replace with fc





Grumpy - Sophie teasingly calls her that when Clara is crankier than usual and then Marius started calling her that too. Clara doesn't hate the nickname but, in fact, she thinks it suits her.

✩ Ghost Whisperer - The other slaves teasingly started calling her that after she revealed her ability to see ghosts/spirits. It's one of the many ways they make fun of her, though Clara simply dismisses their words.


Palabras (Spanish) - Fluent - Her mother language, and I mean it literally. With her mother being Gente and only speaks in Palabras, Clara was raised and taught that language, which isn't weird considering she lives in Spenia.

Common Tongue (English) - Fluent - With her father being Anglian, Clara heard her father speak the language when she was young and would catch random words and keep repeating them out of curiosity. Noticing that, her father started teaching her the language knowing it'll be of use to her in the future (British equivalent accent).  


✩ Clara stands at 164 cm tall and weighs 55 kg. She has a permanent scar on her face that stretches from her right cheek right down to the corner of her upper lip (like this). Despite the scar, Clara is no doubt very beautiful, with an oval face, milky skin, sleek nose, and thick, shaped lips. Her hair is naturally wavy in the shade of chocolate brown. Her eyes are often described as strikingly blue, but it’s, in fact, gunmetal blue.


✩ Now being a slave, Clara doesn’t really have the pleasure of caring for her appearance so what she’s wearing is the least of her worries. However, Clara often finds herself wearing whatever worn-out clothes that her Master “generously” gives her which consists of dresses that are a bit too revealing in the chest area for her liking, but it's not like her opinion is taken into consideration. They look like this.

Clara’s Daily Life:
Her life started all good, filled with love and happiness. But things went wrong after her mother's death and father's disappearance, forcing Clara into a debt thus making her a slave all because of a father that abandoned her. Yes, she is very resentful about it. And the fact that Clara can see ghosts after she was cursed by a witch when she was young, doesn't do justice in her life. So, she spends her days and nights working at her master's tavern, with very little pay may she say, in order to pay off the debt that her father owes. 

BIRTHDATE: 18th of Ashwane, 1304 + 17y.
ETHNICITY: Anglian/ Gente (British/Spanish)

FACE CLAIM: Odeya Rush
BACK UP: Chloe Martinez
HEIGHT: 164 cm
WEIGHT: 55 kg



“I wanna be nice, but everyone annoys me”

More than skin and bones...


✩ Before: Shy, observant, gentle, optimistic, modest, sensitive, selfless, protective.

✩ Now: Stoic, cold, reserved, sarcastic, blunt, prideful, self-deceitful, loyal, clever, protective, resourceful.

INTJ - The Architect - Slytherin

✩ Equivalent to Carl Fredricksen, Squidward, and Mandy


✩ Clara was a shy kid and so she didn’t spend any of her time playing around with the other kids. She instead regularly spent most of her time observing her mother knitting dresses and her father practicing sword fighting with himself, with her occasionally joining. She was extremely gentle and appeared to be optimistic most of the time. Influenced by her mother and a true testament of modesty, she’d be willing to take blame and punishment for others in order for her to be someone who does not hurt people, but rather absorb the torment. However, this lack of assertiveness normally got her bullied and taken advantage of. Beneath her altruistic and gentle nature, is an underlying fear of being alone that was aggravated by her mother's death and father’s disappearance. These were perhaps her greatest weakness’. Since Clara always tried to protect others, she was essentially trying to protect herself from ever being alone again. Therefore, to escape that scenario, she would shoulder the task of protecting others onto herself, without relying on anyone else. 

✩ However, Clara changed in time, as she was forced into becoming a slave and experienced the harsh treatment from the other slaves. Well, not necessarily changed, but she put up a facade and hid her old weak self behind thick walls. After her master’s and the other slave's harsh treatment, Clara’s perspective of the world darkened and that was the start of her deceit. She acts cold towards others. And due to her becoming extremely quiet, others deemed her as unapproachable. Clara’s a reserved person with a small limited social circle. She’s not one to talk much but when she does it's either mocking, sarcastic, or blunt. Also, she’s still troubled with the fact that she can see ghosts and no one truly believed her when she told them of her weird curse, except for Sophie who wholly embraced it. All Clara wants is to search for a place where she could belong, where people won’t tease or bully her for her curse and she could be free. However, all that is just a distant dream to Clara. As much as she treasures her life, if people close to her were threatened, she would not hesitate to put her life on the line. Despising the idea of solitude, Clara tries to protect those dear to her so she would not have to face her fear of losing her loved ones. Her old traits come out from time to time but Clara is quick to conceal them once she notices.



