⭐ The Elemental Alignment of Kim Namjoon - Oracle Reading

The Elemental Alignment Reading is designed to showcase the status of energetic alignments with the four major elements. This reading can analyze an individual's personality as well as gauge their alignment with their Higher Self.

[Subject] Kim Namjoon, born September 12, 1994 - Virgo
[Medium] Bleed by Epik High
[Deck Used] Wild Unknown: Animal Spirit
[Spread] Elemental Alignment - original design by me
[Time] 2 hours

Original Post Date: May 29, 2018 - Here.

Requests, suggestions, and questions are always welcome and appreciated.




Gif Credit: jjeonguk

[The Elemental Alignment of Kim Namjoon, born September 12, 1994 - Virgo. The song used in order to connect to Namjoon’s energy was Bleed by Epik High from the album We’ve Done Something Wonderful. I used The Wild Unknown: Animal Spirit oracle deck for this reading. This spread is an original design by me. This reading lasted two hours.]




Initial Impression (pre-reading) :

A servant to his cause. A servant to his higher self and life purpose - the image I got right off the bat within this meditation was him loosely throwing his arms around in someone’s direction with his head down, a neutral expression on his face. Really, it didn’t feel like he was fighting, or like he was trying to do harm, and it almost didn’t feel like he was even the one moving his arms around like that. It was like he was being puppeteered. He’s fighting a hard fight to fully align with his purpose, the path of his higher self and in this state not having any support or being put down is deadly. Being told that what he does now, what he wants to do, what he tries to do with his music and with his career, the way he communicates is wrong or not as good or even pointless is more of a slap in the soul than a slap in the face. There is shame in this somewhere.

Head down, a servant to the world that spits in his face. Fighting the good fight. Holds no resentment. - He is aware, to some extent, of what it is that he is doing, and he submits to his soul purpose willfully. He was quite literally destined to be known, destined to speak and teach a generation, lead in that way. It’s a humble state, a very Virgo-like sort of perspective. A king amongst the people, a god amongst his followers. He holds no power specifically, or he does but he chooses not to wave it around. He doesn’t want to control people or force ideas onto people, he wants to heal, protect, and guide. Even those that hate him most (the world that spits in his face) he will bow to and reach out for because no one is beneath him or out of his line of sight.

Leads by example, by teaching as he himself learns - He has a natural urge to teach and to speak from personal experience, to illuminate the more difficult paths in life specifically to allow others to see the dangers within them. He will and has taught people while being in the midst of learning that very lesson. Think of it as Namjoon sitting in the second row of a classroom, listening to the teacher, and every five minutes he turns to the people in the fifth and sixth rows and relays the information while the class is still in session. He doesn’t wait. It’s almost like there’s a fear of waiting, like once he has the information, once he has a breakthrough, he has to share it. It’s almost involuntary and because of that, he can come off quite arrogant at times, giving his two cents where some people may think it is unnecessary, where it is isn’t asked for. But it does pay to listen to him.

Leading by example, while being lead by something he can not comprehend - In spite of his deep connection to his higher self and his soul purpose, there is a lack of spiritual connection. He likes the logistics of human connection, will focus more on the external and physical connection with the physical earth and the human body and mind. However, he does not dive deep internally, does not engage with the shadow self, does not try to find God in any sense. It’s a broad mind that he tries to keep and because of his awareness of the human condition he is most likely distant from spirituality whether it is a monotheistic approach or a more suitable pagan approach, simply because he sees it as a close-minded operation - he wants to learn and form his own philosophies, he doesn’t want to be told what to believe on such a deep level. This lack of spiritual connection and perception might lead him to not fully even think of this as his Higher Self guiding him, it might all just seem like sudden urges, nonsense coming to the brain that, for some reason, tends to work out in his favor.

His mistakes are consistent, pattern-oriented, and necessary - This leads to a lot of low self-esteem, this constant stream of mistakes that he has faced as he can genuinely get into a space of thinking he is not worthy of his position, not worthy of leading if all he can do is lead people to mistakes. His lack of spiritual awareness does not allow him to see that the lessons he learns are what he leads people to, not the mistake itself. Because of this, he goes above and beyond to learn from his mistakes, publicly apologizing, actively monitoring himself and the people around him, again, immediately teaching the lesson that he is learning while he is learning it.



