epik academy :: 전희 is joining artemis


&&. JEON HEE ! 


BIRTHNAME.  jeon hee.

epik princess  with the rapid reputation she quickly gained in just a short time after attending the school for her beauty, jeon hee was nicknamed the princess of epik academy and this name is used by her friends, all the students and even the teachers. 

missy dusty  a childish nickname that is obviously related to her power, called by friends and as well as those who want to mock her.

DATE OF BIRTH.  second of july, nineteen ninety nine.
BIRTHPLACE.  daegu, south korea. 
ETHNICITY.  korean.
COURSE.  third year at epik high / science.

korean  born and raised in daegu, south korea, she's fluent in her mother tongue.

english  a chosen subject at school, she's around the intermediate level with a natural and perfect american accent.


&&. the student card !

FACE CLAIM.  dia's chaeyeon.
weki meki's doyeon.
168cm & 49kg.


—  jeon hee was chosen to be a part of artermis for a reason. beautiful complexion, dark long hair that reaches the middle of her back, long lashes, natural doe and dreamy eyes with a tall and small cute nose but those red lips are what both boys and girls dreaming of landing a good night kiss on. jeon hee is just simply beautiful even though not the kind of gorgeous and charming ladies, she still attracts people with her first-love look, a girl that resembles a soft-spoken and friendly girl next door that many would dream to have. this is thanks to the time she spends taking care of her appearance and to be honest, her bare face is very cute but still, jeon hee chooses to apply make-up when she leaves her house. she has a mole on her left eyelid and one on her left wrist. jeon hee has a slim body.


—  living up to the reputation of artermis and being one of the most pretty and fashionable girls in their school, it's no strange that jeon hee has a good taste in fashion. simplicity is always her first option and jeon hee usually wears beige or pastel colored clothes mixed with white. white goes well with everything! therefore, she's only seen in a white pair of sneakers. always white sneakers. however, on special occassions, she would wear high heels. often, you would find her wearing skirts with a crop-top. she loves to wear bracelets, necklaces, earrings and headbands as well, they are cute and make her look dazzling so why not?


&&. digging deeper !


positive  sociable, strong-willed, dedicated, loyal, ingenious
headstrong, curious  neutral  ambitious, self-reliant, honest
haughty, picky, cynical, insensitive, manipulative  negative
INSPIRATION: brooke maddox, blair waldorf

you are hated and avoided  let's be frank, she's probably one of the most hated members of the new recruits. people tend to hate on popular girls, don't they? all the popular girls are the same. they are full of themselves, friends with all the hot jocks and rich kids, always talking sh!t when someone turns their back away, always plotting something evil to make their school life more interesting and they are full of drama. but, not jeon hee exactly though she really isn't the best type of person to hang out with. she loves fame and attention. ever since she was a kid, jeon hee's used to all eyes on her so she grows to be really arrogant and puts herself above everyone else. therefore, she's very stubborn when it comes to accepting the fact that her opinions aren't always the best since the girl technically won't listen to anyone else except for herself. it's almost like everyone has to listen and consider her ideas without a choice. with that attitude, she's basically in charge and doesn't give a crap about anyone's feelings at all so here comes the girl who is so insensitive and blunt that she hurts people with her words. unlike regina george, she'll tell you that your dress is ugly with a disgusted face. an honest girl, dodging and sugar coating are what she despites and being honest is a good thing but when it comes to jeon hee, she happens to be too honest... 

she is very cynical of those around her and doesn't trust someone easily, constantly doubting people and never believes in anyone's good intention so working with her might be too much for one too handle. even when she's stuck and your plans are the only ways to get both of you out of hell, she'll still doubt them. "do you know what are you doing?" "are you sure we aren't going to end up like those rotting bones?" "okay then you can come up with a better idea, princess." well, jeon hee is also a very manipulative and controlling person and her commands are the queen's commands. can't help it, she's their queen! the fact that she's smart makes it easier for jeon hee to manipulate people as well, whether she uses her amazing persuading skills or blackmailing them. also, she's very picky and you know those rich girls who are useless rich blondies in movies who refuse to touch everything because they're "dirty and only for peasants"? jeon hee is like that minus the fact that she isn't useless.

