NAME : Kwon Ji-Ah, formerly Kim Ji-Ah

✤ Jiji // Since the first syllable in her name is "Ji", the name jiji was created by her friends by adding a second Ji. maybe it would make her seem less...stoic. 
✤ Minou // A french petname given to her by her friends. It means "kitten", in regards to her feline features and semi-matching personality.
✤ Sappy-Ji // Because despite it all, she can be hella sappy. Only her best friend and Husband call her this though.
BIRTHDAY : November 22, 1993 (25)
BIRTHPLACE : Bordeaux, France
HOMETOWN : Seoul, South Korea
OCCUPATION : Fashion Major (Full-Time Student)
PROFANITY : No, Jia doesn't need to use profanity to get across what she needs to say. When she is angry, her words are sharp, and she knows law pretty damn well, so she knows what she needs to say to get under your skin without having to curse.

✤ French // Since she was born in france, and even spent a lot of time in france, she is very fluent with the language, in which she can read, speak, write, and translate it with efficiency. 
✤ Korean // Korean is her native tongue. It was an absolute priority that she know her native tongue. She uses it daily even in France, when talking to her family.
✤ English // She takes the language seriously, because a) its the universal languge. b) it is important to her parents that she learn it in order to deal with the clients in the law firm c) to further her fashion career, via networking, she'd need to know the language. So yes, Jia is very fluent in the language as she even takes a handful of english classes in university.

FACECLAIM : Im Jinah // Nana (Afterschool)
BACKUP : Son Naeun // Naeun (Apink)

APPEARANCE : Jia stands at 5'6 (170cm). She has no tattoos, and only the standard lobe piercings most children get as a toddler. Jia has long, naturally dark brown, wavy hair. Her hair is trimmed a few inches off her hips. Her body type is closer to hour-glass. Jia also likes to wear make-up, and has no limits as to colors or depth. Somedays she'll wear light makeup, other days her make-up can be over the top instagram model type. She even wears make-up when she's not going out. Because to her, make-up isn't to impress others but it's something she likes. (other than that, she's pretty much in resemblance to her face claim)


Jia's Lookbook
+ outings :: outings consist of going along with jiyong to his events, meetings, and networking events. since he's the bigger fashion geek between the two he opts for things that flatter her figure. Of course, when she wasn't as pregnant as she is, he opted for two piece, lace tops and skirts. Things that flowed, usually flattered her a lot more than ball gown dresses. 
+ home wear :: at home, Jia relies on loose and flowing gowns because it allows easy moving space and it isn't too constricting. They've become her best friends since becoming pregnant.
+ casual (also known as semi-formal) :: Jia has never had a problem with money. Her family was well off enough, and had enstilled the example of always looking presentable in front of any kind of company. So wearing dress pants, and tops casually is a norm for her. 
✤ + ; alert, benevolent, charismatic, perfectionist, courageous, liberal
✤ - ; disorganized, anxious, blunt, boisterous, clumsy, fiery
alert :: jia is a rather detail-oriented person, but then again, she kind of has to be when it comes to being a "future lawyer" or even a top fashion designer. jia is also pretty observant, and she jumps into action when someboy or something seems to be unusual. she's normally somebody you can count on for any problem you come across, because she'll find a way to solve it as best she can. 
for example, if a close friend of hers was in trouble,
jia would stop what she's going to go to the aid of her

 benevolent :: figuratively speaking, there's a weird taste jia acquires in when she leaves people hanging. she's always been determined to keep her company going and coming for more. however, she is very aware of the limits her benevolence can carry. not everybody or everything can be fixed by that alone. yet, you can bet she won't give up without a fight.
"To quote lilo and stitch, 'nobody gets left behind,
or forgotten'."

charismatic :: jia has always had a goal to spread cheer and enlightenment through her art. she'd fallen short when everything bad started happening to her thorughout high school, and she'd even forgot her goal at one point. still, after being gifted a chance at it again, she wasn't going to let anybody down this time. jia takes pride in both her strengths and weaknesses in order to make the life she wants to live. And if she can make connections by being entirely herself, then what's the point of hiding those things that make you, you? By being herself 100%, she encourages the people around her to be better for themselves.
"be true to yourself."
perfectionist :: in regards to her artistic views, jia will never settle for less, and this characteristic has also transfered over to her law firm life in more ways than one. And sometimes, jia is so spot on to a fault that she needs to be told to stop, or she'll destroy herself.
"if it's not good enough for my eyes, then it's
definitely not worthy of being shown to anybody else."

