Goodbye~ (For A While)

Hey everyone, Adi back again. So, I really recommend you all to read this blog because it's... Well, you'll see.

I just wanted to wish you all a proper 'Goodbye' because tonight, at 10 PM (in my country), I'll be going to USA for a 2-week trip. My family and I decided to not use social-media and other websites while we're in USA, because we would spend most of the time exploring and all. So, I won't be using AFF (AsianFanFics) for 2 weeks, which is from 4th August - 17th August.

I'll resume using AFF from 18th August onward. Until then, I won't be online on AFF, so I won't be able to read and reply/comment to feeds, blogs, stories, PMs, group-chats, etc. And even when I come back, I'll need about 3 days to reply to everything I've missed out while I'm away, because first I'll have to unpack, get books for my new school-year, and only after all of that, will I be able to relax and read whatever I didn't during the span of of the 2 weeks.

As for my current story 'For 10 Days', I'll try my best to type and post the last chapter by tonight, and if not, I'm really sorry. But, once I come back, just know that I'll start posting the chapters for my new story 'Welcome To Nivon!'. And of course, I'll post a blog on AFF once I'm back. I'll really miss you all, even if it's just for 2 weeks! I hope you all have a great day, and I hope you all are healthy and happy. See you soon! >.<


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Have fun sweetie, hope you have a nice one, and be safe <3
see you soon ! have fun
Have fun ^_~
Awww I'll miss you, but I hope you have an amazing time! <3 HAVE FUN AND TELL US ALL ABOUT IT WHEN YOU COME BACK xxx