ROSA IS ONCE IN A BLUE MOON (#5186af, #5985a8)

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birth name. li jiamin but legally changed it to wu yingmei

her english name
❖  MEI / ROSA 
a shorter way to call her, yingmei does prefer to be called her english name so people usually call her rosa while her family calls her mei
when yifan was part of exo, his powers were flight aka dragon, and when the fans got to know that yingmei is yifan's younger sister, they began calling her "little dragon" since she's younger and is related to yifan

birthdate. april 12, 1995
birthplace. guangzhou, guangdong, china (1994-2000)
(2001-2001) vancouver, canada (2000-2001) (2001-2008)
seoul, south korea (2008-present)
ethnicity. han chinese

mandarin fluent
native. first language
english  fluent
lived in canada for most of her childhood, and thus picked up the language
cantonese  fluent
her family knows a lot of languages, and cantonese is one of them. they taught her how to speak cantonese when she was young and now, yingmei aces in the language
korean advanced
despite living in korea for about 10 years, yingmei still has a problem with speaking korean due to the fact that she knows too many languages. she would often mix them up

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faceclaim. wjsn mei qi
backup fc. wjsn cheng xiao

❖ yingmei has this unique look in her. she has big, hazel coloured eyes that's often covered with her big eyes contact lenses. her nose is pointy while her full lips form a beautiful smile and when she smiles, her cheekbones would show, yingmei stands tall at 169cm and weighs 49kg. She has a curvy body and slightly thick thighs which adds in some iness. Her body has the perfect proportions, as she has balanced s as well as . yingmei's hair is long and stops directly above her and is always dyed to different wild colours such as pink and grey. her hair colour is now dyed a dark shade of red. yingmei also has multiple piercings and tattoos that covers body

hair: x
piercings: ear | navel
tattoos: right ear | left collarbone | right shoulder | right forearm | right bicep | left forearm | left bicep | left wrist | left / right fingers | left / right hand | chest | left ribcage | back | hip | left / right thigh | left ankle | right foot


❖ yingmei doesn't have any specific style because she wears whatever that's in trend. she mostly wears shorts and jeans due to her long lengs but that doesn't mean that nodelle doesn't like wearing skirts and dresses. she usually wear them for formal events. due to her slight tall structure, yingmei rarely wear heels unless needed. she tends to stick to her sneakers and doc martens. yingmei also has to use tonnes of makeup or tape to hide her tattoos from being seen (gallery)

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personality Traits.

positive. responsible, matured, passionate, hardworking
negative. sarcastic, perfectionist, stubborn, quiet


it's not a surprise that yingmei would be a serious little girl who wants everything going the way she likes it. you can see it in her resting makeup covered face that this woman is not someone you would want to mess with. yingmei tends to scare off people with just a single glance, especially now that she looked like some aggressive woman who could beat and fold you up like you're a string. yingmei is however a perfectionist and would want everything to go as smoothly as possible, or else she would blow up and become annoyed, and you wouldn't want a woman to nag at you all day long just because you did not put in any effort during practice. yingmei is literally the girl you could rely on when needing some honest opinions and also when you need something to be done with neat and perfection glowing out of it.

yingmei is not only a passionate perfectionist, she is also such a sarcastic . literally she is straight to the point and doesn't care if she has hurt your feelings in the process. she has this mindset where you asked for some honest remark, and you got one. honestly, only her closest friends could handle her bull sometimes because they've been friends since they don't know when. honestly, it's her oozing confidence that reflects in her blunt, straight forward and sarcastic personality. she no longer feels insecure about herself because she's grown into someone. she doesn't care if she gets side remarks that comes after her hurtful comment because she knows she's right or she knows it's a fact that can't be avoided.

however, behind her sarcasm, lies a quiet girl who does nothing but work and work only. yingmei doesn't socialise that often as compared to her friends. i mean, it's a surprise that yingmei even has friends because she's just so quiet. she prefers to stick to herself because friends burden her and she doesn't want anymore stress in her life. during break time, tahee would always be the only girl, either practicing or in the corner, holding her phone, awaiting for any messages from her family or any updates on instagram. whenever you talk to her, she'll either ignore you because she did not hear you or because she simply just want to finish her work that she got lazy to answer something that isn't important. she would sometimes just block out the noises or just rush into her room if the others are just plain noisy. she's sort of the lone wolf of blue moon because she tends to be alone.