A filthy world where the rich and strong control the weak and poor


✩ Edmond came to Spenia from Newhaven working as an apprentice blacksmith and met Valeria, a seamstress, where they worked in the same town. They fell in love and got married. That’s when Edmond made Valeria’s dream come true by using his savings to open a tailor shop. However, his savings were not enough and he had to rely on borrowed money from a local tavern owner, Nicolas Gutierrez, landing him in dept.

✩ Clara was born a shy kid, who insisted on watching her mother sew and play sword fighting with her father rather than play with other kids. Because of that, she developed a love for sword fighting and was well on her way to perfecting it, or at least that’s what her child's brain thought. During that time the tailor shop was gradually gaining customers and doing well for a one-person shop.  

✩ Nearing her 12th birthday, her mother caught an unknown disease that halted the shop's steady progress. Clara, being the responsible dutiful daughter that she was, has been watching her mom sewing her entire childhood, picked up the reigns while her mother rested. However, she wasn’t good of a seamstress as she was a swordfighter and because of that, the shop started losing customers. It all escalated downhill after her mother's passing. The shop closed, losing them their only source of income. That’s when the threatening dept collectors’ messages started coming. Making her father spiraled into paranoia and self-hatred leaving her to house keep and pick up the pieces of what’s left of a happy family. She had to be brave for her day, a ray of hope in these miserable times. She’d always wondered if she was good enough for that. due to her father’s grief, she never felt like she properly mourned her mother’s death.

✩ During the grieving period, an old woman came seeking shelter in their house. Unfortunately, due to Edmonds’s paranoia of the slave master coming for his life or his daughters and having one too many bottles of consumed rum, he lashed out on the woman and refused her promptly. The woman didn’t take kindly to the harsh words and drew out a dagger from her clock faster than anyone could react and slashed Clara on her face cursing her. While Edmond was distracted with his newly injured daughter the witch left. Her father fussed about her for a while, then stop eventually convincing himself that she was fine since only a scar was left and nothing more. He told himself that and to Clara as well. Maybe that’s why she didn’t notice the increase of people surrounding them at first. She knew something was wrong when she set a place on the dining table for their guest, her father's terrified look still haunts her dreams just like the ghosts she started seeing.

✩ Edmond, desperate about the money situation, went back to his blacksmith master begging him for an opportunity for a high paying to lull the oncoming threat from his debt collectors. His blacksmith master had a high-level job in a different nation that would take at most 3 months. Overjoyed he came back home to inform his daughter about the job and pack his bags to leave. He told Clara to stay at home and not answer the door or talk to anyone once he leaves. With the kitchen stoked with food enough for his travels, he left. Slave Hearing about the departure of Edmond, Nicolas came with a couple of his henchmen to confirm the rumors. Breaking down the front door he was met with 12-year-old Clara. he asked her about her father which she answered truthfully. The slave master, however, thought of her father cowardly abandoned his daughter to deal with his dept after all, why would he leave without her his only family? He later calmly explained to the child that she’d be a bonded slave to him till she pays off her father's debt. Clara then calmly puts on a brave face, knowing her father’s coming back to rescue her in 3 months’ time. Till then she’ll have to take responsibility as a member of the household.        

✩ 5 months passed and the dwindling hope about her father’s return frizzled out, leaving her bitter and spiteful towards anyone who tried talking to her. Her life as a bonded slave was simple enough, her main job was as a barmaid, she was kept there because she was less likely to try the nectar as Nicolas put it. Due to her jadedness, the other slaves didn’t approach her and she kept to herself. Fear was associated with her name as soon as she stopped hiding her ability to see ghosts, this increased her infamous-y with her surroundings making her even harder to approach. One day, while tasked with washing up in the local river, she noticed her fellow child slaves picking one of their own. Looking at the small pale child she was reminded of her past self and took pity on the girl, standing up for her. After the incident, the girl kept trying to initiate any type of conversation with Clara while being constantly ignored. However, the girl was very determined to befriend Clara who eventually yielded. Because of this, Clara’s harsh reputation softened a bit among her fellow slaves though not enough for them to try approaching her as the girl did. Clara later knew her as Sophie, a sweet caring girl who was bound to the slave house dreaming of becoming a musician one day and her dearest friend.        

✩ Years later and still the only person Clara even gives the slight time of day to is Sophie, another person was trying to get her attention, and that person was Nicolas’ stepson. Clara though didn’t even see him as a bother or anything at all. He was just there like the countless other people that exist in this world who she couldn’t even try to care less about if there was a pistol to her head. It was a point of contention though to her fellow slaves that Sophie of all people felt the most. How could Clara, the ghost whisperer, the cursed one, ignore such an important figure to them? She was ungrateful to add to the list of insults they say behind her back. Sophie is the only one that argues back to them whenever she catches them talking. Clara’s impression of the stepson was that of a two-faced boy that was scared of his step dads rejection thus she stayed away from him for the convenience of it all.    

