NAME  choi sueun
 eun / a nickname derived from her name for those who want to shorthand her name and not say the full sueun. mostly everyone she knows will call her eun at one point in their relationship with her. 
 miss daredevil / a nickname given to her by sohee. it originally was created to tease sueun with, but sueun finds it humorous and fitting to her nature. sohee and daehyuk are the only ones who use this nickname and it's usually used in a teasing or sarcastic nature.
 cry baby / her one and only cousin calls her this because when she's around him, she's nothing but a cry baby. crying when she's sad, frustrated, angry and stressed. she doesn't cry in front of just anyone as she holds it in until she can find a moment to let it out, all the moments just happen to be when she's ordering pizza and he's the one delivering it.
BDAY + AGE  1122 (18)
 korean / fluent / her native language. 
 new zealand english / advanced / at the age of 8, her father was relocated for new zealand for work, thus she was forced to learn english in order to be able to live.
FACECLAIM cho yelim (ygk+ model)
BACKUP  kim yoo-jung (actress)
sueun stands 172cm tall (changing her height from yelim) and weighs 56kg. she's not a huge wearer of makeup. if anything, she'll throw on a bb cream, do her eyebrows and put on a light pink lip tint. now if she's trying to impress someone, she'll go all out, but that rarely happens. 
in her school uniform she wears it according to code, despite not loving the skirts that girls are forced to wear. she does like to "dress" her uniform up sometimes with minimalist necklaces, bracelets and rings, but that's only when she's feeling like wearing jewelry (more like when she remembers to wear jewelry). 
sueun's style outside of school leans heavily towards casual and slightly tomboyish. she prefers sneakers and flats over heels (because she actually can't walk in heels, she just doesn't admit it), pants over skirts and sweaters over dresses. color wise, she's open to everything besides very bold colors like highlighter yellow and hot pink but her closet does lean towards neutrals, reds and blues.
sueun is a soccer player and habitually enjoys running even out of season, hence she's usually seen wearing athletic wear in the early mornings. 
PERSONALITY  isfp + gryffindor
POSITIVE  charming, empathetic, passionate, imaginative
NEUTRAL curious, courageous, independent
unpredictable, competitive, secretive, sensitive NEGATIVE

when others are asked to describe her, the word most often used is charming. she’s a real people person, listening and engaging intently with everyone she comes into contact with. there’s almost always a smile on her face and if there isn’t, the moment she sets her eyes on you there will be one. she’s pretty easy to talk to, even if you’re not a talker she’ll come up something random to talk about in order to spark a conversation. she genuinely cares about giving others a genuine conversation and her full attention. that being said, she’s quite the empathetic soul. she doesn't only understand other’s feelings and emotions; she feels them herself. if someone she is close to is sad, she’ll also be sad. it is also easy for her to feel and read other people’s aura. she’s not sure what it is exactly that allows her to sense and feel other’s emotions, she just feels them.

sueun when doing something she loves or something she is just mildly interested in, she will put her heart and soul into it. go big or go home she believes. she’s also quite the dreamer, often getting lost in her thoughts and daydreams on the daily. she’s not afraid to follow her heart and dreams, even if she isn’t 100% confident in what she wants. when faced with a problem, she tends to come up with some of the most out of the world solutions, only being brought back into reality when someone tells her the most practical way to solve the problem. depending on the person, she’ll either acknowledge that she was thinking a little to creatively or that they’re just being party pooper. she’s not afraid to go against the norms, or stand up against people, or even do the wildest things. this often times works in her favor because she’s able to follow her heart hence she feels completely happy, but often times it also leads her into trouble because she gets into situations she shouldn’t be in or fights that aren’t worth her fighting for.

getting into situations she shouldn’t be in has been a common occurrence throughout her life because of her curious nature. who likes who? who hates who? she enjoys being in the gossip loop and love love loves watching drama from afar. curiosity killed the cat is the common saying and one of these days sueun’s curiosity might kill her, but so far it hasn’t, though she has been close (cue the one time she got a black eye from interfering in a fight between sohee and a neighborhood bully). her parents were not happy, but at the same time felt pride that their daughter was growing up to be a good person who would stand up for others.

