月読 勝乃
Keep at 150 x 225

Name Tsukiyomi Katsuno (月読 勝乃) (last, first)

Other NAMEs 

Katrina Tsukiyomi / It's just an English name she likes to adopt when going to English speaking countries. So foreigners can just call her "Katrina" instead of "Katsuno".


Tsukki-chan / It's the cuter and shorter version of her last name that some of her friends use. Since her last name is quite long and somewhat of a bother to say, they call her "Tsukki-chan".
Kat(-chan) / Another shortened version of both her English and Japanese name.
泣き虫 (Nakimushi) Crybaby / Nakimushi-chan or Crybaby-chan is a nickname that her members often calls her as. Katsuno is so easy to shed tears whenever she's angry or felt any strong emotions really. But because she cries often, her members decided to call her "Nakimushi" or "Crybaby".

Cheerleader / This nickname was given to her by her members because of how optimistic and bright she is. She is often the motivator for everyone.


Birthdate 14th February 1997

Birthplace Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan

Hometown Tokyo, Japan

Ethnicity Full Japanese

Nationality Japanese


Japanese / Native / She was born and raised in Japan, so speaking Japanese is easy. Even though she lives in Tokyo, she favours her Sendai dialect.

English / Advanced Conversational / Since she was admitted into an International English-speaking school, The British School in Tokyo, her English is almost semi-fluent. In class she speaks English and her teachers teaches in English too so the language that she spoke ever since moving to Tokyo when she was 9 years old is an ease for her. If anything, she communicates with some of her Korean members who knows English through this language.

Korean / Conversational / Katsuno only started learning Korean just as soon as she was accepted into Hello!Project in 2016. Although she was encouraged to learn a huge amount of Korean in one day and talking a lot to Korean members, learning a new language was never easy for Katsuno. She struggles a lot and has troubles deciphering Hangul. So during the first few years of Korean promotion, she is mostly kept to herself and remains quiet since they spoke so fast.


FACECLAIM Ayami Nakajo

BACKUP Nana Komatsu


Height 173cm


— Standing 173cm and weights about 52kg, she towers over some girls and even boys. She has a pale skin with some yellow-ish tint to it, with big light brown eyes and dark long hair and bangs. Her face is dotted with some freckles and moles, amplifying her features and charms. Her jaw is sharp and shaped in a sharp V-line. Even like a model, her body is nicely proportioned, her limbs are long and lanky and her body is scarily skinny. It's almost worrying. But it's really just her genes. She has no piercings or tattoos since her dad is extremely strict about it.



— With a fashionista for a mother, Katsuno can never go wrong with fashion. She likes all type of style, from cute, to street, to trendy, she has it all. She will literally wear anything that her mom reccommends and uses her own creativity to finalise her outfits. Her fashion style is always brightly coloured, even though she does sometime like dark clothes, Katsuno most favours pastel colours or light clothes. However, her most typical look and the style that she likes the most, is ripped jeans, with a big sweater, beanie and Converse high tops.



Personality traits

positive + happy-go-lucky, optimistic, creative, imaginative

neutral = mischievous, ambitious

negative - sensitive, competitive, restless, disorganised

— ISFP ; The Adventurer (Hufflepuff)

— Inspired by: NCT Ten, SUPERJUNIOR Donghae, BLACKPINK Rose



"Technically the glass is always full...because it's fill with half-air and half-water"