finishing something is always yingmei's motto. she can never let something go if she doesn't finish it or if she can't do it. she believes that every problem has a solution to, all you need is to look for it. she doesn't give up that easily, which causes some people to think as though she is a smart alec. she just has this feeling, an aura where she might just want to show off, even though it's not even close. she gives off this vibe where she would show people that she could do something that they couldn't do, even though she herself is struggling to keep up. honestly, you can ask some of the other competitiors whether or not they like yingmei, all of them would hesitate or straight up say no but they need to endure her since she's the leader of the group

although, let's not forget that yingmei does have her good side. behind her cold, sarcastic nature, also lies her sort of motherly side. being older than a few of the girls, yingmei tends to take care of the younger ones with so much care. she does things that aren't your expectations, such as cooking for them or even just talking to them. yingmei just has this feeling where she has the need to protect them, especially since she loves kids. she could drop her whole cold image and act like a mother and would often ask whether or not you're okay. it usually catches others off guard since they had never expected their coldest member to become the mother. however, her motherly side only comes out off camera and not on camera.

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background. growing up, yingmei only had two people to lean on, and that is her mother and her elder brother, yifan, who was 5 years older than her. her father left their family when yingmei was only an infant, which meant that as the girl grew older, she had never met her father nor does she even know how he truly is. despite their father leaving them at such a young age, both yifan and yingmei never truly hated their father. this isn't as cliche as it sounds since from what they heard, their father was very hardworking. thus, they have never questioned their mother about their father because they respect his and her decision.

since young, yingmei and her family have been moving and had not settled in one area due to their mother's work. this means that yingmei did not really make that many friends, especially when she's always the new girl, unlike her elder brother, who could fit in any school and make instant close friends within a day. this caused the girl to distant herself whenever she's in school, knowing full well that she would move again nonetheless and that she wouldn't have to see their faces again.

she moved to vancouver when she was only six and stayed for a year, studying in a kindergarten and leaving when she was only 7 to move back to her birthplace, guangzhou in china. however, she only stayed there for about 3-4 months before moving back to vancouver, where she stayed and lived there for the rest of her life. fortunately, even when yingmei was the loner of her school, no one dared to cross paths with her since she had yifan to help her around. he stuck through her and would often involve her in many things, including his interest in music.

when yingmei was only 12, yifan introduced her to many different genres of music, one of it being korean music. yingmei could never forget the sparkle in yifan's eyes when he spoke about all the different kind of artists and their view of music, it was as though he wanted her to see it in his perspective and how much music could help someone in many ways. so, yingmei did what yifan told her to do, and listened to them, instantly falling in love with the beat and the meaningful lyrics and she could totally relate to. after that day, yingmei would be stuck on her ipod, listening to the songs with lyrics that were so meaningful that it could make one cry.

thanks to yifan, yingmei grew to love rapping. she's seen her brother rapping and she totally fell in love with it. he helped her and they even had rap battles, to which yifan would always let yingmei win. the two were so in love with rapping that they even made beats and wrote their own lyrics to match with one another, as they made their own tracks. it made both of them dream of becoming a rapper once they grow up and soon, a year later, yifan burst into her room with nothing but a huge smile. he told her that sm entertainment was holding auditions in canada and he wanted to audition. of course, it got yingmei excited, especially since she knew her brother was talented enough to make it through. however, yifan told her that he wouldn't audition unless she would audition along. it didn't take yingmei a second for her to shout out yes.

auditioning was nerve wrecking but yingmei managed to calm herself and she did her best. although, it wasn't good enough for her to move onto the second round of auditions. they rejected her and the judge even gave her major criticism, saying that her raps weren't "original". what made things worse is that yifan got accepted. yingmei knew that she shouldn't be selfish and and show how much it disappointed her that she didn't get through it. yingmei managed to convince yifan that she was fine and that he should follow his dreams and he did. however, he didn't leave without any words of encouragement. yifan encouraged her to not give up and told her to push through it.

yingmei did listen to him and soon she auditioned for more agencies and many actually accepted her, which meant that yingmei had to choose which agency she would go to. in the end, she went and joined jyp. surprisingly, her mother supported her despite her brother already leaving. she allowed her 13 year old daughter to fly to korea since yifan was there to protect her. yingmei then left and flew to korea to train.

years after training, yingmei had managed to debut in a group called soulmate, where she became the group's leader and main rapper. honestly, it was the best feeling a girl could feel, sadly the group did not last as they faded into thin air. the group sadly disbanded a year later due to two of them having a scandal and soon yingmei left jyp for good and since then, she had a hard time. she had to work and earn her own allowance to pay for her own rent. she couldn't contact yifan because he was busy since he debuted with exo. however, yingmei stumbled upon the sm building, and made a decision to audition again. hoping to be accepted this time and she was.