being an only child with two fulltime working parents, sueun grew up to be fiercely independent. she dislikes having to ask others for help, unless she’s close to them. she’d rather try to solve her problems by herself without getting others involved and or worrying others. because she refuses to ask for help from others, she has a tendency to stress herself out which reflects either in her mood, school performance or athletic performance. her independent nature also plays into her secretive nature. despite being a “people person” and being able to find topics to talk about with others, when it comes to sharing information about herself she doesn’t. it takes her quite a while to trust others, but when she does she’s fully open about every aspect of her life and will be dependent on them once and a while.

once close to her, it becomes quickly apparent that she’s quite sensitive. she’s afraid of being a disappointment to her parents, her family and most importantly herself. she plays off the rude or mean things people say when confronted with it, but when she’s in her private space she’ll cry. she cries when she’s sad, angry, irritated or just stressed, all in private of course (or in the presence of her with her trusted cousin or bffs). because of her sensitive nature, it's sometimes difficult to talk to her about issues that concern herself, specifically concerns that revolve around how she behaves. she'll either shut down completely and won't reply, or she'll just brush it off and walk away. when it comes to her academic performance and soccer performance she has learned how to take the criticism she receives with a grain of salt because she knows after altering how she does things, or her level of effort, the end result will show. however, when it comes to people criticizing her personality or the way she behaves she doesn't know how to take it because she can't change who she is. she has often heard she's being a "teacher's pet" or a "kiss " since she spends the extra time to talk to her teachers mostly so they can understand her situation with soccer (and having to miss classes sometimes). she can't not talk to her teachers. when she overhears such comments, she brushes it off in front of them and her friends, but when she's alone at night she tries not to let their comments get to her, but she can't help herself and will either cry herself to sleep, call her cousin so he can comfort her or just become extremely to herself for the following days until she gets over it.

those who are close to sueun are also swift to realize that sueun is unpredictable. since she has a habit of following her heart and not being afraid to do so, sueun has a tendency to at per her heart and or gut. her independent and secretive nature do not help at all either because she’ll most definitely act before consulting anyone (unless her heart and gut don’t know what to do). some view this trait as a positive because by being unpredictable, she's able to stay true to her own feelings without influence from outside sources and her unpredictable nature makes her unique as her choices differ greatly from the predictable. that is true, but in sueun's case she runs on the extreme end of unpredictable. there are much easier ways to do simple tasks, but sueun tends to select the most tedious ways to do it (which are indeed funny to watch, but she wastes time doing them). there are social ques and predictable reactions to certain situations that help make the conversations flow accordingly and help set the mood, but in a way sueun can be dense and gives odd replies which end in the mood being "ruined" and replaced with nothing but laughter or odd stares. she's sometimes her own without realizing it.

lastly, but most definitely not least sueun is competitive. she wants to be the best at everything and if she’s not, she wants to at least stand out. she doesn’t necessarily have bad sportsmanship, but she will be pretty moody for a while after she loses. since she is so competitive, she takes a lot of small competitions out of proportion as she’ll put her 110% effort into it in order to win. that being said, her competitive nature leads her to into biting off more than she can chew. who can lift the most weights? who can chug the most amount of yakults? who can hold their breath underwater the longest? needless to say, sueun has ended up in the nurses office plenty of times and has also been flicked on the forehead a thousand times more for losing.