✩ The real annoyance was an aristocrat named Jonathan Borghese who frequented the tavern. He was the type of man that would make you be on edge just by being in the same room as him. All of Clara’s fight or flight instincts get triggered by him staring at her which happens a lot. From the first moment he stepped into the tavern, he announced that he wanted her and he was going to have her no matter what. She wasn’t worried at first, thinking she was safe from being sold because of her agreement, but she underestimated Nicolas’ greed. Throughout the years she’s been with Nicolas she came to trust him gradually, and she had misjudged his character because of this mistake. A mistake she vowed to never let herself forget.

✩ Storming into Nicolas’ office after hearing the gossiping workers that heard the aristocrats and Slave master’s mentioning her name in the semi-annual slave auction, Clara was furious asking him to explain why she did. Nicolas diverted the conversation or at least tried to, saying he’s not sure what she was talking about and trying to figure out how she knows about the private conversation he’d shared with Jonathan. He had ordered him to leave his office after trying to reassure her of her mishearing and looking back she had no reason to trust him it’s just that she hoped that his agreement to her 12-year-old self meant something, but it obviously did not. The next day came, the day of the auction, and she was woken up by people grabbing her and throwing her in a cell. She came face to face, or in this case fact to bars to face with Nicolas. He told her that she should be realistic, that this was the only option for her, that if she stayed a bonded slave, she’d be a slave till she’s an old maid, that now at least she’d be taken care of. She stayed quiet during his monolog, mentally trying to figure out weak spots in the cell, and unfortunately, they weren’t any.

✩ After the slave master left Clara sulked back into the wall sighing. She tried recounting what happened for her to end up here. She cursed the aristocrat for his obsession with her, cursed the slave master’s greed, cured her father for leaving her, herself for being a pawn to the whim of others, and selfishly her mother for dying. He stayed there unmoving for an hour or two when a ghost approached her. She sighed again, more than she’d done in a while, he talked to her only to be ignored. But he kept reciting his life story as ghosts tend to do not be bothered by her inattentiveness. Overwhelmed by everything she blurted out that she just wants to get away which caught the ghost's attention. He casually mentioned that there is actually a way to get out of there that Clara could have missed had she decided to zone out again. She stared at him agape and he stopped talking. “Where?” she demanded.

✩ The ghost, Sir Marius as he introduced him, pointed to brick near the right corner of the cell. Said to move it and find the hole. She was confused as to how she would move such a large brick but went to it anyway. The brick was heavy when she tugged at it but it budged, causing a surgent of hope to build in her. Grabbing the brick and leveraging her feet on the wall she pulled as she could and it popped out. Looking through the hole it was exactly her size. She didn’t have time to rethink what she was about to do when she hears the slave master's voice talking to someone. She crept through the hole and crawled her way out, earning herself a decent number of bruises and cuts. She heard shouting behind her, the aristocrat's voice was the loudest. Sophie’s name almost stopped her in her tracks, but she couldn’t stop now not when she was so close to freedom.

✩ Crawling out of the hole, she hit the ground running towards the piers thinking it’s the fastest way. Sneaking onto a departing ship and hoping they didn’t throw her offboard was her only option. Trusting people’s goodness seems like a bad move and if push comes to shove, she’ll fight for a place on the ship. Then she hears her name being called through bad judgment and adrenaline rush she turned to look. Her heart stopped; her legs shook. Sophie had a sword to . Sophie was in danger. Sophie was in danger because of her. Clara’s eyes slowly looked up to the perpetrator, Jonathan, the bastard, targeted the only person she cared about. In danger. Because of her. Jonathan said something but she couldn’t understand him she couldn’t hear him. All she saw was her only friend's petrified eyes, he gentle docile sensitive friend. Sophie blinked really hard, swallowed. She gave Clara the bravest smile she could muster. “GO!” Sophie screamed squirmed in the aristocrat’s arms. He tightened his grip but that didn’t stop her from moving. Clara on the other hand could not start moving. Jonathan was fed up and tried pressing the sword more but he pressed it too hard and the sword was too sharp. Clara had to watch her friend die. The light in her eyes fades. All while the aristocrat fussed about the amount of blood. A splash of blood hit Clara’s face promptly waking her up from her frozen spell. She musted all the strength left in her and continued her way to the piers screaming all the way there.

✩ With Jonathan hot on her trail, Clara didn’t put much thought on where she was headed. She pumped into a man, a pirate clearly, she thought, she couldn’t steady herself enough and fell on her behind. Looking up at him, she was drained, blood-soaked, bruises and cuts ridden. The pirate said nothing staring down at her with a non-expression face. Jonathan caught up spouting that he owned her and threatening the pirate to give her to him for his own safety. The pirate at that point tutted, mocking the aristocrat telling him that he should be scared for his own safety and to look around his soundings before threatening a pirate captain. Jonathan pales noticing the men on the piers drawing their swords ready for their captain’s command. The aristocrat glares at Clara muttering that he would be back for her and walked away. Clara glaring back at him barely noticed the captain slipping away when she got up. She thought, to get out of this nation I need a ship and a captain obviously has one. She swallowed back her pride and strutted towards the captain, looked him in the eyes, and told him to drop her off in the next nation over. Amused he asked what he’d get out of this demand. and she proudly said she’d pay him back. Shed be indebted again, but this time it's her own debt to pay.        