you are loved and appreciated   but hanging out with her is actually a fun idea, if you're into dealing with headstrong and arrogant girls. one of the many reasons to why her friends love her is because of her remarkable and snarky comments (the queen b's humor in which she's very judgmental and sassy) she makes on everything. how would you react to her biting comment? and you would think that these type of girls probably won't be able to do much besides biting people but jeon hee is different. she is a queen, not a queen b, but a queen who will murder the king and crown herself. independent and strong-willed, there's nothing that she can't do and she relies on herself most of the time. jeon hee doesn't ask for help from anyone, perhaps because of her ego, perhaps because she thinks of herself as a superior. ambitious and determined, she would do anything to achieve her goal in her own style and would never let other people tell her what to do or move her mind. curiosity kills the cat and she is the kitty. well, jeon hee is very nosy and she wants to be that one important character in the story who holds the key to every secret so she would risk herself just to satisfy her curiosity.

dedicated and loyal, once her life is devoted to something or someone then until death tears us apart and these are one of her most impressive traits. to her friends, jeon hee is a great person with a heart of gold who would die for them, literally. she would do anything to protect her friends and make sure that nothing can harm them and because jeon hee values friendship a lot, she'll be there for you, always, even when you don't need her or that she's the last thing you want to see on earth. she might be very insensitive but she isn't stupid, she knows when you're sad unless you hide it very well. as someone who is blunt, people often think that jeon hee at expressing her emotions into words but she's actually great at giving advice and giving people support. those are the soft and precious moments that will melt your heart because once you see her gentle smile, you will forget about the arrogant character she portrays immediately and that's when you realize that jeon hee is really nation's first love. but hey, she'll only act like that in front of her friends so don't get your hope too high. 

she's going to have a character development and in the future, jeon hee will no longer be arrogant, controlling and manipulative. she would pay attention to eveyrone's feelings, not just her friends.


— birth of a princess  jeon hee was born into a wealthy family with her father being the sheriff and her mother being a highly intelligent detective but since their jobs keep them busy most of the time and sometimes, they don't even come home to have dinner with their family. the family decided to hire a babysitter for jeon hee and so she grew a strong bond with her babysitter—min jihyo. ever since she was young, jeon hee has lived the life of a princess with everyone she wanted and asked for. she was really pretty as well and was loved by many male friends and adults, she was just too adorable and polite! but living in fame for her entire life, she grew to become arrogant and self-centered.

birth of a miracle  she was eight when hee was having dinner with her babysitter when the first paranormal incident happened. in a blink of an eye, jihyo couldn't find jeon hee anywhere despite having been using dinner with her the entire time and she looked under the table, the bathroom and everywhere else yet there was no sign of jeon hee. jihyo began to freak out, going back to the kitchen to call the jeon parents when she found a comfortable jeon hee in her seat, eating spaghetti as if nothing happened. "what's wrong, jihyo?" upon noticing the strange look jihyo was giving, the young girl asked and the babysitter was breathing rapidly. 

jihyo brushed it off, thinking that she had gone crazy but then it kept on happening and every time, all jihyo saw was a thin layer of dust before whipping her head around like crazy to look for jeon hee then poof! the little girl re-appeared again. it was time to contact her parents. 

jeon jooheon and jeon mira studied their daughter's facial expression carefully to see if she had any strange symptoms but she was completely fine. completely fine, until she vanished in front of their eyes and then appeared once again as if nothing happened. "do you know what's going on with your body?" her mother asked and jeon hee blinked confusedly. "um, no? i mean, seriously, mom, dad? i'm probably going through a puberty right now." "kids are going through a puberty at nine years old? i think you're going through something else."

a mutant. 

jeon hee didn't like the sound of that either. "you will need to learn to protect yourself." was what her father told her as he took her to meet a man probably in his twenties, long hair tied into a bun with a long scar on his face. "yoosung, i need your help." 

"but daddy, i don't want to!" of course she didn't like most girls would, nobody liked to spend time learning to fight and kick some heads! she would rather play with her dolls and invite her friends over like the good old days but hee didn't have a choice because she really needed to protect herself not from people like her but from people like her father and mother. because of their jobs, a lot of bad people were looking out for them and might harm or threaten the family so it was the right choice and perfect time for jeon hee to learn to defend herself. ever since, she had been training hard and believe me, a princess like her wasn't able to do anything at first but as days passed by, gradually, she became better, stronger and more flexible. her teacher, yoosung, also taught jeon hee to master her power as he was also a mutant himself with the power to manipulate plants. there were times when he would take her to dark alleys and waited until some bad people walked by (usually drug dealers and she didn't even know how the hell did he find the place) and asked her to take them down. that was how they trained together, intense but jeon hee had to admit that she enjoyed every single lesson with him. sometimes, she would even go on investigations with her father and use her power to catch the suspect.

right, years passed by like that. until yoosung told her parents that it was time to enroll their daughter at epik academy and so they did. for the first time, she got to meet other mutants besides herself and yoosung and hopefully, she would make some great friends and have a great journey along the way.


