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birth name. Bae Jihyun

— Gigi | Called by her parents and Irene, she said "Ji-Ji" when learning to pronounce her name
— Minnie Mouse | other trainees called her this due to her shyness

birthdate. 6 November 1995
birthplace. Daegu, South Korea (her family moved to Seoul when Irene entered SM Ent)
ethnicity. Korean

— Korean | Native
Japanese | Basic | She tried to learn Japanese using online resources.
— English | Conversational | She learnt it as a subject in school and part of her training.

faceclaim. Oh My Girl's Seunghee
backup fc. Gfriend's Yerin

— Jihyun is a petite girl at 157cm and 48kg. As she dances extensively, she has thick thighs and her waist is small compared to her hips.


— Jihyun likes to wear dresses and skirts and she loves floral patterns, pink and soft colours. Possible outfits : x or view @charlottelum on instagram

personality Traits. (+) easygoing, passionate, hardworking, creative / (-) impractical, cannot maintain motivation, sensitive, irrational / (0) idealistic, altruistic, overemotional, reserved
Elaboration. Positive : Jihyun won't force her opinions on others but rather will aim to come to a mutual compromise between her and the other party. She gives her all to achieve her goals and doesn't give up in the face of setbacks but keeps working towards his goals when she knows she's doing them for a purpose. Being very creative, she usually comes up with amazing ideas, especially for songs and concepts.

Negative : Jihyun tends to neglect things she has to do when fulfilling a goal. She has a tendency to want to give up when he's too tired or things don't seem fun anymore, and she needs a lot of encouragement when that happens. She values others' opinion of her a lot and criticism and thinking that she may be seen negatively by a particular person can get her down. She isn't willing to accept facts when they go against her feelings and opinions.

Neutral : Jihyun always sees the best in people, but sometimes she overestimates them and ends up disappointing herself when they weren't who he thought they were. In "give and take", she often gives more than she takes and cares for others at her own expense. She can sometimes have outbursts when overwhelmed, whether negatively or positively. It takes time for her to open up to others.

INFP, Hufflepuff

background. As a child, Jihyun was showered with lots of love from her parents and older sister Joohyun, and never felt lonely or neglected. In school, Jihyun loved talking to others but for some reason seemed to be shunned by everyone, but her big sister was always there with a shoulder to cry on once Jihyun got home.

In 2009, Joohyun was accepted as an SM Entertainment trainee after auditioning to them, and the family of four moved to Seoul, and Jihyun had to transfer schools. Knowing she would attract attention for having an idol-to-be as a sister, Jihyun tried to keep to herself, and was very selective with who she allowed to get close to her. Everyone tried to make friends with her, but she just didn't know who she could really trust.

As Jihyun wasn't really close to anyone, she spent a lot of her free time online, and when she was 15 in 2010, she discovered the cover duo Jayesslee. She wanted to be like them and learn the guitar, and begged her parents to send her for guitar lessons, and even used her big sister to convince them. "Maybe I'll be able to join one of those entertainment companies like Joohyun!"

Jihyun fell in love with guitar, and started a Youtube channel where she posted guitar covers of popular songs, and slowly built up a following. Even her schoolmates became fans of her. However, what she still wanted most was to see her sister again. After graduating from high school in 2014, Jihyun begged her parents to let her audition for SM Entertainment, and they agreed.


Likes :
— Pink
— Instant noodles / Cup noodles
— Jayesslee
— Playing the guitar
— Writing songs
— Youtube cover artists
Children, she doesn't want to have or raise her own though

Dislikes :
— Dirty places
— Bad hygiene
— Rushing
— Rude people
— Horror genre (she's easily scared)
— Wearing matte lipstick (she feels it makes her look weird and too old)

Other trivia :
— The only Red Velvet song she listens to is Russian Roulette.
— She still keeps the letters that Irene wrote to her when Irene was a trainee.
— Her current favourite cover is "Can't Help Falling In Love With You" by Kina Grannis.
— She is often given Minnie Mouse-themed gifts by other members and fans.
— When she was asked who is the prettiest in Red Velvet, she said it is Wendy.


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— Sister : Bae Joohyun (Irene) / Member of Red Velvet / protective, defensive, aggressive / Best Friend

Irene had always been protective of her younger sister, and even more when the latter became an SM Entertainment trainee. Irene may look innocent, but mess with Jihyun and you'll get hell from her.

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— Groupmates : Kang Woolim / Blue Moon Member / caring, competitive, insecure / Frenemy

Jihyun is pretty mixed on Woolim, she appreciates Woolim caring for her but she doesn't like how Woolim always seems to try to outdo her. (Anything else is up to you)

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— Groupmates : Blue Moon members / Idols / Varies / Varies

Jihyun found it hard to open up to and assimilate with them, and was even intimidated by some of them, but later became good friends with a few of them. (Anything else is up to you to decide)

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— Labelmates : Other SM artistes / Idols / Varies / Varies

Up to you to decide how Jihyun gets along with them.

Stage Name. Baby-G - the "G" comes from the "Ji" in "Jihyun" and the "Baby" comes from her surname "Bae" and alludes to her being Irene's baby sister.
Plotline. Six
Backup. Four

Talent twins.

— Singing: Loona's Kim Lip
— Rapping: NIL
— Dancing: Loona's Gowon

Trainee years. 2014-2018
trainee life.