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Rock Bands + despite having an interest in korean music, yingmei actually likes rock music because they give her motivation especially since some of them have meaningful lyrics. her favourite band is sleeping with sirens.

Sports + yingmei loves playing sports even though she's bad at it because to her, it's just a hobby and something to kill time

Working out + ever since she became a trainee, she would often visit the gym to keep fit and it became a daily routine for them

anything related to frappuccino + from mocha frappe to green tea frappe, yingmei has an obsession with them because she loves the smell of coffee

high school musical + it was her when she was a child. if she's missing, just check her room and you'll find her, wrapped in blankets while watching this show for the millionth time

wrestling + yingmei loves watching wwe because it gave her ways on how to keep herself protected if her brother wasn't around to protect her, current favourite male and female superstar on the roster: asuka & dean ambrose

❖ food + i mean who doesn't love food? to yingmei, food is her everything. not dancing, not rapping, but food. she has a huge appetite and can eat up to three to four bowls of rice without feeling full. it's hard to believe that she has a nice body

Kpop + believe it or not, yingmei has a weird taste in music. she likes alternative emo / rock bands but she also loves kpop. ever since yifan showed her videos of them performing, she couldn't stop watching and has become addicted. her favourite is currently btob and she wishes to meet them one day


chocolate + yes she is allergic to it, but she has a burning hatred for it because it caused her to have throat problems which prevented her to speak as became swollen. she couldn't utter a word for about one to two weeks because of it

waiting + yingmei is the type of girl who would leave your sorry if you're a minute late. not only a minute, but if you're a few seconds late. she can never tolerate anything being delayed

belts + to her, she thinks that belts are meant to stop your circulatory system. literally, is it to choke you until you die or something? (i hate it too like literally, is it to stop your blood from flowing? who the hell invented belts?)

Skinship + of course, being the tsundere she is, yingmei hates, i mean literally hates skinsip. she can burst into tears if you ever try to hug her. yingmei however, only allow certain people to hug her because she feels comfortable with them and have known them for a while.

ballads + it's no surprise that yingmei doesn't have a thing for ballads. in all honesty, she despise them. she thinks that those kind of music tend to make people sleepy and bored, to which is why she tends to look for the more upbeat sort of feel

romantic movies + yingmei is a horror / thriller movie sort of girl. she doesn't like all the romantic, cringey movies such as the notebook because she feels that the movie does not give you the adrenaline rush while watching

studying + yingmei has a burning hatred for studying that she was close to almost failing her subjects because she wasn't studying that well

insects + don't get her started on those stupid creatures. behind her tough facade, yingmei hates bugs. she has a fear of them and would often show her soft side when she sees one and scream her lungs out because of it


playing the guitar, piano and bass + when she first started training under jyp, she became friends with a few people, who taught her how to play those instruments

going to the gym + as said, yingmei loves working out and she tends to visit the gym during her free time to keep in shape and keep fit. some of the members tend to go to her and ask her for some diet or health tips because yingmei is always seen healthy (she's sort of like kim jongkook in a way) for now, she has slight abs that isn't really obvious x

Composing and lyric writing + similar to her interest in guitar, yingmei was also interested in composing and lyric writing. she felt that she could express herself by doing so since she's inexpressive and people are afraid to approach her. although, no one knows that she composes and write lyrics, including fans

listening to music + not only does it kill time, yingmei feels that listening to music helps her focus more as well as to stay relaxed. even though her songs are more upbeat and possibly more noisy, she finds herself at ease when she listens to music


Bites fingernails when nervous + a habit she got when she was very young. it didn't start up until her first real match, where her nails were chipped off due to her anxiety

Mix languages in a sentence when lying + started when yingmei came to korea. she tends to mix the languages she knows in her sentences and it became a habit of her when she lie

her lips when pissed + she gets frustrated easily, so to vent her anger, she tends to the corner of her lips while glaring at the person because she's trying to calm down

❖ flicking someone who annoys her / invades her personal space + yingmei hates it when people invades her space and would get super annoyed so she made it a habit to flick someone so that they could learn to not do it the next time

often breaks things when she touches them + she can be considered as the goddess of destruction because whatever she touches or holds, it tends to break. even though it was only a slight touch, a part of it would just drop off

❖ saying "ah-choo" after sneezing x + yingmei says that this might be part of her genes because she herself do not know why she sneeze like that.


