What Happened To Those Days?

Hey, it's me Adi and, so this is probably gonna be a pretty long blog, although I'm gonna try to keep it short, cause I don't want you all to get tired of reading huge paragraphs (and also cause my fingers will hurt, hehe...).

You know, when I first joined AFF, which was like, a year ago (I joined on 30th of June, 2017), I didn't have that many friends yet, so my feed was usually empty, I hardly had any blogs to read, I would only read a few stories, I didn't have anyone to PM or talk to, and things just seemed so damn new! And then, as soon as school began, I tried to adjust my schedule and add some AFF-time, dammit, this sounds like a kid's doing. But, then again, I'm literally a kid...

Okay, so I had more friends, more stories to read, more ideas for my stories, more people to PM and talk to, more feed-content, blogs and so on. But, of course, with school being a hard rock thrown at my head, I didn't have much time to use AFF. I have to say though, those were some pretty cool days. Everyone seemed so lively and awesome and cheerful and bright and ecstatic, and this is also partly because I didn't open up to my friends all that much, and I didn't know of my friends' problems and daily struggles. So, basically I saw the bright side of AFF, not the dark one, until people kept talking about it through blogs and feeds and all, and then it all just hit me. I was doing nothing, I didn't know anything about it, and I felt guilty. What kind of friend doesn't keep up with others?

Anyways, we've all fought through with that, we've all done our best to overcome our problems and struggles, we've all walked the extra mile. My school's closed now, and it's the Summer Break, and at this moment, when I have a lot of time, it seems like AFF is dead. After all that we've done to remove the pain, after all the success, I thought this would be the time when we, you know, talk more often, spam each other with tons of messages and all, but AFF just seems dead to me. Like, even the group-chats seem dead, whereas, back then, every freaking time I refresh my page, tons of messages appear. Although I did find it pretty annoying (not annoyed at the messages, but annoyed that I don't get instant-notifications), at least AFF was alive! And now? Well now, it feels quiet to me....

If you've fought the struggle and if you're happy now, well, I'm proud of you, cause you really did it! And if there's still sadness in you, if there's still an unsolved problem, just know that you will solve it soon, you will come up with a solution soon, and you should wait for that time, meanwhile, you should enjoy life! When you wake up everyday, just smile and be happy that you woke up. When you find yourself jamming to a new song you just found out, just smile and be happy that the song is making you feel great. It's these little things we can all try to do, to make ourselves feel better. If you're so broken that you can't even smile genuinely, THEN FORCE YOURSELF TO SMILE! Okay, I know it sounds horrible this way, but trust me, even a fake smile can make you feel better. You should be happy that you have the strength to fake a smile, and then, hopefully, all the strength added up would help you solve your problems one day. That's just the way of life, thousands of obstacles are thrown at you in the most unexpected ways, even when you're satisfied with life, but you know what? I don't care, you shouldn't care either, fight through it, don't cry about it, fight through it, don't worry about it, you'll fight through it. These are probably the only inspiring or emotional words I've ever said/written, so this is definitely a record... Anyways, as I was saying, AFF IS DEAD AND I NEED SOME FUN AND LAUGHTER OVER HERE.

Perhaps everyone's busy now, but whoever's not- PLEASE. TALK. TO. ME.

I'm so lonely :(

LOL, okay, but for real, if you guys feel the same way, if you all also think that AFF seems dead, that everyone's not hyped up, please know that you can talk to me and joke around with me, and spam me with messages all the time, cause I'm free at the moment! When I'm not free, I'll let you all know. And, that not-free-time is coming soon, in August, cause I'll be going to USA for 2-3 weeks, for a trip/vacation.

So umm, yeah, PM me whenever you want to, whenever you feel like you wanna talk to someone, cause I'm gonna try to be a social butterfly and chat with y'all till my fingers give up. And.... also because my current story ain't getting much views, so I'm not really motivated to update anymore... HEAVY SIGH!

If you guys agree that AFF is much more quiet nowadays, spread the word to all your friends. Cause, I don't have that many friends on here, so only less than 1% of AFF users are probably gonna read this blog. But, if y'all spread the word, it'd be great, since more people would try to chat and pump up this place, cause I don't know if you all also feel like AFF is pretty quiet for the past few weeks, but that's what I feel. So yeah, help spread the word and let everyone blast fireworks into AFF again, okay? Oh, and you really don't have to promote this blog in your feed and such, I don't need blog-views, just simply say: "START THROWING CONFETTI IN AFF CAUSE IT IS A BIT TOO QUIET AT THE MOMENT". That'll probably work.

And that's pretty much all I wanted to say... I just want AFF to be a fun and cool place, where friends can chat and share stories and stuff like that, anything to keep us entertained.

I hate drama, so all the haters out there, trying to start up a fight or bullying-session, go find something better to do, cause you're wasting time, okay? We all have 1 life, so let's make the best of it, hmm? Ahhh, this is now becoming emotional talk, okay, okay, back to my main point! I just want everyone to be happy while spending time on AFF. You know how people talk about their problems and pain on AFF, NOPE, I want people to think of AFF as their happy-place, where people come to enjoy their time on here, can you make that happen?

Can you change AFF to a more energetic and lively place? If you think you can, spread the word, and let me know how you feel about this long blog, XD


PS: Don't disagree on this, okay? This needs to happen, I need AFF to be alive again, but I ain't no doctor. But, you know what they say, "Teamwork Makes The Dreamwork"


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Totally agree that Aff is not as active as it used to be .. I heard that many users have switch to other writing platforms and someone just grew out of it probably due to busy life and etc .

Just like you , I hope that Aff will be hyped up again like it used to be or even better :) Btw have a safe trip and enjoy your upcoming vacation