Blog #4

Hey all!

Long time no talk right? I seem to keep going two months without posting, I keep telling myself to give it a month inbetween posts so I don't annoy anyone, but I end up skipping the month. Thank you to those of you who read my last blog and my last post of taking my VIXX series to the next level lol! I hope everyone is doing well, got a bit to talk about this month so let's get started!


- So as you can see from my main page, Ravi is next in the VIXX "Indulge Me" Series!  (Those who read my last blog already knew ahead of time that he was next, a little spoiler I left for readers of this blog!) I am looking forward to and kinda apprehensive only for the fact I'm not 100% comfortable in writing him as I was with the other three. I wasn't overly confident with Ken, but that seemed to work out fairly well. Getting my biases done first is good and bad lol! Still, I love Rav and I'm gonna do my absolute best, still doing research on him and I will be starting his story soon.

- I mentioned in my last blog I was considering writing for BTS and I actually did. Turned out pretty well, I'm happy with it. Kinda on the fence if I'll continue with any of the other members aside from the two I'd always thought about. I can safely say that I do have ideas for a few of the others besides the two, so if I do, I would have something to start with. Still watching them a lot and becoming more familiar with their personalities in the event that I do write for the rest of them, hopefully I can portray them accurately. To those who've read Jimin's story, thank you! I hope you enjoyed it and look forward to any other possible BTS stories from me!

- Finally released another chapter in Kyu Jong and Kayla's story! Yay! It was semi boring chapter I feel, but it does start to pick up more. The foundation is being set for some really big things, but I've realized I can't keep it at this standard of dullness lol! So, I've decided to pick up the pace a bit, particularly with the last chapter I wrote, starting to bring in more elements and starting to increase the drama and the interaction, it's been too stable. Hope to have another chapter out in the near future.

- Surprisingly, I'm close to 100 story followers! Wow, thank you to everyone who follows my stories, I'm stunned every time I look at the number, honestly. When I started my page on here, I thought I'd be lucky if I got a handful of people who'd read let alone follow my stories, but 92?! Whoa, so unexpected. Granted it's not like a lot of writers out there, but I'm insanely proud of them and so very thankful for each person. I always say, you have a choice of who you read and support/follow. The fact that you chose me as one of those people is humbling and I don't take it for granted. I'm thinking of doing something special if I do in fact get to 100, any ideas? I don't know that I could do a short story for someone, but I'm thinking of maybe a fake interview with a member of one of the groups I write for of the lucky winners choice as I did with a prior story that seemed to go well, readers liked it. Maybe I'll pick a couple people to participate instead of just one. Not sure how I would pick, but I'm not gonna worry about that unless it actually ends up happening. I set up a poll here to see if anyone is interested, please take a couple seconds to vote, it's right below this post here! Feel free to comment below if you as well as suggestions if not interested in the interview idea. To see an example, check out my extras page for my story "Sweet Daydream" to see what it would be like. "Sweet Daydream Extras"

- I have a visual/short story I'm currently working on that should be out soon! It was supposed to be a visual but it ended up being way longer since I can't seem to control myself. I'm excited for you all to read it, please look forward to it!

- Sightly unrelated note, but my birthday is Saturday the 21st! My age shall remain anonymous, tho anyone who knows me well knows I am an older kpop fan lol. I am thinking of possibly writing a short story for myself using one of my biases from my one of my groups, but I'm not sure and not sure who I would pick, it'd be tough cause I don't know that I could pick just one person. I dunno that I could do one for each person, I don't have that kinda time anyway lol! (I think I may update my profile page to list my biases for each group, sometimes people ask, I never thought to in the past, not that it makes much of a difference and I'm not sure anyone cares, but maybe I will.) Not sure what I would write and even if I did, I wouldn't use my real name, it'd be the "you" that I usually do...dunno, I suppose I could pick a name that I love that would represent me or something similar. If I were to, would anyone be interested in reading? Not sure what the subject would be, I can't say that it would be a plot that I specifically like because that's what my plots always are LOL! So I guess there's no real difference, unless it's specifically a birthday story, which would make more sense right? Duh MO of course it would. That being said, I did take off some time from work to celebrate, so I'm hoping to get a bit of writing done, wish me luck!


I guess that's it for now. As usual leaving the floor open to you the reader. Please leave comments/feedback below if you have any and I'll talk to you soon!

Be kind to each other!

MO ~


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