❧ she attended baekguk high school her freshman year but transferred to inchang high school her sophomore year because they have a better women's soccer team. (sorry not sorry baekguk high)
❧ she's a soccer player for her high school team and has been playing soccer since she was 7. she started after she moved to new zealand in order to "fit in" and make friends. needless to say, it did work and she found she was actually quite talented in soccer.
❧ she's not sure if she actually wants to pursue soccer in college or as a professional athlete because she loves soccer, but she doesn't know if she loves it that much to make it her career forever. she knows her dad would love to her to become a professional soccer player. 
❧ she has been lucky enough to not have injured her knee seriously before. she has dislocated it twice though. once during her freshman year of high school during a scrimmage one her teammates rammed into her knee) and once again junior year during her last soccer game where she rammed into one of the opposing team player.
❧ if she doesn't pursue soccer as a career, she'd want to go into architecture or landscape architect. 
 her mom is a pharmacist and her dad is a relocation specialist, hence he tends to travel quite a bit for his company (a construction company).
 that is why her and her family moved when she was 7 because her dad was offered to train as the relocation specialist in the company's branch that opened in new zealand.
❧ they moved back to seoul after her dad was promoted to the relocation specialist for their korea branch. they moved back into their original house they bought because they liked the location and her parent's did sell the house they had bought, they simply put it up for rent so they could return one day.
❧ she spends a lot of time at the neighborhood park near her house, or yeouido hangang park as it's only usually a 15-20 minute bus ride and it's highkey easier to run there than the local park they have because there's lots more room. though if she's not feeling like taking the bus, she'll just run around the streets and around the neighborhood park. 
❧ this girl runs a lot. both during soccer season and off season. running to her is a stress reliever and honestly is a everything reliever. if she's feeling any kind of mood that she can't resolve herself, she's probably running.
 she prefers night runs over morning runs, but because going into her senior year she needs to focus on studying she has opted to go on morning runs more because that's usually the time that works best. a little less sleep is okay with her.
❧ she used to work at a local cafe, but quit when summer break ended in order to focus more on soccer, her academics and college applications. she wanted to keep the job originally, but her parents encouraged her to quit in order to focus about her future.
she enjoys coffee, but isn't an avid coffee drinker especially when in season for soccer. she finds that coffee does help her with endurance, but it also makes her feel more nauseous after running/practice. when soccer season is over, she'll probably drink two to three cups a week.
academic wise she's an a's and b's student with the occasional c typically in  history or economics. 
she's really only involved in soccer in school. she tried student government, but she didn't like the people in it, thus she quit after a semester.
 other hobbies beside soccer and running include:
drawing and sketching (usually architecture or park related, she has some strong opinions on how parks are formatted because the local park has little to no room for people who want to try and exercise).
hanging out with sohee and daehyuk (either at one of their houses having a movie night and playing video games, out and about acting like fools, or sueun is forcing the other two to do something crazy like trying weird insect candy)
❧ playing basketball or soccer with jaemin (during summer break they'd meet up once or twice or even a few times during the week to play basketball or soccer. these games were never really planned. if one of them wanted to play or hang out, they'd just text the other person to see if they were free and if they were, they'd meet up and if not they'd find another time that worked).
❧ other random things about her:
❧ she dislikes spicy food because she cannot handle them. she'll flush red and start hiccuping. the bathroom trip later is also not nice. 
❧ she's a relatively healthy eater no matter if soccer is in season or not. veggies and fruits all the way! that being said, she will indulge herself in the sweetest sweets and fattest foods occasionally. however, when she is stressed or something is bothering her her diet kinda goes to . pizzas are ordered almost every other day-
❧ she prefers cold drinks over hot drinks, unless it's very very cold out.
❧ she fears moths and centipedes. she's not afraid of spiders surprisingly, nor is she afraid of snakes. it's only moths and centipedes. 
❧ other than those two fears, she's afraid of being a disappointment to her parents and to herself. 
❧ na jaemin is her first love, but she has come to terms with her feelings for him.
❧ sueun and jaemin have a code thing they do when they want to talk to each other. either of them will show up at the other's door step with either a soccer ball or basketball in hand and ask if the other person wants to play. 
18 / senior at inchang high school & part-time cashier at convenience store / fc: um yejin

sohee is almost the complete opposite of sueun. when sueun is dreaming a little too big, she’ll pull sueun back into reality. when sueun is butting her head into places she shouldn’t be, sohee will pull her away and knock some sense into sueun. for everything that sohee does for sueun, sueun provides sohee with adventure, laughter and fierce loyalty. whenever something is wrong sohee will most likely be the first or second one to know. sueun trusts her with her life and knows that sohee will do whatever she can to help.

18 / senior at inchang high school & part-time waiter at his parent's restaurant / fc: yoon sanha of astro

sueun considers daehyuk a twin of herself, except he’s more timid and soft-spoken than she is. if they were twins, she would definitely be the older one because she’s always encouraging him to stand up for himself, supporting him to the best of her ability and protecting him from anyone who wants to cause him harm. daehyuk on the other hand provides as much support as he can offer and will never let sueun do anything alone. if sueun wants to do something wild, he’s in. if sueun just wants to cuddle, daehyuk will happily volunteer.