(Big picture impression)

His core energy is fire, a graceful fire with steady energy, steady light, and steady warmth. However, there is almost no air influence in the spread. His elemental air alignment is in the realm of water, emotion, creativity, subconscious intuition. With elemental air being logic, intellect, planning, what you’re really getting here is a very processed result within the emotional realm. Literally, the image I got in my head was bologna, like processed meat. It’s almost like he waters down his emotions, dilutes them and then strains them out, reconstituting them until he knows what to do with them. This is definitely something that he would and does for his work. This can, however, lead to a separation from the emotional core, again back to that lack of spiritual connection. (Elemental water is both emotion and subconscious, and your subconscious is your connection to what is not physically bound).

Obviously, this does not mean that he is not an emotional person, it just means that he processes his emotions the way a director processes the emotions of the actors on screen. That director does not really feel those emotions, but he knows what they are supposed to feel like. They will know how the actors need to express them, how to overplay and underplay in order to get the necessary response from the audience. Basically Namjoon sees his own emotions, and this may not have always been the case with him, as fuel for his work, as a story to tell, a lesson to teach, to the point where he almost can’t look at his sadness as being his own, but he will see it as words on a page, sounds in a song. That’s the processed meat.

With this, he might ask quite a lot, “How would they see this? How do I explain this? How do show this? How do I make them feel this?” ‘They’ would be the consumers, the people who are willing to listen, Literally he does this for whoever is willing to listen, no one else. He does it for the consumer of the product, the end game of his soul purpose.

This leads to an imbalance with the inner connection, everything he feels is immediately processed and projection. Everything becomes external, everything is pushed out, projected, illuminated for other people to learn from and connect to. His experiences are not his alone and this is not by pure choice. A lot of fire energy with little water energy leads to steam, it leads to the evaporation of the emotional realm, that inner connection. Gratification and satisfaction will come to him through material reward, the success that he can see and touch in himself and within other people. He feels fulfilled when he is listened to and when he knows that he has helped people progress because that is his soul purpose in its entirety, beyond anything else.



Current State of Core Energy: Gazelle - Fire

Sophisticated and elegant in his progression.

Again, every mistake he makes, every upset is a lesson for him to learn and in turn teach. It follows a pattern that he himself understands, even though he may not fully understand why or how he understands. He is hyper-aware of his surroundings, of the external influences. He pays a lot of attention to the rhyme and reasons of the Universe, the physical plain. He cherishes his connection to the earth and to people, feels grounded in his energy and his energetic connection that is outwardly projected. There is still need for an internal return, a core reset just to reattach lines that have been cut off. If I were giving him this reading in person I would advise him to try and enjoy the inner beauty as much as he appreciates the beauty around him in the world, meditate more, ground with the earth through the inner being just to balance things out a little more. Aside from that, this is a relatively balanced core energy for him considering his purpose and higher alignment.



Elemental Water Alignment: Reversed Lion - Fire

Holds a facade of stability over the emotions that could potentially set him back, thus setting back those that he is leading.

Right away there is an imbalance. This is a negative influence between two opposing elements, fire, and water. Fire is the doing, water is the feeling. He prioritizes, for the sake of his higher purpose, for the sake of the expectations he has of himself, the doing aspect of his energy, the movement. It doesn’t serve him to be nervous, or scared, or to be wrapped up in depression. Even if he’s feeling these things, he paints over them, puts on a helmet and runs into the next obstacle, because he can’t afford to stop moving when he’s leading a pride, right? The lion is like a father - no emotion, only protection, and knowledge. That being in his water alignment means that he really slams those emotions down, the ones he can’t fully process and turn into words of encouragement, words of hope and progression. I can see him really coming down on himself for coming into a slump, especially if it affects his work, which affects the other members, which affects production, which ultimately hinders his soul progression specifically along with the livelihood of those around him. He’s a leader of a pride who cannot show fear. He’ll talk about it, he’ll write about it once he’s separated it from himself and processed it, but he will not wear it or experience it as his own unless he is truly experiencing a breakdown.



Elemental Fire Alignment: Hyena - Fire

There is a threshold for him where, if crossed, he is at risk of self-imploding.