— likes  
fast food
milk & yogyurt
beaches & pool
horror movies

— dislikes  
dark & moist places
sea food
physical education

— habits  
combs her hair with her fingers when she's thinking
clutches her heart when she's nervous and scared
purses her lips when she's embarrassed
crosses her arms together when jeon hee's angry

— fears  

— hobbies  
practicing martial arts 
taking care of her skin

— trivia 
jeon hee is left-handed.
favorite color is pink!
she loves french fries.
she's allergic to apples and vanilla ice-cream.
her favorite subjects are math and literature.
her least fav subjects are english, p.e and physics.
she's an avid reader of romance novels.
she's very good at swimming!
not really good at cooking. therefore, jeon hee doesn't cook that much.
has a white cat named corey.
sleeps really late at night, doesn't even sleep during the weekends.
she knows everything about fashion, which is... amazing.
has dated around five guys. taeyong is the last!


&&. want to be friends ?


—  best friend.  

kang seulgi / epik high student / warm-hearted, soft-spoken, caring / ten.


INTERACTIONS   seulgi was the first person who jeon hee spoke to when she first went to epik high. they used to be table mates and gradually, a friendship was formed and today, they are best friends. not to mention both of them are in the same club as well so the bond grows stronger, they are like soul sisters and will do everything to protect each other. seulgi is the opposite of hee, if the other girl's incerdibly stubborn, self-centered and diva-ish then seulgi is just a kind and soft bear who loves to smile and make her friends happy. even though they are different, they get along very well and jeon hee tells seulgi about everything in the world from her concerns to gossips and such. they can spend their whole life together, seriously and a day at school would be so lonely without each other! 


—  fangirl.  

kim hyunjin / epik high student / naive, easy-going, fun-loving / seven.


INTERACTIONS   hyunjin likes jeon hee very, very, very much. well, jeon hee is basically her role model and so the younger one has always been following her around and dashes over jeon hee's side whenever she sees her. "unnie, i'm kim hyunjin from class 2c please remember that!" "unnie, i brought you cookies!" and yeah she's just a bright girl who wants to be noticed by epik high's princess. hee on the other hand always tries to find a way to get rid of hyunjin and even orders her to go buy milk and stuff for her but at the end, hyunjin will always come back to her and stick by her side like a loyal puppy which is incredibly annoying but gradually, jeon hee gets used to it and she grows to be very protective of hyunjin though she doesn't show that and is still finding ways to chase hyunjin away. however, the fact that hyunjin is a member of loona irritates hee and hyunjin knows that as well, that's probably the first reason to why the third year is so mean to her but well, their friendship is growing and she can still feel it! but soon, jeon hee might mess with her club and hyunjin should know that she's the only member jeon hee won't mess with.


—  fanboy.  

jeon jungkook / epik high student / playful, flirtatious, witty / eight.


INTERACTIONS   jungkook has confessed to the third year student countless times and always gets rejected yet he doesn't give up on her. let's just say that he's another kim hyunjin but this hyunjin is a guy and has a crush on her and well, is much more playful than the female version of himself. jeon hee, however, sees him as a slave and always orders him around. jungkook wouldn't say no to her either so he's just gonna serve her and make jeon hee happy. he likes to flirt with her and showers her with love, even attempts to give her a sudden back hug or a peck on her cheek but jeon hee is smart enough to read through his troublemaker's mind, she easily dogdes his hugs and kisses, sometimes, she would even smack him but their relationship is funny. jungkook is just so shameless and he loves to annoy jeon hee, maybe he's a masochist but he enjoys being scolded at and hit by her lololol! anyways, she often comes to him for help in spite of the fact that she's always calling him a weirdo and insulting him because jungkook is actually more helpful than she thinks. jungkook is often seen following jeon hee around, sometimes along with hyunjin.