 21 / third year student at hongik university & part-time pizza delivery boy / fc: nam joohyuk

sueun considers kiwoo more than a cousin, he’s like an older brother to her. she’s trusts kiwoo with all her concerns and will be the first one she goes to whenever she’s going through a hard time or needs good advice. kiwoo adores her as a cousin and little sister. he’ll do anything to make sure she’s happy and safe. she can get annoying quickly, but he doesn’t mind too much unless it’s during his finals week. he does worry a lot about her however, first about how curious yet independent and secondly her unpredictable, secretive and sensitive nature. he knows that she will most likely not hide anything from him, but he can never be too sure about her.

MEETING 1, AGE 6: it was the fifth day sueun has moved into the neighborhood and after begging her mom nonstop to take her to the park, her mom finally agreed. arriving at the park sueun was ecstatic to see the park filled with a few other kids because that meant she would have lots of friends to play with. not only were there kids, there was also a very big tall yellow slide that immediately drew sueun to it. running to the jungle gym, she rapidly climbed the steps in order to get to the top of the big yellow slide. however, when she got to the top there were a group of five boys, one being jaemin and the others being jaemin’s brother, jaehyuk, and his brother’s friends. jaemin was on the verge of tears as his brother was telling jaemin that he had to go down the slide by himself because he was tagged first, thus the loser. jaemin however was arguing that no one told him the loser had to go down the slide by themselves and that if he knew he wouldn’t have played tagged. jaehyuk then replied that if jaemin didn’t go down the slide he couldn’t continue to play with them which caused jaemin to throw a fit. jaehyuk then told jaemin that they’d be waiting at the bottom of the slide and if he didn’t slide down he couldn’t play with them, he also threatened that if jaemin told their mom, he would never be able to play with them again and that he would steal jaemin’s favorite teddy bear and hide it away forever. as jaehyuk and his friends left, jaemin was sniffling as he stared at the opening of the slide. that is when sueun finally decided say something (she had been staring at the boys the entire time, blinking as she tried to understand what was happening and frowning seeing jaehyuk, who she could tell was older, being mean to jaemin). 

“hey, don’t cry. i’ll go down the slide with you,” sueun said as she stepped closer to him.

jaemin rapidly turned his head to look at her, “y-you will?”

sueun nodded and replied with a wide smile, “yes!”

jaemin immediately smiled and wiped his tears away with the back of his hands before holding her hand tightly. the two then carefully sat on the edge of the slide and after jaemin told her he was ready, they slid down. an excited scream left sueun’s mouth, while jaemin clung onto her hand for dear life. once at the bottom sueun cheered and jaemin let out a relieved sigh. jaehyuk and his friends were waiting and jaemin quickly hopped off the slide to join them. sueun smiled seeing the boy join his friends. however, her joy seeing the boy and his friends reunited quickly turned into concern hearing the boy through another fit.

“but hyung! i came down the slide,” jaemin cried while dropping onto his knees in the woodchips his head hung low as jaehyuk and his friends ran off. sueun being worried for the boy walked over and crouched next to him.

“hey, i’ll play with you. those guys are meanies,” sueun said with a gentle smile.

jaemin looked up at her and straightaway smiled seeing that it was the same girl who went down the slide with him.

“okay. let’s play,” jaemin replied before he stood up, brushing his knees of the woodchips that stuck while forgetting all about his brother.

sueun smiled, standing up as well and once he was finished cleaning himself, the two ran off back to the jungle gym with jaemin showing her the funniest things to do and play.

after two hours of playing sueun’s mom told her it was time to go home. she almost threw a fit before jaemin said they could always play another time. just as sueun and her mom exited the park, jaemin went running after them yelling at the top of his lungs, “wait! wait! wait!!”

the two immediately stopped and turned to look at him. he smiled seeing they had stopped and panted a few times before asking, “what’s your name? my name’s na jaemin.”

sueun’s mother chuckled and grinned before looking down at sueun.

“my name’s choi sueun,” sueun replied with a smile.

“JAEMIN! LETS GO!” a boy’s voiced yelled from the park.

“my brother’s calling me, i have to go. let’s play again tomorrow, okay!” jaemin said with the biggest smile before he ran off.

needless to say, the two did play almost every day together from that day on until sueun moved.

