⬦ PRODUCE100 ⬦ 이성진 let's walk on the flower path #8ed1c4 #79b2a7


replace with fc 120*172

  lee sungjin  

birthname. lee, sungjin 이성진

a shorter way to call him, called by those who are close to him
sungjin has this cold look that sometimes people mistook it as his personality, especially when he walked into the halls of produce100.

date of birth. march 20, 2000
birthplace. seoul, south korea
ethnicity. korean
language spoken. 

—   KOREAN  fluent
—   ENGLISH   conversational
he knows the basics like pronunciation but he doesn't absolutely know how to put words into sentences. thus, it tends to be in broken sentences like "you eat food?"


   what do i see.

appearance.  sungjin stands tall at 189cm and weighs at 73kg. being a model, he often goes to the gym, thus he has abs. he looks exactly like his faceclaim. he has pierced both his ears and usually wear small hoop-ish earrings and has black hair that often covers his forehead. sungjin's hair is also often messy due to him being lazy to comb it. (he usually just brushes his hands through them and thus, messing it up.)

style.  sungjin dresses like any other male. his casual, practice and formal are the same thing, aka black ripped jeans, a black hoodie or black shirt with his red checkered flannel hanging around his waist and his black converse or timberlands. sungjin doesn't really care about his appearance because he feels that whatever he puts on matches, especially since everything is in black. he does like to use his baseball cap and snapback to add in some elements in his fashion but that's it. he doesn't put in any effort unless it's some event like a red carpet. he would wear a normal tux with some formal shoes because he doesn't want to spoil the market.

   what is within.

personality traits. 

positive: optimistic, intelligent, brave, honest
negative: sarcastic, erted, talkative, blunt


sungjin is no different to any other growing teenagers in the 21st century. Teens these days are pretty much exposed to all kinds of things, despite it being something they can't see nor watch. Influenced by all the vulgars and erted things on the internet, sungjin came to be an eighteen year old who is nothing close to innocent or cute. sungjin is known to be erted but intelligent lad. Everything done by sungjin, is done with effort and he has placed his thoughts into it. Although when he can't seem to achieve a solution on his problems, he never gives up and would keep trying because he believes that everything is possible. which leads to his brave personality. sungjin dares to go against anyone that either disagrees with him or something that obstructs him from moving forward. he doesn't care about them because all he cares about is his achievements, and what not. even when the person obstructing him is his hyung, he wouldn't mind going all informal and drop honorifics if they stand in his way because he thinks that who are they to stop him from doing the things he want?

sungjin is like any other young teen. those who loves to prank their hyungs and just blurt out secrets or some sassy comeback to knock them down or make them speechless. he loves attention and tends to try and stay in the middle of the spotlight by speaking out his mind or just opening his mouth none stop, blurting out unnecessary words that doesn't even relate to the subject the group was talking about. people tend to classify sungjin as a "4d" personality, but sungjin himself disagrees. he thinks that his personality, is something more unique, which means that sungjin has a lot of pride and ego. he has such a thick skull that he can't even mutter a sorry when done wrong. he would always wait for the right moment to act as though nothing has happened and would always avoid that subject, in fear that he would have to apologise.

as i said earlier, sungjin can be a savage male. he loves to joke around, have fun because he's still young. he has not reached his 20s yet and the age difference between him and the eldest is quite far, which means that he would always tease his hyungs about being young. he often sass and become a sarcastic . now, in comes his erted side. even at the age of eighteen sungjin knows a lot about dirty things. he knows all about and tends to link everything with something dirty, especially a banana, since it's shaped like something that shouldn't be on your mind. his mind is corrupted by thoughts that aren't even supposed to be in his head in the first place.

another things about sungjin that might shock all of you is that, he thinks before he acts. yeah, surprising but this applies to when he's doing an action. he thinks of the consequences of his actions, but not his words. makes sense? for example, sungjin would try and be careful of his actions because you might never know what eyes are looking at you. even though he doesn't give to flakes of about the other's opinions, since he cares so much about his reputation, he tends to take at least an hour just to make a decision, whether or not to do that certain action. however, this does not apply to his words said, because as said, sungjin is too blunt to even care. although, sungjin is pretty positive about everything. even when something bad happened to him, he would just smile it off before thinking about happy thoughts. he doesn't like to feel down because he feels that he has a reputation to take care of. he doesn't want to be a rude maknae on camera, hell no.


growing up, sungjin had his whole life planned by both his uncle and his mother. he was to be a model as he was known to have an outstanding visual. his mother forced him into participating in photoshoots run by his uncle and he would follow their orders due to his fear of disappointing them. he basically allowed his mother and uncle boss him around as they led him to get drained of his energy, yet he always manages a small smile to show that he's fine. by the time he reached the tender age of ten, his uncle signed him up in his company, sm entertainment, where he was trained to be an actor as well as a model. despite having no freedom into choosing his own life, sungjin still manages a huge smile on his face because he likes his life and how he could be an actor in the future.