✩ Despite only having the privilege of eating limited food with the very few ingredients available at the slave house, Clara actually likes the porridge Sophie makes which consists of potatoes, carrots, and tomato sauce. With chicken too, if they're lucky enough.
✩ Enjoys catching others off guard. There's just a thrill in seeing their reaction.
✩ A total introvert, if it ain't obvious by now, so she does enjoy the silence and alone time.
✩ Behind all her sarcasm and grumpiness, she can be really resourceful with all the knowledge she gets from the ghosts she encounters and occasionally she likes to share that knowledge to help others.
✩ Clara specializes in dry humor.
✩ Just like how blunt she is to others, she likes it when she's told the truth, no matter how painful.
✩ Raintide and Ombertide are her favorite seasons for she likes rainy days and autumn leaves.
✩ She finds ruins to be fascinating.
✩ After journeying with the pirates in the Nightingale, Clara discovers that she actually enjoys traveling. Minus the whole motion sickness.


✩ Chores like cleaning which is ironic since that's what she mostly does at the slave house and tavern.
✩ Bullies, ungrateful people, and greedy people who won't hesitate to hurt others for their own good.
✩ Being open and expressive, especially crying or showing she's tired, which she sees as a sign of weakness.
✩ Talking about her past or really anything personal, she'd immediately shut them down when somebody tries to. 
✩ Never has she worn anything expensive, the best she wore were the normal hand-made dresses her mother made her. She's seen some aristocrat women and how they dress but she always thought how uncomfortable it must be.
✩ Has a child's taste bud, likes sweet, and can't handle spice.
✩ Having to socialize with people for she'd rather just keep to her own.
✩ Boats, ships, carriages, or any form of transportation. Clara has never traveled in her life and well, she discovers she has motion sickness when she has to be in the pirate ship.


✩ Enjoys stargazing when she has trouble sleeping and when she does, she tries to grasp the massive hugeness of the universe.
✩ She daydreams often for she finds it an effective way of escapism when things get too much for her. 
✩ Clara is really interested in bladesmithing and sword fighting ever since she was a child which is why she mostly stuck to her father's side and that interest didn't dim even after her father was gone.


✩ Maintaining a stoic face for she doesn't wanna show any expression that could give away any weakness.
✩ Scoffing, eye-rolling, raising an eyebrow, or giving a judging look at things she finds dumb, absurd, or doesn't agree with.
✩ Becomes extra defensive by being really cold and sarcastic to the person she senses she's becoming too attached to in a way of hopefully driving them away to save herself a possible heartbreak or sadness.
✩ Developed an unconscious habit of humming to 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow' when she's deep in work but she'd immediately stop when she notices. After Sophie's death, the song just leaves a bittersweet feeling to her.


✩ Clara rejects the notion of "living without a care" because watching others suffer as a consequence of her actions reminds her of how lonely she became because of the stupid decisions she made.
✩ Nobody knows that Clara is actually really agile and good at sword fighting and well, she'd like to keep it that way for now.
✩ She really likes getting on other people's nerves but knows how to read the air and would stop at her limit. She just, in a twisted sadistic way, finds joy in detecting other's weaknesses and poking at them.
✩ Clara fears losing loved ones, being betrayed by those she opened up to, and that she'll be cursed forever or worse, that the curse will grow stronger until all she could contact are spiritual beings.
✩ She has never tasted any alcohol before so she's never been drunk. However, working in a tavern, the smell of alcohol is no stranger to her and she finds the strong aroma repulsing.
✩ Her favorite memory is when she was 6 years old and she entered her house with her father in tail, they just finished play sword fighting, and her mother called them to come to eat dinner. Following the tasty aroma of her mother's signature Gazpacho, she rushes to the dinner table and there they all happily eat. They were all smiling and laughing at her father's silly jokes.
✩ Clara knows how good her mother was at knitting and sewing dresses but curse her slippery fingers, she's not as good at it even though she spent hours as a child watching her mother sew.
✩ She'll admit that she does at times feel conscious and insecure of her curse scar when she senses people scrutinizing it or looking at her weirdly because of it. 
✩ At first, Clara did hate the fact that she can see spiritual beings and found it annoying but she got used to it, in time, and even found some ghosts amusing. They're really resourceful, she'll admit, giving her the dirt and scoop on people she could use against them. To return the favor, she'd listen to them and let them loosen their burdens on her. She's encountered many ghosts throughout the years but the only one who keeps coming back is Sir Marius. 
✩ Both of her parents were Catharrows and raised her into it. However, as she grew up, Clara doesn't think she believes in the existence of a divinity. In her perspective, if there was one, where was it when she needed it the most and at her lowest? She just lost faith.