❖ she is kris wu's younger sister
❖ allergic to chicken, prawn, nuts, coconut and chocolate
❖ Has been a trainee since she was 13 years old
❖ was a trainee under jyp before signing with sm
❖ has claustrophobia (tight / small spaces) but it isn't that big
❖ is panual
❖ openly fights for lgbt rights
❖ she can actually remember lyrics and choreography easily
❖ left handed
❖ can name a lot of the disney movies, tv shows and cartoons
❖ was once hospitalised thanks to chicken
❖ debuted once under jyp in Soulmate but the group disbanded
❖ Owns a puppy, two hamsters and two kittens. they all live in the dorm
❖ Instagram: @x.rosxleenwu.x ; twitter: @rosiemeimeiwu
❖ she can do a dolphin note (similar to pristin nayoung)
❖ an animal lover
❖ is said to be photogenic
❖ she takes care of what she consumes and tend to stick to healthy food
❖ close friends with day6's young k and got7's mark
❖ owns an iphone x space grey (x) [phone case]
❖ friends with the exo members, including luhan and tao
❖ is said that she takes the best selcas in the group (self claim)
❖ she has her own guitar x


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"now i know why you warned me about idol life"

❖ elder brother • wu yifan / 28 / artist, ex-member of exo / observant, supportive, friendly / 10
yifan and yingmei are very close. they act like twins, and even have twin like bonds. whenever either one gets sick, the other gets sick too. wherever one goes, the other follows suit, so it's not a surprise that yifan is the reason why yingmei is in korea. yifan influenced his sister into loving music and managed to convince her to audition with him and when she wasn't accepted to be part of sm, yifan encouraged her to audition for another agency. yifan loves his younger sister a lot and would do anything for her. he would act as an overprotective elder brother whenever he sees his sister either hurt or uncomfortable because he wants what's best for her. when he heard that she was going to audition for sm again after she left the group, he encouraged her and helped her in many ways. however, now that yifan had moved to america, yingmei has less time to communicate with her brother due to their busy and overlapping schedules and ever since yifan left, yingmei had been getting second thoughts on whether or not she could continue life in korea.

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"i promise you that being in blue moon would make me happy"

❖ best friend • kang younghyun / brian kang / 25 / idol, member of day6 / confident, passionate, flirty / 9
it's a shocking thing to see that younghyun is friends with yingmei, especially when yingmei is a very quiet girl. although, when younghyun started training in jyp, she approached younghyun for his help in dancing. she knew how well this man could dance since she had seen him dance with her own eyes, and younghyun agreed to help her and that's how their friendship started. ever since that day, the two had been together during practice and lunch. he even taught yingmei on how to play the bass. although yingmei debuted before younghyun, he couldn't help but feel proud that he got to see his best friend debut. however, he was devastated to hear that the group disbanded and that yingmei had left jyp, though they still kept in touch and when younghyun debuted, yingmei couldn't stop the tears from falling as she witnessed her best friend performing. younghyun loves yingmei as though she's his sister and tends to become protective over her, especially since yifan had left korea. he took the role of yifan and helped yingmei through everything. they also love to talk in english and often talk in english.

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"why am i even friends with someone like you?"

❖ close "sunbae" • im jaebum / 24 / idol, member of got7 / leaderlike, passionate, hardworking / 8
similar to younghyun, yingmei met jaebum in jyp. although they did not talk that much before yingmei joined sm. during her training with sm, yingmei contacted jaebum for help in vocal since she was being forced into vocal classes and was often blasted for not getting the right pitch. thankfully, jaebum was nice enough to help and soon, they became quite close, but not to the extent of younghyun and yingmei. yingmei felt like she owed jaebum so much because he managed to help her with maintaining her vocals. she didn't know how to thank him and so she stuck around him and helped him when he was having a hard time. she was there to encourage him and knock some senses to him and would always remind him that he is a leader, and could lead his group to victory.