I thought this was very interesting considering that he is almost completely made up of fire energy, of the passion to do and be. The elemental fire is a place of pure passion, the purest form of personal want and need. As we can see with the spread in its entirety, he is more than focused on fulfilling his inner purpose in spite of the fact that he isn’t fully aware that that is what he’s doing, however there is more to him in the realm of things he wants to do, wants to accomplish, the kind of person he wants to be, and he feels like he can’t. Back to the idea of him being almost puppeteered by his higher purpose, sort of willingly let himself be blindly guided by something that he knows but doesn’t know. It’s an odd place to be, but it’s like, on a subconscious level he’s hiding some of his own energy, saving it for other things that he knows he can’t do right now. The moon in the picture, the moon in tarot, the moon in astrology relates to secrets, the subconscious, emotional needs — that’s what this alludes to. That emotion is there, but it’s hidden away with that stashed energy, that stashed passion. He has secret desires, dreams, goals that he might not even share with himself. It’s like he thinks that if he speaks it, it will come into existence and knock him off the path he’s on now and he understands that is has to be the priority in this lifetime. Again, he is a servant to his cause.

Within his secrecy, in almost denying himself of his wants and needs on an inner level there is a risk of burnout. He can get fed up with it, become tired and start seeing the downsides more than the upsides, see more of the sacrifices he makes than the guidance that he brings. It would take quite a lot but there is a threshold for him where, if crossed, he is at risk of self-imploding.



Elemental Earth Alignment: Reversed Octopus - Water

Imagine an octopus lashing out a tentacle at a fish, only to immediately zip back into a little cave where it reverts back into a lion.

Again, we have a negative alignment. Water and Earth go well together. Earth grounds the emotional water, Water carves its way into the Earth, and the Earth provides a path for a river to reach the ocean. They mingle well, but they are not naturally together in an energetic sense. In this case with a negative alignment think of mud. The water falls into the soil and the earth refuses to bend to it, the water refuses to flow over it, so they mash together into the mud, something that is unstable to walk on, something that you get your feet stuck in, or slip and fall into. It’s messy. This is a messy alignment.

For elemental earth, I more so associate it with connectedness to the physical body, connections to our own species, as well as self-awareness in a psychological sense. For Namjoon this is unstable. His awareness is on the projection of that fire energy, of the doing and of the progression. Fire is not a very grounded energy and it, of course, opposes fire, so that fact that there is negative water alignment in his earth energy is kind of… odd, but expected? In a simple sense, he is so in his head and so in his own potential energy that he can’t keep track of his own body. That honestly might be why he’s so clumsy, lol.

For Namjoon there is an appreciation for psychology and philosophy, that connection with other people, the connection through Air (intellect and logic). However, I feel like, with this card, he may have difficulties with physical relationships. I’m not talking purely ual, but like, basically his romantic sense might be more so in the minds, whereas his physical appreciation is more… I’m using this word loosely… objectifying. It’s more of a superficial appreciation, no emotion, no from the heart sort of physical relationships. He can appreciate an attractive person, a nice body, fancy things, nice clothes, the aesthetic of these things, but that’s what they are. They are things to be admired and then either left alone or picked apart mentally to bring back that romantic sense of Air. In terms of physicality, it’s the look and feel of things that he focuses on, but he knows that, and therefore tries to get away from it almost, and wants to focus on that mental connection, that Air based connection, the psychological and the philosophical. Basically, he can fall in love, but only after he’s been given the opportunity to completely process your entire mental being the same way he processes himself. For Namjoon, if you ain’t got the goods in the brain, you ain’t got goods at all.

This does speak of instability on an emotional level as well, right? Water and Earth, muddy nonsense. With the octopus specifically I really do think of something very stoic and out of this world, almost regal like the lion (the only other reversed card in this reading) but I’ve seen documentaries of octopi where they’re just sitting there and then all of the sudden they’re slashing their way across the sea floor after some little fish. I can see that as Namjoon as well. Just the same as the lion. A very stoic and calm facade that is broken when something triggers those primal instincts. Imagine an octopus, with all its gangly limbs, just out of nowhere lashing out a tentacle at a passing fish only to immediately zip back into its little cave where it immediately reverts back to a stoic and fierce lion. That’s Namjoon, prone to emotional outbursts that are few and far between, literally lightning that strikes without thunder.



