Commentary on Cute Concepts

Get me on a brand new day~



I just finished watching Berry Good's Mellow Mellow (posted at the end of this blogpost) and earlier I was speaking to a friend about cute concepts and I just .. wanted to speak more publicly as well.

No hate on either cute concepts or edgy concepts or literally any other concept. Only my opinion on why cute concepts don't deserve to be demonized as something horrible.


In case you're unaware, I'm Scandinavian. Media consumption is either European or American as a default unless you seek out other things of course. 

That's my starting point because it's sort of important to me. 

I am a cute person. I'm not very tall (Scandinavian standards here, pls), I actually don't have a very large frame (even though I'm not your 90 lb girl either). I have a very soft face and very cute mannerisms. My voice tends to go cute if I'm excited about something and I do all these weird little movements that are just cute when I'm super comfortable. 

In short, I have a lot of natural aegyo. I am a cute person. 

I'm also raised with watching women be everything I am not. 

White women in Scandinavian/European/American media is often presented with sharp facial features. They are tall (somewhat) and walk with their backs straight. Especially in Scandinavian media, women are often badass. They are independent and they don't need anybody. 

And the one thing they definitely aren't; cute. 


White women are never portrayed as cute (I don't know about other women but my experience is that cute is just not really desirable in western media). If, in rarity, they should be cute, they're usually the nerdy sidekick who is clumsy-cute. And that's not all there is to cute. 


Women come in all shapes. I'm cute, not because I want to seduce somebody or want to be pampered, but because I feel comfortable in it. Because it's who I am.


For the longest part of my life, however, I hated everything about being cute. I hated my appearance for being cute and soft. I hated my mannerisms for being cute. I didn't dare act naturally because what if people thought I was childish because it was cute. 

Whenever people described me and used the word "cute" I would go home and feel the worst. "Cute" is the only description I have ever wanted to cry at, wanted to tear off my body. If you asked 15-year-old me I would have done anything to be everything but cute. Look, even ugly was better than cute. 

Cute meant childish. It still does in my culture, in my society. 


Which is why I love cute concepts. Cute concepts allow me to be cute without feeling bad about it. If I want to sing TT out loud and puff my cheeks I can do it and still be an adult. I can dance around and twirl and be cute and still be an adult. I can be whoever I want to be without 1) trying to be a child or 2) seducing someone into pampering me. 

I'm a strong, independent woman. I know what I want and I know how to get it. I'm also cute, feminine and elegant and I enjoy being that. I'm not cute for anybody else's sake. I'm cute for me. Because it doesn't have to be a negative thing. Because cute doesn't have to be a child. Because cute makes me feel comfortable and true to myself. 


Cute concepts come in many forms. But perhaps just remembering that women aren't always sharp facial features and badass women who outwardly show no need for a partner is not a bad thing. 

Sometimes I want to be a cute woman who long for a sweet romance - and nothing wrong with that. 


There's a place for every concept in the kpop world. The cute concept isn't something that makes less of a woman. It just makes a different kind of woman. 

And I'm gonna continue lapping all those cute concepts up because for once I feel desirable and allowed to be cute. Without feeling like I have to be ashamed of myself. 


Also - support Berry Good and Mellow Mellow and enjoy some cute concepts! 


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It’s good to know that you feel comfortable just being cute. :) The most important thing about life is living happily, and having a comfortable lifestyle is definitely part of a happy life! Everyone can be anyone, there shouldn’t be a stereotype about how people should be.

I don’t know why so many people are prejudiced against the cute concept. Except for a friend of mine in school who’s a Twice fan, most of the girls I know don’t like Twice because they’re acting ‘too cute and girly’. I mean, Twice is a girl group? That’s why they’re ‘girly’? And, cute concept is what they’re most comfortable with?

I don’t know, I’ve always been a whatever person. But, hearing so many people demonising the cute concept is worrying me. Maybe it’s because I’m raised in an Asian culture where guys are smitten by cute girls (not all Asian cultures are like this), but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the cute concept? If it’s what makes them comfortable, then so be it, it’s not like it’ll affect my life in one way or another. (Aside from making me fall head over heels for any cute girls-)
I'm glad to hear you've found a way to be comfortable with your cuteness!

Personally, I've always preferred cuteness - I've long accepted that when watching movies, I'm going to get a crush on the cute best friend rather than on the heroine. ^_^
You do you! Show off your strong cute side and I hope you’ll never be ashame of your comfortable side ever again~