✩ Parents - Edmond Dryden and Valeria Ruiz (41y. & 39y.) fc: Tom Hiddleston & Mila Kunis / Apprentice Bladesmith & Sewster / 9 then 1 and 8
After the death of her mother, as years passed by, Clara’s memory of her dimmed until she couldn’t remember what her voice sounded like. All she has left of her are some snippets of their happiness spent together and a crinkled-up old family picture that she keeps. Though she can't say the same for her father. Clara's hatred for him prevents her from forgetting about him. Even their happy moments are bittersweet to her now. To her, Ed is the father who abandoned her and left her to live the hard-knock life that she's currently living all because of his huge debt and she can't forgive him for that. Honestly, she doesn't even know if the man is even alive but really, she couldn't care less (or so she convinced herself).


✩ Master - Nicolas Gutierrez (42y.) fc: Pedro Pascal / Tavern Keeper & Slave Trader / Greedy, Ill-tempered, Fake / 1
Nicolas disgusts Clara with the fakeness he displays in front of his customers and endless greed for wealth. He is selfish, cranky, demanding, obnoxious, stingy, oppressive, and cowardly. Though despite all that, she thinks that he at least still has a bit of a sense of humanity that he doesn't like to showcase, for he let her work in his tavern as only a waitress after she begged him to. Though he'd do anything, and I mean anything, when presented with a huge sum of gold coins. That greedy side of his made Clara end up in the whole mess with Jonathan.


✩ Close Friend - Sophie Kerr (16y.) fc: Sophia Lillis / Fellow Slave / Selfless, Friendly, Caring / 9
Sophie is a friendly, sweet, and caring girl who is, just like Clara, a slave. Although she admittedly is jealous of Clara being able to go outside and work while she’s stuck in the slave house, she’d constantly tell the other to be thankful for that. She strives to become a performer/musician, but sadly insists it’s all just a dream that’ll never become a reality. She often sings 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow' and Clara unconsciously finds herself humming along. Sophie cares deeply for Clara and worries over her, but she often enjoys teasing Clara for her grumpiness. In return, Clara holds her in high regard and surprisingly cares deeply for her too, despite how Sophie’s selfless acts frustrate her. But she kept to her morals and was selfless, even until the end.


✩ Aquintence - Leopold Celestine (22y.) fc: Nick Robinson / Master's Son / Charming, Narcissistic, Stubborn / 6
Well, Leo isn't actually Nicolas' son by blood but in fact his wife's son from her third failed marriage. Nicolas is her fourth husband. Leo has five older half-siblings and you could say that they don't have the ideal sibling bond or any bond at all. He barely sees them so Leo doesn't bother much with them. The ultra-confident Leo is his own biggest fan, and he has long relied on his wit, charm, and good looks to get out of even the stickiest situation. He never came to the slave house on his own will until he met Clara. She seems to be the only girl he’s met that’s immune to his moves and charms, and for the first time ever, he found himself crushing on the girl. Despite his attempts to get closer to Clara, she never fully trusted him but found him humane enough to keep their relationship as acquaintances. Also, never call him by his full first name or he’d go livid, he prefers to be called Leo. Though, you bet Clara would call him Leopold just to get on his nerves.

"YOU'RE... NOT... SO BAD."

✩ Acquaintance - Sir Marius (?y.) fc: Nearly Headless Nick / Ghost / Funster, Helpful, Resourceful / At first 2 then later 7
Clara first saw Marius when she was trapped in the prison where he kept pestering her about random topics and then eventually told her a way she can escape then disappeared. Through Clara's journey with the pirates and the girls, Marius would occasionally appear out of nowhere to either blabber away or help her as much as he could. Despite how she’d never admit it, Clara is in fact very thankful to this whimsical ghost and actually enjoys his presence. Though she'd like it if Marius would stop trying to get a reaction out of her by pulling his nearly headless head off, she honestly just finds it disgusting.


✩ Aristocrat Buyer - Jonathan Borghese (37y.) fc: Will Kemp / Land Lord / Snobbish, Lecherous, Cunning / 0
Jonathan has a bad reputation as a gambler and womanizer but is nonetheless rich and powerful. He’s a narcissist who sees himself as superior to everyone around him. An arrogant, lecherous aristocrat. Jonathan was determined to purchase Clara the moment he set eyes on her in the tavern, even by force if necessary. This obsession turned him into a ruthless, cunning, and murderous villain, especially when he found out of Clara’s attempted escape and threatened her with Sophie. Things, in the end, turned out bad for Clara. Despite successfully running away from Jonathan, she lost her only close friend at that expense. There is not a day that goes by that Clara doesn't think of her last moments with a mad Jonathan holding Sophie with a knife to . With a vengeful heart, she swears that she'll one day go back to kill that bastard.