courageous :: even though it's something you wouldn't expect from jia, she can do the craziest things. she knows that life is too short, and she needs to take advantage of the things the world has to offer her. fear and hesitation feuls her to try new things.
"do what you can, when you can, before it's too late."
liberal :: jia's never really been somebody with a closed-mind. let alone, this had gotten her into so much trouble as a teen. her parents were straight laced and to the books, so they always expected great things from her, but jia couldn't care more about following the strict rules her parents set for her. a lot of what had driven jia was the fact that as long as she was always on the path that made her happy, she'd make it somehow.
jia however, has been somebody who is always open to new possibilities, behaviors and opinions. she's somebody who can have a good converasation with anybody because she doesn't judge based off of what you say, but what you do.
"things aren't always what they seem,
but i'm going to figure it all out."

disorganized :: it's no surprise that jia's very disorganized. it's a mild reflection of her life - the life she lives around her parents, and the life she lives when she's not around her family. its chaotic. nobody ever expects it from her though because of how well she can put herself together. 
"has anybody seen my phone?
i swear, i had it a minute ago."

anxious :: since highschool, jia has always had a history of anxiety that comes and goes. she's never really gotten the chance to take care of it by a professional, so there are instances where her anxiety is like a storm from out of nowhere. a single word, or scenario can ruin her entire day. still, it's never stopped jia from being a great communicator, or artist. usually when she goes through an anxiety attack, she feels the room closing in on her, and her chest tightens, she feels like she can't breathe properly and often enough, escapes to a dark room if there's one available, if not her room (her bed). there are only a few people who can comfort her, that being her husband, and best friends. (read more about it in the trivia section)
"calm is a super power."
blunt :: jia was gifted with a sharp tongue. she's always had a knack for saying what she thinks, no matter how harsh it will sound. sometimes, it catches people off-guard, because of her sweet, soft voice, and perfect appearance, but watch out, she's like a venus fly trap!
"sure, the truth hurts but, would you rather
i lie to you?"

boisterous :: jia's enthusiasm can be classified as energetic and lively. comforting to note by people who have little to no exposure to her, but rather annoying and owerpowering for people who spend a lot of time with her. a sort of, "please tone it down a nothc", thing. 
"of course with the things that come out of my mouth,
i'm sure people wish i had an on/off switch!"

clumsy :: in regards to her clumsiness, it's a surprise she's never been bad enough to be admitted into a hospital unit because she's always tripping over things that arent there, or toppling things over. it's always a brand new way to astonish people with her. luckily, jiyong is always there to catch her when something goes wrong.
"i'm not clumsy.  the floors hate me, the tables and
chairs are bullies, and the walls get in my way."

fiery :: jia isn't a person to get angry so easily, however, say something about a person/thing she loves or cares about in general and you will have started an untameable fire. jia isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes in, and help others with their own conquest. 
"hey. that's my bread and butter you're messing with."
✤  LIKES ; Coffee (starbucks specifically), Law & Criminal Justice, Sweets (specifically mochi), Speaking French, Dark Colors, Seeing Criminals get taken down in the court of law, Seeing Innocent people get proven innocent & seeing criminals be taken into custody, Fashion, Rain, Nature, Art, Manga/Anime, Movies, Jiyong--
DISLIKES ; Large groups of People, Interacting with People on end, Hospitals, Vacations, Abuse (whether it be by word or action), Being late & wasting time, Social Standards, Aegyo (since she's bad at it herself)
✤ HABITS ; Rolling her eyes when she's annoyed, Tuning people out when she needs to focus on something, Running her hand through her hair when she's irritated, Keeping her feelings/emotions to herself unless asked about them
✤  HOBBIES ; Designing, Reading, Listening to Music, Financing, Stargazing, Skyping with her friends, Yoga (especially aerial yoga)
✤ she can't really see anything past five feet in front of her, so she needs her perscription glasses. 
✤ she hates using her glasses though, but also hates the fact that she has to insert something into her eye (contact lenses) in order to see, so more times than not, she'll have glasses on unless it's some important business she needs to attend to, then she'll put in contacts.
✤ she's actually the softest and most awkward when people show her affection. It makes her flustered and more weak beause she hardly expects such an act from people she's treated "lousy" (in her words).
✤ her favorite color is rose gold
✤ since being pregnant, her major craving has been mochi.
✤ panda express = happy jia
✤ like jiyong, she's known to be a heavy work-a-holic
✤ she has two shiba inu's, one named
rice [ a.k.a mochi] and milk [ a.k.a gyuuyuu]
✤ her favorite ghibli studio film is spirited away
✤ she's obsessed with sims, and can spend hours playing it (and does in fact spend hours playing it now that she's stopped working at the law firm with her father).
✤ she's a self-proclaimed disney freak. she'll spend all the money she can on her disney club membership. her favorite time is when d-23 comes around. 
✤ she drinks almond milk as opposed to regular milk
✤ salads are good = a.k.a she likes healthy foods
✤ her favorite time of the year is fall/winter
✤ christmas and halloween are her favorite holidays
✤ she actually sings when in the shower, because she likes listening to music while she's showering
✤ she likes music to be played loud