— SM Entertainment was a big world, with lots of people. Jihyun was so scared that people she didn't know or wasn't close to would hate her, and the idol world is competitive, but she just wanted to be friends with everyone, especially those she trained with. However, she ended up unintentionally giving some of them a bad first impression of herself, and it's usually not easy to recover from a bad first impression. Furthermore, she didn't get to see her sister often because they lived in different dorms, and that made things even harder for her.

Jihyun almost wanted to leave SM Entertainment, but what stopped her from giving up was when another trainee comforted her when she had a breakdown. This girl encouraged Jihyun to write out her feelings and turn them into songs, something the latter found very useful. When the other trainees found out that Jihyun could write lyrics, they became friendlier towards her.

Jihyun was really grateful to this girl, and had even started to like her. So, when Jihyun was told she would be in a group called Blue Moon and would debut with a solo single before the group's official debut, Jihyun decided to write a song called Like Paradise for her solo debut and dedicate it to this girl.
The name "Erika" was replaced with "this girl" in this section and "a SM ent songwriter" has been changed to "another trainee".


— 2014-2018 | Backup dancer for SNSD and Red Velvet


— 2014 | "Red Velvet's Irene sister joins SM Entertainment" | True
— 2018 | "Blue Moon's Baby-G dedicated 'Like Paradise' to fellow member? | True
whenever you feel appropriate | "Blue Moon's Baby-G was unfriendly and arrogant during school days due to having a SM Entertainment trainee sister?" (Some of her ex schoolmates tried to defame her and tweeted nasty things about her but they were just jealous of her success and she wanted to not draw attention to herself as explained in background.) | False

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birthname. Blue Moon Member
backup lv. Red Velvet's Wendy


(+) creative, determined, kind / (-) insecure, sensitive, perfectionist / (0) reserved, impatient

Positive : Erika's personality is almost similar to Jihyun's. Like Jihyun, Erika gives her all to fulfil her goals. Another thing Jihyun likes about Erika is that the latter doesn't judge people before speaking to them. Also, Jihyun loved Erika's creativity in writing songs.

Negative : Like Jihyun, Erika gets affected easily by criticism and needs a lot of assurance that what haters say is not true. To avoid criticism as much as possible, Erika tries her hardest to present the best version of herself to others, but that's tiring and wears her out. As for herself, Erika has high standards for others, and it annoys her when Jihyun doesn't perform to her standards.

Neutral : Erika dislikes waiting for others for long periods of time, especially when the time could have been spent doing more productive things, but Jihyun likes to live life at a relaxed pace and take her own time to do things, and this is something they often disagree on because Jihyun is often very late for their meetups. Like Jihyun, Erika is rather reserved, and it took both of them a while to open up to each other.

INFJ, Ravenclaw

To be updated if Jihyun is chosen.
Wendy : (+) confident, optimistic, cheerful, goal-driven (-) forgetful, impulsive, sensitive, easily irritated (0) non-confrontational, honest, unselfish, easily distracted / ESFP, Gryffindor-Hufflepuff, Lawful Neutral

love story. 

— Jihyun was told off by another trainee and wanted to leave SM Entertainment due to the pressure, and not having Irene by her side in the midst of the tough training. While Jihyun was crying in the toilet, this girl found her, and gave her a few words of encouragement and some tips for destressing. Jihyun found the tips this girl gave useful, and even became closer to her after she shared the lyrics she wrote with the latter, and Jihyun later grew to love this girl's personality.

When Jihyun got to know Erika's daughter Hana, the two became good friends, and Erika loved how Jihyun made Hana laugh as well as how protective the former was towards the latter.
The name Erika has been replaced with "this girl" in this section and the next section.

the ending. 

— Jihyun wrote "Like Paradise" for her debut as a dedication to this girl, and when SM Entertainment showed her their idea for the MV, she told them she wanted this girl to be her co-star in the MV, which they agreed to. After the MV was released, Jihyun revealed in an interview that she wrote the song for someone. When this girl caught wind of the interview, she approached Jihyun and asked "Who is the song for?" and Jihyun bashfully admitted it was for this girl and asked the latter to be her girlfriend, and she was touched and accepted.


Erika's date of birth is 14 February 1993.
— She is 173cm tall.
— Her daughter Hana was born on 7 May 2010.
— She was a freelance guitar teacher before becoming a songwriter for SM Entertainment.
— She was scouted by SM Entertainment in 2015, but chose to be a songwriter instead of an idol trainee.
— She'll write songs for SM's new group "Stardust" (discography twins : Gfriend).
— She loved eating pudding and ramen when she was pregnant.
— She likes to listen to ASMR slime videos when she's trying to sleep since Hana likes making slime.
— She always carries plasters and antibacterial wipes in her bag even when she's not going out with Hana.
— She doesn't like wearing heels and heavy makeup.
— Jihyun learnt Japanese because of Erika.
— One of her nicknames is Giraffe (because of her height), and Jihyun often gives her such themed gifts.

To be updated if Jihyun is chosen.

comments. Hope you like her!
password. Sunshines - the moon can't shine without the sun

— Jihyun will write a song for Irene "Light" (originally by The Ark) after she debuts and can she perform it with a few other members?
— can CLC and Dreamcatcher be their discography twins?
— song requests :
Secret Garden - Oh My Girl
Love O Clock - Oh My Girl
I Found Love - Oh My Girl (there's 8 members but it's a b-side so maybe the lyric distribution can be arranged for 7 girls)



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