✩ Pirate Crew / Pirates / Varies / Varies from 1 to 6
Clara isn't that close with many of the crew members which makes sense for she constantly draws a line between herself and others. However, she strangely finds herself relying on The Captain. She's not that surprised though, for he did save her from Jonathan and after hearing the crewman babbling stories of his accomplishments, she started to view The Captain with newfound respect. And the crewman, liking befriending others close to his age sadly for Clara, didn't give her much choice. He persisted his presence upon her at first but she then came to actually enjoy and like the boy's company, reminding her of Sophie a bit. Clara would even say she's the closest to him among the other crew members. She mostly just exchanges a word or two with the others and occasionally disagrees or argues with them when they think of reckless plans. Even nagging and complaining when they make her do chores around the ship. *cough* The Boatswain *coughs*

✩ Other Girls / Varies / Varies / Varies from 3 to 7
Clara isn’t that close with any of the girls either. Though, she’d like to say that she isn’t as bad with them as she is with the crew members. I mean, at least she tries to give them a chance, but unsurprisingly, with her cold and blunt nature, it doesn’t work with most of them. She doesn’t trust the Captain's Daughter. Her gut feeling tells her that there’s something fishy with this girl. She butts heads often with the Woman Of Science and finds the woman to be annoying at times, especially when she strongly denies the existence of anything supernatural unless scientifically proven otherwise. As for Pan, though the two are the same age, they’re quite different from each other. However, Pan is one of the few people Clara isn’t well herself with, for she gets where the girl is coming at, she just wants to safely return back to her home and family.


the cursed slave

the cabin boy


What do you think of pirates? I’m sure you’ve heard a tale or two:

✩ "Yeah, I did. You're greedy and brutish savages who have a weird way of speaking, a disgusting obsession with rum, and only care about keeping your loot. Oh, and also, what's up with making people walk the plank?" As she sees the irritated look on the pirate's face, Clara holds the smirk that is itching to appear and instead slightly tilts her head to the side and pokes, "What? Did I hit a soft spot?" Okay, Clara did exaggerate in her answer by saying the common perception of pirates just to get on the pirate's nerves. She doesn't think that badly of pirates but neither does she see them in a bright light either. She's only heard tales (or rumors?) about the Pirate King from the other talkative slaves back at the slave house. 

What is your purpose for meeting ouR captain? He is a busy man: 

✩ "Purpose of meeting him? He's the one who showed out of nowhere and-" Then she bit her tongue, stopping herself from finishing the sentence. Clara didn't wanna say herself that she was rescued and look weak in front of these pirates. No. Never. So she huffs and says, "I have nowhere to go and I just wanted to get out of Spenia."

It’s a known supErstition that women are bad luck on ships, so what makes you worthy to tag along?:

✩ Clara rolls her eyes. That's a whole level of misogynist belief right there but she doesn't have the energy to argue. "Look, I don't need to prove anything to you dolts. You can just drop me off to the next land you stop at, for all I care." 

what Lengths are you willing to go on this journey?: 

✩ She actually gives this question a thought. Clara doesn't have a home to go back to, a person to rely on, or even a job to support herself. And the damn curse... She's basically lost everything and has nothing more to lose and she doubts these pirates would let her go easily, especially the captain to who she's now indebted. Wow, she gets out of debt only to be in another debt with someone else. Life really has a way of screwing her over. "I guess you could say more than I thought so." She answers as she finally sinks in her situation and reverts back to her quiet self.

replace with fc
replace with fc
replace with love int


Christian bang

The Gunner

replace with fc

APP: Here

BACKUP FC: Song Mingi

BIRTHDATE: 3rd of Mistcrest, 1299 + 22y.
ETHNICITY: Jiā (Korean)


✩ Chan - His Hwan name, which he uses more now to hide his identity.

✩ Chris - Short form of his name Christian, often used by his friends if they aren’t calling him Chan.

✩ Pest - Clara calls him this instead of calling him by his name like everyone else does for she sees him as annoying, especially when he's all up her business.


Hwan (Korean) - Fluent - His father spoke it with him at home, so he’s been able to speak it since he was a child.

Common Tongue (English) - Fluent - Growing up in New Haven meant he was sure to learn the most common language (Australian equivalent accent).

Tamazian (Egyptian) - Conversational - The first place he traveled to after leaving the navy was Tamaza, and there he had a lot of fun.

