A Day In The Life Of ME! [Version 1] (Taken from moonflakes/Emma-unnie}

Okay, so moonflakes or Emma-unnie, as I like to call her, made this blog-post where she just talks about what goes on in her daily life. I'd like to do one too, but as you can see from the title, I've mentioned 'Version 1'. Now, you may be wondering, what the heck do you mean? Well, I'll be posting 2 blogs related to this. The first one, which is this one, is going to be based on how I spent my days during the Summer Break. I'll make another one soon, which will have 'Version 2' mentioned in the title, and that blog will be based on how I spend my days during school-days and on week-ends. Anyways, I hope that's clear! Also, just so you know, I don't have a phone, and I don't plan on getting one until I start 10th grade, because I don't want to be distracted. Anyways, so yeah, the reason why I'm telling you all that is because I won't include pictures of me in real-life and stuff, if you know what I mean. Finally, let's begin~


1. Firstly, I wake up, at around.... 8 or 9 AM, cause I guess I'm kind of lazy XD and I end up looking as beautiful as him. Okay, more like the second picture....

Image result for bts waking upRelated image







2. So, after I use the washroom and freshen up, the first thing I do is have breakfast while listening to some calm and relaxing music, like, do you expect me to listen to the Cyphers in the morning? XD Hell nah! So, I actually eat really slowly, like a sloth, so here's an actual representation of me eating.

Image result for sloth eating 


3. Alright, so then I basically go through a few pages of any school textbook of mine, because I need to get myself prepared for school, so umm, maybe an hour of reading? #PetitionForNamjoonToBePresident

Image result for namjoon reading


4. Let's see.... What do I do next? Umm, I just turn on my laptop and check up on these websites (in order): My school website, Webtoons, VLive, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, AsianFanfics. Alright, so I spend almost all my time on AFF, really XD

Image result for using the computer kpop


5. So, then I take a shower, at around 11 AM? And, then I have lunch at 11:30 AM or 12 PM, and sometimes even 12:30 PM if I don't get hungry too quickly. After lunch, I go back to my room, and continue using my laptop, either watching Netflix, YouTube or reading/writing stories on AFF and so on. That's basically what I do until.... 7 PM? Also, in between, I get snacks. Like, every 2 hours, snack-time, 2 hours, snack-time, I love my precious food! Okay, I don't eat THAT much. Snacks for me include chips, cookies, juice, chocolates, etc. Small snacks, NOT BOWLS OF FOOD.

Image result for using the computer kpop and eating


6. Okay, so at around 7:45 PM, I have dinner, and then I go back to using my laptop, and that's pretty much what I really do. Since it's the holidays, I actually stay awake up to midnight, unless I get tired or sleepy. So, then I sleep and wake up the next day and do the same thing all over again!

This is how I want to sleep........

Image result for bts sleeping 

And, this is how I actually sleep....

Image result for bts sleeping



Okay, so, that's pretty much it. To be honest, there isn't anything special or interesting in my life, it's just normal, so there's not much to share. But I decided to do this because Emma-unnie did one, too. Alright, so that's basically how I spent my days during the Summer Break. School begins for me tomorrow, and I'm so excited yet slightly nervous. I can't believe I'm in grade 9 already, I wanna go back to grade 4 (I had lots of fun in grade 4) but I guess time flies by real quick! Anyways, that's pretty much it, bye! {=^-^=}



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mmmmf I should do this but I'm lame
Okay I was laughing so much through this OMFG I was on the floor THE PICTURES TT but the one of joonie caught me off guard he's so gorgeous I'm TT but omg omg if I looked like hobi when I woke up I'd still be happy even if that's not his finest moment. I'm looking forward to version 2 bc reading this one was hilarious ajsbksjsjsjsn <3