Katsuno is overall a very bright girl who likes to look at things differently and dislike being negative or unoriginal. Even at a disadvantage, she still doesn't get discourage and continue to soldier on. Her 'happy-go-lucky' personality is sometime hated by some people. To look so carefree, cheerful and full of life while some people are feeling somber often tickles other people's nerves. Katsuno is frequently seen smiling, making jokes, playing around and always felt free of worries. People who doesn't hate her carefree attitude always found her very approachable and amiable. Hanging around Katsuno, they often felt relaxed and free because her smiles and aura feel like nature, just full of life and no worries or thoughts. She goes with the flow easily. Not only that, she can be such a joy to be around with. Katsuno always looks at the bright side, she sees the glass as "half-full" instead of "half-empty". She hates thinking negatively because she knows it'll bring her down. She always thinks of everything with confidence, positivity and hope, no matter how bad it seems, and always thinks of the good things. If she is honest, her optimism really brought her this far in life. It made her confident and unworried. Because of this she is the best motivator. Her members and friends or even some fans often look to her to motivate them and inspire them positively. Her optimism is sometime infectious,really. Katsuno does not only look at the glass as "half-full" but she also sees the bigger picture. She thinks outside the box and often goes out of her way to do something creative and original. Katsuno uses whatever is there and builds upon it with her style and way of thinking. She is imaginative and knows no bounds. The word 'impossible' is DEFINITELY NOT in her dictionary. She actually hates that word. Not only is it pessimistic but it's also limiting what the minds and skills can do. Katsuno loves to think differently and create absurb things from her brain, no matter how ridiculous.


"Once I have a goal, I work for it"

Aside from always being peaceful and free, Katsuno is a very mischievous person. Ever since she was small, she has always been like this. Full of mischief. She likes to have fun so she would sometime spends her time teasing the members, annoy them to death using creative methods or just outright pranking. Although she does pranks the least, her pranks always something creative and unnecessarily elaborate. She spends quite the efforts into being mischievous and frequently gets hit jokingly by her members/friends as the aftermath. Katsuno, despite insisting to everyone that she achieves her goals by being optimistic, creative and with luck, her ambition really helped her to drive this far too. Although it never truly showed and is always subtle, she is very ambitious. She aims high. She sets her goals and expectations higher than she should and encourages herself to reach it. It's a trait that will really allow her to go far in the entertainment industry. 


"Tsukiyomi is our resident crybaby"

Although she is often happy-go-lucky, smiling and joking around, Katsuno is actually very sensitive. She is prone to strong emotions and easy to shed tears because her emotions always overhelmed her. Espescially when she's genuinely angry, she cries instead of turning red. During fights or arguments, tears will always fall even when she's shouting and feeling genuinely mad. Wet anger, one could say. But even when without feeling angry, Katsuno cries too whenever she feels overhelmed with happiness. Really sensitive and prone to tears. She even bawled her eyes out at the simplest things like her family, friends or members singing her a happy birthday song. Katsuno hates this part of herself the most. Whenever someone mentions this, she always felt extremely embarassed. Honestly, who cries for twenty years straight on every single birthdays? Her sensitivity to strong emotions and wet anger earns her the nickname: Nakimushi/Crybaby. Katsuno might be sensitive, yes, but when it comes to genuine critism she doesn't cry hearing it and use it to work towards the better. However, it comes to insult, she does feel hurt and get choked up about it. Katsuno is actually quite competitive. Maybe the fact that she's ambitious has something to do with it but she loves it whenever she's on the winning side or the better one. She tries hard to be the winner in every game and sometime it can go too far. Rarely. But it happened before. Like how her ambitious trait is lowkey, Katsuno also tries to keep her competitiveness lowkey too. For example whenever a trainee received more praises than her, she encourages herself to think positively and keeps smiling, but that doesn't mean she doesn't feel displeasured. She might try to bat it away with optimistic thinking, but she still feel a ball of unsatisfaction. Katsuno doesn't like sitting and doing nothing. She is restless and always had to do something. It irritates her whenever she's force to sit down and be still so she always had to move some of her body. Not only that, she's also very disorganized. 'Planning' is something that never appealed to her, Katsuno is the type to improvise, so whenever leadership falls upon her, the whole team falls apart too. Planning and listing is something she hates doing the most, but because of that she's always disorganized and often forgets important items.