Công (Vietnamese) - Basic - He only picked up a couple of phrases while he was there. Tbh, he didn’t do much talking.


✩ He is an attractive man, but the world has left its many marks on him. His chin, upper lip, and jaw are usually covered in stubble, his hair typically messy. Scars cover his body like they would any pirate, but he also has tattoos he’s accumulated over the years that hold special meaning to him.
Tamazian Symbols: 1 - 2 
Dragon Tattoo: 1 

✩ Though he dresses as you would expect any pirate to do so, he also incorporates articles of clothing he has collected over his travels. Whether it be an Ao Dai from Jiā-Dan, accessories from Tamaza, or even traditional clothing from Jiā-Hwan.
Outfits: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Accessories: 1 - 2


Positive: Bold, rational, original, perceptive, direct, sociable.

Negative: Insensitive, impatient, risk-prone, unstructured, obtuse, defiant.

Bold – Christian has always been full of life and energy. There is no greater joy for him than pushing boundaries and discovering and using new things and ideas.
Rational and Practical – Chris loves knowledge and philosophy, but not for his own sake. What’s fun for him is finding ideas that are actionable and drilling into the details so he can put them to use. If a discussion is completely arbitrary, there are better uses of his time.
Original – Combining his boldness and practicality, Christian loves to experiment with new ideas and solutions. He puts things together in ways no one else would think to.
Perceptive – This originality is helped by his ability to notice when things change – and when they need to change! Small shifts in habits and appearances stick out to Christian, and he uses these observations to help create connections with others.
Direct – This perceptive skill isn’t used for mind games – Christian prefers to communicate clearly, with direct and factual questions and answers. Things are what they are. Though if he’s gambling that's a different story.
Sociable – All these qualities pull together to make a natural group leader in Christian. This isn’t something that he actively seeks – but this does come in handy with his role as the Gunner on board.
Insensitive – Feelings and emotions come second to facts and “reality” for Chris. Emotionally charged situations are awkward, uncomfortable affairs, and his blunt honesty doesn’t help here. He often has a lot of trouble acknowledging and expressing his own feelings as well.
Impatient – Chris moves at his own pace to keep himself excited. Slowing down because someone else “doesn’t get it” or having to stay focused on a single detail for too long is extremely challenging for him.
Risk-prone – This impatience can lead Christian to push into uncharted territory without thinking of the long-term consequences. He will often sometimes intentionally combat boredom with extra risk.
Unstructured – Christian sees an opportunity – to fix a problem, to advance, to have fun – and seize the moment, often ignoring rules and social expectations in the process. This may get things done, but it can create unexpected consequences.
Obtuse – Living in the moment can cause him to miss the forest for the trees. Chris loves to solve problems here and now, perhaps too much. All parts of a project can be perfect, but the project will still fail if those parts do not fit together.
Defiant – Christian Bang won’t be boxed in. Repetition, hardline rules, sitting quietly while he is lectured at – this isn’t how Chris lives his life. He is action-oriented and hands-on. It took a lot for the Captain to break through to him, which is why the Captain is one of the few people Christian is willing to actually listen to.




“You keep getting on my nerves”

✩ When Clara came into the ship, she was her usual jaded self and that made the crew not interact with her letting her be. One of the few people who approached her was Chris, who’d always be met with an insult. He’d always just laughs it off which just makes Clara more frustrated so she found him extremely annoying. Because of that, Clara started calling Chris as pest.

“You’re not bad.”

✩ During her mother’s death anniversary, Clara distanced herself more from the crew not wanting to talk or even look at anyone. She waited till it was dark to go to a remote part of the deck to be alone and get some air. There, Chris came up to her but she didn’t react, making him read the atmosphere better and deciding not to be his usual self; annoying her and testing her limits. Seeing as how she was in a drastically bad mood, he started talking about himself to cheer her up. He talked about fond childhood memories and such. And slowly this started an actual conversation. They found many similarities between them. Clara surprised herself that she genuinely opened up to someone new after Sophie.

✩ From that day forward, Clara started seeing Chris in a new light and started giving him some slack. Fewer insults, sarcastic retorts, and glares.

✩ Whenever Chris would talk about religious stuff, Clara would roll her eyes at him. He noticed that Clara lost faith in a higher power. That’s when Chris started following her around with books about different religions trying to make her have hope and believe in something, but she never yielded and always dismissed him.

“The knives need to be sharpened more. It’s better if you hone it this way.”

✩ Whenever Clara was bored she’d go to the guns and artillery deck and there she’d watch Chris clean the cannons and sharpen the artillery. He actually found it weird but seeing how she felt relaxed watching him work, he let her be. Watching Chris sharpening and honing knives and swords reminded her of the time she watched her father do so and couldn’t help but go back to her childhood habit. The third time she came to the deck, Chan told her to make use of herself and to come help. She was hesitant at first but then she decided to help him. Surprising Chris, he saw that Clara not only knew but was even good at sharpening the knives and swords which made him think this wasn’t her first time. Thus, this continued to happen more often.