MEETING 2, AGE 14: it had been three weeks since sueun moved back into the house she left as an 8-year-old. she has finally fully unpacked and wanted to scope out her new neighborhood and also kick her soccer ball around. because of the move overseas and having the stress of making sure everything she shipped arrived as she unpacked, soccer was the last thing on her mind and she knew she would regret it once school started as she wanted to get onto the women’s soccer team. 

after walking for a few blocks, sueun had found an empty half soccer field and made herself at home, doing the practices she remembered from her soccer team back in new zealand. while she was busy occupied with playing soccer she didn’t notice that jaemin and a few of his friends had shown up to the basketball court that laid parallel to the soccer field.

“hey, isn’t that the new girl who moved in down the street from you jaemin?” one of his friends asked while look out at sueun who was busy with her soccer ball.

“who? oh-“ jaemin paused as he also looked out at the field, “yeah, it looks like her, but i could be wrong. haven’t introduced myself to her family yet because they looked stressed. but hey, we came here to practice not to stare at a girl.”

his friends laughed before they got to their own basketball game.

this cycle of them playing their respective sport side by side continued on for a while until one day something changed.

sueun had been practicing harder than normal because school was starting soon. she however, didn’t notice how much time had passed, despite it having grown significantly darker as the sun was starting to set. she decided it was time to go home and when she went to take a sip of water from her water bottle, she noticed she was out of water. luckily however, there was a water fountain in the park that she could refill her water at. upon walking to the water fountain she noticed that the group of boys who were usually there we no longer there, but instead there only seemed to be one of them practicing all by himself. she found it slightly odd because they were always together, but she didn’t think too much about it because it was none of her business. once she reached the water fountain, she began filling it up before someone called out, “heads!”

she immediately looked and saw a basketball flying towards her. doing what her instinct wanted, she dropped her water bottle and soccer ball in order to catch the basketball before it hit her straight in the face. after she caught the ball, she let out a breath that she wasn’t aware she was holding.

“i’m so sorry,” the male from the basketball court exclaimed as he went to fetch her soccer ball that had rolled away from her.

“it’s okay. it happens,” sueun replied with a small chuckle hoping to ease the boy from feeling bad. she picked up her dropped water bottle while still holding onto his basketball as he retrieved her soccer ball.

when he came back with her soccer ball, he flashed an apologetic smile, “i’m still sorry. thanks for catching the ball and I’m sorry for almost hitting you.”

“no, no. it’s okay, really,” sueun said, flashing her own reassuring smile.

“here, i’ll trade you,” jaemin said, holding out her soccer ball.

sueun chuckled and handed his basketball back before taking her soccer ball, “thank you for getting my ball.”

“yeah, of course. i made you drop it, so it’s the least i could do,” he stated, his smile still never leaving his face.

the two stood there in awkward silence for a moment before sueun spoke, “do you need someone to play with?”

jaemin raised an eyebrow at her question.

“i mean, just someone to toss the ball with? i see you guys play a lot and i’ve played a bit myself and it’s always funner playing with someone else, but if you don’t want to play with someone else I totally get,” she said quickly hoping to clear her intentions and explain herself.

jaemin let out an amused laugh at her rambling before he responded, “if you’re not tired out from soccer, i could use a guard for a little bit.”

sueun smiled softly, “you sure?” she didn’t want to force him into saying yes, she just knew how it feels to play a team sport by themselves.

“yeah of course,” jaemin replied with a reassuring smile as he urged her to follow him to the court.

after playing for about an hour, the two decided it was time to head home. they had gotten to know each other a little bit during their game, mostly just talking about sports and their likes and dislikes. however, they came to a full on stop when sueun mentioned her name, “oh and by the way, i’m sueun.”

“wait. wait. your name is sueun?” jaemin asked quickly, pulling her to a stop in the middle of the sidewalk.

she blinked a few times at his reaction before nodding slowly, “yeah. my name’s sueun. choi sueun in case you’re mistaking me for another sueun…”

“oh my god. OH MY GOD,” jaemin mumbled loudly to himself before asking, “did you by chance use to live in the same house you moved into?”

sueun squinted her eyes, looking at him suspiciously, “I’m not sure how you would know that, but yes. i lived here for a year before moving, but my parents wanted to move back so here I am.”

jaemin’s eyes widened, “oh my god. do you remember a little boy you used to play with in this neighborhood? at the jungle gym?”

sueun tilted her head in thought before her own eyes widened, “no way. there’s no way. no way!”

jaemin beamed with happiness, a wide smile on his face as he just stared at her.

