Guys, I Need Your Help.

Hi, Adi here again~ Okay, so before I begin with the blog, I'd just like to say that this blog might sound selfish, but I really need to blurt everything out. And I need your help, so please read the blog if you think you can give me a suitable answer or suggestion.

So, my current story 'For 10 Days' is the only OC-story I have ever written. I understand that such stories target a smaller audience, but surprisngly, this story has very less views, subscribers, comments and upvotes, and that makes me very upset. It washed away my motivation to continue the story, and I never stopped writing a story and moving to a new one, which is why I need your opinion.

'For 10 Days' has a really good graphic, created by Kelly-unnie (bubblezzzz) and I absolutely love how she designed it, so just the thought of leaving my story uncompleted, and moving on to a new one, makes me feel guilty and sad. I can't discontinue the story half-way through, I just can't do it.

I have a new story posted, and it's called 'Welcome To Nivon!', which is not an OC-story. Instead, it's a VKook/TaeKook story, and I'm really excited to write it, because it's fantasy-themed, and that means I can literally think in various ways on how to frame each chapter.

Now, here's the problem.... I'm going to USA for a 2-week trip, on 3rd August. I won't be spending time on AFF, I won't be updating my stories, I won't be reading other stories, I won't be using AFF or any website at all, because I plan on mostly spending time exploring and taking pictures and enjoying my trip with my family. So, since I will be away for 2 weeks, I won't be able to update my story, and I don't want to start my new story (Welcome To Nivon!) because I don't want to end up with a hiatus. Therefore, I think I'll start posting the chapters for 'Welcome To Nivon!' once I come back from my trip. But, what about my current story? Ah, I literally want to cry, because with less readers and less motivation, I can't continue writing! I feel like I'll end up spending hours typing the chapters into my laptop, but no one will read them....

And so, I leave the conclusion in this paragraph: I have a new story that I'm willing to write, but I don't want to start it because of a 2-week trip. I want to start it once I come back, and focus on my current story for now. But, my current story's chapters cannot be updated due to lack of encouragement. What should I do?

So, yeah. Please help this weird, 13-year old, who's suffering from confusion and worry. Yup, that's me. I am suffering right now, I am so deep in thoughts, and I serioudly don't know what to do. Please help me out, let me know your suggestions in the comments below. Also, here's the selfish part, can you check out 'For 10 Days' so that I get motivated to continue the story? I'll even link it, so you can simply click here.

Thanks for reading this blog, and I really hope y'all have an answer to what I should do. And even if you don't, it's alright, I guess? But, seriously though, thank you for reading! I'm out~


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Ayy kitty paws don't get discouraged by less media, I understand your point completely, but Writing a story is about Writing down your ideas, plots. Don't feel guilty for Writing a new story you can work on both simultaneously. And promoting your hardwork isn't a bad thing either

And start posting the new fic after you come back from yourrr awesome trip keke after all family is more important.
You can always write both at same time.

And it's not selfish, your story deserves it <33
Personally, I never care about how many readers I get. I write for me, nobody else. I don't care if nobody reads my stories. My happiness and motivation comes from the very few people who gave my story a chance. I have a story, called Stop Singing. It's a xiukai (xiumin and kai) and not a very popular ship. But I wrote it simply because a friend asked me to. And I knew that I wouldn't get much attention for it, but I wrote it anyways because it would make my friend happy. It made me happy writing it.

You shouldn't let a simple thing like not getting enough subscribers, you should write because you want to , because it makes you happy. And you should appreciate the subscribers that you have, because they gave your story a chance.

I really hope this helps a little bit, I'm terrible with giving advice >.<