—  ex-boyfriend.  

lee taeyong / epik uni student / intimidating, short-tempered, violent / six.


INTERACTIONS   they used to be a couple when she was in her last year of middle school, he wasn't interested in her but she was as hee loved herself some bad boys! so magically and unexpectedly, taeyong fell for her and they had a great time, they shared the first sweetest kiss and all the sweet things together but the more time they spent together, the more hee realized that she couldn't be with him longer because taeyong's the same as her. they are both stubborn and manipulative, they both want the other to listen to them and so near the end of their relationship, they got into a lot of fights. there was one time taeyong got too mad and almost hit her. after that, she broke up with him and though he begged her not to, hee chose to leave. now, things are still very intense between both of them as she no longer has feelings for him anymore but taeyong is still in love with her. when they bump into each other and she ignores him, he would grab her hand to hold her back so they can talk things out but God Damn it hurts when he grabs her! taeyong is mean to other students but to jeon hee, he tries to endure his anger (it's hard, he hates it when she smiles at other guys and he would beat up those that give her a hard time) because she once said that his hot-headed and aggressive personality is what makes her hate him the most. because of this, the name jeon hee becomes a sensitive topic that nct shall never mention and no one should ever befriend her, especially sicheng and jungwoo who are her classmates. sometimes, taeyong still buys her food and waits for her when hee's classes end so they can have a small conversation and that he gets to tell jeon hee that he misses her a lot. people think she's cold-hearted for neglecting everything he has done for her but hee feels weak when she sees a heart-broken taeyong as well so sometimes, she would agree to go out with him but they will only talk.


—  close friend.  

ahn hyejin / epik high student / independent, sharp-tongued, intelligent / eight.


INTERACTIONS   the married couple of class 3c, they are always bickering but still love each other a lot and you can already guess who's the "childish & stubborn" wife, who's the "mature & calm" husband. they fight over little things from borrowing an eraser to who's getting higher grades but despite of those, they are still super great friends at the end of the day and will laugh over the same thing. hyejin is the main reason why jeon hee likes imrud, she grows to think that the club is filled with good people and if someone talks bad about imrud, she'll of course fight them! hyejin's close with the majority of nct members and when taeyong was still dating hee, he would sometimes bring her to his club and hyejin would tag along, meeting the noisy nct members and making chaos together. now that hee is the name no one in nct shall speak of, hyejin stills hangs out with the girl because being an understanding person, she respects jeon hee's opinions and still maintains her relationship with both sides.


—  close friend.  

park kyung / epik uni student / rebellious, mischievous, humorous / nine.


INTERACTIONS   atermis and vasiliàs get along well, everybody knows that and everyone knows park kyung and jeon hee are the best team ever. actually, it's the opposite but when two evil minds collide, you know what usually happens. park kyung is a real prankster and his jokes are evil, might have gone too far sometimes but nevertheless, jeon hee actually enjoys that and even helps him. whenever there's a part of the plan that needs a female's hand, kyung will always drag hee into his pranks and the girl would neve refuse. if jeon hee wants to sabotage or mess with someone, she will ask kyung for a hand and with his brilliant mind, they are such a scary duo. they are very, very close and she likes hanging out with him. with his carefree personality, she can relax and has as much fun as she can. they like to tease each other and park kyung is the only guy that jeon hee genuiely wants to keep by her side forever. as a friend, of course!


—  ???.  

moon jiyu / epik uni student / energetic, naive, vulnerable / ??? one.


INTERACTIONS   as of for now, hee doesn't really care about jiyu because they have no connection or whatsoever but she does remember the freshman's first. often when she walks past the daimons, she would notice that there's a little girl standing behind those giant boys and well, that's all. however, as the story goes on, there will be something more than just a glance! jeon hee will probably become very protective of the girl and even teach her about make-up and stuff like that??


—  artemis. read: home.  

​​INTERACTIONS   artemis is her everything. jeon hee is a true artemis material, seriously. she hates everyone who has a thing against them and she hates those who try to drag the club down. obviously, she doesn't like loona and optimus, a basic artemis! she worships artemis and believes that this club is superior to other clubs. if you are an artemis then you are on the top of the food chain. she devotes her entire school life to the club but as it seems like the club is losing its balance, hee is having a really hard time figuring out how to turn everything back to the good old days again. they used to be so close like soul sisters and sisters share everything together, sisters that will shed blood just to make sure one another is alright, sisters that talk about fashion and boys and gift each other expensive lipsticks on special occassions! not really but the point is, everything is falling apart although her and some members are trying their best to keep the atmosphere bright. however, she's trying to mend their broken friendship and as a small member, hopefully she will make a change.