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"i have nothing against her and i'm over our rivalry..."

❖ former rival • jeon dana / 23 / former trainee under jyp / competitive, egoistic, impatient / 5 / fc. nicole jung
their rivalry was well known in jyp. the two had to fight their way into soulmate since the two were rappers and were the potential main rapper for soulmate. they would often compete in rap battles and would sometimes challenge one another in dance battles. it's only competition between the two of them and the tension was pretty bad when yingmei was chosen to be in the group instead of dana. she cursed everyone she saw and pretty much left the company soon after that because she doesn't want to face anyone, especially the girl she had lost to. although, over the years, the two have seemingly forgotten about their rivalry and have come into good terms. they still contact one another.

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"i don't regret being part of soulmate, however i'm honoured to have been the group's main rapper"

❖ former groupmates • yeo jinyoung, han seolrin, min ahri / 23, 22, 22 / varies / varies / 7 / fc. lee hyangsuk, kim hyerin, jung daeun
despite them disbanding, the group is still very close to one another. they often hang out and they still post about one another on social media. yingmei was their leader and she was the one who could gather them all and have a nice meal while talking about their current life and their status. they each have moved on in their lives, with jinyoung getting married while seolrin became a model and ahri becoming a soloist under another agency. honestly, it's as though disbanding molded them into someone better.

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"gather around children"

❖ her children • lee jeno, na jaemin, park jisung / 18, 18, 16 / idols, member of nct / varies / 7
you don't believe that yingmei could act all motherly? well, these three guys can prove you wrong. yingmei basically adopted them since they joined sm at quite a young age, especially jisung. she loved them as though they were her young brothers and simply took care of them throughout their whole journey. from when they were only trainees, until they debuted with nct, yingmei was there to support and was there to take care of their well being. the three owe her a lot and are grateful for her actions which is why they respect her so much. however, they're not that innocent as well. they love to tease their noona (especially jisung) and would often annoy her to the extent where yingmei could no longer handle their bull. nevertheless, they love their noona while yingmei loves her three children

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"she's the leader? she's going to boss me around?"

❖ rival / groupmate • kang woolim / 23 / idol, member of blue moon / caring, competitive, stubborn / 3
yes they're going to be groupmates, but yingmei isn't too happy that she's the leader of the group and not her. she feels like she deserves to lead the girls and not this girl called woolim, especially since she has the experience of being a leader. whenever woolim would say something, yingmei would just in and try to take control of her situation. it always happens and woolim knows that yingmei has grew to not like her. the whole group actually knows that the two have a small "rivalry" since woolim isn't too happy with how yingmei would always try to act like she's the boss, especially during training, when she instructs the girls on what to do and what not to do.

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Stage Name. rosa | it's basically the shorter version of her english name
Plotline. five + main rapper
Backup. three + lead rapper, vocalist

Talent twins.

❖ Singing: wjsn mei qi x
❖ Rapping: clc yeeun x
❖ Dancing: clc yeeun x

Trainee years.
jyp entertainment (2008-2013)
sm entertainment (2013-present)

trainee life.

❖ yingmei experience what every idol wannabes experienced, a harsh scolding every now and then during practice for either missing a beat, forgetting her lyrics or doing something that isn't supposed to be done. however, she was also often praised for her smooth rapping and her originality that showcases in her raps. she had her own swag that no one could do. which is why she was placed into soulmate in the first place. she showed so much dedication that the ceo himself made her the leader and main rapper of soulmate. sadly, due to the selfish acts of two members, soulmate became the most controversial girl groups around that period of time. one of them was caught in a dating scandal with a far older man while the other was caught in a bullying incident, where there was video proof so she couldn't even deny it. this led to jyp letting those two go, and soon the whole group disbanded. not only that, yingmei decided to terminate her contract with jyp and had decided to find success under another company.

it did not take long for the girl to move onto another agency. this time, the agency that had rejected her years ago, sm entertainment. it's not a desperate movement, however, it was due to yingmei wanting another chance. she also knew that yifan was in there, with his groupmates, practicing for their comeback. surprisingly, she got accepted and when she started training. yingmei went through the same torture again but this time, she had to endure an overbearing weight on her shoulders. the trainees there often made fun of her for failing in her first group and it stressed the young girl so much that she almost gave up. everywhere she goes, the others would whisper and gossip as though she doesn't exist.

however, everything up, yingmei learnt to shut herself out and just focus solely on training and training only. she built walls to protect herself from the harsh words that were being thrown to her and learnt to just accept it or ignore it. seeing such attitude, the ceo decided to place her into the new girl group lineup, as well as sm rookies. she seemingly joined the lineup for red velvet but was later pulled out at the last second since the group already had two rappers. it did hurt yingmei's pride but like i said, she learnt to accept fate and continued training for another four years before finally landing a spot in blue moon as well as her own solo song.


