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