Tsukiyomi Katsuno was born on the day of love, 14th of February 1997 in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture. Her father is a small businessman working under the big company, Toyota, while her mother is a skillful accountant who is also working under Toyota. She was born to a relatively rich middle-class family with no siblings, she is the only child. And as the only child, Katsuno is often doted on, spoiled with love and presents from both of her parents and was overall was a happy child. She had a normal childhood as a normal Japanese girl. She had friends, she had crushes and small problems. She did average at school, neither was she at the top of her class or the bottom. As a young child, however, Katsuno often danced. Whether it'll be children songs or exercising at school, her parents noticed that Katsuno had a knack for dancing. In fact, during kindergarten when the school was hosting a small talent show, she was one of the children that was chosen for a perfomance. So both of her parents decided to send her to tap dancing and ballet classes. She was often praised by the teachers.


When she was 9 years old, they had to move to Tokyo because her father received a promotion. Katsuno quit ballet and tap, and it was forgotten. Living in Tokyo, Katsuno was exposed to many new things. She was admitted into an international school, The British School in Tokyo, and she spoke and learned in English there. Dancing was forgotten and she became interested in modelling and art. Because she was tall and skinny, she was accepted into a Japanese modelling agency when her parents allowed her to apply. Katsuno was 12 years old (2009) when she became a child model. She loved the job and enjoyed it tremendously. Her goal then was to walk down the fashion runways when she grows older. That was what she wanted. However, one day, she was introduced to Korean Pop. She was 16 years old (2013) when she saw it, the 'SHINEE' promotional truck that drove around the road of Tokyo. It caught her eyes because the 5 boys were extremely handsome on the poster. She decided to look them up and listened to their Japanese album 'Boys Meet U'. Once she ventures in, she never managed to get back out. She fell in love Korean Pop, immediately. SHINee, BIGBANG, Super Junior, SNSD, all these groups that inspired her. Katsuno once again started dancing. Danicng to every songs from the groups she liked and even singing. She even took interest in JPOP, even though she didn't like the songs or groups as much. Katsuno decided to quit modelling when she was 18 years old (2015) because it's something she was not passionate about anymore. Never once has she considered to audition for any Japanese entertainment companies. It wasn't until she saw that Hello!Project were holding auditions in May that she decided to audition too.




— Dancing (tap dance or trying to do ballet again)

— Singing

— Korean Pop (SHINee, SuperJunior, BigBang, SNSD)

— Chicken Katsu Curry rice (absolute favourite)

— Taiyaki

— Strawberry Mochi

— Snakes (Sunbeam Snake)

— Cats (Turkish Angora, Japanese Bobtail)

— Architecture (drawing)

— Modelling

— Painting

— Swimming

— Sci-Fi movies



— Thinking negatively

— Losing

— Crying (she still cries anyway)

— Planning stuff

— Cockroaches

— Romance movies (how ironic)

— Cucumbers

— Pineapple

— Mouses/Rats

— Doing nothing/wasting time

— Reading (words books)



— Drawing (designing) random stuff in her sketchbook or painting

— Practicing singing or dancing to either KPOP or JPOP

— Practicing her tap dance or trying to regain her ballet skills again

— Swimming in the local pool

— Eating snacks and watching Sci-Fi movies

— Annoying her members



— her lip whenever she's about to say something serious, it's like she preparing for it

— Clenching her fist whenever she cries to prevent herself from wiping her eyes

— Covering her eyes whenever she's about to sneeze



— Before she was working as a child model, Katsuno considered becoming an architecture before

— She is fascinated by snakes so she begged her parents to allow her to raise one but borh of them strongly refused

— They got her a Japanese Bobtail cat instead, she named it "Daesungie" after BigBang Daesung

— Katsuno's favourite anime are often Shonen Jumps; Naruto, Kuroko no Basuke, Hunter x Hunter and Gin Tama

— Because she cried so much, Katsuno often had to wipe her eyes, but because of that her eyes were always swollen red. So her parents had to hold her hands down so she wouldn't wipe her eyes. Clenching her fist to stop herself from wiping became a habit

— Her deepest, darkest secret is...she lowkey likes...

— Actually don't like going on social media and has none of them on her phone

— She was curious once and created a facebook account, but decided she didn't like it and never logged on after going on it once (she forgot her password)

— Actually hates colouring despite how artistic she is (it tests her patience)

— Often one of the best in art class

— Has absolute no talent for musical instruments

— Favourite Sci-Fi movie is 'The Matrix'

— LOVES watching Marvel movies (#TeamIronMan)

— Never drank coffee before and refuses to drink it because she heard her parents scared her by saying that coffee are cockroaches' milk.