❖ 2012 | debuted in a group called "soulmate" in 2012 but the group disbanded a year later
❖ 2013 | cameo in exo's wolf drama version
❖ 2013 | joined sm rookies
❖ 2014 | nearly debuted with red velvet but was pulled out from the lineup


❖ 2013 | soulmate set to disband? | true | i mean, it's no lie that the group was a flop after they ended promotions for their debut song, pippi, which was a hit. however, due to a dating scandal seolrin had and a bullying scandal jinyoung had, the girls soon became one of the most hated groups of all time. therefore, jyp gave up on the girls, which resulted to their disbandment.

❖ 2018 | blue moon's rosa criticised for her rude attitude towards exo | since yingmei knew them ever since their debut days, she dropped honorifics with sehun and kai since they agreed on that despite yingmei being a year younger than them. netizens started to bash on her for acting rude and not respecting sunbaes and started bringing up her past group. however, sm cleared up this statement by saying that yingmei apologises to both blue moon's fans as well as the exo-ls. however, the hate did not die down at all, to the extent where yifan and exo themselves had to step in and defend his sister and their friend.

"wtf? i know she so called "debuted" before them but she's in a new group now, she should show some respect to her sunbaes"

"how could rosa just drop honorifics with someone older than her. jeez, that girl has no respect at all."

"i knew it right from when she debuted with soulmate that she was the rude one."

"lol, no wonder soulmate was a fail. she's a very awful person and was only chosen as leader because she was favoured by jyp."

"i met her in real life, and i would say that she's a rude b*tch. she can't even smile for us and even showed us her glares. she should just leave the group before she pollutes them."

❖ up to you | blue moon's rosa and day6's wonpil found to have been in a relationship for 3 years? | true | pictures x x x x of the two were leaked to the public by an anonymous person when yingmei's phone was somehow hacked which forced both yingmei and wonpil to admit their relationship. even though both could deny their three year relationship, they decided not to because they didn't want to further lie about their relationship status. both jyp and sm also confirmed that the two were indeed in a relationship and had stated that they would most likely sue the person who leaked the photos since the photos were personal. some fans of both groups were supportive, while others were just plain rude (you don't really have to do this scandal, just wanted to add drama)

❖ up to you | blue moon's rosa has decided to leave the group? | up to you |
(if false) fans saw how distant yingmei has become, especially ever since the group had their 2nd comeback as a group. they came to a conclusion that it was either yingmei got into a fight with one of her groupmates or due to her not liking the concept. however, sm denied all rumours about yingmei leaving blue moon and stated that she has been busy with her overseas schedules.

(if true) fans saw how distant yingmei has become, especially ever since the group had their 2nd comeback as a group. they came to a conclusion that it was either yingmei got into a fight with one of her groupmates or due to her not liking the concept. sm then confirmed the rumours and had answered all the questions the curious fans had been dying to know. however, no real reason was given to the fans which led them to find out for themselves, searching and stalking her instagram, up until the girl posted what seemed to be her reason on her sudden departure and as shocking as it sounds, yingmei had gotten herself pregnant and was set to marry wonpil since the man proposed to her. fans didn't know whether or not to support her or hate her, but yingmei had said that she had always wanted to start a family, especially since she's of age. (idk it's honestly up to you if you want to write this scandal because it's your story)

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birthname. kim wonpil (day6)
backup lv. mark tuan (got7)


❖ to yingmei, wonpil seems to be the most precious yet the most weirdest member of day6. literally, he can be as clueless as the chick in the movie clueless. he has a 4d personality where people sometimes question wonpil's common sense but he is the most cutest and dorky member of day6. he is pretty much oblivious about a lot of things because he can't seem to read the certain atmosphere. it can be a sad and gloomy atmostphere, but you'll see wonpil just smiling away, not caring that he's supposed to be upset. though, wonpil is very affectionate and very kind. by affectionate, i meant he loves to cling onto people and show that he loves them. he can't seem to survive without hugging someone. wonpil is also pretty sweet, he knows his way with words and he can get pretty sneaky with his small gestures and words.