✩ He tried to ask her where she learned to handle artilleries almost like a professional but Clara would never give him an answer.

“Stare at me longer and I’ll rip your eyes out”

✩ The more time Clara spent with Chris in the weaponry deck, Chris started staring at her asking himself why he had never realized how strikingly almost icy blue Clara’s eyes are and how overall pretty she was. He shocked himself with the thought and chucked it up to be because he’s spending more time with her.

✩ Since then, Chris couldn’t help but think that Clara, when she stayed quiet and isn’t blabbering her foul mouth, is indeed really pretty and couldn’t help but stare at her more whenever they’re together.

✩ Spending more time with Chris and getting to know him better, Clara found herself having weird feelings for Chris that she’d never felt before and she didn’t know what those feelings were.

“Just stop talking about her, stop it.”

✩ When Chris comes across his ex-lover, Cara, after believing she was dead from a letter sent to him by her father. His old feelings resurfaced which confused him since he thought he got over her after her death, but what was more upsetting was his old feelings clashing with his new ones.

✩ Whenever Clara was with Chris in the weaponry deck, he started talking about Cara. And weirdly Clara found herself in a sour mood whenever Chris would bring her up. She’d be even grumpier than usual, lashing out at Chris telling him to shut up before leaving the room.

✩ Clara and Chris’s relationship is complicated, to say the least. They both deny having feelings for the other even though their long stares and are obvious to everyone in the crew. Clara would glare at anyone who’d mention it, so approach the topic at your own risk. Even after being evidently jealous of Chris’ ex-lover’s sudden appearance, Clara is still in denial.  

STATUS: It's complicated
ENDING: I'm leaving that up to you!






overloadinq ✩ toomz

LAST COMMENT: I can't believe it literally took me three years to finish this app lol. But now that it's finally done, I feel a hella relieved and ecstatic for the story to start. Anyway, I hope you like this moody child.


✩ Clara getting seasick, which is normal for a  person who's never been on a ship before, so they'd mostly find her clinging at the edges of the ship ready to hurl her guts out to the sea and is extra on edge and moody. However, slowly as time passes, she starts to get used to it.

✩ Every time the crew members do something brash and absurd, she'd stare out at the sea and seriously contemplate throwing herself off this ship filled with knotheads. And it later becomes an ongoing joke amongst them where every time they come up with a crazy or reckless plan they'd say, "Clara is going to dunk herself off the ship when she hears this."

✩ Clara developed an initial rejection to swords after the incident with Jonathan and Sophie. So, before she overcomes it she'll need to get over Sophie's death before she picks up sword fighting again which will be difficult as Clara never really knew how to mourn the death of someone close (blame her father).

✩ Nicolas sends Leo to go find Clara and bring her back to him but when Leo sees Clara his feelings for her come back and he struggles to accomplish the job given to him by his step-father.

✩ Somewhere along the journey, she comes across the man she wondered about and despised the most; her father. Only to find out that he's the Quartermaster of an ally/enemy (whatever you find more suitable) pirate crew to The Nightingale. What she doesn't know is that after 4 months her father abandoned her and now he was in a better mental state, he felt so guilt-ridden that he decided to go back to Clara. Though, when he came back home only to find the house empty, he took that as a sign from God for him to go on and live his life. So he found himself moving around aimlessly trying to find a new purpose. When he was in the Piranha Isles, he met a captain who found him to be potentially useful that invited him to join their crew and he thought, 'Oh what the heck do I have to lose.' He worked his way up as Quartermaster and became close with his captain. Now years later when he's back to his stable state (he stopped drinking himself to a drunken state), he couldn't stop thinking of Clara and never forgave himself for leaving her alone. He never found the courage to go and search for her, selfishly in fear of the worst news, that she's dead. He'd rather believe the idea of her being alive and well somewhere. 

✩ After Clara's father crosses paths with her, he tries to fix things with her.

PASSWORD: Pirates Will Be Pirates (Sorry I couldn't help but choose three)





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Hey! Do you wanna collab on this app? I was think of applying as the gunner. So like, I could do an app for the gunner, and our characters would be LIs. The Cursed Slave really interested me! Face claims I had in mind were from Stray Kids and ATEEZ (probably either Chan or Mingi but you can make some suggestions^^).
Hey there! Are you still applying? Because I’ll be starting to choose apps sort of first come first serve. Meaning just because someone applies first doesn’t mean they will get it, but I will be starting to choose apps I want before a confirmed deadline. If you still want to apply, the sooner you do so the better^^ let me know if you need any help or suggestions. Also quality over quantity so don’t feel like you need to write paragraphs :)