✤ Anxiety (continued) : It's as simple as not sleeping a full eight hours a day, skipping meals, being dehydrated, having too much caffeine because it makes her feel aggitated and nervous, quick and fleeting negitive thoughts, and stress amongst personal triggers. Most notably, Jia's triggers lie with her parents overwhelming her, being or interacting with more than a handful of people so social gatherings are a no-go unless she's sitting off to one side. Sometimes she gets anxious by explicit situations whether its on tv or out in public. Other times, her anxiety can even be brought up by words or conversations even.
✤ Anxiety Attacks : It starts off with paranoia. She feels like the walls are closing in on her, that everybody is either watching her OR knows that she's having an anxiety attack. Her breathing becomes more rapid and audible, her heart rate fastens and becomes a whole lot more audible to herself, and her only thoughts are to try and calm herself as best as she can to make her exit. Her eyes will dart back and forth, looking for the quickest route out. She feels the urge to go to the people she's closest to, to have them know what's going on before she dissapears into a dark room(or her bed). Although its not recommended, sometimes she will drive herself home right away because 1) driving keeps her mind off of her anxiety 2) she NEEDS to be home to handle her situation the way she normally does. If she's able to escape to a quiet place, she just lets nature take its course (which is pretty much what she'd let happen at home too). Jia lets all the emotions take over her, whether it be dry heaving in a corner & crying it all out. When the anxiety's passed, she's pretty much drained of energy, but pulls herself together to finish whatever business she has unless she's already home, then she'll just go to bed. 

✤ AND no, Jia, nobody knows you're having a panic attack, because people can't read minds.  But yes, Jiyong can tell because she gets all fidgety, and her movements are more sharp. To top it all off, she can't keep her eyes steady, and her hands are shaky.
BACKGROUND : Albeit that her father was raised in france but met sunmi and had all his businesses in korea ; when he heard the news that sunmi was pregnant with their first daughter, he had this image that his daughter would be the apple of his eye. He'd wanted her to prosper in a city surounded by love, and artistic views, such as france. kyeongil had fallen in love with the city since he'd first moved there as a child. And, although, it was no london or prague, it was an elegant hob and it was a place fit for dream making. Jia's father wanted Jia to become an open minded lady, inspired by the beauty around her. Not to mention, France was a peaceful place for them to raise their daughter.

On the night of November 22nd, Kim Ji-Ah was born. The family had long had a home purchased in a neighboorhood Kyeongil had lived in as a young boy. Since he had his firm in Seoul, South Korea, it had been agreed upon that Kyeongil would commute every other week to visit them from Seoul, whilst he spent the time in between running their lawfirm and finances. Jia's older brother, Jooseok became frustrated with the deal. He became violent and rebellious. When he'd finally gotten into trouble at school, Kyeongil took it upon himself to transfer Jooseok to a school in Korea, where he stayed, even when Kyeongil came to visit Jia and her mother, Sunmi. This was what urged Sunmi to move the family back to Korea, because she missed her son. Kyeongil always told her that he was doing better, and that he was excelling in his studies, but telling and seeing were two very different things. 

Things like that plagued Sunmi's mind all the time, because even though she had so many things to occupy her mind as a stay-at-home mother, there were those moments where she was home alone and she couldn't help but have thoughts about her only son. As she grew older, Jia was very privlaged. She was blind to what was going on around her. But, it had also made Sunmi blind to Jia's life. The line between her brother and Jia's life outside of their home in france began to blur. Because her family was wealthy, Jia wound up growing up to be a hard-. She learned to differentiate between real friends and fake-friends very quickly. 

