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hello bb
full name Song So-Yi
『 Soi/Soy/Soy Sauce』 + the nicknames that were born mostly because of her name. sounds a whole lot like soy, doesn't it? 
『 moon duckling 』 + this is something her brother calls her. she can't quite recall why but he's been using it for as long as she could remember. he only uses it when it's the two of them. when nobody is watching...or hearing. although, if he were to explain the meaning, he'd say, "her head is always up in the sky, and she's always been like a small duckling to me".
『 nicknames』 + expl
dob 11 December 1995+ 22.
pronouns She. Her.
hometown Seoul, SK.
occupation Urban/Abandoned Explorer on Youtube ( for a time, soyi had been full-time third year student studying filmmaking & photography. now, she's part-time, taking two/three classes on campus, and about one or two online a semeter )
faceclaim Dreamcatcher's Dami (Lee Hyeri + Moonbyul).
appearance/Style So-Yi stands at 5'4 (164 cm) and weighs about 108lbs (48kg). For the most part, her body type isn't necessarily thin and fragile, although she may appear that way. In reality, she is skinny/fit, and has the curves all in the right places. Her skin is often descibed as "glowing", because she's a health junkie. her hair is a natrual light brown and wavy, however she currently has it dyed ebony black. she's known to wear little to no make-up. soy-yi doesn't have any tattoo's and only has the standard ear lobe piercings (one on each ear), but she doesn't even wear earrings much either. 

four main things to look at when she's dressing for a day out is, 1) a bomber jacket. 2) make sure it's black. 3) slightly if not entirely oversized. 4) boho. so-yi doesn't care how you look at her. she is not going to take hours getting ready, because clothes are just clothes. if it's comfortable and easy to put on, then that's that.

esfj - the caregiver
for the most part, so-yi is organized, and beyond practical. she's the kind of person who takes care of the people around her and makes sure that they're at ease whilst in her presence. hell, and if so-yi says she's going to do something, she'll do it. she isn't one to step back on her words. she loves a challenge, so she's always up to take a pitch.

Aside from being a the most social of social butterflies of sorts, she is loyal to the people she seeks out to be friends with and that also includes her famly. She always has a shoulder for you to cry on, and she's a surprisingly good listener. She's often said to be the "glue" to the group. Keeping everybody safe, and satisfied. So-Yi loves seeing that the people around her work in harmony, like yin and yang.

still, there are bits and pieces of her that wants to be accepted by everybody. sometimes she may waver to the company she keeps, and other times, she's terrified to say something utterly wrong in front of select people. insecure is some sort of understatement even if she doesn't show it. however, with the family she was raised with, it's unusual for her to step out of her own comfort zones because it almost seems impossible to do something different from the way she's been doing it her entire life. something like that could be life changing for her and she's definitely afrad of change.

So-Yi shrivels in the face of conflict, which is why she absolutely hates the fact that she doesn't take criticism very well. Often times, she withdrawls herself from these type of conversations, or doesn't seek to "show off" for anything because she gets utterly defensive to the point where she can or will hurt the people around her. Once she's worked up, it's rather hard to talk her down. 

There's something about So-Yi. Something inside her that feels like she needs to be validated. She goes out of her way to get that appraisal, for the sake of her well-being, almost. Of course, she doesn't make a big deal out of it if her efforts go unnoticed, but it hurts, yeah it hurts. But, a thing with So-Yi is that she's also very, very selfless.Sure, it's great and all but sometimes, with people who don't need or want it, it's overwhelming and truly...terrible. She can't help who she is though.

