I'm back bishes

Hello, my people!

I am back to my usual self... sort of.  It's been about 2 months since we laid my grandma to rest and I can say that we are slowly moving on. I'm back to work and at my old company as well with the same job. I am kind of thankful that they were able to talk to me about going back to work for them again and I agreed since I really liked what I was doing and I was happy with my job.

Moving on is a little weird for us tho. Since we got used to my grandma not being at home here in the Philippines we just don't really feel like something is missing. We do miss her random 2am and 3am facebook calls and stuff but aside from that we don't feel anything different. Reality hits us hard whenever we do visit the cemetery and we see her name on that marble slab. My sister and I were talking the other day about how it feels like we don't really feel like our granda is gone. It's like she's in the States and just doesn't call. Still, it doesn't make it easier just because we got used to it. Whenever we talk about her last days, it still hits us like a wrecking ball because we were there and it was unbearable.

So far, I'm just immersed in work and I've been keeping myself busy so I don't have time to think. It's going to be a very sad Christmas for us and I want to prepare myself as well since there will be a lot of tears. Christmas was never the same when I lost my mom, tbh and it will never be.


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