Upon reaching middle school, Jia began to suffer from heavy depression and developed anxiety throughout high school. Without actually harming herself though, she wound up in rehabilitation and for the time being, she was taken care of. She got better, but as she was released, she failed to keep up her visits and check-ups. Ultimately, her time in rehab caused her to miss out a large portion of her senior year, and had to repeat it. Since it had dragged on long enough though, Sunmi took this as a chance to reunite her family. She moved herself and Jia back to Seoul, where her son and husband were waiting for them. Jia was hesitant to start at a new school but, repeating the year had turned out better than she could have hoped. It was a re-do, and one that she was not going to mess up. 

Sure, Jia missed the friends she had made, but this new chance at her senior year was too good to take back. Still, even though her life was getting back on track, Jia couldn't help but think that she was never going to be good enough for her parents. Her mother cared about her brother. Her father forced her into things she didn't want to go into. Her brother looked at her like she was broken goods. And to her, her brother was accomplished. He'd turned his attitude around and became a private detective, against their fathers wishes of him becoming a lawyer. Still, he kept to the whole criminal law spectrum, which was more than she could have said for herself since she wanted to persue fashion and arts. Her brother was intelligent, bold, and good at what he did, but still, Jia hated him for not having the relationship she knew they should have as siblings. There was nothing there. And because she had envied him, she took it upon herself to make that her drive. A few months before she had graduated from high school, she'd gone up to her father and asked him to teach her everything he had known about criminal law & the firm because she was about to come for it. That was something her father couldn't deny her in his wildest dream. 

When Jia graduated, she was into a criminal law school, which she attended for three years before figuring that it wasn't the way she wanted to go. Sure, she was smart and she aced her classes, but it wasn't her passion. It wasn't something she was happy with, and could see herself doing for the rest of her life. So, without saying so, Jia switched her major the following semester. She was newly enrolled into fashion courses, and gained a newfound love for it. She never looked back since. Not when her parents scolded her for switching. Not when her father almost threw her out for saying her mind about not wanting to inherit the law firm, and not when they told her she was ruining the family legacy. 
✤ Rachel Taylor // 24 // Best Friend // Art History Major // Understanding, Soft-Spoken, Strong-Willed, Youthful, Witty 

"congratulations with the baby, really. i'm only sad that i'm not going to be there when the time comes. maybe you should name it rachel if it's a girl. or maybe you should just make me her godmother."

INTERACTIONS : Rachel was one of Jia's only friends in and throughout her school career. Though they were a grade apart, Rachel was always there for Jia, no matter rain or shine. Basically, she's the person that Jia trusts with her life. When she has secrets, or theories, Rachel is the first to know about them. Rachel doesn't live in korea, but she'd definitely fly out for the wedding, because, "that's what friends do." 
Rachel, being the bearer of Jia's secrets, is actually very grateful to be the person that Jia can turn to for that.  In these cases, Rachel is very quiet. She lets Jia spill her guts out to her before she gives her any type of consulation. Jia, is also one of the only people who can get Rachel to talk up a storm. So, when they get into their little theories about pretty much anything, it's almost like its unending. They can definitely go on and on about anything!

✤ Ethan Grace // 25 // Best Friend // Musician // Laid-Back, Calm, Cool, Intelligent, Liberal 

"yes, i know there's a special place for me in hell. it's called a throne."

INTERACTIONS : With Ethan around, Jia and Rachel complete the whole "three musketeer" pact. The only reason why Ethan gets along well with Jia and Rachel is because he doesn't care about much else other than their safety. He's not afraid to step out of line, when somebody thinks they can cross his friends, or him for the matter. Because he's so blunt and forthcoming, Jia finds it easy to ask for his opinions and feedback. Of course, he doesn't quite live in south korea eaither, so he'd make the trip out to see his best friend get married. He does make it a point to visit Jia as often as he can, with Rachel.

Park In-Na // 28 // Friend // Boutique Owner // caring, magnanimous, forgetful, naive, quirky 

"the pure soul is a pure life."

INTERACTIONS : In-Na is the closest thing she has to a friend in Seoul. Although they're not as close as Jia is with her friends from France, they're close enough to tolerate each other for various hours on end. However, Jia doesn't really take In-Na very serious. Jia is actually jealous of her friend because In-Na appears to have her sh*t together, whereas everyday is a struggle for Jia. Still, that's something Jia would never admit that out loud.

