» Xiao is the kind voice «


-Dance-Commandar- • Minnie • cheatsheet turn in

He Xiao

remplace with face claim 120*120

birthnameHe Xiao
other names

— korean name is lee hyunwoo (he picked this name because he liked the actor)


— "he-cutie" - the members call him this since he does such cute things and they can't handle it

birthday 03,05,62001 
birthplace Beijing, China
hometown Beijing, China
ethnicity Chinese
languages spoken

— Chinese : native
— Korean : basic
— English: basic (learned in china because he went to a prestigious school because of his rich family and its how he's able to communicate on a basic level with the others)

face claim Ling Chao (ONER)
back up face claim Qian Zhenghao (Solo)
height & weight 177 cm & 55kg

— He Xiao is at an average height and is a little on the skinny side, His shoulders tend to be a little narrow but he tries all the exercises the gym dudes on instagram say make your shoulders wider. 


personality traits kind,cheerful,focused,gentle,sensitive,quiet,insecure,clumsy,airheaded

— First meeting the cutie that is He Xiao you can instantly feel the kind emotion that he gives off. His smile radiates kindness, and his actions mirror that. You can always find Xiao helping other members with their vocal exercises or with any task they may ask for. Secondly, Xiao is a cheerful kind of kid, he does his best in trying to look at the optimistic side of things because he doesn't wanna let the negativity affect him or his team, even if he hasn't been around them long. Next, Xiao is a focused guy. He doesn't let small things like taunting or bad feelings get in the way of his goal, he can't afford to be worried about anything else but the competition. Then Xiao is also very gentle, even when someone else is egging him on, he will deal with it with grace and a gentle. "may the best guy win". It's hard to insult a kid when he just accepts the taunts with a small smile and words of encouragement. Lastly, Xiao is a sensitive guy, and he tends to let his emotions get the best of him. When something good happens, you can find tears in his eyes because he's over-filled with happiness, but if something bad happens, you can also find him crying his eyes out, too. 

With every good thing, must come a negative. While He Xiao is a kind loveable boy, he also has his bad traits. For one, he tends to be quiet, and while this isn't necesarrily bad, it can be challenging because he doesn't speak up when he feels like he should and just tends to listen. This can be especially hard when he needs to let his team know his opinions on his parts in songs and if he is the one that needs help. Secondly, he can get insecure. Being insecure comes with having such an important role as a main vocal but it also holds him back from showing his true potential when he needs to most. Thirdly, he's a clumsy boy, dancing doesn't come very easy to him and it also doesn't help that he trips on thin air when he just needs to get a snack from the kitchen. Lastly, all of these things don't mesh well when you put them all together with a kid with an airheaded personality. You could be reminding the team about not forgeting their microphones or inears and as youre about to head on stage, this boy would be like..."Wait when do we get our mics". And honestly, everyone is just like..."Gosh, what a cutie."


— He Xiao was just a simple rich kid in China living with his mother, father, and his little brother before YG picked him out during a talent showcase at his local performing arts highschool's festival. To say he was surprised...is an understatement. He really only wanted to learn how to sing because he saw Taeyang's Eyes Nose Lips and he fell in love with his voice and wanted to meet his idol someday. His parents were also surprised when he told them that he got an offer in Korea to train and become an idol. They have always been accepting of whatever he wanted to do (spoiled much) so they let him go. He doesn't know much korean, so its just a jumbled mess of korean-chinese mixture. 


