Carribbean Green (blue) : Hap Daywave Greybone 。

Hap Daywave Greybone.
name: Hap Daywave Greybone
date of birth: October, 31.
role: Prince of Carib
kingdom: Carib (Aequor).
faceclaim: Hong Joochan
backup: I.M
appearance: Hap is 177 cm tall and weighs 57 kg. His pale hair matches his cousins and is often shaggy around his face. He is quite the looker and girls will stop when he walks by. His arms are clearly the most musculaar part of him as his spends his extra time shooting. 
scene suggestions: Hap and Bear are doing the usualy, sitting around the palace bored out of their minds, when the doors open. Anamariah is standing there, looking lost and perfect to Hap. He throws what ever he has in his hands to get to her and when he does he scoops her off her feet and kisses her, not caring who sees. She isnt a servant girl to him, she is his everything. 
Aveline is out for an early morning walk in the garden, before the sun has fully risen, and she hears almost constant thwacks. When she goes to find what the sound is she finds Hap shooting and Bear sleeping upright, like he was watching but just happened to have his eyes closed. She stood and watched for a while before he finally noticed her
password: I lost my job at the bank on my very first day. – A woman asked me to check her balance, so I pushed her over.
❝ a kind heart is useless, it is a flaw in this world ❞
bow down to your rightful ruler.
fun loving, talkative, likebale, charmig, charasmatic
pushy, brazen, huge flirt, avoidant
Hap is the life of the party. He walks into a room and everyone's spirit seems to be lifted. He can talk to anyone and people feel at ease talking to him. He can get even the most hard to smile and have fun, usually. People are drawn to him and enjoy listening to him speak. 
Hap hates making desicisions. He would rather let other poeple make them then be ther one to talk about the desicision. When people try to push him into making one he will change the subject or physically leave. It is the only reason his sister thinks he might not be fit for the throne. 
Hap doesnt fully grasp that other people arent as outgoing and ready to go as he is. He makes people uncomfortable by getting in their personal space or by saying things that are possibly inapropriate. He doesnt flinch at it though. He has very little shame about what he does or says. He also is the biggest flirt you could meet. He would go from one girl to another and, even though they saw him flirting with another, they will fall into his deep brown eyes just like everyone else. 
Hap's largest downfall is that he is so avoidant. There is a looming problem like, say impending war, but he will just push it off, insist that it wont happen. If people want to talk about it he will brush it off like its notihng. In all reality he does this with subjects he is afraid of
Centuries ago the king had two sons. Both proved themselves as able heirs and both were willing to let the other become king. The wise king looked out over his vast kingdome and decided both shall become king. He separated his kingdom so that both had equal resources, naming them Aequor and Carib. 
Carib, to the south, is a warm, lush kingdome heavy in fishing and tourism. The palace sits towards the southern boarder but the royals often visit throughout the kingdom. 
Aequor and Carib often see themselves as the same people, a family of sorts. If Aeuqor would go to war the full military force of Carib would be at their side. 
Hap was not expected. Both the king and queen were happy with two children and they had an heir, but when they found out about him they were both overjoyed. When he was born his mother vowed to watch over and protect him. 
Growing up Hap spent most of his time with his sister, Ahara. The two of them were more similar than their brother, Samsa. He had a darker outlook on life and he spent his time with their father training to be king. For the longest time it was just the two of them. 
Hap didnt take much interest in prince things. His father blamed it on all the time he spent with his sister. However, one thing he has loved since childhood was archery. He got the nickname 'sniper' when he was still younger than most bow masters because he could meet them shot for shot. He would enter competitions, not for the prise, just to compete. He would usually give the reward to the runner up. 
When he was fourteen, Hap, his mother and sister were out in the woods when a group of bandits came upon them. They faught back but that was a joke. Out of the trees came three boys, each one looking wilder than the last. They faught off the bandits and the queen offered them anything they wanted. The first two took money but the third wanted to work in for the royal family. He and Hap bonded and the queen knew what she would do. 
Beo had grown up, getting into fights and scrapping with his brothers so he could fight but still needed a lot of training. He was to spend all of his time by Hap's side, acting as his protetor and he became Hap's best friend, more like a brother. Beo soon got the nick name of Bear, even though he hated it. He went along with Hap to all of his lessions so he was educated as a prince of Carib as well. The people always joked that they had one princess and two and a half princes. 
Five years ago disaster struck Carib. A storm swept north off the ocean and left parts of the kingdom in ruin. That left the food sources in short supply which lead to famines across the land. In the same year a disease swept the land. Carib was all but destroyed. If not for the help from other kingdoms they would have ended. 
The king was taken by the diseas and the queen quickly succomed to it as well. Physicians thought she might pull out but she was unfortunatly taken as well. 
Samsa was into the roll of king at the age of 24, two years before he was supposed to begin his year long corination. Ahara took the role of queen to assist and make sure that the kingdom regined the position it once held. Because of that Hap was left with only Bear. 
The more time Samsa was on the throne the more he seemed to grow mad. The kingdom was once again secure and thriving, but he wanted more and more. He removed Ahara from the throne and started plotting on taking back Aequor. He thought the queen was weak and it would be easy. 
Very few people knew about his plans, but when Ahara found out she started planning of her own. She knew that the only thing that would come from this was death and Carib needed an heir. She was going to stay and fight but she needed to keep Hap safe from their brother. She convinced Samsa that sending Hap to Aequor would make it seem as if nothing had changed, that they were still the same people. Hap, Bear and Smith, a 'guard' Samsa set up to follow Hap, made for the capital of Aequor. 