So even though Jia doesn't take In-Na too seriously, she still does care for her and treat her as a friend in smaller ways. She'll pick up coffee for her and drop by In-Na's boutique. Somedays, she'll invite In-Na to lunch to remind her that she shouldn't work to hard or else she'll become "ugly with all the wrinkles over-working causes". In-Na however, shows her love for Jia upfront. She's always worying over Jia, "well, because you're pregnant, you have to watch yourself!" She also scolds her very often for doing things she shouldn't. If Jia didn't know anybetter, she'd think In-Na was her nanny, not a friend. Which is why Jia is frustrated around In-Na. She just wants In-Na to relax and have a good time. Was that so hard to ask?

Lee, Sunhye // 32 // Jiyong's Ex // Fashion Consultant //

✤ Kim Kyeongil // 54 // Father // lawyer/law-firm owner   

✤ Kim Sunmi // 52 // Mother // stay-at-home mother & wife   

✤ Kim Jooseok // 32 // Brother // Law-Firm Heir/Private Detective   

✤ how they met.
The first time Jia and Jiyong met, they were at a networking event. They didn't exactly go up to each other and introduce themselves, no, their meeting had been by chance. Jiyong had known who Jia was from afar. He'd never wanted to meet her, in truth. All he wanted to do was get the day over with, and at this point in time, Jiyong had been going through a divorce of his own. He was just, not interested in anybody romantically since he'd been so off put with his ex. And no, this isn't some love story. After meeting Jia, he didn't like her. Jia didn't have genuine reasons to what she would say or do. And jiyong had a hard time understanding her. She was like a placeholder to him. She was trying too much but, if there was one thing he would admit, was that she was beyond beautiful. So, putting aside his own feelings, he'd try to have some fun in her company if that's all he had to look forward to. 

Jia, on the otherhand, was on the brink of another break down. Her father didn't like that she was studying fashion. He had wanted her to take over the family business as she had said she was. Her mother, was pushing her toward suitors now, which she absolutely hated and didn't have the time or headspace for. To top it off Jia was half a wold away from her only friends she told everything to, leaving her with no way of talking out her problems. When things built up like this, she was seconds away from a big mistake. She wasn't much focused at the networking gallery, which had lead her to a chance encounter with Jiyong. One could say, that Jia was feeling very self-conscious around Jiyong that day. Being so, brought out her much too defensive side; her walls had built themselves up, and she was rude, uninviting, indifferent, she'd said things she didn't mean and she had even truly thought, that he truly deserved better than her lousy company.

✤ how did they fall in love and get to the point of marriage?
As hard as it is was for Jiyong to imagine, Jia turned out to be softer around the edges, more so than he would have expected of her and he had come to know this after setting aside the opinions he'd formed about her from hearsay. He'd learned how she hated being around her parents, and how her brother saw her as broken goods. He allowed her to stay in his home whenever she needed to. They began to know each other on a more intimate, and personal basis, where she showcased her weaknesses as much as her strengths. He had slowly fallen in love with the person she was when she was with him, and as much as Jiyong wanted her to be that person, always, he wasn't the type to force her to do anything she was uncomfortable with. Being with Jia made Jiyong forget all the rough history he'd had with his ex. Which, was good. 

Still, it wasn't long after, that they were blessed, with a pregnancy.

✤ who confessed first? who proposed?

"Jiyong, hey. It's...it's, uh, Jia. I know it's been a while...look, i'm calling to let you know i'm pregnant. no, i didn't sleep with anybody else. you're the father. I know that our standing isn't all that great, but, I want to try and make this work. If not for you and me, then for the baby. He or She is the priority now. I don't want him or her to grow up without knowing their father. I want to try and give this baby the happy family it deserves. So, if you're on board, call me back so we can set up a date to get together and settle things."

This was considered the start of "moving forward". For the first time, They had to think about their future, the future of their unborn kid. 

They had been on again, off again for the longest time already, so when Jiyong proposed marriage, it was the simplest decision to them. They didn't dislike each other, they didn't have problems with each other, and overall, they enjoyed the company they each brought to the table. They didn't make a big deal about it, nor did they overthink it. It was as simple as breathing, the most logical thing for them. 