&&. the mutation !

POWER. self-disintegration.

CLUB. atermis.


—  self-disintegration   jeon hee can can loosen her body molecules causing them to physically collapse into dust, and also to integrate back to her normal body molecules. they can be used to hide from foes, flee from a battle, and basically let the wind carry them but more importantly, she can dodge her enemy's attack and uses the full disintergration to plan for surprise attacks.


—  disintegrate objects    if something is interacted with her body, she can disintergrate them as well which is why when she vanishes into thin air, so do her clothes! for example, if she is holding a sword, jeon hee can transform it into dust along with her body. if she wraps her arms around someone or hug them in general (it's a rule, and she must wrap her arms around them), they will as well transform into dust along with jeon hee.

—  martial arts   trained by yoosung, a kung fu master who was once trained at a young age like her as well. she's mastered judo, dragon style kung fu and boxing. 


—  wind is her biggest enemy  it must be avoided at all cost that jeon hee transforms into dust when there's a strong wind as she is being disintegrated into tiny parts, she must make sure all body particles are being carried along with her but once the strong wind blows the dust away into thousands of different directions, it sure will take a long and extremely tough time for her to revert back to her original state as all body particles must be reunited. she's lucky that in 99 cases, the body particles always find a way back to each other as if there's a magnet but who knows what will happen with the other case? 


—  weight limitations  as jeon hee can disintegrate the object she's holding, that object must be less than 100kg only and the same goes to living objects like animals or humans.


—  none.


LOVE INTEREST.  kim jungwoo. 김정우.
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST.  dong sicheng. 董思成.


—  jungwoo is often described as a reserved and cold guy with a nonchalant face and a monotonous voice. he's really a member of nct, intimidating and all but that's just the surface. jungwoo is actually an understanding, caring and soft person who has a soft spot for so many things and people in this world. he isn't afraid of being affectionate either but will only reveal this side to those who are close to him. a determined and hard-working guy who will work hard to achieve his goal, jungwoo doesn't give up easily and is smart enough to know what he should do to reach the top easily. jungwoo doesn't get mad and it's annoying how he's always calm and collected. he would rather avoid having conflicts and is not a fan of violence. he sees good in people and he doesn't develop hatred for anyone. the guy is a hufflepuff underneath the slytherin skin. just and loyal, he's going to melt you with his warm heart and honesty.


classmates for three years but they never talked besides a few group projects that they had together. jungwoo doesn't want to interact with her either because he knows she's trouble and taeyong's not going to like it if he finds out.

— sooyoung and jeon hee are rivals. knowing that she's best friends with a boy from her class, hee thinks of a plan that would make sooyoung mad and that plan is to become jungwoo's other best friend so she begins to approach the guy. jungwoo at first doesn't know what to do, why is she suddenly interested in him? she even invites him to go to the canteen together and would buy him drinks sometimes. when there's a group project or anything that requires them to have a partner, she would do anything to be with him. 

— jeon hee is really trying to make jungwoo open up to her but jungwoo only gives her short replies and sometimes, even ignoring her. however, jeon hee doesn't give up. she would follow him everywhere and cling onto him! he really doesn't know what the hell is this girl's problem, is she trying to break the friendship between him and his club or what? whatever her plan is, she's succeeding because sooyoung warns him about jeon hee, saying that he shouldn't hang out with someone like her.

— right after that, sooyoung and jeon hee have a fight. hee purposely falls down the staircase and breaks her ankle when there are people walking pass by and blames it on the loona member. jungwoo happens to be there and when everyone's pointing fingers at sooyoung, he carries jeon hee to the nurse's office.  "you are touching me. aren't you scared that taeyong is going to make you suffer if he sees you giving me a piggyback ride?" and no answer. "you don't even talk to me, why are you helping me?" "why would you hurt sooyoung? she has never done anything to harm you. if this is about the club's reputation then you are being childish, jeon hee." he knows but he doesn't come back to sooyoung but he stays with jeon hee. because when everyone was busy pointing fingers, she was in pain, real pain, it was hurting and no one helped her except for him. he doesn't leave the nurse's office and stays by her side until seulgi arrives.