Elemental Air Alignment: Otter - Water

His own mind, his own philosophical prowess bring him eternal peace as it lends to a gateway to human connection and freedom that he can not give himself anywhere else.

I thought this was interesting because this is the only positive presence of water in his energetic alignment. It’s in the Air, in his intellect, in his mind, his logical understanding of all things. His own mind is what brings him peace and sense of childish wonder, that open mind always willing to be open and to learn. This is actually a well developed and very positive alignment. This actually made me a bit emotional after I pulled his Higher Self’s Core alignment card because his higher self (the crow) is all knowing, a silent participant, an observer who only serves when called upon. This alignment here is the precursor to that like I you not, he is genuinely so on the right path, like he is in his purpose, his karmic energy from this lifetime is going to be insane.

In a more grounded sense, very literally, there is freedom in his mind, in the contemplation of things and ideas, concepts of philosophy, the nuances of psychology — it all brings him peace and a sense of purpose within himself, granted to him by himself. The freedom itself is coming from the choice he has in what he learns, literally being able to pick out what book to read is liberating for him on a subconscious level. Being able to form his own opinions.

For Namjoon, he really sees simple contemplation, the simplest form of meditation to be a full-on emotional cleansing, an outpouring of emotion to connect in that way to the earth and to other people. I mean, this is literally something he tells people to do, to look at the sky, to walk amongst the trees, to breath the fresh air. This is how he connects, this is how he releases his emotions without having to cry, without having to really rip off his skin and be raw about it. Being a part of nature, connecting in a conscious way to other human beings is about as close as Namjoon gets to the concept of God, he feels God/Gods/Source/Spirit/Universe in this way and with that he feels comfort and peace.

This really is such a beautiful alignment for him and I feel like this could outweigh the negatives, this is what makes the emotional outbursts, the breakdowns, so few and far between. He does not pour his heart out so easily to people, but he does when he is focused on the sky and feeling the sun on his skin, listening to the leaves rustle in the wind, hearing the sounds of a bustling city.

If you think about it, this emotional outlet is in the Air alignment, that Air is what fuels the fire everywhere else, that fire is what boils and evaporates those emotions until the pressure builds up. He’s in a strong cycle of up and down, but it’s well contained and in a pattern that is familiar to him now. He knows that being out in the open, out in nature is what helps him. Feeling small in the world and in the Universe helps him continue being a prominent guide for so many people in his generation. It really is amazing.



Higher Self Core Alignment: Crow - Air

Namjoon’s Higher Self reflects him at his most idolized form.

The crow is an all-knowing being, wise beyond comprehension and to the absolute shock and awe of your casual observer. The crow is even considered to be psychic, a silent watcher that delivers clear messages at the most opportune time. When Namjoon aligns with his life purpose he is literally channeling his Higher Self. The crow energy is reflected in Namjoon’s ability to communicate with the written word and tonal sound. He is able to wrap up a broad concept and mold them into something people want to hear, that people want to pick apart and analyze until they’ve the paper clean. This is his gift, it’s his birthright.



I really enjoyed doing this reading for Namjoon, it was one of the easier ones that I’ve done simply because he has such a high vibrational energy to him that it’s an instant connection the second you try to tap in. I had goosebumps almost immediately on the right side of my body, hair was standing up on my arm through the whole thing, lol. About halfway through, when I was getting to the Earth Alignment it did get hard to breath, had to kind of step back for a minute with it, but long and steady connections can do that sometimes.

Namjoon is someone who found their life purpose very early on in life and very deliberately. He willingly aligns with it, has a sixth sense of it and takes it with a steady hand even at the sacrifice of his own dreams and passions he may still have on a mundane level. In spite of this divine alignment that he has, he is still human, he is still in need of human connection, human understanding. He is in need of a lover in all aspects. His drive is not centered around validation or approval, it’s his message, it’s his words, however, his own self-doubt and being told that what he’s doing is pointless can be a bad mix and drag his energetic vibration to a low place. As always, I will recommend that he always live by the grand philosophy of our modern day artistic profits that those who need it will find it and those who need to understand will understand. the rest of them.

Thank you for reading!

I will be doing these readings for all 7 members, but which one would you like to see next? You can message me and let me know, as well as ask any questions about the readings you may have.

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