✤ near breakup experiences/arguements.
1) The only arguement that resulted in something "near a breakup" (since they weren't actually couple official), was one afternoon when jiyong's ex happened to stop by at his home. it used to be their home, but stayed in his hands since it was both under his name, and with the fact that he'd payed the house bills all the time. It had been his home more than hers. She was infuriated that while they were divorcing, he was already with another woman, being Jia. Jiyong spoke as much truth that was allowed, whilst firing back at his ex. Ultimately, jiyong's ex had stretched herself too thin, and left before things actually got too intense. Still, Jiyong was already fired up because of his ex's appearance and Jia was hurt to be attacked by somebody she didn't even know. She was happy that he'd stood up for her, but angry at the fact that he was too angry to comfort her afterward. She said a couple of things she didn't mean, and he saw right through her. He returned some words of rage, and she had stormed out, stating that if she was going to continue coming around, she wasn't going to waste her time anymore. A few days after that conversation though, they'd met up again, where jiyong explained that he talked to his ex, and made sure they didn't talk unless it was to discuss their divorce, and she was no longer allowed to meet him at his home. If they met it had to be in a public place. Jiyong reassured Jia that the divorce was close to being over. 

Although, they tend to pull each other's hair out, they've never once thought about 'splitting' up. Especially now with a baby on the way. They couldn't do that to their kid. 

2) However, once their child comes into the mix, there may be a couple of disagreements in regard to how they'd want their child to be raised. The only thing they can agree on is not wanting to be the strict authoritarians that they'd both grown up with. Jiyong wants to be able to give the world to his child. To let his child be able to explore the world around them. Whilst, Jia feels like the world is too much of a trouble for their child. At any given moment their child could face the evils of the world, and she's terrified of the thought. She wants to shelter her child, while Jiyong wants to send him out into that world. They'd have to make some sort of compromise, as it is essential for their child to be able to go out and see the world for his/her own. 

3)Even after the birth of their child, Jiyong's Ex seems to be a prominent threat to the newborn. Jia is very frustrated with this. And seeing as how their last encounter met, she wasn't going to have her anywhere near her child. This is a topic that Jia and Jiyong argue over constantly. Jia has to accept that Jiyong's ex is going to be how she is. But she is totally smacking a restraining order, to which jiyong agrees may be the only way to keep her away (of course this may drag out through the story). 

wedding details
Their wedding was reserved to their family and close friends. To them, this was an intimate moment, one to be shared with the people who mattered, even if it was a wedding for the baby. Jia had been seven months pregnant when they finally got married. It had been an outdoor wedding, 

one which Jiyong had organized on his own. Because the wedding was in the day, Jiyong opted to make the reception after dark, to make it more romantic and heartwarming for Jia and the guests. 

Throughout the reception, Jiyong stayed stricly by his bride's side. He escorted her wherever she needed to go, and got her anything she needed. He say when her back was killing her, and he danced even if he wasn't so good at it. 

wedding night
after a long night of "entertaining" their wedding goers, Jiyong drove the two of them back to his place where he got the bath ready for his wife, helped her remove her shoes, gave her a back massage whilst she was in the bathtub, and helped her dress and get into bed, where she went to sleep straight away. They didn't need to go all out and rent a room at a five star hotel. They didn't need to "make love" or even go straight away to a honeymoon. They already had a baby to look forward to, so their wedding night didn't need to be anything special, besides resting up from a long, tiring day of "show and tell".

married life
It's as if nothing has changed. They carry out the same behaviors they had before they were married, except, Jia stays at Jiyong's home permenantly. Jia's taken time off of work since their wedding and Jiyong has taken a full-time job at his boutique, making a jump to open another boutique. A lot of his work is done from home, but he's cooped up in his in-home studio office, only coming out to check on her or make sure she has everything she needs. Being married, they rty to make more time to spend together, to enjoy their time as a couple before they will have to focus on the baby.

✤ have they gone on their honeymoon yet or are they currently on their honeymoon?
No, with how rushed everything is, they've been waiting for the baby to be born before they engage into thinking about their honeymoon. They don't want to go on a honeymoon either and somehow have her go into labor right in the middle of it.

however, when it comes to planning hteir honeymoon, it'd be after the baby is born. they'd go somewhere they won't be too far from their baby. In this case, they'd probably choose somewhere in france so they could get jia's firends to watch over the baby while they make the most of their honeymoon and take their child back for the night.

 how long have they been married?
Jia and Jiyong have only been married for one month.