Parents / Tsukiyomi Haruna & Tsukiyomi Daiki / 37 & 40 / Accountant & Businessman / Katsuno is extremely close to them and thankful towards thm. They guide her to where she is now and is very accepting. They didn't hesistate to agree whenever she wants to do something important and always supported her decision. Even if she's 12 and wanted to walk down the dark path that is 'modelling', they still supported her and allowed her to become a model, gently warning her about the things in the modelling industry. Katsuno is extremely thankful towards them for guiding her to where she is now.



— Best Friend / Hiroshima Momoko (FC: Airi Matsui) / 1997 / Model / When Katsuno first moved to Tokyo, Katsuno had a tiny bit of struggle adapting to the Tokyo life. However, Momoko, who lived near her, approached her and offered to help Katsuno. Quickly they became good friends. Momoko is kind, lively and colourful, and these two just kinda clicked together. They do a lot of things with each other. In fact, the modelling suggestions was started by Momoko in the first place. Together, they both became child models. However, while Katsuno quit modelling, Momoko continued.



— Group member / Ohno Misako / Member of Ikkigai / Ohno Misako is one of Ikkigai's Japanese members so Katsuno often interact and talk with her. Katsuno get along with Ohno quite well and sometime rely on her. Not only that, they are quite similar in age as well, so Katsuno frequently enjoy being around Ohno.



— Group member / Hiroe Chizuru / Member of Ikkigai / Hiroe Chizuru is another Japanese members of Ikkigai so Katsuno also found herself interacting with her a lot. Katsuno actually finds her extremely attractive and would sometime stare at Hiroe because of how pretty she is. Although not exactly near the same age, Katsuno still treat Hiroe like a friend and sometime relying on her.


Group member / Ikkigai / Katsuno really likes being around a multi-cultural group members, because they are all so different. However, language barriers often went in the way of Katsuno interacting with members of Ikkigai who does not speak Japanese. Though she does try to communicate through hand gestures, there are still this bit of wall between her and the Korean members. Imagine Katsuno's relief when some members can speak English.

Stage name Tsuki

Prefered Member colours Purple #8E52B8, Cerulean blue, Grassy Green, Aqua Green (I also don't mind what colours you pick too) 


Vocal twin Pristin Roa

dance twin GFriend Sinb

rap twin N/A

talking twin Ayami Nakajo


Audition songs

Masayume Chasing by BoA (Dance & Vocal)

— I Got A Boy by SNSD (Dance)
— Don't You Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia (Vocal)



— 2009-2015 / Was a child model under Sugar & Spice and were in some magazines, posters, and ads. In 2014, she was featured in two TV Commercials.


Backup Any of Ikkigai members (XD)

Keep at 150 x 225

Comments OMGGGG I AM FINALLY DONEEE NROFO4BGOU4BGUUB This character took me so long. I was so indecisive about her character BUT FINALLY I MADE IT! You have no idea how many times I messed up and accidentally deleted the personality and changing the traits millions of time to make her realistic as I can. I REALLY HOPE I DIDN'T DISAPPOINT YOU ;-; (And i hope I did that audition song thing right?) oml i really didn't want to disappoint you.

Scene requests None

Password "Living with purpose. Hello everyone, we are Ikkigai!"

Coded by Yeojachinguu


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Since Grassy Green are Hello! Project colours, could you please give an example hex colour for it? Thank you in advance!
Hello Bear! Thank you for applying for Ikigai! I cannot find anything wrong with your application! I just have one question though. You say that you saw they were holding auditions (for Ikigai I assume), but say it happened in 2015, when the auditions for Ikigai happened in 2016 so did you perhaps get the year wrong? But since that is a small question that can be answered easily I have decided to accept Katsuno!
Thank you for getting your character in so fast! You got her in just in a nick of time to be considered for the first generation! I will post your review shortly!