“you’re jaemin! like the na jaemin?? the one who i went down the slide with??” sueun asked excitedly.

“yes! oh my god! you’re back!” jaemin yelled before hugging her with his free arm.

she smiled and laughed loudly at his hug. neither of them expected to ever meet each other again. she thought he would have moved by now and he thought that she was never coming back. after figuring out that they know each other, they hung out a lot more and caught up on all the time lost. the two still clicking as they did when they were kids.

TLDR: sueun and jaemin met at the age of 6 on the playground in their neighborhood. they were close friends for about two years before sueun moved away due to her father's job. at the age of 14, her parents decide to move back to the house they had originally bought, thus they move back. they meet again at the age of 14 at the park again under different circumstances.

WHAT WAS YOUR REACTION TO THE LETTER?  sueun was shocked, angry and sad. she was a mess of emotions. why? it’s complicated to say the least. sueun was in love with jaemin. she had a crush on him ever since they reconnected, but was always too scared to confess. she didn’t want to ruin their friendship, especially after they figured out that they were friends when they were young. granted, they were only childhood friends for two years, but during those two years they were the closest friends that kids their age were able to be. however, for sueun to be able to reconnect with jaemin even after five years was like fate to her. she never thought that she’d meet him again, yet there he was in all his glory.
WAS IN LOVE: sueun held onto her 14-year-old crush throughout her high school life. it wasn’t infatuation as she had thought, it was deep love for jaemin. they both had grown in their separate ways, but at the end of the day she knew if she needed anything he’d be willing to drop what he was doing to attended to her and she was willing to do the same thing for him. despite that, over the course of two years waiting and trying to remain friends despite going to different schools, sueun concluded that maybe it was time to move on. she’d rather keep jaemin as a friend, than nothing at all and decided that it was best for her to just keep her feelings for him to herself. she figured that he didn’t seem to look at her as anything more than a friend and they had obviously grown apart. she decided the beginning of her junior year that she would move on from jaemin.

sueun contemplates on confronting jaemin about his feelings because she just got into a relationship and doesn't want to hurt jaemin. after asking advice from multiple sources (her friends and her cousin) she finally confronts jaemin about the letter. after finding out that they are past feelings, sueun feels regretful that she didn't just confess. when she comes clean to jaemin about having liked thim before too, the both of them can't help but feel a little regretful that neither of them said anything. despite that, they hope to remain good friends and wish the best for each other. jaemin tells her that no matter what, she'll always be the only girl he'll ask to play basketball with and that makes sueun blush. 

NAME  jung jaeho
BDAY & AGE  0201 (19)
FACE CLAIM  pentagon's kino aka kang hyeong-gu
BACKUP  astro's moonbin
PERSONALITY: practical, honest, strong-willed, responsible, selfless, stubborn, meddlesome
MEETING & HISTORY: the two met through soccer at a joint practice. he was on the men's soccer team at inchang high school and she was on the women's. she caught his eye from the moment she walked onto the field. he introduce himself and they hit it off from there. they grew to be friends really quickly and spent quite a lot of time together during and after soccer season despite him being a year older. they joked around a lot with each other and enjoyed talking about the most random things with each other. during soccer season they would try their best to attend each other's soccer's games and were jokingly labeled each other's "#1 fan".
it was during the summer of 2018 that jaeho finally confessed to sueun. sueun of course confessed her own feelings and they became a couple. 
+ he's in college going for a degree in health science to become a physical therapist
+ they talk once a day either through text or a phone call
+ they meet up once a week or try to meet up once a week. they're either getting coffee, lunch or dinner for a quick "date". sometimes depending on what's happening around seoul, they'll spend a day together going sight seeing. 
WHAT DO THEY THINK ABOUT THE LETTER?  jaeho didn't know about the letter until after sueun cleared the air with jaemin. he felt hurt that sueun didn't tell him immediately, but after she explains that jaemin was her first love and her's and jaemin's history, he understands why it would be difficult for her. 

jaeho and jaemin meet up and get along quite well. they joke that sueun has a thing for guys with 'jae' in their name because their names are quite similar to which sueun yells and threatens to hit the both of them. 


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