— black
— attention
— music + any genre
— drawing / sketching
— exercising
— ramen
— horror movies (or anything related to horror)

— skinship
— dairy products
— pastel colours
— spicy food
— failing in life
— cringey jokes (which is why his jokes aren't that cringey)
— being a burden

— acting
— watching horror movies
— playing the guitar
— listening to music (the only thing that helped him stay awake during schedules)
— modelling / catwalking

— sleep talks and snores very loudly
— bites his lips when nervous
— sarcastically laugh at something when annoyed
— touches his hair every minute
— sticks his tongue out when concentrating

— is lactose intolerant and is vegetarian
— is biual but hides it
— openly fights for lgbt rights
— he is the nephew of lee soo man
— is ambidextrous
— has been under sm for almost eight years
— is a model and actor under sm
— is quite smart and often rank top 5 in academics
— he is a bad dancer (ironic cause hyunjin is the main dancer of stray kids)
— he can solve a rubiks cube within a couple of minutes
— he hates spicy food and can sweat a whole bucket if he eats them
— can't do aegyo
— Has been a trainee since he was 10 years old
— Has trypophobia (holes) and claustrophobia (tight spaces)
— he can do girl group dances very well
— knows how to play the guitar (self taught)
— Instagram: @xx_sungsungjin
— he owns a red iphone 8 plus x


— uncle :: lee soo man (66) / former ceo of sm (he still works in sm but idk what role he has) / understanding, professional, passionate / 8
sungjin is very thankful for his uncle as he gave him a spot in sm entertainment. however, he can't say that he is close with his uncle as his uncle is very busy with his job. sungjin respects his uncle and whenever he sees him anywhere, he can't simply call him "uncle" because he's scared that people might feel that the agency is being biased towards him, which is why he tend to call his uncle "sir" as a sign of respect and to hide the fact that the two are related.

"why are you so annoying sometimes?"

— frenemy :: kim heeyeon (23) / trainee under sm / egoistic, perfectionist, honest / 6-7 (sometimes it's lower, sometimes it's higher)
honestly speaking, the two don't exactly get along that well due to their clashing personalities. the two are just crazy that it gets on each others nerve. however, they know when to get along and how to work together if they need to. thus, sungjin thinks of heeyeon as a "frenemy" more than a friend or enemy as they can get along when they want to but at other times, they would bicker none stop

   Q&A time 

Hi welcome to Produce100, I am a staff from MNET and I'd need you to answer some of these questions.

there are 100 seats, which seat would you sit at, why? 
— "to me, i don't really care where i end up sitting as long as i'm part of the show and is able to get some screentime."

be honest, you are here for the boys/girls. 
— "haha, it's funny that what you said is partially true. when i heard that this was going to be co-ed, i couldn't help but to glam up for the ladies but i'm not going to let them distract me from achieving my goals."

how would you pick your songs for evaluations.  
— "i'm a huge fan of got7 and got7's jinyoung is my role model. thus, i might end up choosing their songs, however, i do need to pick a song that helps me showcase my talent as well as my capabilities."

there are so many trainees, how can you make us remember you.  
— "i don't want to brag about it but i already have a fanbase... i'm a model and an actor so people already know me as "lee sungjin" however, they don't know whether or not i can perform on stage as an idol so... *shrugs* i don't know of they'll remember me...*grins*"



face claim. stray kids' hyunjin

back up face claim. astro's eunwoo

plotline. sm's pet

talent twin:

vocal. stray kids' hyunjin x

rap. stray kids' hyunjin x (i'm not sure if i can use him but if i can't them do tell me so i'll change to someone else)

dance. astro's eunwoo x

company. sm entertainment

trainee years. 8 years (2010-present)

trainee life. sungjin honestly had it easy during training as well as how he got in the agency. having an uncle who is the founder of an agency paid a huge tole in sungjin's career to be an actor and model. he was easily signed into the agency, without any need to audition as his uncle pulled some strings to allow him in. sungjin honestly felt ashamed with the fact that he was given the opportunity and that he doesn't need to work hard for it. it made sungjin pull away from others, afraid that they might find out that he was given the free ticket instead of having to pay for it.

through his eight year long journey in sm, he trained and trained to be a model and an actor and was given small gigs around seoul to start his small career that was growing. however, around 2015, his uncle made a bold move to put him in nct. sungjin was onestly shocked to find out that he was to be in nct despite having no clue on how to sing or dance. he was then placed into some vocal and dance classes as well as rap classes but no one liked the fact that a supposed actor was to be in nct just because of his looks.

