Okay but we really need to talk about how ground-breaking BTS' comeback is going to be

I think we genuinely need to take a moment to talk about how controversial, artistic and pioneering BTS’ comeback is going to be. I mean, I am genuinely scared for the backlash it will receive; of course, everything at this point is still theoretical, but it strongly looks like they are going to present to us a message about the idol life that is blunt, brutal and realistic. The teaser pictures are indicative of the lives they lead – hands grasping for them, cameras pointed their way, stringed up like a marionette (wind up musical dolls?), having to conceal the “real them” for the public life they lead – and honestly I am scared of the back-lash. Essentially, they’ll be calling the idol culture toxic if that is where they go with this, the culture of fandoms and idol-worship to be toxic. It makes me wonder if their final message is that we should love ourselves as much as we love them? So many of us idolise and adore BTS and treat them like divinity, yet have little respect for ourselves. I feel like BTS’ message with this really could be that, at the end of the day, they too are human, and yet they’re strung up as marionettes, forced to live their lives in the public eye and adapt themselves for us, so that we will love and appreciate them. Their message, maybe, is that this shouldn’t be the case – they should be loved for who they are, not their idol-image, and they should love themselves for who they are, but are consistently stopped due to the expectations and pressures upon them. As fans, we should take a look at this culture, the toxicity of it, and realise our distance from the real BTS, despite everything. Although they are open with us and show us their true personality, and have given us an unparalleled insight into their lives, there is still a huge gap between us and them. Although we love BTS, it’s more important we love and appreciate ourselves, so that the idol culture doesn’t keep degrading them or berating their true selves and so that we can learn to live a life without them and to value the most important thing – which to us shouldn’t be them, it should be ourselves.


RM himself said that there was a song on this album that fans would question “why did they do this?”, which leads me to believe that this album will be controversial and make a bold statement. That scares me, it really does. They’re risking a lot if this is the pathway they take but more than anything I am just unbelievably proud. We have been on such a journey with BTS, the music and artistry they have taken us through has been profound within the k-pop industry, and they’re paving a unique pathway that no other artist has tried before or since. Visually, musically and artistically, they are at the fore of pop music internationally, and the messages contained within their music are of unbelievable importance. I am so proud to follow this group and so excited for this comeback because I know it will be ground-changing, I can feel it. This will be a controversial comeback for sure, full of aesthetic dynamism and musical brilliance – but I hope people see the actual strength of the message behind the visuals, behind the routines, and understand just why they have taken us on the journey they have.


“I’m the one I should love in this world” – right?


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.... you're scaring me!!! T.T
but... if they do this, i will be very proud that they will further use their fame and influence to reveal more about themselves and make strong statements that people not as popular can't make~ <3 i'll love them no mater what although i hope i cry from tears of happiness and not sadness when their album comes out!!! ^-^
I have a similar feeling about the comeback and it makes me so happy to support a group that talks about the topics that others wont, Ive stanned a lot of groups in my time starting from DBSK (yes im hella old lol) and i can honestly say Im the proudest of BTS. I cant wait for the comeback to inspire me and blow my mind :)
I haven't been keeping up with BTS recently, or any groups really (feelsbadman), but it sounds like antis are gonna have a field day. *gets popcorn ready*