— a cutie extraordinaire, even if he doesn't realize
— his mom used to dress him in girls clothes when he was younger
— his ultimate idol is Taeyang 
— naturally great aegyo (a cutie boy confirmed)
— has to have the members translate things for him all the time (you can literally see the question mark above his head whenever someone talks)
— he never understands what anyone is saying, so when they play games for who has to pay for food, he always ends up paying 
— favorite chinese foods are dim sums, hot n sour soup, and hotpot
— since he came to korea his favorite foods in korea are black bean noodles and gimbap
— his favorite season is fall because he likes turtlenecks 
— hobbies are practicing his singing and watching korean dramas to study korean
— his favorite drama is boys over flowers (since he can compare with the chinese version) 
— hes a sensitive boy and you'll see him cry over pretty much any sad scene in a drama (even if he doesn't understand)
— he doesn't mind skinship 
— even though he doesn't know the language that well, his enunciation is really good 
— he has weird obsession with minions, he thinks theyre so cute
— his favorite drink is milk tea
— he reads every fan letter he gets, and even has s translate it for him (to the best of their ability of course) 
— he really likes the snow app and using the filters
— his parents let him take up singing as a hobby and let him take vocal lessons in China 
— when he gets nervous he laughs and smiles (hopefully it goes away)
— sleeps with a stuffed giraffe his little brother gave him as a parting gift (but he keeps it under his pillow so the members don't make fun of him)


— leader • king (kim jichan) / 19 / leader of yg team / caring, extroverted, confident, obsessive, generous / pretty close
xiao has only been in the company for a short time, so being close to anyone is challenging, especially with the language barrier. That being said, king has shown from day one of meeting xiao that he was going to protect him with his life. Xiao is overwhelmed by the amount of excitement that oozes off of king, but he has come to appreciate it and glad that they have a leader who is as nice as him (except when they get talking about king because then he goes into about how handsome he is). 

—  sort of friends • keith (kwon kitae) / 20 / 2nd main vocal / quiet, calm, patient, cold, anxious / comfortable
Keith has really grown on Xiao, who stayed far away from his cold gazes at first. They were super awkward at first together, but when Xiao was made the main-main vocal, the tension just disappeared since they realized they were aiming for the same goals in the company. Kitae (noticing Xiao's hesitance to ask questions) offers to help Xiao with practicing their voices. Practices with Xiao on Xiao's vocal tone, since hes been there longer and Xiao looks up to him for his talent. 

— members • tba / tba / YG constestants / tba / pretty close
there is a language barrier, but Xiao manages body language well (and it doesnt help he's so cute when he's wiggling around trying to convey what he means) The members try so hard to understand him and everyone wants their little main vocal to do his best. Xiao is honestly blown away by them in the competition, since he never realized how talented they were until they were up against other trainees.

— enemies • tba / tba / JYP contestants / tba / meh
Xiao doesn't have a relationship with them. He just stays with s and doesn't even bother making eye contact because he feels that they will beat him up or something. That Jinseok can be scary once he gets down to buisness. Xiao knows that YG is going to win though, but he just wishes there wasn't so much tension.

— future collab I hope ~ • name / age / occupation / personality traits / closeness
interactions briefly


PLOTLINE The Kind Voice
ROLE Main Vocal
vocal twin You Zhangjing (here is a link!! O )
rap twin none
dance twin none


— Xiao joined the company last year and he hasn't been there long, but he makes up for it with his hard work. You can constantly find him practicing anywhere and everywhere (even in the shower). He still thinks he's lacking due to the fact that the others have been here longer, and he thinks he's bringing them down. His dancing is pretty atrocious, but he's working on it so he doesn't hold them back in a group battle. When he first joined everyone was pretty curious about him, but that kind of weared off when he couldn't really communicate with them. Currently, he's kind of a middle ground between popular and unpopular. Popular in the sense that everyone thinks he's a cutie and that he will definitely buy you food (that rich kid lyfe), and unpopular in the sense that he only hangs around the other foreign members. 


— won a talent competition at a performing arts highschool festival 


love interest too young for love 
back up love interest here


— here

love story

— here


— here

remplace with love interest 120*120

last comment hi!!! I hope you like my baby boy! if there is anything you need changed, just let me know, i kind of got a little rambly here and there. i collabed with ledbanana a little bit because of the main vocal bros hehe. ^^

scene requets

— the members filming in the dorm and they sneak around and show his stuffed giraffe to the world to
— the members going out for milk tea ^^
— kitae and xiao practicing together
— the members squishing his cheeks and him just taking it like a champ 

password really really - winner, my pace - stray kids, purple - hyuna and edawn, rhythm ta - ikon



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