background "hi guys, it's so-yi here! today's video is going to be a little different from my other video's because today i'm going to tell you a little bit about myself, and how I grew up.something like draw my life, without the drawing. Today's video is also going to be in korean, so to all my english viewers, sub-titles are availabe by selecting closed captions in the bottom right corner. Now that that's done, let's get started!
I was born in seoul, south korea on the night of december 11th to my mother, yulhee and my father taeksoon. at that point in my life, i was an only child-- heck, still am an only child, but that's beside the point. we lived in small home, far from where i'm located now. And, from what I was told, my family had been struggling both before and after I came home. It's hard to believe that now because it's the complete opposite situation. My mother had me when she was young. In South Korea, it's not very common for girls to have babies in their teens, but my father and his family had supported her to the best of their abilities which i'm so grateful for now. My mother was seventeen. So, she didn't have much help from her family until she turned twenty - when I was three. She worked long and hard to try and get them to accept the reality of the situation. But besides that little drama, I grew up perfetly fine. Dad always said, as a child I was very creative and talkative. I'd go up to children and invent new worlds and games to play. Mom even told me that I was a tiny-explorer. Go figure that exploring would be what I do up til today! Anyway, there aren't many other eventful moments in my life, growing up. I was loved by my family, and I remember I always tried my hardest to make them proud of me. So, yes, you could say my life was like any of yours. I went to school, I failed some classes, I passed others. Nothing special there. It wasn't til' recently when things started getting really good for me. Which brings us to section two of this video. My Lifestyle." The video cuts to a title card labeled...
"lifestyle" "This section starts a little before graduating. Things were really hectic. I was going back and forth with university applications and entrance exams. Luckily, I wasn't alone thoughout this period, because I would have wound up making the biggest mistake of my life. It was because I had friends who were as open-minded and creative if not more than I was, that I chose to create Soy Sauce on Top. It was with their help that I started this youtube channel where I get to be myself one hundred percent of the time. Where I got to meet you and document all the pieces of forgotten treasure the world has to offer. And I am so grateful for each and every one of them for being there to support me. As you all know, it isn't all that easy to make the video's for you. I try to upload at least once a week and in order to do that, I have to be traveling constantly to provide you with the best places. I could go weeks without being home, But usually the process that it takes to get you these video's goes something like this. I spend my monday's researching, planning and getting in contact with people who own the abandoned properties, and asking around with other explorers on abandoned places. By tuesday, I'm packing up to go to places for you, and on wednesday I'm filming a full blown out area. I spend thursday's editing the video and post on fridays. Saturday and Sundays are usually days I spend with my friends and family. I try to keep to that schedule, and when things come up you're usually the first one's to know about it, since I'm very opened to my audience. And since we've reached the end of this video, I'll give you a hint to my last instagram post. If you're a follower on instagram you already know that there isn't a possible explanation for me to be posting this video because, drum roll...I'm on break with a friend, Park Cheol over at cheolcam! By the time you watch this video i'll be filming a new video with Cheol and our friends as we travel korea to find the worst hotels & motel's and what they have to offer us. I really hope that you look forward to it! Leave a like if you enjoyed the video and subscribe to see more. If you're interested in the Hotel/Motel series, hit the bell notification to be the first to see it when it comes out! Check out Cheol's channel, link will be in the description box below. Oh gosh, did I get everything? phew, I did. Okay. this has been So-Yi and I'll be signing off now! Bye!"  
+ dark chocolate, as opposed to regular milk chocolate
+ having people around
+ talking and making a difference in people's lives
+ music, because it makes her come to life and is some sort of therapy for her
+ Rain, yet another form of therapy for her. She could sit outside for hours doing nothing but watching the rain pour down.
+ Nature, because have you ever heard the sounds of the country side? You're not truly free until you've sat out there for hours hearing nothing but the creation of earth.
+ Art, She likes to see what people can create and add to the world. 
+ Creating, because it's cathartic for her. Making and exploring places is art for her. Something she heavily enjoys.
+ comics, i mean she geeks out like crazy about all of her favorites.

+ skinship, because it's how she shows off her love to the poeple around her
+ chocolate milk
+ sweet tea from starbucks

+ it's very rare for her to be running late, but when she does, she feels so bad because she's ultimately wasted somebodies time.
+ the social standards of today's society because you should be free to be who you want to be.

+ aegyo, because she's bad at it. however, it works like a charm for her when somebody else uses it...that's probably why she hates it--
+ sleeping in a car, there's something about it that leaves her a crink in the neck, or cramp afterwards.
+ the time it takes to dye/bleach hair

+ accidently tuning people out when she's in deep concentration, and then appologizing to them because she did it in the first place. 
+ she tends to keep a smile on her face when she's angry, but runs a hand through her hair when she's irritated.

+ as toxic as it is, she's really good about keeping her emotions or feelings to herself unless asked about them.

+ reading
+ listening to music

+ sleeping
+ museum hopping
+ stargazing

+ yoga (especially aerial yoga)

+ so-yi openly supports lgbt+ rights
+ her favorite type of music is indie. (people like Keaton Henson, RY X, Beach Fossils, Local Natives, Turnover, and Syd Matters to name a few.)

+ she doesn't have perfect vision. she either wears contact lenses, or perscriptive glasses because she can't see far.
+ her favorite comics are deadpool, spideypool, black widow, captain america, sersi, Meggan, Marionette, Satanna, Lilith, Talisman, and select dc comics although marvel is truly it for her.
+ she has two cats, and one dog (mochi, keki, and gohan
+ she has a fear of heights, but would go on an extreme ride or try an extreme sport if somebody asked her to, because she can't say no. T-T
+ her favorite candy is raisinets.
+ she takes a whole lot of pictures to put in a scrap book when she gets back home.(most of her photos are taken with a polaroid 600)
+ she's left handed
+ so-yi has a drivers liscence but prefers to take public transportation.
+ although she doesn't have much time to do so, she loves baking.
+ she's got a fear of the ocean.
hey, So-Yi! good to see you again. please introduce yourself to everybody out there watching you. "Hi!" so-yi lifts a hand and waves at the camera dramatically. "What's up everybody, I am the one and only, So-Yi. And to answer the question you are dying to ask, Yes." So-Yi places one arm into her bag, and withdraws.. "I do have soy sauce." A bottle of Soy Sauce. "Can't go wrong with a bottle of Soy everywhere you go."She gives it a gentlel shake in her hand while the other holds up a peace sign. "Besides, it's my lucky charm~ BY THE WAY, make sure to check out my channel 'soy sauce on top' and hit the--" The moment one of those words managed to leave , somebody places a hand on , shutting her up instantly, followed by a, "how dare you self-promote yourself, shame on you!"