✤ what changes in their relationship?
to be more specific, jiyong is more willing to stay by jia's side. he's absolutely ready to step up and take the load of a wife and child. whilst jia still has a lot she wants to figure out. jiyong gives her all the freedom she needs to become the person she's meant to become. 

individual lifestyles

Naturally, Jia would work at her fathers firm on tuesdays, thrusdays, and saturdays, whilst she would attend classes on mondays, wednesdays, and fridays. It hadn't been until her wedding, where jiyong personally told her to take it slow, that she notified her father that she would be taking an early maternatiy leave until further notice. Now, however, she stays at home, and attends her classes only. She is escorted by jiyong and picked up by him as well. 
Of course, after she has the baby, she's hoping to let go of the law firm to persue her dream in fashion. To, take the information she knows so far, and work under jiyong. Being a fashion major, and owning two chains in fashion, jiyong would mentor her any and every second he can. It has really good perks too, like getting to have their baby around shop, and working from home, as well as getting the inside information on everything fashion. 

As for jiyong, he's always on his feet doing something. Monday through Sunday, Jiyong always spends at least two hours in either of his boutiques. He spends a majority of his time organizing events, moving money around, accessing clothes orders and stocks, networking, testing new fabrics and designs, attending social events, and so much more. However, jiyong has never seen his job as a job. He loves what he does so he never really realises how much time he spends on his job. He does, make time for Jia, and sometimes suffocates her with his love, and affection constant presence.

✤ ending
more bb's? i dunno. author's choice, really! ^^

✤ jiyong is actually the most sappy out of the two. he loves being around her even more now that they're married. he'd be like "hey, yeah. everybody, behold. my lovely bride. yeah, she's all mine. mhm." he's proud to call her his wife, and mother of his child. because, lets face it he could have ended up with his ex, who was a witch not a good match for him.
✤ the couple with the most skinship tbh
✤ they speak to each other in french because jiyong knows jia loves speaking in french.
✤ jia usually waits up late whnever jiyong has business to do at the boutique
✤ sometimes, jiyong lets jia sleep in later than she likes so that he can prepare breakfast for her.
✤ jiyong has noticed that she's a lot more sensitive during pregnancy
✤ they want to have a large family
✤ jia usually helps jiyong pick out tattoo's and design a layout for where to get them.
✤ they travel a lot. jiyong takes her to all of his fashion meet-ups.
✤ they both know how to cook, but jiyong does it most of the time
✤ jiyong is the one who reassures jia about the baby when she feels unsteady or skeptical.
✤ jiyong picks out jia's daily outfits, go figure? the man knows fashion.

✤ yes, Jiyong does pick out the babies clothing too. Hell he picks out Jia's clothes, he'll pick out the clothes for the baby too.


BACKUP : Park Chanyeol

✤ Jiyeonggie // this is what Jia calls him. she uses it to get him to do things for her.
BIRTHDAY : August 18, 1988 (29)
OCCUPATION : Boutique Owner
PROFANITY : Yes, You better believe that he uses it freely, and without meaning. He will censor himself to the company around him, but he will find it hard to do so when the baby is born. 
✤ + ; articulate, straight-forward, wise, open-minded, liberal 
✤  - ; quirky, flamboyant, coldly-determined, carefree, suave
+ articulate/straight-forward :: because jiyong spends a lot of his time working with people, he's had to learn how to use his words in order to communicate properly. he gets easily frustrated when misunderstandings happen, so when he speaks or orders somebody to do something, he does so with caution and makes sure that the receiver understands him perfectly.
+open-minded/wise/liberal :: jiyong has gained a lot of his wisdom with age and experience. he's a great listener and and gives out advice you'd probably get from a counselor or therapists office. much like jia, jiyong is also opened to new ideas or view points because that's what his job requires, to be moving just like the latest trends and fshion. 

