⬦ PRODUCE100 ⬦ Yoo Baram! Let's Walk on the Flower Path


replace with fc 120*172

  yoo baram  

birthname. Yoo Baram

date of birth. 12.08.2004
birthplace. Busan
ethnicity. Korean
language spoken. 

– Korean :: Native


   what do i see.

appearance.  Baram is 166cm tall and weight 46kg. She's very slight, but that's to be expected from a 14 year old girl, especially one who's been in the industry since she was 7. She's got a very cute face, the kind of face ahjummas coo over, and looks youthful but just slightly older than she is, which is the perfect combination for creepy uncle fans, but hey uncle fans make the kpop world go round. She didn't even need surgery for this perfect face, and you bet she's proud of it.

style.  The cuter the better. Baram knows she looks like a cute little doll and she plays it up. Lots of pinks and bows and you name it. Actually just pink in general, she looooooves pink. Give her anything pink or cute to wear and Baram will be happy. That being said, she does take pride in rocking whatever she wears and whatever concept she's given. If she does end up doing a girl crush concept you bet she's gonna put in the effort to nail it as best she can, she can't stand not doing well.

   what is within.

personality traits.  Stubborn, proud, passionate, charming, ditzy, open book, narrow focus, attention , tunnel vision, emotional, selfworth tied to how others see her


Baram wants this, she really really really wants this, and she can see nothing more than she really wants this. She's very young and that combined with her personality makes it that she doesn't really have an eye for the long game, she can only see the immediate future and her immediate goals. It doesnt factor into her thinking that she's young and has many more opportunities in front of her, in Baram's mind it's all or nothinga with Produce 100.

Very very stubborn and proud, she thinks she has to solve everything on her own and that it shows weakness if she asks for help, she puts double the effort in to practice by herself. Would definitely be the only trainee left in the training room at 3AM trying to give it her all. She has to succeed no matter what, but not by admitting weakness, because if she admits weakness than she admits that she's not ready for this, and she has to be ready for this.

She's very very desperate to stand out. Thankfully she has a natural youthful charm about her. She chats easily, sometimes a little too easily as she doesn't really think about what she should and shouldn't be saying in front of the camera, but she's always entertaining. She's an open book, her expressions are always big and exaggerated, it's so easy to tell when she's having fun and when she's very much not, but it also makes her very good for reaction shots. She's also a little dumb and ditzy, something that will surely come out as well. Intelligence is not something she was graced with, but thankfully she does have the charm to spin it in a cute light.

Taking criticism is very hard on Baram, too. She needs positive reinforcement or else she crumples, any harshness will reduce her to tears very easily, even if she hates crying in front of people. She's a soft thing and her sense of self-worth is intrinsically tied to how others see her. This includes votes, if she's low in the votes it'll be a huge blow to her self-esteem and she takes those blows hard, becoming more withdrawn and losing some of that youthful charm. She's always all emotions, when it's good and her sense of self-worth is high she'll be a delight, when it's low she'll quickly fall into a depressed state.


background.  Baram is a child actress, she was pushed by her dad from a young age (tale as old as time: parents wanted to be an actor, pushes it on kid instead).She played the usual 'young version' in a couple of middling dramas. Her biggest achievement was probably playing the young version of the main character in Rooftop Prince, but that drama wasn't exactly the best recieved, especially domestically. As she grew older and fewer and fewer "Young X" roles became available, especially for her as middling child actress, Baram became frustrated with herself.  She wasn't growing! The competitive nature of the acting industry had made her an achievement hunter but she wasn't gaining any achievements! No, a change of pace had to happen. It could not be any other way.

With what was the first real decision Baram ever made for herself, when she was 11 she started auditioning for entertainment companies, and with her pretty face and acting background, the first company snapped her up!

– Such a sore loser. If Baram isn't achieving and putting her best out there then what's the point? and if she's putting her best out there, if she doesn't win than what good is she? Very very toxic way of thiking but hey, she's 14.

– Will try anything you throw at her. Need a rapper? She'll try. Need a vocalist? She'll try. Need a main vocal? Well... she can try.... and she will!

– Is really hard to startle

– She's very good with expressions due to her acting bg.

– She's super friendly and likes having lots of people around her who like her, though she's not as good at actually deep relationships.

– Fanclubs hate her, she's such an unloyal hoe she jumps from hot boy to hot boy. She's proclaimed herself Jungkook's #1 fan, Cha Eunwoo's #1 fan, Sehun's #1 fan, Yeo One's #1 fan, you get the picture.

– Has a habit of introducing herself to the tune of BP's Whistle. Yoo Baram~ (yoo baram baram baram)


– (stage) Dad :: Yoon Hyunmin (46) / Office worked who can't wait to be able to stop / ambitious, envious, fanatic, overbearing / Baram's dad always wanted to be an actor when he was young, he'd played extras and side side side characters before he had to concede that he it wasn't paying the bills and he had to get a real job.

He loved Baram, but he's living suuuuper vicariously through her acting pursuits and is pushing her more and more into any spotlight. He was a little put off when she decided to try becoming an idol instead of keeping at the actress route, but one spotlight is the other and, besides, idols did acting all the time. He's rooting her on and bragging about her to everyone who will hear and would probably organize voting rallies for her in Produce, he's embarrassing as hell.

   Q&A time 

Hi welcome to Produce100, I am a staff from MNET and I'd need you to answer some of these questions.

there are 100 seats, which seat would you sit at, why? 

"I want to sit in one of the top fancy chairs! The first one is a bit intimidating but definitely one of the lower ones!"

be honest, you are here for the boys/girls.  

"I'm here for me! But... those boys are awfully pretty..."

how would you pick your songs for evaluations.  

"I wanna go with something super cute to show off my charms instantly!"

there are so many trainees, how can you make us remember you.  

"Well I'm pretty," she gives the most charming smile. "And I'm cute!" she does  a fash of cringey aegyeo. "And I work hard!" She does a flexing pose. Then she does a quick V-sign. "Vote Yoo Baram ;D!!!"


   stage name

face claim. Kim Doa (now in Festival!)

back up face claim. Baek Minseo from Mixnine

plotline. The Child

talent twin:

vocal. Kim Doa

rap. Kim Doa

dance. Kim Doa

company. Woollim Ent.

trainee years. 2 years (2016 - 2018)

trainee life. She'd never sung or danced before, oops that was a thing, but Baram was very concerned with learning quickly and showing she was up for the task. Nevermind that in the end she'd probably just be delegated to visual or face or some other term for girl who's only here because she's pretty and entertaining. All that aside she does really enjoy training, she loves the constant attention of trainers (who tend to be a tiny bit more lenient with her due to her acting bg) and she likes being around people of her age all the time and as long as she was steadily approving she was happy!

Various small 'young version' roles that I'm too lazy to all find xD :: 2009-2016
Rooftop Prince - Young Park Ha/Yong Buyoung :: 2012

Free reign!

replace with fc 95*95
replace with love int 120*172

  boys in general ♡  

None, she's 14, but as a 14 year old girl she'd probably develop some embarrassing crushes, she's in that age where boys start being interesting and she's watched way too much drama to ignore them.

   Luigi-a : liv

last words.  here

scenes requests.

– Honestly she'd fangirl over a different judge every episode xD
– here

password.  Well I mean nobody can compete with the naming genius of Korea (look @ u IZ*ONE), but what about OXO? I really can't think of any kinda pun with 100 or 10. 10VE maybe, like Love, but it's weak yo.



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