— sooyoung's reputation is heavily ruined after that accident and jungwoo doesn't talk to jeon hee anymore. she looks at him all the time when they are in class but jungwoo acts like she straight up doesn't exist and it's bothering her... she would still approach him with food and run to his seat when class dismisses but jungwoo doesn't look at her for once. 

— so one day, she writes him a note and throws it at him. however, her aiming is bad and so it hits the teacher. "jungwoo, will you please notice me?" the teacher reads it out loud and the entire class teases them. anyway, both of them are going to be on cleaning duty for the entire week. she feels inredibly embarrassed and regretful for what she has done and even apologizes to jungwoo but it's the perfect time for the two of them to have a serious conversation. "i am very sorry for what i have done and i promise you that i won't cause sooyoung troubles once again." 

"why are you telling me that?"

"because you are mad at me for being mean to her." and because of what he did back then that touched her. 

"yeah, but what are you trying to do?"

"i want us to be friends."

— every day, she would approach him in thousands of ways and it's kind of shameless of her to do that but she's falling for him. well, jungwoo's handsome and smart, he's basically one of her class' brightest diamonds and even though he's being mean and pushing her away, he still looks after her during their group projects and helps her with a lot of things. he's too nice for an nct, jeon hee thinks and they would pass notes to each other in the middle of class, get in trouble together, cleaning the classroom for weeks and even get in detention together but the more time they spend together, the more they talk and slowly, jungwoo opens up to her. 

even though he's supposed to be a bully, jungwoo never bullies anyone. he just watches his friends do so and leave and when jeon hee adresses this issue, he says that he isn't a fan of bullying. he's in nct because he loves his friends and brothers but no, he doesn't enjoy what they are doing. "i don't want you to prank other students as well." that's what jungwoo says as he stares into her deep eyes.

"jungwoo, i love you."

that is the fourth time she tells him but jungwoo doesn't have a reaction to that. what a mean guy.

— slowly, jeon hee changes into a better person. she becomes less of a diva, doesn't participate in the pranks with park kyung and even tells her club members that they should forget about the rivalry with loona. everyone's been saying that she seems to be in a much happier state now and jeon hee smiles genuiely more often now that she doesn't make enemies and plan schemes and such. jungwoo steals a glance of her in class and well, he smiles to himself. they become closer to the point that they leave the classroom together and would eat together at the canteen sometimes.

— sooyoung tells jeon hee to meet up with her at the same old place. at first, they talk about jungwoo and how sooyoung warns her to get away from him because jeon hee is just a bad influence. what hee doesn't know is that jungwoo has received a lot of threats from taeyong, he might even get kicked out of the club and no one would want to hang out with a "loser" like jungwoo if this happens. however, hee firmly says that she has changed and she will have a serious talk with taeyong yet sooyoung doesn't care. they begin to raise their voices and sooyoung suddenly uses violence on her so naturally, jeon hee fights back just when jungwoo walks by and witnesses jeon hee sitting on top of sooyoung and it looks like she's about to hit the girl so he rushes over to stop the fight. there are newly formed bruises on sooyoung's face and she begins to cry, saying that jeon hee was the one to start the fight and everything.

"don't believe her, jungwoo." hee says, she looks at sooyoung in bewilderness but jungwoo takes sooyoung away with him, doesn't look back at her anymore. 

his eyes are of a stranger.

— turns out, sooyoung told jungwoo to meet her over there and while he understands that she's trying to help him because he's been getting into a fight with taeyong over jeon hee and that seriously breaks their bond, he chooses to act like he believes sooyoung because he thinks that it's better if jeon hee hates him. nct is important to him, too and jungwoo doesn't want taeyong to give her a hard time as well so he pretends to hate jeon hee, believing that she has not changed at all when in fact he feels the transformation better than anyone else but that doesn't make jungwoo fall in love with sooyoung, knowing that she's turning into another old jeon hee. 

for now, he's with sooyoung. the rest is up to you!


after everything, they are going to end up together! sooyoung will become her good old self and taeyong's ready to change and let jeon hee go! 


jungwoo's power is telekinesis.
jungwoo's closest to lucas, jaehyun, khun and ten.