+quirky/flamboyant :: jiyong is totally aware that he's not just like everybody else. he's his own person right from the get-go. he takes no shame in his outer appearance, and quite frankly, thinks that the more noticeable you are, the more likely he is to advertise his line of clothing. the thing is, he's just comfortable in his own skin. 
+ coldly-determined/care free/suave :: no matter what it is or what plagues his mind jiyong will do whatever it takes to get what his mind is set on. over the years, he's become more carefree and looser around the edges in the process of having to get past his ex-wife. because he's both willing and carefree enough, he and the people around him wouldn't be so surprised if he were to die randomly because he's a definitive risk taker. lastly, jiyong takes to his charms so much, that it becomes overbearing, and even annoying to the people around him because, really? who is that confident about themselves? somebody who's ready to die, that's who. still, he's aware of that and couldn't care less. that's what makes this such a bad thing. on better days, there are times when he tone's it down, regarding the crowd he's around (but this only means that he tone's it down around people whose company he appreciates).  
BACKGROUND : For a guy who was born and raised in seoul, jiyong was pretty down-to-earth. As a child and teen, jiyong wasn't much into the flashy things. He prefered to look at the smaller, real aspects of life. He'd been highly dedicated to his school and studies. He was not in such a well-off family as Jia had been growing up, so he belived that if he didn't do all that he could, he wouldn't make it out in the real world. He didn't take likings in social media or video games until after he'd graduated from university (which we'll touch later on). He isolated himself from people to study, and make himself schoolastically inclined. But, upon entering highschool that's when most of his ideals had changed. He'd abandoned his isolation act, i mean, it wasn't like he was going to change the world or anything. He realised he had been taking life WAY too seriously. Jiyong decided it was time to remake his life, and he started to make friends and do things he'd never done before.

Through all these new experiences, he soon met his first wife, Kimi. They'd managed to hit it off very quickly, and she was his muse. The entire reason why he'd chosen to go into fashion. Being older, Kimi had introduced Jiyong to the fashion world, and the classes she had been taking for it. They wed after he had graduated from highschool, where they attended fashion school together. After they had graduated university, Jiyong focused himself in the fashion industry. He networked with as many people as he could and made something for himself. Kimi didn't like the fact that he was going ahead of her despite being in the feild longer than he had. She had begun to despise him, and he, against all his will, tried to find the best in her. For seven years, he reasoned with her, but it came to be too much. After opening his boutique and the release of his clothing line, he couldn't stand being around her.
"Being married is being a team. If you're not going to be happy for me when something good happens to me, and if you're going to fight me each step of the way, then there's no way this can work anymore." So, Jiyong divorced her, and she remained bitter. Some people just don't grow up. 
✤ LIKES ;  Warm showers, Long walks in the snow, Colorful and flashy things, Food, Drinking, Sleeping, Tattoos, Skinship, Jia, Stargazing, Horror/Thriller/Slasher Films, & Thriller/Psychological Novels
✤ DISLIKES ; Waking up early, Being rushed to do things, Being told what to do, Close-Minded & Judgy people 
✤ HABITS ; Eating quickly, Parking his car far from an entrance only because he doesn't wantt to park between vehicles even if it means he'll have to walk far, Slurring his words OR speaking an abundance of english when he's topsy or drunk, Always holding the hand of the person closest to him, Biting at his lower lip when he's angry, Balling up his fists when he sleeps
✤ HOBBIES ;  Fashion designing, Sleeping, Reading, Drinking, Talking, Traveling, Networking
✤ he owns three pairs of glasses { 1  2  3 }
✤ if his models are not giving him what he wants, he takes things into his own hands and acts as the model instead
✤ he stresses easily when his collaborators do not meet his deadlines
✤ he's not scared of wearing make-up, in fact, he'd do so gladly.
✤ when he's not wearing glasses, he's rocking hazel,  or blue colored contacts
✤ high-key workaholic
✤ he has a masters degree in fashion & marketing
✤ owns several gaming consoles and games, yet hardly plays it. jia's more likely to touch them than he is.
✤ the only person who can truly embarass him is his sister, jaehwa.
✤ he dreams to have a big family
✤ he likes to cook, so when he does, he uses jia as his test-subject, making various different concotions/foods for the two of them to try.
✤ he owns a summer home in florida, usa.
✤ he loves dark coffee from starbucks
✤ he's a huge fan of having his hair dyed
ACTIVITY RATE : Medium (4/5)
✤ this ultimately took me longer than it should have, but after re-reading everyting like 98908 times and editing it another 9829382 times, it's all set. please do let me know if there are things i need to fix. 
✤ also, i really do love the idea of this story, i wish you all the luck in the world writing and choosing the characters ^^
✤ a scene where jia tells jiyong that he was the first man she was with, intimately and he sort of gets flusterd, or smthing?
✤ maybe jiyong encourages jia to get a couple tattoo with him?
✤ them preparing for the baby (going to baby stores, picking out cloethes, etc)

✤ if you want more drama then i think a scene where jia confronts jiyong's ex would be cool. Where his ex threatens jia  for  child services (she knows about jia's anxiety attacks, and uses that against her and jiyong) BUT c'mon not gonna work...or is it? .-.
✤ so, i'm not quite sure if jiyong's ex poses a threat, I guess you can decide that?



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