this honestly led to a sudden division between sungjin and the other trainees. they honestly didn't like the fact that he was getting everything due to sm's biasness. in the end, he was taken out of nct due to the disapproval of the members who felt that he would be a burden to the group. honestly, for sungjin, he was more than glad to be out of the group just so he could focus more on his modelling and acting career. however, it doesn't end there, sungjin was still being forced into vocal, rap and dance classes due to the trainers seeing some potential in him, especially in rapping.

thus, sungjin was brought into a very hard life, with him having to juggle education, acting, modelling as well as classes in a single day. the male had lost so much weight and has grown pale and eventually could collaspe any minute. it continued for almost two years before he was given some time off from practice. however, the only reason he was given the rest was due to the fact that he would be joining the new show called, produce100. he only got to know weeks before the shooting of the show, through heeyeon and he got to know that he and heeyeon would be participating together. he didn't know what to do so he just listened to them without complaining.

joined sm rookies :: 2013
cameo in exo's wolf drama ver. :: 2013
walked on fashion runaways :: 2014-2015
was supposed to debut with nct :: 2015-2016, plan was not carried out
modelled for clothing brands :: 2016-2017
acted in a few cf (contact lense, drinks etc.) :: 2016-2018
main role in peek-a-boo (yes he was the delivery guy) :: 2017

produce100 contestant, lee sungjin, is the nephew of lee soo man? :: true :: 2018, netizens dug into sungjin's life and found out that his mother is the younger sister of lee soo man, thus making him lee soo man's nephew. many were then given a bad impression of sungjin as they thought that he was given a free ticket in produce100

replace with fc 95*95
replace with love int 120*172

  moon jaehoon  

back up. another applicant


love story. 

when sungjin first joined sm, he knew that there was another male who was similar to him in terms of skills. by skills, he meant, acting as well as their visuals. the said male was moon jaehoon. however, sungjin never actually cared about his presence because his main focus was to train and practice so he wouldn't disappoint his elders.

of course, as years passed, sungjin would always hear about how jaehoon would have girls wrapped around his finger. he would also often hear the multiple comparisons other trainees would make which annoys him. who is this "moon jaehoon"? is he that great to be compared to someone like sungjin?

unknowingly to sungjin, he grew competitive whenever the name "jaehoon" or "jayden" is mentioned. it just irks him at how they're often compared. sungjin feels the need to just try and win even though he knows that it's a waste of time. it also made him insecure as to how others would say that jaehoon was better, especially since he got a free ticket to be in sm.

however, the new produce season was announced and sm decided to send him, heeyeon and jaehoon. that's when the real started. the feeling of rivalry just disappeared for sungjin. he knew the differences between him and jaehoon and he no longer feel threatened by the older male.

instead, sungjin took interest in the male.

whenever jaehoon flirt with him, sungjin would just smirk and flirt back. this would often make the playboy flustered since everyone would swoon over his words. well, not sungjin. sungjin is known to be a "ert" so jaehoon's words can never make him swoon, especially since he has his way with words as well.

sungjin is a confident flirt (and confident gay) which is why jaehoon often gets flustered. he knows of jaehoon's intentions and is pretty much "playing hard to get". heeyeon would have to try and break the heated stares sungjin and jaehoon would do whenever they flirt.

the thing about sungjin is that, he doesn't know whether or not he is falling for the male. he does often get butterflies in his stomach whenever the handsome male flirts with him but at the same time, he knows that jaehoon is just trying to have fun or maybe play with him. i mean, that's jaehoon, he's a playboy. sungjin just doesn't want to get hurt more than he already is.

status. interested but sungjin doesn't want to admit it since jaehoon's a flirt
ending. up to you!~

   xXMonstaAriXx : ari

last words.  hope you like him! took me a while to finish him due to school and stuff but hey i'm finally done! also, there might have been some similarity between my other character, ayaka and sungjin but i don't think it's that much so...

scenes requests.

— sungjin getting scolded during dance class
— sungjin and ayaka getting along, shocking almost every trainee
— trainee drama
— sungjin getting the center spot for a performance

password.  oh jeez i in name suggestions so here goes nothing
whole group: N.Pick | nation's pick??
boy group: royal picks??



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heyyy im thinking of applying for sm's pet as well and um i was thinking, it would it be okay to collab?
if you are okay, can my boy be a possible love interest to sungjin, maybe? it's entirely up to you though!
i just thought i'd ask! also, hyunjin is my guilty pleasure lol XD