LOVE RIVAL.  ha sooyoung. 하수영.
BACK UP LOVE RIVAL.  cho haseul. 조하슬.


a courteous, sharp-tongued, lady-like, intelligent and independent girl. she doesn't talk much which makes people think she's a little bit unfriendly. being the student council president, sooyoung's responsible and hard-working, she's also determined and aims to get things done. she's very serious when it comes to her job so she can be very strict at times but overall, sooyoung is a sweet girl who is very sensitive despite all the tough acting. sooyoung cries but doesn't let other people see that, she tends to procastinate and constantly putting herself under pressure, she doesn't tell anyone about her feelings but she's actually a fragile big girl.


— jeon hee and sooyoung are not fond of each other and will never be. artemis doesn't like loona and the rivalry between sooyoung and jeon hee is the highlight as both actually competed for the student council president position yet jeon hee lost to sooyoung. feeling upset, jeon hee didn't apply for any other positions and now, she's always trying to find a way to drag sooyoung down and embarrass each other in front of other students. while sooyoung tries to focus on the club, jeon hee's making everything worse for her so it's really hard to ignore this one particular artermis member.


&&. welcome to epik academy !

hello, welcome to the school! how do you feel about transferring here? 

—  "not bad." she shrugs, making a pouting face but she isn't trying to look cute. "the students and teachers are alright, i get to meet more people like me so it feels more like, home? i suppose that's how you could describe it. plus, everyone is nice and treats me like a princess so yep, definitely feeling like home." she holds her phone camera up to look at her own reflection, fixing some strands of her hair then gives the interviewer a confident smile.

do you mind explaining some more about your mutation and power?

—  "sure thing. well, where should i begin? i don't know how the hell did i get this power from but i'm able to turn myself into dust." as she ends the sentence, jeon hee really does vanishes and all the interview sees is a layer of thin dust. before they could react, she has already reverted back to her original state and seeing the dumb and confused look on their face, she lets out a playful chuckle. "don't act so surprised, you face looks funny." and the interviewer coughs a few times... "i'm sure you have seen powers that are worse than mine. people that can burn themselves or cry acid, maybe?"

imagine, a big army of bad mutants attack the school, what would you do?

—  jeon hee tilts her head at the interviewer and both of them lock eyes for several seconds. she hesitates, but finally opens to give them an answer. "i don't know, grab my valentino bag and get out of the school as fast as possible." but the interviewer isn't pleased with her answer, it all shows on their face. jeon hee gets irritated and she scoffs. "what else do you want me to do? join the fight?" and their expression brightens up! gosh, she's so fed up with this interview already. "who knows, if i feel like hurting someone then i will teach those bad mutants a lesson and save this school, i guess." she says with a dull voice while looking at how beautiful her new nails color is.

What is your opinion about the existence of clubs in this school?

—  the girl frowns at the question. "why would you ask people about this question, is someone not happy with the existence of clubs? it's like a social status and i think it's an excellent idea that people come up with the whole club things because at least we know which club is full of freaks and which is not. good thing the freaks fly together like a flock of birds, it's easier to detect them if they are in the same club." she flips her hair, jeon hee is probably shading other clubs and some certain people but the interviewer won't get her hint. she knows that so she only sighs and shows some pity for the interviewer. "oh well, people are dying to be an artemis and our existence is essential."

and lastly, Which club is your favourite, and which one do you not really like? 

—  "my favorite is artemis." she smiles gently but her eyes are not as jeon hee wants to tell the interviewer that it is obvious that everyone's favorite club should be artemis. "the one i don't really like?" jeon hee looks off the distance and she just wants to say nearly all of them. "if i have to pick one, how about... optimus? because they are boring."


&&. NOSEOUL. YOLK . turn in !

COMMENTS. hello, i'm so sorry this app is so long and terrible but i hope you will like jeon hee! personally, i really love the idea of a mutant academy, it sounds really nice and the fact that they are being trained to prepare for a battle they aren't aware of is even more rad. looking forward to the day the story starts!

—  n/a.

PASSWORD. neo culture technology.




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Do you happen to have a class of preference that you want Jeon Hee to be in? A B or C? you can check them out in the classes chapter
I noticed that you mentioned that she has been in epik for a while, but the main plotlines like this one are supposed to join the school when the story starts. I am saying this because I am very behind on reviews, but Taeyong and Jeon Hee either have to date throughout the story and break up then, or they would've dated before she joined the school