i think we can all agree that this is a crazy trip. what made you agree to come along? "Talk about it." So-Yi snickers. "So here's the thing. I said yes before Cheol had even told me what we were going to be doing. It wasn't until yesterday that he actually told me what this whole thing was about. But this will really give me the chance to spend time with friends and scope out other abandoned places so," With both hands in view of the camera, she crosses her fingers. "fingers crossed!"

and how do you feel about traveling the country to uncover the worst places to stay? "If you'd have asked yesterday, I would have said something along the lines of, 'i'm probably going to die'. Today, it's more like, 'This is going to be a really great story to tell one day'. I'm pretty excited!"

great, thank you! good luck out there, and we'll see you when you get back.
oh sehun
"I think i'm sort of starting to agree with you. Wade and Peter are totally shippable."

STATUS: boyfriend 
OCCUPATION: photographer
sehun is an aspiring film maker and director and he attends university for film making.
so-yi has known sehun for five years now. they've been dating for two years. they're the type of couple who you wouldn't even normally know were dating. that is, they're against pda, but it is clear to anybody that they care about each other a lot. if they're not together, they're always texting. when they do have a chance to be in each other's company, they can go hours talking about one topic, or touch base with multiple topics all at once. turth be told, they're total geeks who met over the deadpool vol.2 comic. 

park cheol 
"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice."
STATUS: best friend
OCCUPATION: youtuber/vlogger
cheol and so-yi are from the same year. both youtubers, and both living in seoul, to them it must have been a SMALL world. It was no secret that So-Yi was IN LOVE with Cheol's channel. So, it didn't take much effort for her to reach out and meet with Cheol. They've probably filmed more than a handful of video's together. So-Yi loves how creative and crafty Cheol is with his ideas. He's the only one she bounces video ideas off of, because his opinions are the only ones that matter to her. 
kwon yuli 
"nothing is worth more than having you as my friend."
STATUS: bestfriend
OCCUPATION: beauty vlogger
yuli has been a beauty volgger since beauty vlogging was a thing. she's known as one of the first beauty vloggers in seoul and has focussed on nothing since becoming a beauty vlogger.
yuli and so-yi have known each other since they were learning to walk. it's rare for friends to stay friends for that long, but or some reason, they managed to remain as such. Yuli was the truest inspiration to so-yi to take a dive into making youtube videos, and that made them even closer than they had been before. These two are pretty much attatched at the hip. alking back and forth about video's, ideas, and future endeavors.
ong taesun 
"you know, being your brother is better than being a superhero."
FC: big marvel
STATUS: brother-figure
OCCUPATION: events coordinator/planner
taesun is twenty-four. he's just graduated college and started an event & coordinator business. 
taesun is the stereotypical older brother, even though he's not soyi's real brother he sure as hell makes it seem like he is. he holds up these massive walls and really only lets them down around soyi. he's the one who messes with soyi to no end, but when somebody else dare to try, have mercy on them. he loves soyi like she was his real sister, even if he won't admit it aloud to anybody other than her. he's always there when she needs him, and he definitely tries to be.
park chanyeol 
"its better to be hated than ignored."
STATUS: best friend
OCCUPATION: instagram model
chanyeol finished high school and decided to take on something bigger than just himself. he wanted to support causes that he believed in. so, he became an instagram & freelance model. donating his winnings to places he loves or supports. 
so-yi met chanyeol through yuli. they've known each other for a year and a half now, but much like her and yuli, they're somewhat attatched at the hip. there's nothing they won't talk or tell each other about. however, they don't see each other as much these days. 
"teamwork makes the dream work."
STATUS: here
if you want to collab or if you list my character in your relationship section, just let me know and i'll add you in right here! 
HealfortheHoney // Honey 
Activity: 80% out of 100%

well, there it is. I hope there aren't many errors in here >.< please do correct me if there are. i'm excited to see a story like this on aff. anyway, i don't have much to say, but i will say something if I think of anything lol. i hope you enjoy so-yi!
baobei layouts / rosymilk


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