Hap has been in Aequor for almost a year now, just waiting for news from Ahara but nothing has come. The only letter he got was whenhe first got there, explaining everything to him and warning him not to trust Smith with anything, only Bear. Trust Bear. 
In Carib things appear normal but are not. Samsa is planning an attack on the capital of Aequor and when he takes it he is going to attack Hanjal and take that land too. Ahara is planning an assaination and coup against Samsa, but has to be very careful about who she trusts. If nd when she can take over the throne she isnt going to let Samsa live, he has too many loyalists. She will bring back Hap and put the full support of Carib behind Aveline. 
obey, and there will be no consequences.
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Brother; Samsa Nightwave Greybon; 29; Samsa is a dark, cruel man. He seems to enjoy pain in others and often wont help his people if they need it; Samsa always looked at Hap differantly. Before he came along it was only him and Ahara, but once there was another one Ahara abandoned him for Hap. He hated his little brother for taking his sister from him. It is a very good thing Ahara sent Hap away because if she hadnt Samsa might have had his brother killed
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Sister; Ahara Sunwave Greybone; 29; Ahara is the polar opposite to her twin. She is kind, benevolent and warm. She is the one to go to when you are throwing yourself at the royals mercy, not the king; Ahara loves Hap more than anyone. Everything she is doing is to protect him, just like their parents would have wanted her to. To Hap, the only person besides Bear he would trust with his life is Ahara
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Best friend; Bear; 19; Bear seems to have a grin on his face and is always down for a wild time. He is incridibly protective of Hap and Ahara, but Hap is always first. He is a charmer with the ladies but hasnt settled on one; He will protect Hap with his life but Hap would never let that happen. To Hap he isnt a friend, he is family. Hap would mourn for Bear in ways he wouldnt for anyone else. There is nothing between them and nothing can get between them
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Cousin; Aveline Adrianna Hart; 23; Aveline remembers when Hap was born. She was young, but she does. She and her mother went to Carib for the celebration and the only thought she had was why is this large rasin screaming. Since she has grown up though she looks forward to her cousin's visits. He is a breath of fresh air and he hasnt lost his Carib attitude all the while he has been in Aequor
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... its difficult to explain; Anamariah Joesen; 18; Anamariah is the softest, most kind person you could meet. She hates the idea of war because she doesnt want anyone getting hurt or killed; Hap is in love with Anamariah and she loves him as well. She is Ahara's personal servant and Ahara knows how Hap feels about her. She has vowed to protect Anamariah while she is still in Carib. When he would be able to steal her away from the duties he would joke that they must be soulmates, how else would they have found eachother the way they did. 
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body guard; Simth; Smith follows Hap around but only to report back to Samsa. Hap has no doubt that if he were actually in troulbe Smith wouldn't help at all
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Hero belonged to Hap's mother and he took her afther his mother died. Pekko and Meiki are two of Hero's pups, the three of them calimed Hap as their own and when he tried to leave them in Carib they ran after the carrage until he stopped and let them in. Honestly Pekko was probably just following Bera, not Hap
disobey, and you'll see how cruel they can be.
good evening. thank you for coming in tonight, your answers will greatly contribute to our kingdom's knowledge on its citizens opinions. our ruler will take your comments into consideration while making any new revisions to our current laws.
Right on, right on
now then, let's start with something simple. what are your opinions on the current rulers? by that, we mean her royal highness queen aveline adrianna hart and his royal highness king kalum marcus bellerose.
Being honest, Aveline can be a pain in the , she is such a buzz kill. Like, she just needs to let loose, come have a drink cuz. His royal highn is a differant kind of . Who runs a kingdom like he does, the reds are just...well, no, I guess its kinda the same way Samsa is doing... serious look and voice If you repeat anything you just heard I will find out and come for you, do you understand? 
how do you think your ruler could do better? is there something about them you do or do not like?
back to his normal, fun tone My ruler? Well, Ahara could take over, that would be great. Aveline though? I dunno, she seems to be doing kind ok. I mean, she acts like a real sometimes but I understand why
how would you feel if aequor were to go to war with hajnal? how would that affect your life, would you contribute to the war in any way?
Ok, Aequor doesnt know this but they have other things to worry about. I'm not too concerned if it came to that though cause Carib would back Aequor and our two combined militaries would be able to overcome Hajnal. It... Look, it wont come to that though
loyalty to your kingdom should be valued above all. we believe there are...traitors in our kingdom. what are your thoughts on that?
Well no there are traitors. We also believe that if you dump water on the floor it will get wet. Should we start going door to door looking for them? No, we've survived this long with them, we'll comtinue to do so later on as well. 
well, thank you for your time. we will make sure your feedback will be considered while our monarch makes his/her decisions. have a nice evening, and glory to our kingdom.
Yea, yea. Glory and all that
Hap is always woken by the curtains being thrown open and Bear jumping on top of him. He always yells but Bear ignores him, saying its payback for everything he was put through for Hap. 
After that the two of them will race to the kitchen, they only eat at the table if their eating with Aveline. After they spend their time usually getting into some form of trouble, either from the staff yelling at them to stay out of the way or by walking around getting girls to oogle them. If they really need something to do Hap will show off and up Bear at archry or Bear will show off and up Hap with a sword or hand to hand combat. 
Often Hap and Bear can be found at the bar at night, drinking and flirting with girls
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flirting and drinking
Bear dying
loosing Ahara
having to sit backand watch more poepel he cares about die
when he is stressed or anxious he will go shoot
If he doesnt get food in the morning he is super cranky
having fun
he is a light weight
green is his favorate colour
while he flirts insessantly, that is as far as it ever goes
he has his mothers ring that he wants to give to Anamariah one day
he has very messy and small penmanship
he loves going horsebackriding
he can not eat spicy foods, he starts to sweat and get red when he is around it
he is horrible at climbing trees
he secretly hopes that Ahara will get Samsa killed so he can go home
limitbreak, do not erase.


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