love story. 


replace with fc
as cliche as it sounds, the two met at jyp. like i said, their meeting is super cliche because it was love at first sight. when they made eye contact, their hearts began fluttering as they maintained the eye contact for what seemed like hours. it only took wonpil a few minutes to approach her and befriend her. she was distracting him from so many things and he couldn't get over the fact that he didn't know her. it frustrates him even more that the girl was friends with younghyun and he knew that he loved the girl and jealousy was what he was feeling. yingmei was actually glad that wonpil made the first move to introduce himself, or else she would suffer second hand embarrassment. it shows that he either returned her feelings or he just wanted to be her friend. it gave her some hope that he did like her. the two then became friends.


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everyone saw it coming actually. even younghyun could see how wonpil looks at yingmei and how yingmei looks at wonpil. they're eyes read as though they're in love and hell yeah they are. you could sense the love if you hang out with them, as well as the thoughts of "you're third wheeling". that's how much they liked loved each other. honestly, just by seeing each other, any bad day would turn good. everyone wanted them together, especially when they would cuddle with each other or deny that they're dating to their group of friends. they just wanted to get it done with. however, both were too oblivious about each others' feelings.


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wonpil knew that his feelings would grow one way or another. thus, he planned on confessing to her after five years of friendship. boy, was it a romantic confession. wonpil managed to convince his group, day6 to help out with the confession, especially since younghyun is yingmei's best friend. while he got all the supplies he needed for his confession, younghyun and jae took yingmei to a cafe and an arcade to distract her. as cheesy as it may sound, yingmei soon went to day6's dorm, only to find wonpil on one knee, holding a bouquet of roses. he confessed to her and asked her to be his girlfriend. however, yingmei was hesitant on accepting his confession, especially since he had just debuted. she didn't want to be the one to destroy his career. she was scared yes, but i guess, love is stronger than fear because she decided to say yes. the two then started their secret relationship.


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wonpil and yingmei act like how any other couple act. the amount of skinship between the two is uncountable because whenever they see each other, their hands can't be kept to themselves. they're always holding hands. though, the two are very secretive when it comes to the public, their dates would be hidden from the public eye. surprisingly, they're very skilful in hiding their relationship that even the members can believe that the two have broken up, due to the lack of dates, which in reality isn't the case since their dates are often sneaky and quiet. whenever both they're groups are promoting at the same time, the two would sometimes disappear into a private room as they cuddle and make time for one another. both groups are aware of their secret three year relationship and are more than happy that the scary red head of blue moon is happy, even if it's someone as clingy and 4d as wonpil.

the ending. 

❖ wedding bells? idk, it's up to you


❖ has been together for about 3 going 4 years
❖ their aniversary date is october 7, 2015
❖ They own couple rings which the two always wear. however, the rings aren't obvious couple rings x
❖ yingmei has a tattoo specially made for wonpil x
❖ wonpil bought yingmei a charm bracelet to which she wears everyday
❖ wonpil is the only one yingmei listens to without hesitation
❖ yingmei loves wearing his clothes because it's comfortable
❖ they text very often that yingmei gets distracted a lot
❖ wonpil is yingmei's ideal type
❖ both blue moon and day6 are aware of their relationship
❖ both yingmei and wonpil's phone password is their anniversary date (100715)
❖ yingmei's phone homescreen is a picture of wonpil x while wonpil's phone homescreen is a picture of yingmei x
❖ the couple's homescreen however, they decided to agree on this photo x
❖ wonpil is the only person (excluding yifan) who would often see yingmei's (terrible) aegyo
❖ wonpil taught her on how to play the piano
❖ the two usually celebrate their birthday together

comments. hope you like her! also, i really don't mind if you don't do the scandal because it might be too much. the scandal where yingmei got herself pregnant was inspired by ft island's minhwan and ex laboum's yulhee

password. lunar eclipse? (i'm very bad at fanclub names i'm so sorry >.<)


❖ blue moon's first win
❖ blue moon on knowing brother and running man
❖ blue moon's own reality show
❖ blue moon cringing at yingmei and wonpil
❖ yingmei and woolim arguing during practice
❖ lots of drama between the girls
❖ yingmei interacting with exo and nct, making some girls jealous



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